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synced 2025-03-03 04:49:41 +00:00
TL;DR: Capture how to use real source file paths for local development. It can be useful to run the tests against the currently checked out Python source files. Changes are reflected immediately. Source file paths in Tracebacks (and other things that print the file path for Python modules) are to the actual checked out source and can be copied and pasted or used by tools that expect real paths. OTOH, testing against a real Python package install into a virtualenv done from a real source distribution can expose rare but very confusing issues. So doing both is valuable. Most typically, the former is useful for local development and the latter is most appropriate in CI.
232 lines
7.1 KiB
232 lines
7.1 KiB
# Tahoe LFS Development and maintenance tasks
# NOTE: this Makefile requires GNU make
### Defensive settings for make:
# https://tech.davis-hansson.com/p/make/
SHELL := bash
.SHELLFLAGS := -xeu -o pipefail -c
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules
# Local target variables
export PYTHON
SOURCES=src/allmydata static misc setup.py
# Top-level, phony targets
.PHONY: default
@echo "no default target"
.PHONY: test
## Run all tests and code reports
test: .tox
tox --develop -p auto
# This is necessary only if you want to automatically produce a new
# _version.py file from the current git history (without doing a build).
.PHONY: make-version
$(PYTHON) ./setup.py update_version
# Build OS X pkg packages.
.PHONY: build-osx-pkg
misc/build_helpers/build-osx-pkg.sh $(APPNAME)
.PHONY: test-osx-pkg
$(PYTHON) misc/build_helpers/test-osx-pkg.py
.PHONY: upload-osx-pkg
# [Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'OpenSSL.SSL.Error'>: [('SSL routines', 'ssl3_read_bytes', 'tlsv1 alert unknown ca'), ('SSL routines', 'ssl3_write_bytes', 'ssl handshake failure')]
# @echo "uploading to ~tahoe-tarballs/OS-X-packages/ via flappserver"
# @if [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" = "Xmaster" ] || [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" = "X" ]; then \
# flappclient --furlfile ~/.tahoe-osx-pkg-upload.furl upload-file tahoe-lafs-*-osx.pkg; \
# else \
# echo not uploading tahoe-lafs-osx-pkg because this is not trunk but is branch \"${BB_BRANCH}\" ; \
# fi
.PHONY: code-checks
#code-checks: build version-and-path check-interfaces check-miscaptures -find-trailing-spaces -check-umids pyflakes
code-checks: check-interfaces check-debugging check-miscaptures -find-trailing-spaces -check-umids pyflakes
.PHONY: check-interfaces
$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/check-interfaces.py 2>&1 |tee violations.txt
.PHONY: check-debugging
$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/check-debugging.py
.PHONY: check-miscaptures
$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/check-miscaptures.py $(SOURCES) 2>&1 |tee miscaptures.txt
.PHONY: pyflakes
$(PYFLAKES) $(SOURCES) |sort |uniq
.PHONY: check-umids
$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/check-umids.py `find $(SOURCES) -name '*.py' -not -name 'old.py'`
.PHONY: -check-umids
-$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/check-umids.py `find $(SOURCES) -name '*.py' -not -name 'old.py'`
.PHONY: doc-checks
doc-checks: check-rst
.PHONY: check-rst
@for x in `find *.rst docs -name "*.rst"`; do rst2html -v $${x} >/dev/null; done 2>&1 |grep -v 'Duplicate implicit target name:'
.PHONY: count-lines
@echo -n "files: "
@find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/ |wc -l
@echo -n "lines: "
@cat `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` |wc -l
@echo -n "TODO: "
@grep TODO `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` | wc -l
@echo -n "XXX: "
@grep XXX `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` | wc -l
# Here is a list of testing tools that can be run with 'python' from a
# virtualenv in which Tahoe has been installed. There used to be Makefile
# targets for each, but the exact path to a suitable python is now up to the
# developer. But as a hint, after running 'tox', ./.tox/py27/bin/python will
# probably work.
# src/allmydata/test/bench_dirnode.py
# The check-speed and check-grid targets are disabled, since they depend upon
# the pre-located $(TAHOE) executable that was removed when we switched to
# tox. They will eventually be resurrected as dedicated tox environments.
# The check-speed target uses a pre-established client node to run a canned
# set of performance tests against a test network that is also
# pre-established (probably on a remote machine). Provide it with the path to
# a local directory where this client node has been created (and populated
# with the necessary FURLs of the test network). This target will start that
# client with the current code and then run the tests. Afterwards it will
# stop the client.
# The 'sleep 5' is in there to give the new client a chance to connect to its
# storageservers, since check_speed.py has no good way of doing that itself.
##.PHONY: check-speed
##check-speed: .built
## if [ -z '$(TESTCLIENTDIR)' ]; then exit 1; fi
## @echo "stopping any leftover client code"
## sleep 5
## $(TAHOE) @src/allmydata/test/check_speed.py $(TESTCLIENTDIR)
# The check-grid target also uses a pre-established client node, along with a
# long-term directory that contains some well-known files. See the docstring
# in src/allmydata/test/check_grid.py to see how to set this up.
##.PHONY: check-grid
##check-grid: .built
## if [ -z '$(TESTCLIENTDIR)' ]; then exit 1; fi
## $(TAHOE) @src/allmydata/test/check_grid.py $(TESTCLIENTDIR) bin/tahoe
.PHONY: test-get-ignore
$(PYTHON) misc/build_helpers/test-git-ignore.py
.PHONY: test-clean
find . |grep -vEe "allfiles.tmp|src/allmydata/_(version|appname).py" |sort >allfiles.tmp.old
$(MAKE) distclean
find . |grep -vEe "allfiles.tmp|src/allmydata/_(version|appname).py" |sort >allfiles.tmp.new
diff allfiles.tmp.old allfiles.tmp.new
# It would be nice if 'make clean' deleted any automatically-generated
# _version.py too, so that 'make clean; make all' could be useable as a
# "what the heck is going on, get me back to a clean state', but we need
# 'make clean' to work on non-checkout trees without destroying useful information.
# Use 'make distclean' instead to delete all generated files.
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf build _trial_temp _test_memory .built
rm -f `find src *.egg -name '*.so' -or -name '*.pyc'`
rm -rf support dist
rm -rf `ls -d *.egg | grep -vEe"setuptools-|setuptools_darcs-|darcsver-"`
rm -rf *.pyc
rm -f bin/tahoe bin/tahoe.pyscript
rm -f *.pkg
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
rm -rf src/*.egg-info
rm -f src/allmydata/_version.py
rm -f src/allmydata/_appname.py
rm -rf ./.tox/
.PHONY: find-trailing-spaces
$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/find-trailing-spaces.py -r $(SOURCES)
.PHONY: -find-trailing-spaces
-$(PYTHON) misc/coding_tools/find-trailing-spaces.py -r $(SOURCES)
.PHONY: fetch-and-unpack-deps
@echo "test-and-unpack-deps is obsolete"
.PHONY: test-desert-island
@echo "test-desert-island is obsolete"
.PHONY: test-pip-install
@echo "test-pip-install is obsolete"
.PHONY: tarballs
tarballs: # delegated to tox, so setup.py can update setuptools if needed
tox -e tarballs
.PHONY: upload-tarballs
@if [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" = "Xmaster" ] || [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" = "X" ]; then for f in dist/*; do flappclient --furlfile ~/.tahoe-tarball-upload.furl upload-file $$f; done ; else echo not uploading tarballs because this is not trunk but is branch \"${BB_BRANCH}\" ; fi
# Real targets
$(MAKE) make-version
.tox: tox.ini setup.py
tox --notest -p all