Assign tasks (reading temporary files) to threads

This commit is contained in:
Eric Fischer 2015-07-09 16:09:40 -07:00
parent 2bdb51e995
commit 2957f16b4b

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@ -854,6 +854,62 @@ int traverse_zooms(int *geomfd, off_t *geom_size, char *metabase, char *stringpo
// Round down to a power of 2
threads = 1 << (int)(log(threads) / log(2));
// Assign temporary files to threads
struct task {
int fileno;
struct task *next;
} tasks[TEMP_FILES];
struct dispatch {
struct task *tasks;
long long todo;
struct dispatch *next;
} dispatches[threads];
struct dispatch *dispatch_head = &dispatches[0];
for (j = 0; j < threads; j++) {
dispatches[j].tasks = NULL;
dispatches[j].todo = 0;
if (j + 1 < threads) {
dispatches[j].next = &dispatches[j + 1];
} else {
dispatches[j].next = NULL;
for (j = 0; j < TEMP_FILES; j++) {
if (geom_size[j] == 0) {
tasks[j].fileno = j;
tasks[j].next = dispatch_head->tasks;
dispatch_head->tasks = &tasks[j];
dispatch_head->todo += geom_size[j];
struct dispatch *here = dispatch_head;
dispatch_head = dispatch_head->next;
dispatch **d;
for (d = &dispatch_head; *d != NULL; d = &((*d)->next)) {
if (here->todo < (*d)->todo) {
here->next = *d;
*d = here;
printf("to do: ");
dispatch *a;
for (a = dispatch_head; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
printf("%lld ", a->todo);
int thread = 0;
for (j = 0; j < TEMP_FILES; j++) {