
564 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "projection.hpp"
#include "geometry.hpp"
#include "mvt.hpp"
#include "write_json.hpp"
#include "milo/dtoa_milo.h"
enum json_write_tok {
struct json_write_state {
std::vector<json_write_tok> state;
~json_write_state() {
if (state.size() > 0) {
if (state.size() != 1 || state[0] != JSON_WRITE_TOP) {
fprintf(stderr, "JSON not closed at end\n");
static void json_adjust(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
if (state.state.size() == 0) {
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_TOP) {
fprintf(f, "\n");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_TOP;
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_HASH) {
fprintf(f, " ");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_HASH_KEY;
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_HASH_KEY) {
fprintf(f, ": ");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_HASH_VALUE;
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_HASH_VALUE) {
fprintf(f, ", ");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_HASH_KEY;
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_ARRAY) {
fprintf(f, " ");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_ARRAY_ELEMENT;
} else if (state.state[state.state.size() - 1] == JSON_WRITE_ARRAY_ELEMENT) {
fprintf(f, ", ");
state.state[state.state.size() - 1] = JSON_WRITE_ARRAY_ELEMENT;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Impossible JSON state\n");
void json_write_array(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fprintf(f, "[");
void json_end_array(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
if (state.state.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "End JSON array at top level\n");
json_write_tok tok = state.state[state.state.size() - 1];
fprintf(f, " ]");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "End JSON array with unexpected state\n");
void json_write_hash(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fprintf(f, "{");
void json_end_hash(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
if (state.state.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "End JSON hash at top level\n");
json_write_tok tok = state.state[state.state.size() - 1];
if (tok == JSON_WRITE_HASH) {
fprintf(f, " }"); // Preserve accidental extra space from before
} else if (tok == JSON_WRITE_HASH_VALUE) {
fprintf(f, " }");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "End JSON hash with unexpected state\n");
void json_write_string(FILE *f, std::string const &s, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
putc('"', f);
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
if (s[i] == '\\' || s[i] == '"') {
fprintf(f, "\\%c", s[i]);
} else if ((unsigned char) s[i] < ' ') {
fprintf(f, "\\u%04x", s[i]);
} else {
putc(s[i], f);
putc('"', f);
void json_write_number(FILE *f, double d, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fputs(milo::dtoa_milo(d).c_str(), f);
// Just to avoid changing expected output format
void json_write_float(FILE *f, double d, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fprintf(f, "%f", d);
void json_write_unsigned(FILE *f, unsigned long long v, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fprintf(f, "%llu", v);
void json_write_signed(FILE *f, long long v, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fprintf(f, "%lld", v);
void json_write_stringified(FILE *f, std::string const &s, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fputs(s.c_str(), f);
void json_write_bool(FILE *f, bool b, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
if (b) {
fputs("true", f);
} else {
fputs("false", f);
void json_write_null(FILE *f, json_write_state &state) {
json_adjust(f, state);
fputs("null", f);
struct lonlat {
int op;
double lon;
double lat;
long long x;
long long y;
2017-11-07 15:57:56 -08:00
lonlat(int nop, double nlon, double nlat, long long nx, long long ny)
: op(nop),
y(ny) {
void layer_to_geojson(FILE *fp, mvt_layer const &layer, unsigned z, unsigned x, unsigned y, bool comma, bool name, bool zoom, bool dropped, unsigned long long index, long long sequence, long long extent, bool complain) {
json_write_state state;
for (size_t f = 0; f < layer.features.size(); f++) {
mvt_feature const &feat = layer.features[f];
if (comma && f != 0) {
fprintf(fp, ",");
json_write_hash(fp, state);
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "Feature", state);
if (feat.has_id) {
json_write_string(fp, "id", state);
json_write_unsigned(fp, feat.id, state);
if (name || zoom || index != 0 || sequence != 0 || extent != 0) {
json_write_string(fp, "tippecanoe", state);
json_write_hash(fp, state);
if (name) {
json_write_string(fp, "layer", state);
json_write_string(fp, layer.name, state);
if (zoom) {
json_write_string(fp, "minzoom", state);
json_write_unsigned(fp, z, state);
json_write_string(fp, "maxzoom", state);
json_write_unsigned(fp, z, state);
if (dropped) {
json_write_string(fp, "dropped", state);
json_write_bool(fp, feat.dropped, state);
if (index != 0) {
json_write_string(fp, "index", state);
json_write_unsigned(fp, index, state);
if (sequence != 0) {
json_write_string(fp, "sequence", state);
json_write_signed(fp, sequence, state);
if (extent != 0) {
json_write_string(fp, "extent", state);
json_write_signed(fp, extent, state);
json_end_hash(fp, state);
json_write_string(fp, "properties", state);
json_write_hash(fp, state);
for (size_t t = 0; t + 1 < feat.tags.size(); t += 2) {
if (feat.tags[t] >= layer.keys.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of bounds feature key (%u in %zu)\n", feat.tags[t], layer.keys.size());
if (feat.tags[t + 1] >= layer.values.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of bounds feature value (%u in %zu)\n", feat.tags[t + 1], layer.values.size());
const char *key = layer.keys[feat.tags[t]].c_str();
mvt_value const &val = layer.values[feat.tags[t + 1]];
if (val.type == mvt_string) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_string(fp, val.string_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_int) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_signed(fp, val.numeric_value.int_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_double) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_number(fp, val.numeric_value.double_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_float) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_number(fp, val.numeric_value.float_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_sint) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_signed(fp, val.numeric_value.sint_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_uint) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_unsigned(fp, val.numeric_value.uint_value, state);
} else if (val.type == mvt_bool) {
json_write_string(fp, key, state);
json_write_bool(fp, val.numeric_value.bool_value, state);
json_end_hash(fp, state);
json_write_string(fp, "geometry", state);
json_write_hash(fp, state);
std::vector<lonlat> ops;
for (size_t g = 0; g < feat.geometry.size(); g++) {
int op = feat.geometry[g].op;
long long px = feat.geometry[g].x;
long long py = feat.geometry[g].y;
if (op == VT_MOVETO || op == VT_LINETO) {
long long scale = 1LL << (32 - z);
long long wx = scale * x + (scale / layer.extent) * px;
long long wy = scale * y + (scale / layer.extent) * py;
double lat, lon;
projection->unproject(wx, wy, 32, &lon, &lat);
ops.push_back(lonlat(op, lon, lat, px, py));
} else {
ops.push_back(lonlat(op, 0, 0, 0, 0));
if (feat.type == VT_POINT) {
if (ops.size() == 1) {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "Point", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[0].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[0].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "MultiPoint", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else if (feat.type == VT_LINE) {
int movetos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
if (ops[i].op == VT_MOVETO) {
if (movetos < 2) {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "LineString", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "MultiLineString", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
int sstate = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
if (ops[i].op == VT_MOVETO) {
if (sstate == 0) {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
sstate = 1;
} else {
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
sstate = 1;
} else {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, ops[i].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else if (feat.type == VT_POLYGON) {
std::vector<std::vector<lonlat> > rings;
std::vector<double> areas;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
if (ops[i].op == VT_MOVETO) {
int n = rings.size() - 1;
if (n >= 0) {
if (ops[i].op == VT_CLOSEPATH) {
} else {
2017-05-12 17:20:30 -07:00
if (i + 1 >= ops.size() || ops[i + 1].op == VT_MOVETO) {
if (ops[i].op != VT_CLOSEPATH) {
static bool warned = false;
if (!warned) {
fprintf(stderr, "Ring does not end with closepath (ends with %d)\n", ops[i].op);
if (complain) {
warned = true;
int outer = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rings.size(); i++) {
long double area = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < rings[i].size(); k++) {
if (rings[i][k].op != VT_CLOSEPATH) {
area += (long double) rings[i][k].x * (long double) rings[i][(k + 1) % rings[i].size()].y;
area -= (long double) rings[i][k].y * (long double) rings[i][(k + 1) % rings[i].size()].x;
area /= 2;
areas[i] = area;
if (areas[i] >= 0 || i == 0) {
// fprintf(fp, "\"area\": %Lf,", area);
if (outer > 1) {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "MultiPolygon", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
} else {
json_write_string(fp, "type", state);
json_write_string(fp, "Polygon", state);
json_write_string(fp, "coordinates", state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
int sstate = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rings.size(); i++) {
2017-05-12 17:20:30 -07:00
if (i == 0 && areas[i] < 0) {
static bool warned = false;
if (!warned) {
fprintf(stderr, "Polygon begins with an inner ring\n");
if (complain) {
warned = true;
if (areas[i] >= 0) {
if (sstate != 0) {
// new multipolygon
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
sstate = 1;
if (sstate == 2) {
// new ring in the same polygon
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_write_array(fp, state);
for (size_t j = 0; j < rings[i].size(); j++) {
if (rings[i][j].op != VT_CLOSEPATH) {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, rings[i][j].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, rings[i][j].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else {
json_write_array(fp, state);
json_write_float(fp, rings[i][0].lon, state);
json_write_float(fp, rings[i][0].lat, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
sstate = 2;
if (outer > 1) {
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
} else {
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_array(fp, state);
json_end_hash(fp, state);
json_end_hash(fp, state);
if (comma) {
fprintf(fp, "\n");
// XXX clean up newlines
if (!comma) {
fprintf(fp, "\n");
void fprintq(FILE *fp, const char *s) {
fputc('"', fp);
for (; *s; s++) {
if (*s == '\\' || *s == '"') {
fprintf(fp, "\\%c", *s);
} else if (*s >= 0 && *s < ' ') {
fprintf(fp, "\\u%04x", *s);
} else {
fputc(*s, fp);
fputc('"', fp);