Sort wildcards in Makefile to provide test stability

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fischer 2019-04-05 13:15:46 -07:00
parent 26a07b2167
commit 382563a5b1

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ suffixes = json json.gz
# Work around Makefile and filename punctuation limits: _ for space, @ for :, % for /
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json.check,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix))) < /dev/null
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json.check,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(sort $(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix)))) < /dev/null
./tippecanoe-decode -x generator $@.mbtiles > $@.out
cmp $@.out $(patsubst %.check,%,$@)
rm $@.out $@.mbtiles
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ fewer-tests: tippecanoe tippecanoe-decode geobuf-test raw-tiles-test parallel-te
for i in $(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.json); do ./tippecanoe-json-tool -w $$i | ./node_modules/geobuf/bin/json2geobuf > $$i.geobuf; done
for i in $(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.json.gz); do gzip -dc $$i | ./tippecanoe-json-tool -w | ./node_modules/geobuf/bin/json2geobuf > $$i.geobuf; done
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json.checkbuf,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(addsuffix .geobuf,$(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix)))) < /dev/null
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json.checkbuf,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(addsuffix .geobuf,$(sort $(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix))))) < /dev/null
./tippecanoe-decode -x generator $@.mbtiles | sed 's/checkbuf/check/g' | sed 's/\.geobuf//g' > $@.out
cmp $@.out $(patsubst %.checkbuf,%,$@)
rm $@.out $@.mbtiles
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ layer-json-test:
prep-test: $(TESTS)
tests/%.json: Makefile tippecanoe tippecanoe-decode
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.check.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix)))
./tippecanoe -q -a@ -f -o $@.check.mbtiles $(subst @,:,$(subst %,/,$(subst _, ,$(patsubst %.json,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$@)))))) $(foreach suffix,$(suffixes),$(sort $(wildcard $(subst $(SPACE),/,$(wordlist 1,2,$(subst /, ,$@)))/*.$(suffix))))
./tippecanoe-decode -x generator $@.check.mbtiles > $@
cmp $(patsubst %.check,%,$@) $@
rm $@.check.mbtiles