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synced 2025-03-23 12:15:16 +00:00
Note that using "whatever version of python the name 'python' maps to in the current shell environment" is more error-prone that specifying which python you mean, such as by executing "/usr/bin/python setup.py" instead of executing "./setup.py". When you build tahoe (by running "make") it will make a copy of bin/allmydata-tahoe in instdir/bin/allmydata-tahoe with the shebang line rewritten to execute the specific version of python that was used when building instead of to execute "/usr/bin/env python". However, it seems better that the default for lazy people be "whatever 'python' means currently" instead of "whatever 'python' meant to the manufacturer of your operating system".
214 lines
7.8 KiB
214 lines
7.8 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env python
import random, math, os, re
from twisted.python import usage
class Args(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["mode", "m", "alpha", "validation scheme"],
["arity", "k", 2, "k (airty) for hash tree"],
def opt_arity(self, option):
self['arity'] = int(option)
def parseArgs(self, *args):
if len(args) > 0:
self['mode'] = args[0]
def charttest():
import gdchart
sizes = [random.randrange(10, 20) for i in range(10)]
x = gdchart.Line()
x.width = 250
x.height = 250
x.xtitle = "sample"
x.ytitle = "size"
x.title = "Example Graph"
#x.ext_color = [ "white", "yellow", "red", "blue", "green"]
#x.setLabels(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"])
class Sizes:
def __init__(self, mode, file_size, arity=2):
self.mode = mode
self.file_size = file_size
self.seg_size = seg_size = 1.0 * min(MAX_SEGSIZE, file_size)
self.num_segs = num_segs = math.ceil(file_size / seg_size)
self.num_subblocks = num_subblocks = num_segs
self.num_blocks = num_blocks = 100
self.blocks_needed = blocks_needed = 25
self.subblock_size = subblock_size = seg_size / blocks_needed
self.block_size = block_size = subblock_size * num_subblocks
# none of this includes the block-level hash chain yet, since that is
# only a function of the number of blocks. All overhead numbers
# assume that the block-level hash chain has already been sent,
# including the root of the subblock-level hash tree.
if mode == "alpha":
# no hash tree at all
self.subblock_arity = 0
self.subblock_tree_depth = 0
self.subblock_overhead = 0
self.bytes_until_some_data = 20 + block_size
self.block_storage_overhead = 0
self.block_transmission_overhead = 0
elif mode == "beta":
# k=num_subblocks, d=1
# each subblock has a 20-byte hash
self.subblock_arity = num_subblocks
self.subblock_tree_depth = 1
self.subblock_overhead = 20
# the block has a list of hashes, one for each subblock
self.block_storage_overhead = (self.subblock_overhead *
# we can get away with not sending the hash of the block that
# we're sending in full, once
self.block_transmission_overhead = self.block_storage_overhead - 20
# we must get the whole list (so it can be validated) before
# any data can be validated
self.bytes_until_some_data = (self.block_transmission_overhead +
elif mode == "gamma":
self.subblock_arity = k = arity
d = math.ceil(math.log(num_subblocks, k))
self.subblock_tree_depth = d
num_leaves = k ** d
# to make things easier, we make the pessimistic assumption that
# we have to store hashes for all the empty places in the tree
# (when the number of blocks is not an exact exponent of k)
self.subblock_overhead = 20
# the subblock hashes are organized into a k-ary tree, which
# means storing (and eventually transmitting) more hashes. This
# count includes all the low-level block hashes and the root.
hash_nodes = (num_leaves*k - 1) / (k - 1)
#print "hash_depth", d
#print "num_leaves", num_leaves
#print "hash_nodes", hash_nodes
# the storage overhead is this
self.block_storage_overhead = 20 * (hash_nodes - 1)
# the transmission overhead is smaller: if we actually transmit
# every subblock, we don't have to transmit 1/k of the
# lowest-level subblock hashes, and we don't have to transmit the
# root because it was already sent with the block-level hash tree
self.block_transmission_overhead = 20 * (hash_nodes
- 1 # the root
- num_leaves / k)
# we must get a full sibling hash chain before we can validate
# any data
sibling_length = d * (k-1)
self.bytes_until_some_data = 20 * sibling_length + subblock_size
raise RuntimeError("unknown mode '%s" % mode)
self.storage_overhead = self.block_storage_overhead * num_blocks
self.storage_overhead_percentage = 100.0 * self.storage_overhead / file_size
def dump(self):
for k in ("mode", "file_size", "seg_size",
"num_segs", "num_subblocks", "num_blocks", "blocks_needed",
"subblock_size", "block_size",
"subblock_arity", "subblock_tree_depth",
"block_storage_overhead", "block_transmission_overhead",
"storage_overhead", "storage_overhead_percentage",
print k, getattr(self, k)
def fmt(num, trim=False):
if num < KiB:
#s = str(num) + "#"
s = "%.2f#" % num
elif num < MiB:
s = "%.2fk" % (num / KiB)
elif num < GiB:
s = "%.2fM" % (num / MiB)
elif num < TiB:
s = "%.2fG" % (num / GiB)
elif num < PiB:
s = "%.2fT" % (num / TiB)
s = "big"
if trim:
s = re.sub(r'(\.0+)([kMGT#])',
lambda m: m.group(2),
s = re.sub(r'(\.0+)([kMGT#])',
lambda m: (" "*len(m.group(1))+m.group(2)),
if s.endswith("#"):
s = s[:-1] + " "
return s
def text():
opts = Args()
mode = opts["mode"]
arity = opts["arity"]
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
print "mode=%s" % mode, " arity=%d" % arity
print " storage storage"
print "Size blocksize overhead overhead k d alacrity"
print " (bytes) (%)"
print "------- ------- -------- -------- ---- -- --------"
#sizes = [2 ** i for i in range(7, 41)]
radix = math.sqrt(10); expstep = 2
radix = 2; expstep = 2
#radix = 10; expstep = 1
maxexp = int(math.ceil(math.log(1e12, radix)))+2
sizes = [radix ** i for i in range(2,maxexp,expstep)]
for file_size in sizes:
s = Sizes(mode, file_size, arity)
out = ""
out += "%7s " % fmt(file_size, trim=True)
out += "%7s " % fmt(s.block_size)
out += "%8s" % fmt(s.storage_overhead)
out += "%10.2f " % s.storage_overhead_percentage
out += " %4d" % int(s.subblock_arity)
out += " %2d" % int(s.subblock_tree_depth)
out += " %8s" % fmt(s.bytes_until_some_data)
print out
def graph():
# doesn't work yet
import Gnuplot
opts = Args()
mode = opts["mode"]
arity = opts["arity"]
g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1)
g.title("overhead / alacrity tradeoffs")
g.xlabel("file size")
sizes = [2 ** i for i in range(7, 32)]
series = {"overhead": {}, "alacrity": {}}
for file_size in sizes:
s = Sizes(mode, file_size, arity)
series["overhead"][file_size] = s.storage_overhead_percentage
series["alacrity"][file_size] = s.bytes_until_some_data
g.plot([ (fs, series["overhead"][fs])
for fs in sizes ])
raw_input("press return")
if __name__ == '__main__':