mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 16:00:36 +00:00
Partition each tile into children instead of repeatedly clipping the parent.
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,86 +210,90 @@ struct pool_val *deserialize_string(char **f, struct pool *p, int type) {
return ret;
void check(int geomfd, off_t geom_size, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, struct pool *file_keys, unsigned *midx, unsigned *midy, const char *layername, int maxzoom, int minzoom, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, struct json_pull *jp, const char *tmpdir) {
void check(int geomfd[4], off_t geom_size[4], char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, struct pool *file_keys, unsigned *midx, unsigned *midy, const char *layername, int maxzoom, int minzoom, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, struct json_pull *jp, const char *tmpdir) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= maxzoom; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
long long most = 0;
printf("%lld of geom_size\n", (long long) geom_size);
char *geom = mmap(NULL, geom_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, geomfd, 0);
if (geom == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("mmap geom");
FILE *sub[4];
int subfd[4];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
char geomname[strlen(tmpdir) + strlen("/geom2.XXXXXXXX") + 1];
sprintf(geomname, "%s/geom%d.XXXXXXXX", tmpdir, j);
subfd[j] = mkstemp(geomname);
//printf("%s\n", geomname);
if (subfd[j] < 0) {
sub[j] = fopen(geomname, "wb");
if (sub[j] == NULL) {
char *end = geom + geom_size;
char geomname[strlen(tmpdir) + strlen("/geom2.XXXXXXXX") + 1];
sprintf(geomname, "%s%s", tmpdir, "/geom2.XXXXXXXX");
int geomfd2 = mkstemp(geomname);
printf("%s\n", geomname);
if (geomfd2 < 0) {
FILE *geomfile = fopen(geomname, "wb");
if (geomfile == NULL) {
while (geom < end) {
int zz;
unsigned xx, yy;
deserialize_int(&geom, &zz);
deserialize_uint(&geom, &xx);
deserialize_uint(&geom, &yy);
int z = zz + 1;
int dim = 2;
if (z == 0) {
dim = 1; // only one tile at z0
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (geomfd[j] < 0) {
// only one source file for zoom level 0
if (geom_size[j] == 0) {
char *ogeom = geom;
printf("%lld of geom_size\n", (long long) geom_size[j]);
unsigned x, y;
for (x = xx * 2; x < xx * 2 + dim; x++) {
for (y = yy * 2; y < yy * 2 + dim; y++) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d/%u/%u\n", z, x, y);
geom = ogeom;
char *geom = mmap(NULL, geom_size[j], PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, geomfd[j], 0);
if (geom == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("mmap geom");
// fprintf(stderr, " %3.1f%% %d/%u/%u \r", (((i - ix) + (j - ix)) / 2.0 / n + (maxzoom - z)) / (maxzoom - minzoom + 1) * 100, z, tx, ty);
char *end = geom + geom_size[j];
long long len = write_tile(&geom, metabase, file_bbox, z, x, y, z == maxzoom ? full_detail : low_detail, maxzoom, file_keys, layername, outdb, droprate, buffer, fname, jp, geomfile);
while (geom < end) {
int z;
unsigned x, y;
if (z == maxzoom && len > most) {
*midx = x;
*midy = y;
most = len;
deserialize_int(&geom, &z);
deserialize_uint(&geom, &x);
deserialize_uint(&geom, &y);
fprintf(stderr, "%d/%u/%u\n", z, x, y);
// fprintf(stderr, " %3.1f%% %d/%u/%u \r", (((i - ix) + (j - ix)) / 2.0 / n + (maxzoom - z)) / (maxzoom - minzoom + 1) * 100, z, tx, ty);
long long len = write_tile(&geom, metabase, file_bbox, z, x, y, z == maxzoom ? full_detail : low_detail, maxzoom, file_keys, layername, outdb, droprate, buffer, fname, jp, sub);
if (z == maxzoom && len > most) {
*midx = x;
*midy = y;
most = len;
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
munmap(geom, geom_size[j]);
munmap(geom, geom_size);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
struct stat geomst;
if (fstat(geomfd2, &geomst) != 0) {
perror("stat geom\n");
struct stat geomst;
if (fstat(subfd[j], &geomst) != 0) {
perror("stat geom\n");
geomfd[j] = subfd[j];
geom_size[j] = geomst.st_size;
geomfd = geomfd2;
geom_size = geomst.st_size;
@ -385,8 +389,8 @@ void read_json(FILE *f, const char *fname, const char *layername, int maxzoom, i
json_pull *jp = json_begin_file(f);
long long seq = 0;
/* zoom, x, y of enclosing tile, so 0/0/0's parent is -1/0/0 */
serialize_int(geomfile, -1, &geompos, fname, jp);
/* initial tile is 0/0/0 */
serialize_int(geomfile, 0, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile, 0, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile, 0, &geompos, fname, jp);
@ -771,8 +775,19 @@ void read_json(FILE *f, const char *fname, const char *layername, int maxzoom, i
int fd[4];
off_t size[4];
check(geomfd, geomst.st_size, meta, file_bbox, &file_keys, &midx, &midy, layername, maxzoom, minzoom, outdb, droprate, buffer, fname, jp, tmpdir);
fd[0] = geomfd;
size[0] = geomst.st_size;
int j;
for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
fd[j] = -1;
size[j] = 0;
check(fd, size, meta, file_bbox, &file_keys, &midx, &midy, layername, maxzoom, minzoom, outdb, droprate, buffer, fname, jp, tmpdir);
munmap(meta, metast.st_size);
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ void evaluate(std::vector<coalesce> &features, char *metabase, struct pool *file
long long write_tile(char **geoms, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, unsigned tx, unsigned ty, int detail, int basezoom, struct pool *file_keys, const char *layername, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, json_pull *jp, FILE *geomfile) {
long long write_tile(char **geoms, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, unsigned tx, unsigned ty, int detail, int basezoom, struct pool *file_keys, const char *layername, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, json_pull *jp, FILE *geomfile[4]) {
int line_detail;
static bool evaluated = false;
@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ long long write_tile(char **geoms, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, u
std::vector<coalesce> features;
int within = 0;
long long geompos = 0;
int within[4] = { 0 };
long long geompos[4] = { 0 };
*geoms = og;
@ -420,35 +420,64 @@ long long write_tile(char **geoms, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, u
if (line_detail == detail) { /* only write out the next zoom once, even if we retry */
if (geom.size() > 0) {
if (!within) {
serialize_int(geomfile, z, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile, tx, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile, ty, &geompos, fname, jp);
within = 1;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
int xo = j & 1;
int yo = (j >> 1) & 1;
// Offset from tile coordinates back to world coordinates
unsigned sx = 0, sy = 0;
if (z != 0) {
sx = tx << (32 - z);
sy = ty << (32 - z);
long long bbox2[4];
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
bbox2[k] = bbox[k];
if (z != 0) {
// Offset back to world-relative
bbox2[0] += tx << (32 - z);
bbox2[1] += ty << (32 - z);
bbox2[2] += tx << (32 - z);
bbox2[3] += ty << (32 - z);
// Offset to child tile-relative
bbox2[0] -= (tx * 2 + xo) << (32 - (z + 1));
bbox2[1] -= (ty * 2 + yo) << (32 - (z + 1));
bbox2[2] -= (tx * 2 + xo) << (32 - (z + 1));
bbox2[3] -= (ty * 2 + yo) << (32 - (z + 1));
//printf("type %d, meta %lld\n", t, metastart);
serialize_int(geomfile, t, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_long_long(geomfile, metastart, &geompos, fname, jp);
int quick2 = quick_check(bbox2, z + 1, line_detail, buffer);
if (quick2 != 0) {
if (!within[j]) {
printf("begin %d/%d/%d\n", z + 1, tx * 2 + xo, ty * 2 + yo);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < geom.size(); u++) {
serialize_byte(geomfile, geom[u].op, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_int(geomfile[j], z + 1, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile[j], tx * 2 + xo, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile[j], ty * 2 + yo, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
within[j] = 1;
if (geom[u].op != VT_CLOSEPATH) {
serialize_uint(geomfile, geom[u].x + sx, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile, geom[u].y + sy, &geompos, fname, jp);
// Offset from tile coordinates back to world coordinates
unsigned sx = 0, sy = 0;
if (z != 0) {
sx = tx << (32 - z);
sy = ty << (32 - z);
//printf("type %d, meta %lld\n", t, metastart);
serialize_int(geomfile[j], t, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_long_long(geomfile[j], metastart, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
for (unsigned u = 0; u < geom.size(); u++) {
serialize_byte(geomfile[j], geom[u].op, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
if (geom[u].op != VT_CLOSEPATH) {
serialize_uint(geomfile[j], geom[u].x + sx, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_uint(geomfile[j], geom[u].y + sy, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_byte(geomfile[j], VT_END, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_byte(geomfile[j], minzoom, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
serialize_byte(geomfile, VT_END, &geompos, fname, jp);
serialize_byte(geomfile, minzoom, &geompos, fname, jp);
@ -507,9 +536,12 @@ long long write_tile(char **geoms, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, u
if (within) {
serialize_int(geomfile, -2, &geompos, fname, jp);
within = 0;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (within[j]) {
serialize_int(geomfile[j], -2, &geompos[j], fname, jp);
within[j] = 0;
std::sort(features.begin(), features.end());
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ struct index {
int candup : 1;
long long write_tile(char **geom, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, unsigned x, unsigned y, int detail, int basezoom, struct pool *file_keys, const char *layername, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, struct json_pull *jp, FILE *geomfile);
long long write_tile(char **geom, char *metabase, unsigned *file_bbox, int z, unsigned x, unsigned y, int detail, int basezoom, struct pool *file_keys, const char *layername, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, struct json_pull *jp, FILE *geomfile[4]);
Reference in New Issue
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