Work on merging together adjacent polygons to reduce tile size

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fischer 2016-10-21 17:33:46 -07:00
parent 83e73e8840
commit 3cc95231ec

@ -780,6 +780,7 @@ void find_common_edges(std::vector<partial> &partials, int z, int line_detail, d
std::map<drawvec, size_t> arcs;
std::multimap<ssize_t, size_t> merge_candidates; // from arc to partial
// Roll rings that include a necessary point around so they start at one
@ -877,11 +878,14 @@ void find_common_edges(std::vector<partial> &partials, int z, int line_detail, d
size_t added = arcs.size() + 1;
arcs.insert(std::pair<drawvec, size_t>(arc, added));
merge_candidates.insert(std::pair<ssize_t, size_t>(added, i));
} else {
merge_candidates.insert(std::pair<ssize_t, size_t>(-f2->second, i));
} else {
merge_candidates.insert(std::pair<ssize_t, size_t>(f->second, i));
m = n - 1;
@ -896,6 +900,70 @@ void find_common_edges(std::vector<partial> &partials, int z, int line_detail, d
for (size_t i = 0; i < partials.size(); i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < partials[i].arc_polygon.size(); j++) {
if (merge_candidates.count(-partials[i].arc_polygon[j]) > 0) {
auto r = merge_candidates.equal_range(-partials[i].arc_polygon[j]);
for (auto a = r.first; a != r.second; ++a) {
if (a->second != i && partials[a->second].arc_polygon.size() > 0) {
// This has to merge the ring that contains the anti-arc to this arc
// into the current ring, and then add whatever other rings were in
// that feature on to the end.
// This can't be good for keeping parent-child relationships among
// the rings in order, but Wagyu should sort that out later
std::vector<ssize_t> additions;
std::vector<ssize_t> &here = partials[i].arc_polygon;
std::vector<ssize_t> &other = partials[a->second].arc_polygon;
for (size_t k = 0; k < other.size(); k++) {
size_t l;
for (l = k; l < other.size(); l++) {
if (other[l] == 0) {
size_t m;
for (m = k; m <= l; m++) {
if (other[m] == -partials[i].arc_polygon[j]) {
if (m <= k) {
// Found the shared arc
here.erase(here.begin() + j);
for (size_t n = m + 1; n < l; n++) {
here.insert(here.begin() + j, other[n]);
for (size_t n = k; n < m; n++) {
here.insert(here.begin() + j, other[n]);
} else {
// Looking at some other ring
for (size_t n = k; n <= l; n++) {
k = l;
for (size_t k = 0; k < additions.size(); k++) {
std::vector<drawvec> simplified_arcs;
size_t count = 0;