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synced 2025-03-01 04:16:36 +00:00
Whenever Free Software/Open Source legal folks are examining the Tahoe-LAFS source code, it seems like there has to be a discussion and documentation about every single licensing declaration. Since this one is (was) permissive, then you would think it could be avoided, but I'm not betting on it. We would probably have to install a copy of the MIT licence into every one of the "copyright" files under the debian/ subdirectory, for example. So: let's just let hashbasedsig.py be licensed the same way as the rest of Tahoe-LAFS.
339 lines
14 KiB
339 lines
14 KiB
# range of hash output lengths
range_L_hash = [128]
lg_M = 53 # lg(required number of signatures before losing security)
limit_bytes = 480000 # limit on signature length
limit_cost = 500 # limit on Mcycles_Sig + weight_ver*Mcycles_ver
weight_ver = 1 # how important verification cost is relative to signature cost
# (note: setting this too high will just exclude useful candidates)
L_block = 512 # bitlength of hash input blocks
L_pad = 64 # bitlength of hash padding overhead (for M-D hashes)
L_label = 80 # bitlength of hash position label
L_prf = 256 # bitlength of hash output when used as a PRF
cycles_per_byte = 15.8 # cost of hash
Mcycles_per_block = cycles_per_byte * L_block / (8 * 1000000.0)
from math import floor, ceil, log, log1p, pow, e, sqrt
from sys import stderr
from gc import collect
def lg(x):
return log(x, 2)
def ln(x):
return log(x, e)
def ceil_log(x, B):
return int(ceil(log(x, B)))
def ceil_div(x, y):
return int(ceil(float(x) / float(y)))
def floor_div(x, y):
return int(floor(float(x) / float(y)))
# number of compression function evaluations to hash k hash-outputs
# we assume that there is a label in each block
def compressions(k):
return ceil_div(k + L_pad, L_block - L_label)
# sum of power series sum([pow(p, i) for i in range(n)])
def sum_powers(p, n):
if p == 1: return n
return (pow(p, n) - 1)/(p - 1)
def make_candidate(B, K, K1, K2, q, T, T_min, L_hash, lg_N, sig_bytes, c_sign, c_ver, c_ver_pm):
Mcycles_sign = c_sign * Mcycles_per_block
Mcycles_ver = c_ver * Mcycles_per_block
Mcycles_ver_pm = c_ver_pm * Mcycles_per_block
cost = Mcycles_sign + weight_ver*Mcycles_ver
if sig_bytes >= limit_bytes or cost > limit_cost:
return []
return [{
'B': B, 'K': K, 'K1': K1, 'K2': K2, 'q': q, 'T': T,
'T_min': T_min,
'L_hash': L_hash,
'lg_N': lg_N,
'sig_bytes': sig_bytes,
'c_sign': c_sign,
'Mcycles_sign': Mcycles_sign,
'c_ver': c_ver,
'c_ver_pm': c_ver_pm,
'Mcycles_ver': Mcycles_ver,
'Mcycles_ver_pm': Mcycles_ver_pm,
'cost': cost,
# K1 = size of root Merkle tree
# K = size of middle Merkle trees
# K2 = size of leaf Merkle trees
# q = number of revealed private keys per signed message
# Winternitz with B < 4 is never optimal. For example, going from B=4 to B=2 halves the
# chain depth, but that is cancelled out by doubling (roughly) the number of digits.
range_B = xrange(4, 33)
M = pow(2, lg_M)
def calculate(K, K1, K2, q_max, L_hash, trees):
candidates = []
lg_K = lg(K)
lg_K1 = lg(K1)
lg_K2 = lg(K2)
# We want the optimal combination of q and T. That takes too much time and memory
# to search for directly, so we start by calculating the lowest possible value of T
# for any q. Then for potential values of T, we calculate the smallest q such that we
# will have at least L_hash bits of security against forgery using revealed private keys
# (i.e. this method of forgery is no easier than finding a hash preimage), provided
# that fewer than 2^lg_S_min messages are signed.
# min height of certification tree (excluding root and bottom layer)
T_min = ceil_div(lg_M - lg_K1, lg_K)
last_q = None
for T in xrange(T_min, T_min+21):
# lg(total number of leaf private keys)
lg_S = lg_K1 + lg_K*T
lg_N = lg_S + lg_K2
# Suppose that m signatures have been made. The number of times X that a given bucket has
# been chosen follows a binomial distribution B(m, p) where p = 1/S and S is the number of
# buckets. I.e. Pr(X = x) = C(m, x) * p^x * (1-p)^(m-x).
# If an attacker picks a random seed and message that falls into a bucket that has been
# chosen x times, then at most q*x private values in that bucket have been revealed, so
# (ignoring the possibility of guessing private keys, which is negligable) the attacker's
# success probability for a forgery using the revealed values is at most min(1, q*x / K2)^q.
# Let j = floor(K2/q). Conditioning on x, we have
# Pr(forgery) = sum_{x = 0..j}(Pr(X = x) * (q*x / K2)^q) + Pr(x > j)
# = sum_{x = 1..j}(Pr(X = x) * (q*x / K2)^q) + Pr(x > j)
# We lose nothing by approximating (q*x / K2)^q as 1 for x > 4, i.e. ignoring the resistance
# of the HORS scheme to forgery when a bucket has been chosen 5 or more times.
# Pr(forgery) < sum_{x = 1..4}(Pr(X = x) * (q*x / K2)^q) + Pr(x > 4)
# where Pr(x > 4) = 1 - sum_{x = 0..4}(Pr(X = x))
# We use log arithmetic here because values very close to 1 cannot be represented accurately
# in floating point, but their logarithms can (provided we use appropriate functions such as
# log1p).
lg_p = -lg_S
lg_1_p = log1p(-pow(2, lg_p))/ln(2) # lg(1-p), computed accurately
j = 5
lg_px = [lg_1_p * M]*j
# We approximate lg(M-x) as lg(M)
lg_px_step = lg_M + lg_p - lg_1_p
for x in xrange(1, j):
lg_px[x] = lg_px[x-1] - lg(x) + lg_px_step
def find_min_q():
for q in xrange(1, q_max+1):
lg_q = lg(q)
lg_pforge = [lg_px[x] + (lg_q*x - lg_K2)*q for x in xrange(1, j)]
if max(lg_pforge) < -L_hash + lg(j) and lg_px[j-1] + 1.0 < -L_hash:
#print "K = %d, K1 = %d, K2 = %d, L_hash = %d, lg_K2 = %.3f, q = %d, lg_pforge_1 = %.3f, lg_pforge_2 = %.3f, lg_pforge_3 = %.3f" \
# % (K, K1, K2, L_hash, lg_K2, q, lg_pforge_1, lg_pforge_2, lg_pforge_3)
return q
return None
q = find_min_q()
if q is None or q == last_q:
# if q hasn't decreased, this will be strictly worse than the previous candidate
last_q = q
# number of compressions to compute the Merkle hashes
(h_M, c_M, _) = trees[K]
(h_M1, c_M1, _) = trees[K1]
(h_M2, c_M2, (dau, tri)) = trees[K2]
# B = generalized Winternitz base
for B in range_B:
# n is the number of digits needed to sign the message representative and checksum.
# The representation is base-B, except that we allow the most significant digit
# to be up to 2B-1.
n_L = ceil_div(L_hash-1, lg(B))
firstL_max = floor_div(pow(2, L_hash)-1, pow(B, n_L-1))
C_max = firstL_max + (n_L-1)*(B-1)
n_C = ceil_log(ceil_div(C_max, 2), B)
n = n_L + n_C
firstC_max = floor_div(C_max, pow(B, n_C-1))
# Total depth of Winternitz hash chains. The chains for the most significant
# digit of the message representative and of the checksum may be a different
# length to those for the other digits.
c_D = (n-2)*(B-1) + firstL_max + firstC_max
# number of compressions to hash a Winternitz public key
c_W = compressions(n*L_hash + L_label)
# bitlength of a single Winternitz signature and authentication path
L_MW = (n + h_M ) * L_hash
L_MW1 = (n + h_M1) * L_hash
# bitlength of the HORS signature and authentication paths
# For all but one of the q authentication paths, one of the sibling elements in
# another path is made redundant where they intersect. This cancels out the hash
# that would otherwise be needed at the bottom of the path, making the total
# length of the signature q*h_M2 + 1 hashes, rather than q*(h_M2 + 1).
L_leaf = (q*h_M2 + 1) * L_hash
# length of the overall GMSS+HORS signature and seeds
sig_bytes = ceil_div(L_MW1 + T*L_MW + L_leaf + L_prf + ceil(lg_N), 8)
c_MW = K *(c_D + c_W) + c_M + ceil_div(K *n*L_hash, L_prf)
c_MW1 = K1*(c_D + c_W) + c_M1 + ceil_div(K1*n*L_hash, L_prf)
# For simplicity, c_sign and c_ver don't take into account compressions saved
# as a result of intersecting authentication paths in the HORS signature, so
# are slight overestimates.
c_sign = c_MW1 + T*c_MW + q*(c_M2 + 1) + ceil_div(K2*L_hash, L_prf)
# *expected* number of compressions to verify a signature
c_ver = c_D/2.0 + c_W + c_M1 + T*(c_D/2.0 + c_W + c_M) + q*(c_M2 + 1)
c_ver_pm = (1 + T)*c_D/2.0
candidates += make_candidate(B, K, K1, K2, q, T, T_min, L_hash, lg_N, sig_bytes, c_sign, c_ver, c_ver_pm)
return candidates
def search():
for L_hash in range_L_hash:
print >>stderr, "collecting... \r",
print >>stderr, "precomputing... \r",
# d/dq (lg(q+1) + L_hash/q) = 1/(ln(2)*(q+1)) - L_hash/q^2
# Therefore lg(q+1) + L_hash/q is at a minimum when 1/(ln(2)*(q+1)) = L_hash/q^2.
# Let alpha = L_hash*ln(2), then from the quadratic formula, the integer q that
# minimizes lg(q+1) + L_hash/q is the floor or ceiling of (alpha + sqrt(alpha^2 - 4*alpha))/2.
# (We don't want the other solution near 0.)
alpha = floor(L_hash*ln(2)) # float
q = floor((alpha + sqrt(alpha*(alpha-4)))/2)
if lg(q+2) + L_hash/(q+1) < lg(q+1) + L_hash/q:
q += 1
lg_S_margin = lg(q+1) + L_hash/q
q_max = int(q)
q = floor(L_hash*ln(2)) # float
if lg(q+1) + L_hash/(q+1) < lg(q) + L_hash/q:
q += 1
lg_S_margin = lg(q) + L_hash/q
q_max = int(q)
q_max = 4000
# find optimal Merkle tree shapes for this L_hash and each K
trees = {}
K_max = 50
c2 = compressions(2*L_hash + L_label)
c3 = compressions(3*L_hash + L_label)
for dau in xrange(0, 10):
a = pow(2, dau)
for tri in xrange(0, ceil_log(30-dau, 3)):
x = int(a*pow(3, tri))
h = dau + 2*tri
c_x = int(sum_powers(2, dau)*c2 + a*sum_powers(3, tri)*c3)
for y in xrange(1, x+1):
if tri > 0:
# If the bottom level has arity 3, then for every 2 nodes by which the tree is
# imperfect, we can save c3 compressions by pruning 3 leaves back to their parent.
# If the tree is imperfect by an odd number of nodes, we can prune one extra leaf,
# possibly saving a compression if c2 < c3.
c_y = c_x - floor_div(x-y, 2)*c3 - ((x-y) % 2)*(c3-c2)
# If the bottom level has arity 2, then for each node by which the tree is
# imperfect, we can save c2 compressions by pruning 2 leaves back to their parent.
c_y = c_x - (x-y)*c2
if y not in trees or (h, c_y, (dau, tri)) < trees[y]:
trees[y] = (h, c_y, (dau, tri))
#for x in xrange(1, K_max+1):
# print x, trees[x]
candidates = []
progress = 0
fuzz = 0
complete = (K_max-1)*(2200-200)/100
for K in xrange(2, K_max+1):
for K2 in xrange(200, 2200, 100):
for K1 in xrange(max(2, K-fuzz), min(K_max, K+fuzz)+1):
candidates += calculate(K, K1, K2, q_max, L_hash, trees)
progress += 1
print >>stderr, "searching: %3d %% \r" % (100.0 * progress / complete,),
print >>stderr, "filtering... \r",
step = 2.0
bins = {}
limit = floor_div(limit_cost, step)
for bin in xrange(0, limit+2):
bins[bin] = []
for c in candidates:
bin = floor_div(c['cost'], step)
bins[bin] += [c]
del candidates
# For each in a range of signing times, find the best candidate.
best = []
for bin in xrange(0, limit):
candidates = bins[bin] + bins[bin+1] + bins[bin+2]
if len(candidates) > 0:
best += [min(candidates, key=lambda c: c['sig_bytes'])]
def format_candidate(candidate):
return ("%(B)3d %(K)3d %(K1)3d %(K2)5d %(q)4d %(T)4d "
"%(L_hash)4d %(lg_N)5.1f %(sig_bytes)7d "
"%(c_sign)7d (%(Mcycles_sign)7.2f) "
"%(c_ver)7d +/-%(c_ver_pm)5d (%(Mcycles_ver)5.2f +/-%(Mcycles_ver_pm)5.2f) "
) % candidate
print >>stderr, " \r",
if len(best) > 0:
print " B K K1 K2 q T L_hash lg_N sig_bytes c_sign (Mcycles) c_ver ( Mcycles )"
print "---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ------ ------ --------- ------------------ --------------------------------"
best.sort(key=lambda c: (c['sig_bytes'], c['cost']))
last_sign = None
last_ver = None
for c in best:
if last_sign is None or c['c_sign'] < last_sign or c['c_ver'] < last_ver:
print format_candidate(c)
last_sign = c['c_sign']
last_ver = c['c_ver']
print "No candidates found for L_hash = %d or higher." % (L_hash)
del bins
del best
print "Maximum signature size: %d bytes" % (limit_bytes,)
print "Maximum (signing + %d*verification) cost: %.1f Mcycles" % (weight_ver, limit_cost)
print "Hash parameters: %d-bit blocks with %d-bit padding and %d-bit labels, %.2f cycles per byte" \
% (L_block, L_pad, L_label, cycles_per_byte)
print "PRF output size: %d bits" % (L_prf,)
print "Security level given by L_hash is maintained for up to 2^%d signatures.\n" % (lg_M,)