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synced 2025-03-12 23:33:53 +00:00
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507 lines
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import re
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from allmydata.util import idlib, hashutil
from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, IDirnodeURI, IFileURI, IVerifierURI, \
IMutableFileURI, INewDirectoryURI, IReadonlyNewDirectoryURI
# the URI shall be an ascii representation of the file. It shall contain
# enough information to retrieve and validate the contents. It shall be
# expressed in a limited character set (namely [TODO]).
ZBASE32CHAR = "[ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769]" # excludes l, 0, 2, and v
ZBASE32CHAR_3bits = "[yoearcwh]"
ZBASE32CHAR_1bits = "[yo]"
ZBASE32STR_128bits = "%s{25}%s" % (ZBASE32CHAR, ZBASE32CHAR_3bits)
ZBASE32STR_256bits = "%s{51}%s" % (ZBASE32CHAR, ZBASE32CHAR_1bits)
# Writeable SSK bits
WSSKBITS= "%s%s%s" % (ZBASE32STR_128bits, COLON, ZBASE32STR_256bits)
# URIs (soon to be renamed "caps") are always allowed to come with a leading
# "" that will be ignored.
# Writeable SSK URI
# NewDirectory Read-Write URI
DirnodeURI_RE=re.compile("^%sURI%sDIR2%s%s/?$" % (OPTIONALHTTPLEAD, COLON, COLON, WSSKBITS))
class _BaseURI:
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.to_string()))
def __cmp__(self, them):
if cmp(type(self), type(them)):
return cmp(type(self), type(them))
if cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__):
return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
return cmp(self.to_string(), them.to_string())
class CHKFileURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IFileURI)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# construct me with kwargs, since there are so many of them
if not kwargs:
keys = ("key", "uri_extension_hash",
"needed_shares", "total_shares", "size")
for name in kwargs:
if name in keys:
value = kwargs[name]
setattr(self, name, value)
raise TypeError("CHKFileURI does not accept '%s=' argument"
% name)
self.storage_index = hashutil.storage_index_chk_hash(self.key)
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:CHK:"), uri
d = {}
(header_uri, header_chk,
key_s, uri_extension_hash_s,
needed_shares_s, total_shares_s, size_s) = uri.split(":")
assert header_uri == "URI"
assert header_chk == "CHK"
self.key = idlib.a2b(key_s)
assert isinstance(self.key, str)
assert len(self.key) == 16 # AES-128
self.storage_index = hashutil.storage_index_chk_hash(self.key)
assert isinstance(self.storage_index, str)
assert len(self.storage_index) == 16 # sha256 hash truncated to 128
self.uri_extension_hash = idlib.a2b(uri_extension_hash_s)
assert isinstance(self.uri_extension_hash, str)
assert len(self.uri_extension_hash) == 32 # sha56 hash
self.needed_shares = int(needed_shares_s)
self.total_shares = int(total_shares_s)
self.size = int(size_s)
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self.needed_shares, int)
assert isinstance(self.total_shares, int)
assert isinstance(self.size, (int,long))
return ("URI:CHK:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d" %
def is_readonly(self):
return True
def is_mutable(self):
return False
def get_readonly(self):
return self
def get_size(self):
return self.size
def get_verifier(self):
return CHKFileVerifierURI(storage_index=self.storage_index,
class CHKFileVerifierURI(_BaseURI):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# construct me with kwargs, since there are so many of them
if not kwargs:
def populate(self, storage_index, uri_extension_hash,
needed_shares, total_shares, size):
self.storage_index = storage_index
self.uri_extension_hash = uri_extension_hash
self.needed_shares = needed_shares
self.total_shares = total_shares
self.size = size
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:CHK-Verifier:"), uri
d = {}
(header_uri, header_chk,
storage_index_s, uri_extension_hash_s,
needed_shares_s, total_shares_s, size_s) = uri.split(":")
assert header_uri == "URI"
assert header_chk == "CHK-Verifier"
self.storage_index = idlib.a2b(storage_index_s)
assert isinstance(self.storage_index, str)
assert len(self.storage_index) == 16 # sha256 hash truncated to 128
self.uri_extension_hash = idlib.a2b(uri_extension_hash_s)
assert isinstance(self.uri_extension_hash, str)
assert len(self.uri_extension_hash) == 32 # sha56 hash
self.needed_shares = int(needed_shares_s)
self.total_shares = int(total_shares_s)
self.size = int(size_s)
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self.needed_shares, int)
assert isinstance(self.total_shares, int)
assert isinstance(self.size, (int,long))
return ("URI:CHK-Verifier:%s:%s:%d:%d:%d" %
class LiteralFileURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IFileURI)
def __init__(self, data=None):
if data is not None:
self.data = data
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:LIT:")
data_s = uri[len("URI:LIT:"):]
self.data = idlib.a2b(data_s)
return self
def to_string(self):
return "URI:LIT:%s" % idlib.b2a(self.data)
def is_readonly(self):
return True
def is_mutable(self):
return False
def get_readonly(self):
return self
def get_verifier(self):
# LIT files need no verification, all the data is present in the URI
return None
def get_size(self):
return len(self.data)
class WriteableSSKFileURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IMutableFileURI)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args and not kwargs:
self.populate(*args, **kwargs)
def populate(self, writekey, fingerprint):
self.writekey = writekey
self.readkey = hashutil.ssk_readkey_hash(writekey)
self.storage_index = hashutil.ssk_storage_index_hash(self.readkey)
self.fingerprint = fingerprint
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:SSK:"), uri
(header_uri, header_ssk, writekey_s, fingerprint_s) = uri.split(":")
self.populate(idlib.a2b(writekey_s), idlib.a2b(fingerprint_s))
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self.writekey, str)
assert isinstance(self.fingerprint, str)
return "URI:SSK:%s:%s" % (idlib.b2a(self.writekey),
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.abbrev())
def abbrev(self):
return idlib.b2a(self.writekey[:5])
def is_readonly(self):
return False
def is_mutable(self):
return True
def get_readonly(self):
return ReadonlySSKFileURI(self.readkey, self.fingerprint)
def get_verifier(self):
return SSKVerifierURI(self.storage_index, self.fingerprint)
class ReadonlySSKFileURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IMutableFileURI)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args and not kwargs:
self.populate(*args, **kwargs)
def populate(self, readkey, fingerprint):
self.readkey = readkey
self.storage_index = hashutil.ssk_storage_index_hash(self.readkey)
self.fingerprint = fingerprint
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:SSK-RO:"), uri
(header_uri, header_ssk, readkey_s, fingerprint_s) = uri.split(":")
self.populate(idlib.a2b(readkey_s), idlib.a2b(fingerprint_s))
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self.readkey, str)
assert isinstance(self.fingerprint, str)
return "URI:SSK-RO:%s:%s" % (idlib.b2a(self.readkey),
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.abbrev())
def abbrev(self):
return idlib.b2a(self.readkey[:5])
def is_readonly(self):
return True
def is_mutable(self):
return True
def get_readonly(self):
return self
def get_verifier(self):
return SSKVerifierURI(self.storage_index, self.fingerprint)
class SSKVerifierURI(_BaseURI):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args and not kwargs:
self.populate(*args, **kwargs)
def populate(self, storage_index, fingerprint):
self.storage_index = storage_index
self.fingerprint = fingerprint
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:SSK-Verifier:"), uri
(header_uri, header_ssk,
storage_index_s, fingerprint_s) = uri.split(":")
self.populate(idlib.a2b(storage_index_s), idlib.a2b(fingerprint_s))
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self.storage_index, str)
assert isinstance(self.fingerprint, str)
return "URI:SSK-Verifier:%s:%s" % (idlib.b2a(self.storage_index),
class _NewDirectoryBaseURI(_BaseURI):
implements(IURI, IDirnodeURI)
def __init__(self, filenode_uri=None):
self._filenode_uri = filenode_uri
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.abbrev())
def abbrev(self):
return self._filenode_uri.to_string().split(':')[2][:5]
def get_filenode_uri(self):
return self._filenode_uri
def is_mutable(self):
return True
def get_verifier(self):
return NewDirectoryURIVerifier(self._filenode_uri.get_verifier())
class NewDirectoryURI(_NewDirectoryBaseURI):
def __init__(self, filenode_uri=None):
if filenode_uri:
assert not filenode_uri.is_readonly()
_NewDirectoryBaseURI.__init__(self, filenode_uri)
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:DIR2:")
(header_uri, header_dir2, bits) = uri.split(":", 2)
fn = WriteableSSKFileURI()
fn.init_from_string("URI:SSK:" + bits)
self._filenode_uri = fn
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self._filenode_uri, WriteableSSKFileURI)
fn_u = self._filenode_uri.to_string()
(header_uri, header_ssk, bits) = fn_u.split(":", 2)
return "URI:DIR2:" + bits
def is_readonly(self):
return False
def get_readonly(self):
return ReadonlyNewDirectoryURI(self._filenode_uri.get_readonly())
class ReadonlyNewDirectoryURI(_NewDirectoryBaseURI):
def __init__(self, filenode_uri=None):
if filenode_uri:
assert filenode_uri.is_readonly()
_NewDirectoryBaseURI.__init__(self, filenode_uri)
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:DIR2-RO:")
(header_uri, header_dir2, bits) = uri.split(":", 2)
fn = ReadonlySSKFileURI()
fn.init_from_string("URI:SSK-RO:" + bits)
self._filenode_uri = fn
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self._filenode_uri, ReadonlySSKFileURI)
fn_u = self._filenode_uri.to_string()
(header_uri, header_ssk, bits) = fn_u.split(":", 2)
return "URI:DIR2-RO:" + bits
def is_readonly(self):
return True
def get_readonly(self):
return self
class NewDirectoryURIVerifier(_BaseURI):
def __init__(self, filenode_uri=None):
if filenode_uri:
filenode_uri = IVerifierURI(filenode_uri)
self._filenode_uri = filenode_uri
def init_from_string(self, uri):
assert uri.startswith("URI:DIR2-Verifier:")
(header_uri, header_dir2, bits) = uri.split(":", 2)
fn = SSKVerifierURI()
fn.init_from_string("URI:SSK-Verifier:" + bits)
self._filenode_uri = fn
return self
def to_string(self):
assert isinstance(self._filenode_uri, SSKVerifierURI)
fn_u = self._filenode_uri.to_string()
(header_uri, header_ssk, bits) = fn_u.split(":", 2)
return "URI:DIR2-Verifier:" + bits
def get_filenode_uri(self):
return self._filenode_uri
def from_string(s):
if s.startswith("URI:CHK:"):
return CHKFileURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:CHK-Verifier:"):
return CHKFileVerifierURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:LIT:"):
return LiteralFileURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:SSK:"):
return WriteableSSKFileURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:SSK-RO:"):
return ReadonlySSKFileURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:SSK-Verifier:"):
return SSKVerifierURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:DIR2:"):
return NewDirectoryURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:DIR2-RO:"):
return ReadonlyNewDirectoryURI().init_from_string(s)
elif s.startswith("URI:DIR2-Verifier:"):
return NewDirectoryURIVerifier().init_from_string(s)
raise TypeError("unknown URI type: %s.." % s[:12])
registerAdapter(from_string, str, IURI)
def from_string_dirnode(s):
u = from_string(s)
assert IDirnodeURI.providedBy(u)
return u
registerAdapter(from_string_dirnode, str, IDirnodeURI)
def is_string_newdirnode_rw(s):
return DirnodeURI_RE.search(s)
def from_string_filenode(s):
u = from_string(s)
assert IFileURI.providedBy(u)
return u
registerAdapter(from_string_filenode, str, IFileURI)
def from_string_mutable_filenode(s):
u = from_string(s)
assert IMutableFileURI.providedBy(u)
return u
registerAdapter(from_string_mutable_filenode, str, IMutableFileURI)
def from_string_verifier(s):
u = from_string(s)
assert IVerifierURI.providedBy(u)
return u
registerAdapter(from_string_verifier, str, IVerifierURI)
def pack_extension(data):
pieces = []
for k in sorted(data.keys()):
value = data[k]
if isinstance(value, (int, long)):
value = "%d" % value
assert isinstance(value, str), k
assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_\-]+$', k)
pieces.append(k + ":" + hashutil.netstring(value))
uri_extension = "".join(pieces)
return uri_extension
def unpack_extension(data):
d = {}
while data:
colon = data.index(":")
key = data[:colon]
data = data[colon+1:]
colon = data.index(":")
number = data[:colon]
length = int(number)
data = data[colon+1:]
value = data[:length]
assert data[length] == ","
data = data[length+1:]
d[key] = value
# convert certain things to numbers
for intkey in ("size", "segment_size", "num_segments",
"needed_shares", "total_shares"):
if intkey in d:
d[intkey] = int(d[intkey])
return d
def unpack_extension_readable(data):
unpacked = unpack_extension(data)
for k in sorted(unpacked.keys()):
if "hash" in k:
unpacked[k] = idlib.b2a(unpacked[k])
return unpacked