2021-01-15 11:17:47 -05:00

363 lines
15 KiB

Ported to Python 3.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import PY2
if PY2:
from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401
from past.builtins import long
from six import ensure_text, ensure_str
import time
from zope.interface import implementer
from twisted.application import service
from foolscap.api import Referenceable
from allmydata.interfaces import InsufficientVersionError
from allmydata.introducer.interfaces import IIntroducerClient, \
from allmydata.introducer.common import sign_to_foolscap, unsign_from_foolscap,\
from allmydata.util import log, yamlutil, connection_status
from allmydata.util.rrefutil import add_version_to_remote_reference
from allmydata.util.observer import (
from allmydata.crypto.error import BadSignature
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
class InvalidCacheError(Exception):
V2 = b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/introducer/v2"
@implementer(RIIntroducerSubscriberClient_v2, IIntroducerClient)
class IntroducerClient(service.Service, Referenceable):
def __init__(self, tub, introducer_furl,
nickname, my_version, oldest_supported,
sequencer, cache_filepath):
self._tub = tub
self.introducer_furl = introducer_furl
assert isinstance(nickname, str)
self._nickname = nickname
self._my_version = my_version
self._oldest_supported = oldest_supported
self._sequencer = sequencer
self._cache_filepath = cache_filepath
self._my_subscriber_info = { b"version": 0,
b"nickname": self._nickname,
b"app-versions": [],
b"my-version": self._my_version,
b"oldest-supported": self._oldest_supported,
self._outbound_announcements = {} # not signed
self._published_announcements = {} # signed
self._canary = Referenceable()
self._publisher = None
self._since = None
self._local_subscribers = {} # {servicename: ObserverList}
self._subscriptions = set() # requests we've actually sent
# _inbound_announcements remembers one announcement per
# (servicename,serverid) pair. Anything that arrives with the same
# pair will displace the previous one. This stores tuples of
# (unpacked announcement dictionary, verifyingkey, rxtime). The ann
# dicts can be compared for equality to distinguish re-announcement
# from updates. It also provides memory for clients who subscribe
# after startup.
self._inbound_announcements = {}
# hooks for unit tests
self._debug_counts = {
"inbound_message": 0,
"inbound_announcement": 0,
"wrong_service": 0,
"duplicate_announcement": 0,
"update": 0,
"new_announcement": 0,
"outbound_message": 0,
self._debug_outstanding = 0
def _debug_retired(self, res):
self._debug_outstanding -= 1
return res
def startService(self):
self._introducer_error = None
rc = self._tub.connectTo(ensure_str(self.introducer_furl), self._got_introducer)
self._introducer_reconnector = rc
def connect_failed(failure):
self.log("Initial Introducer connection failed: perhaps it's down",
level=log.WEIRD, failure=failure, umid="c5MqUQ")
d = self._tub.getReference(self.introducer_furl)
def _load_announcements(self):
with self._cache_filepath.open() as f:
servers = yamlutil.safe_load(f)
except EnvironmentError:
return # no cache file
if not isinstance(servers, list):
log.err(InvalidCacheError("not a list"), level=log.WEIRD)
self.log("Using server data from cache", level=log.UNUSUAL)
for server_params in servers:
if not isinstance(server_params, dict):
log.err(InvalidCacheError("not a dict: %r" % (server_params,)),
# everything coming from yamlutil.safe_load is unicode
key_s = server_params['key_s'].encode("ascii")
self._deliver_announcements(key_s, server_params['ann'])
def _save_announcements(self):
announcements = []
for value in self._inbound_announcements.values():
ann, key_s, time_stamp = value
# On Python 2, bytes strings are encoded into YAML Unicode strings.
# On Python 3, bytes are encoded as YAML bytes. To minimize
# changes, Python 3 for now ensures the same is true.
server_params = {
"ann" : ann,
"key_s" : ensure_text(key_s),
announcement_cache_yaml = yamlutil.safe_dump(announcements)
if isinstance(announcement_cache_yaml, str):
announcement_cache_yaml = announcement_cache_yaml.encode("utf-8")
def _got_introducer(self, publisher):
self.log("connected to introducer, getting versions")
default = { b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/introducer/v1":
{ },
b"application-version": b"unknown: no get_version()",
d = add_version_to_remote_reference(publisher, default)
def _got_error(self, f):
# TODO: for the introducer, perhaps this should halt the application
self._introducer_error = f # polled by tests
def _got_versioned_introducer(self, publisher):
self.log("got introducer version: %s" % (publisher.version,))
# we require an introducer that speaks at least V2
assert all(type(V2) == type(v) for v in publisher.version)
if V2 not in publisher.version:
raise InsufficientVersionError("V2", publisher.version)
self._publisher = publisher
self._since = int(time.time())
def _disconnected(self):
self.log("bummer, we've lost our connection to the introducer")
self._publisher = None
self._since = int(time.time())
def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "facility" not in kwargs:
kwargs["facility"] = "tahoe.introducer.client"
return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
def subscribe_to(self, service_name, callback, *args, **kwargs):
obs = self._local_subscribers.setdefault(service_name, ObserverList())
obs.subscribe(lambda key_s, ann: callback(key_s, ann, *args, **kwargs))
for index,(ann,key_s,when) in list(self._inbound_announcements.items()):
precondition(isinstance(key_s, bytes), key_s)
servicename = index[0]
if servicename == service_name:
obs.notify(key_s, ann)
def _maybe_subscribe(self):
if not self._publisher:
self.log("want to subscribe, but no introducer yet",
for service_name in self._local_subscribers:
if service_name in self._subscriptions:
self._debug_outstanding += 1
d = self._publisher.callRemote("subscribe_v2",
self, service_name.encode("utf-8"),
d.addErrback(log.err, facility="tahoe.introducer.client",
level=log.WEIRD, umid="2uMScQ")
def create_announcement_dict(self, service_name, ann):
ann_d = { "version": 0,
# "seqnum" and "nonce" will be populated with new values in
# publish(), each time we make a change
"nickname": self._nickname,
"app-versions": [],
"my-version": self._my_version,
"oldest-supported": self._oldest_supported,
"service-name": service_name,
return ann_d
def publish(self, service_name, ann, signing_key):
# we increment the seqnum every time we publish something new
current_seqnum, current_nonce = self._sequencer()
ann_d = self.create_announcement_dict(service_name, ann)
self._outbound_announcements[service_name] = ann_d
# publish all announcements with the new seqnum and nonce
for service_name,ann_d in list(self._outbound_announcements.items()):
ann_d["seqnum"] = current_seqnum
ann_d["nonce"] = current_nonce
ann_t = sign_to_foolscap(ann_d, signing_key)
self._published_announcements[service_name] = ann_t
def _maybe_publish(self):
if not self._publisher:
self.log("want to publish, but no introducer yet", level=log.NOISY)
# this re-publishes everything. The Introducer ignores duplicates
for ann_t in list(self._published_announcements.values()):
self._debug_counts["outbound_message"] += 1
self._debug_outstanding += 1
d = self._publisher.callRemote("publish_v2", ann_t, self._canary)
d.addErrback(log.err, ann_t=ann_t,
level=log.WEIRD, umid="xs9pVQ")
def remote_announce_v2(self, announcements):
lp = self.log("received %d announcements (v2)" % len(announcements))
return self.got_announcements(announcements, lp)
def got_announcements(self, announcements, lp=None):
self._debug_counts["inbound_message"] += 1
for ann_t in announcements:
# this might raise UnknownKeyError or bad-sig error
ann, key_s = unsign_from_foolscap(ann_t)
# key is "v0-base32abc123"
precondition(isinstance(key_s, bytes), key_s)
except BadSignature:
self.log("bad signature on inbound announcement: %s" % (ann_t,),
parent=lp, level=log.WEIRD, umid="ZAU15Q")
# process other announcements that arrived with the bad one
self._process_announcement(ann, key_s)
def _process_announcement(self, ann, key_s):
precondition(isinstance(key_s, bytes), key_s)
self._debug_counts["inbound_announcement"] += 1
service_name = str(ann["service-name"])
if service_name not in self._local_subscribers:
self.log("announcement for a service we don't care about [%s]"
% (service_name,), level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="dIpGNA")
self._debug_counts["wrong_service"] += 1
# for ASCII values, simplejson might give us unicode *or* bytes
if "nickname" in ann and isinstance(ann["nickname"], bytes):
ann["nickname"] = str(ann["nickname"])
nick_s = ann.get("nickname",u"").encode("utf-8")
lp2 = self.log(format="announcement for nickname '%(nick)s', service=%(svc)s: %(ann)s",
nick=nick_s, svc=service_name, ann=ann, umid="BoKEag")
# how do we describe this node in the logs?
desc_bits = []
assert key_s
desc_bits.append(b"serverid=" + key_s[:20])
if "anonymous-storage-FURL" in ann:
tubid_s = get_tubid_string_from_ann(ann)
desc_bits.append(b"tubid=" + tubid_s[:8])
description = b"/".join(desc_bits)
# the index is used to track duplicates
index = (service_name, key_s)
# is this announcement a duplicate?
if (index in self._inbound_announcements
and self._inbound_announcements[index][0] == ann):
self.log(format="reannouncement for [%(service)s]:%(description)s, ignoring",
service=service_name, description=description,
parent=lp2, level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="B1MIdA")
self._debug_counts["duplicate_announcement"] += 1
# does it update an existing one?
if index in self._inbound_announcements:
old,_,_ = self._inbound_announcements[index]
if "seqnum" in old:
# must beat previous sequence number to replace
if ("seqnum" not in ann
or not isinstance(ann["seqnum"], (int,long))):
self.log("not replacing old announcement, no valid seqnum: %s"
% (ann,),
parent=lp2, level=log.NOISY, umid="zFGH3Q")
if ann["seqnum"] <= old["seqnum"]:
# note that exact replays are caught earlier, by
# comparing the entire signed announcement.
self.log("not replacing old announcement, "
"new seqnum is too old (%s <= %s) "
"(replay attack?): %s"
% (ann["seqnum"], old["seqnum"], ann),
parent=lp2, level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="JAAAoQ")
# ok, seqnum is newer, allow replacement
self._debug_counts["update"] += 1
self.log("replacing old announcement: %s" % (ann,),
parent=lp2, level=log.NOISY, umid="wxwgIQ")
self._debug_counts["new_announcement"] += 1
self.log("new announcement[%s]" % service_name,
parent=lp2, level=log.NOISY)
self._inbound_announcements[index] = (ann, key_s, time.time())
# note: we never forget an index, but we might update its value
self._deliver_announcements(key_s, ann)
def _deliver_announcements(self, key_s, ann):
precondition(isinstance(key_s, bytes), key_s)
service_name = str(ann["service-name"])
obs = self._local_subscribers.get(service_name)
if obs is not None:
obs.notify(key_s, ann)
def connection_status(self):
assert self.running # startService builds _introducer_reconnector
irc = self._introducer_reconnector
last_received = (self._publisher.getDataLastReceivedAt()
if self._publisher
else None)
return connection_status.from_foolscap_reconnector(irc, last_received)
def connected_to_introducer(self):
return bool(self._publisher)
def get_since(self):
return self._since