Pull feature deserialization and rewriting out of the loop

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fischer 2016-12-09 11:53:50 -08:00
parent 5194a39c16
commit 9f10f48bfb

View File

@ -1247,12 +1247,60 @@ bool clip_to_tile(serial_feature &sf, int z, long long buffer) {
return false;
serial_feature next_feature(FILE *geoms, long long *geompos_in, char *metabase, long long *meta_off, int z, unsigned tx, unsigned ty, unsigned *initial_x, unsigned *initial_y, long long *original_features, long long *unclipped_features, int nextzoom, int maxzoom, int minzoom, int max_zoom_increment, size_t pass, size_t passes, volatile long long *along, long long alongminus, int buffer, int *within, bool *first_time, int line_detail, FILE **geomfile, long long *geompos, volatile double *oprogress, double todo, const char *fname, int child_shards) {
while (1) {
serial_feature sf = deserialize_feature(geoms, geompos_in, metabase, meta_off, z, tx, ty, initial_x, initial_y);
if (sf.t < 0) {
return sf;
double progress = floor(((((*geompos_in + *along - alongminus) / (double) todo) + (pass - (2 - passes))) / passes + z) / (maxzoom + 1) * 1000) / 10;
if (progress >= *oprogress + 0.1) {
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, " %3.1f%% %d/%u/%u \r", progress, z, tx, ty);
*oprogress = progress;
if (clip_to_tile(sf, z, buffer)) {
if (sf.geometry.size() > 0) {
if (*first_time && pass == 1) { /* only write out the next zoom once, even if we retry */
rewrite(sf.geometry, z, nextzoom, maxzoom, sf.bbox, tx, ty, buffer, line_detail, within, geompos, geomfile, fname, sf.t, sf.layer, sf.metapos, sf.feature_minzoom, child_shards, max_zoom_increment, sf.seq, sf.tippecanoe_minzoom, sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom, sf.segment, initial_x, initial_y, sf.m, sf.keys, sf.values, sf.has_id, sf.id, sf.index, sf.extent);
if (z < minzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_minzoom != -1 && z < sf.tippecanoe_minzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom != -1 && z > sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_minzoom == -1 && z < sf.feature_minzoom) {
return sf;
long long write_tile(FILE *geoms, long long *geompos_in, char *metabase, char *stringpool, int z, unsigned tx, unsigned ty, int detail, int min_detail, int basezoom, sqlite3 *outdb, double droprate, int buffer, const char *fname, FILE **geomfile, int minzoom, int maxzoom, double todo, volatile long long *along, long long alongminus, double gamma, int child_shards, long long *meta_off, long long *pool_off, unsigned *initial_x, unsigned *initial_y, volatile int *running, double simplification, std::vector<std::map<std::string, layermap_entry>> *layermaps, std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> *layer_unmaps, size_t pass, size_t passes, unsigned long long mingap, long long minextent, double fraction, const char *prefilter, const char *postfilter, write_tile_args *arg) {
int line_detail;
double merge_fraction = 1;
double mingap_fraction = 1;
double minextent_fraction = 1;
static volatile double oprogress = 0;
long long og = *geompos_in;
// XXX is there a way to do this without floating point?
@ -1275,7 +1323,6 @@ long long write_tile(FILE *geoms, long long *geompos_in, char *metabase, char *s
static volatile double oprogress = 0;
bool has_polygons = false;
bool first_time = true;
@ -1331,47 +1378,12 @@ long long write_tile(FILE *geoms, long long *geompos_in, char *metabase, char *s
while (1) {
serial_feature sf = deserialize_feature(geoms, geompos_in, metabase, meta_off, z, tx, ty, initial_x, initial_y);
serial_feature sf = next_feature(geoms, geompos_in, metabase, meta_off, z, tx, ty, initial_x, initial_y, &original_features, &unclipped_features, nextzoom, maxzoom, minzoom, max_zoom_increment, pass, passes, along, alongminus, buffer, within, &first_time, line_detail, geomfile, geompos, &oprogress, todo, fname, child_shards);
if (sf.t < 0) {
double progress = floor(((((*geompos_in + *along - alongminus) / (double) todo) + (pass - (2 - passes))) / passes + z) / (maxzoom + 1) * 1000) / 10;
if (progress >= oprogress + 0.1) {
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, " %3.1f%% %d/%u/%u \r", progress, z, tx, ty);
oprogress = progress;
if (clip_to_tile(sf, z, buffer)) {
if (sf.geometry.size() > 0) {
if (first_time && pass == 1) { /* only write out the next zoom once, even if we retry */
rewrite(sf.geometry, z, nextzoom, maxzoom, sf.bbox, tx, ty, buffer, line_detail, within, geompos, geomfile, fname, sf.t, sf.layer, sf.metapos, sf.feature_minzoom, child_shards, max_zoom_increment, sf.seq, sf.tippecanoe_minzoom, sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom, sf.segment, initial_x, initial_y, sf.m, sf.keys, sf.values, sf.has_id, sf.id, sf.index, sf.extent);
if (z < minzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_minzoom != -1 && z < sf.tippecanoe_minzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom != -1 && z > sf.tippecanoe_maxzoom) {
if (sf.tippecanoe_minzoom == -1 && z < sf.feature_minzoom) {
if (prefilter != NULL) {
mvt_layer tmp_layer;
tmp_layer.extent = 1LL << 32;