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synced 2025-03-29 06:45:58 +00:00
While the XML coverage report is useful for consumption by other tools, such as currently by codecov.io in CI, it's not very useful for humans reviewing the immediate impact of changes on coverage during local development or while monitoring CI output. I don't think running the text report takes much more time so I don't see a downside here.
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233 lines
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# Tox (http://tox.testrun.org/) is a tool for running tests
# in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the
# test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox"
# and then run "tox" from this directory.
twisted = 1
envlist = {py27,pypy27,py36}{-coverage,},codechecks
minversion = 2.4
# Get "certifi" to avoid bug #2913. Basically if a `setup_requires=...` causes
# a package to be installed (with setuptools) then it'll fail on certain
# platforms (travis's OX-X 10.12, Slackware 14.2) because PyPI's TLS
# requirements (TLS >= 1.2) are incompatible with the old TLS clients
# available to those systems. Installing it ahead of time (with pip) avoids
# this problem.
deps =
# Pin all of these versions for the same reason you ever want to pin
# anything: to prevent new releases with regressions from introducing
# spurious failures into CI runs for whatever development work is
# happening at the time. The versions selected here are just the current
# versions at the time. Bumping them to keep up with future releases is
# fine as long as those releases are known to actually work.
# As an exception, we don't pin certifi because it contains CA
# certificates which necessarily change over time. Pinning this is
# guaranteed to cause things to break eventually as old certificates
# expire and as new ones are used in the wild that aren't present in
# whatever version we pin. Hopefully there won't be functionality
# regressions in new releases of this package that cause us the kind of
# suffering we're trying to avoid with the above pins.
# We add usedevelop=False because testing against a true installation gives
# more useful results.
usedevelop = False
# We use extras=test to get things like "mock" that are required for our unit
# tests.
extras = test
setenv =
# Define TEST_SUITE in the environment as an aid to constructing the
# correct test command below.
!py36: TEST_SUITE = allmydata
py36: TEST_SUITE = allmydata.test.python3_tests
commands =
# As an aid to debugging, dump all of the Python packages and their
# versions that are installed in the test environment. This is
# particularly useful to get from CI runs - though hopefully the
# version pinning we do limits the variability of this output
pip freeze
tahoe --version
!coverage: trial {env:TAHOE_LAFS_TRIAL_ARGS:--rterrors} {posargs:{env:TEST_SUITE}}
# measuring coverage is somewhat slower than not measuring coverage
# so only do it on request.
coverage: coverage run -m twisted.trial {env:TAHOE_LAFS_TRIAL_ARGS:--rterrors --reporter=timing} {posargs:{env:TEST_SUITE}}
coverage: coverage combine
coverage: coverage xml
coverage: coverage report
setenv =
commands =
# NOTE: 'run with "py.test --keep-tempdir -s -v integration/" to debug failures'
py.test --coverage -v {posargs:integration}
coverage combine
coverage report
basepython = python2.7
# On macOS, git inside of towncrier needs $HOME.
passenv = HOME
whitelist_externals =
commands =
flake8 src static misc setup.py
python misc/coding_tools/check-umids.py src
python misc/coding_tools/check-debugging.py
python misc/coding_tools/find-trailing-spaces.py -r src static misc setup.py
python misc/coding_tools/check-miscaptures.py
# If towncrier.check fails, you forgot to add a towncrier news
# fragment explaining the change in this branch. Create one at
# `newsfragments/<ticket>.<change type>` with some text for the news
# file. See pyproject.toml for legal <change type> values.
python -m towncrier.check --pyproject towncrier.pyproject.toml
# see comment in [testenv] about "certifi"
whitelist_externals = mv
deps =
towncrier >= 19.2
commands =
# With pip >= 10 the existence of pyproject.toml (which we are
# required to have to configure towncrier) triggers a "build
# isolation" mode which prevents anything from working. Avoid
# triggering that pip behavior by keeping the towncrier configuration
# somewhere else and only bringing it in when it's actually needed
# (after pip is done).
# Some discussion is available at
# https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5696
# towncrier post 19.2 (unreleased as of this writing) adds a --config
# option that can be used instead of this file shuffling.
mv towncrier.pyproject.toml pyproject.toml
# towncrier 19.2 + works with python2.7
python -m towncrier --draft
# put it back
mv pyproject.toml towncrier.pyproject.toml
# see comment in [testenv] about "certifi"
whitelist_externals = mv
deps =
towncrier >= 19.2
commands =
# With pip >= 10 the existence of pyproject.toml (which we are
# required to have to configure towncrier) triggers a "build
# isolation" mode which prevents anything from working. Avoid
# triggering that pip behavior by keeping the towncrier configuration
# somewhere else and only bringing it in when it's actually needed
# (after pip is done).
# Some discussion is available at
# https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5696
# towncrier post 19.2 (unreleased as of this writing) adds a --config
# option that can be used instead of this file shuffling.
mv towncrier.pyproject.toml pyproject.toml
# towncrier 19.2 + works with python2.7
python -m towncrier --yes
# put it back
mv pyproject.toml towncrier.pyproject.toml
# commit the changes
git commit -m "update NEWS.txt for release"
setenv =
commands =
python misc/build_helpers/run-deprecations.py --package allmydata --warnings={env:TAHOE_LAFS_WARNINGS_LOG:_trial_temp/deprecation-warnings.log} trial {env:TAHOE_LAFS_TRIAL_ARGS:--rterrors} {posargs:allmydata}
setenv =
deps =
# Take the base deps as well!
commands =
flogtool --version
python misc/build_helpers/run-deprecations.py --package allmydata --warnings={env:TAHOE_LAFS_WARNINGS_LOG:_trial_temp/deprecation-warnings.log} trial {env:TAHOE_LAFS_TRIAL_ARGS:--rterrors} {posargs:allmydata}
commands =
rm -rf _test_memory
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-self
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-POST
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET-slow
python src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py receive
# Use 'tox -e docs' to check formatting and cross-references in docs .rst
# files. The published docs are built by code run over at readthedocs.org,
# which does not use this target (but does something similar).
# If you have "sphinx" installed in your virtualenv, you can just do "make -C
# docs html", or "cd docs; make html".
# You can also open docs/_build/html/index.html to see the rendered docs in
# your web browser.
# we pin docutils because of https://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/bugs/301/
# which asserts when it reads links to .svg files (e.g. about.rst)
deps =
# normal install is not needed for docs, and slows things down
skip_install = True
commands =
sphinx-build -b html -d {toxinidir}/docs/_build/doctrees {toxinidir}/docs {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html
# We override this to pass --no-use-pep517 because pyinstaller (3.4, at least)
# is broken when this feature is enabled.
install_command = python -m pip install --no-use-pep517 {opts} {packages}
extras =
deps =
# PyInstaller 4.0 drops Python 2 support. When we finish porting to
# Python 3 we can reconsider this constraint.
pyinstaller < 4.0
# Setting PYTHONHASHSEED to a known value assists with reproducible builds.
# See https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/stable/advanced-topics.html#creating-a-reproducible-build
pip freeze
pyinstaller -y --clean pyinstaller.spec
deps =
commands =
python setup.py update_version
python setup.py sdist --formats=bztar,gztar,zip bdist_wheel