2020-04-18 01:52:17 -06:00

613 lines
22 KiB

import time
import json
from twisted.web import http, server, resource, template
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from nevow import loaders, appserver
from nevow.rend import Page
from nevow.inevow import IRequest
from nevow.util import resource_filename
from allmydata import blacklist
from allmydata.interfaces import ExistingChildError, NoSuchChildError, \
FileTooLargeError, NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError, \
EmptyPathnameComponentError, MustBeDeepImmutableError, \
MustBeReadonlyError, MustNotBeUnknownRWError, SDMF_VERSION, MDMF_VERSION
from allmydata.mutable.common import UnrecoverableFileError
from allmydata.util import abbreviate
from allmydata.util.hashutil import timing_safe_compare
from allmydata.util.time_format import format_time, format_delta
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import to_str, quote_output
def get_filenode_metadata(filenode):
metadata = {'mutable': filenode.is_mutable()}
if metadata['mutable']:
mutable_type = filenode.get_version()
assert mutable_type in (SDMF_VERSION, MDMF_VERSION)
if mutable_type == MDMF_VERSION:
file_format = "MDMF"
file_format = "SDMF"
file_format = "CHK"
metadata['format'] = file_format
size = filenode.get_size()
if size is not None:
metadata['size'] = size
return metadata
def getxmlfile(name):
return loaders.xmlfile(resource_filename('allmydata.web', '%s' % name))
def boolean_of_arg(arg):
# TODO: ""
if arg.lower() not in ("true", "t", "1", "false", "f", "0", "on", "off"):
raise WebError("invalid boolean argument: %r" % (arg,), http.BAD_REQUEST)
return arg.lower() in ("true", "t", "1", "on")
def parse_replace_arg(replace):
if replace.lower() == "only-files":
return replace
return boolean_of_arg(replace)
except WebError:
raise WebError("invalid replace= argument: %r" % (replace,), http.BAD_REQUEST)
def get_format(req, default="CHK"):
arg = get_arg(req, "format", None)
if not arg:
if boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "mutable", "false")):
return "SDMF"
return default
if arg.upper() == "CHK":
return "CHK"
elif arg.upper() == "SDMF":
return "SDMF"
elif arg.upper() == "MDMF":
return "MDMF"
raise WebError("Unknown format: %s, I know CHK, SDMF, MDMF" % arg,
def get_mutable_type(file_format): # accepts result of get_format()
if file_format == "SDMF":
elif file_format == "MDMF":
# this is also used to identify which formats are mutable. Use
# if get_mutable_type(file_format) is not None:
# do_mutable()
# else:
# do_immutable()
return None
def parse_offset_arg(offset):
# XXX: This will raise a ValueError when invoked on something that
# is not an integer. Is that okay? Or do we want a better error
# message? Since this call is going to be used by programmers and
# their tools rather than users (through the wui), it is not
# inconsistent to return that, I guess.
if offset is not None:
offset = int(offset)
return offset
def get_root(ctx_or_req):
req = IRequest(ctx_or_req)
# the addSlash=True gives us one extra (empty) segment
depth = len(req.prepath) + len(req.postpath) - 1
link = "/".join([".."] * depth)
return link
def get_arg(ctx_or_req, argname, default=None, multiple=False):
"""Extract an argument from either the query args (req.args) or the form
body fields (req.fields). If multiple=False, this returns a single value
(or the default, which defaults to None), and the query args take
precedence. If multiple=True, this returns a tuple of arguments (possibly
empty), starting with all those in the query args.
req = IRequest(ctx_or_req)
results = []
if argname in req.args:
if req.fields and argname in req.fields:
if multiple:
return tuple(results)
if results:
return results[0]
return default
def convert_children_json(nodemaker, children_json):
"""I convert the JSON output of GET?t=json into the dict-of-nodes input
to both dirnode.create_subdirectory() and
client.create_directory(initial_children=). This is used by
t=mkdir-with-children and t=mkdir-immutable"""
children = {}
if children_json:
data = json.loads(children_json)
for (namex, (ctype, propdict)) in data.iteritems():
namex = unicode(namex)
writecap = to_str(propdict.get("rw_uri"))
readcap = to_str(propdict.get("ro_uri"))
metadata = propdict.get("metadata", {})
# name= argument is just for error reporting
childnode = nodemaker.create_from_cap(writecap, readcap, name=namex)
children[namex] = (childnode, metadata)
return children
def abbreviate_time(data):
# 1.23s, 790ms, 132us
if data is None:
return ""
s = float(data)
if s >= 10:
return abbreviate.abbreviate_time(data)
if s >= 1.0:
return "%.2fs" % s
if s >= 0.01:
return "%.0fms" % (1000*s)
if s >= 0.001:
return "%.1fms" % (1000*s)
return "%.0fus" % (1000000*s)
def compute_rate(bytes, seconds):
if bytes is None:
return None
if seconds is None or seconds == 0:
return None
# negative values don't make sense here
assert bytes > -1
assert seconds > 0
return 1.0 * bytes / seconds
def abbreviate_rate(data):
# 21.8kBps, 554.4kBps 4.37MBps
if data is None:
return ""
r = float(data)
if r > 1000000:
return "%1.2fMBps" % (r/1000000)
if r > 1000:
return "%.1fkBps" % (r/1000)
return "%.0fBps" % r
def abbreviate_size(data):
# 21.8kB, 554.4kB 4.37MB
if data is None:
return ""
r = float(data)
if r > 1000000000:
return "%1.2fGB" % (r/1000000000)
if r > 1000000:
return "%1.2fMB" % (r/1000000)
if r > 1000:
return "%.1fkB" % (r/1000)
return "%.0fB" % r
def plural(sequence_or_length):
if isinstance(sequence_or_length, int):
length = sequence_or_length
length = len(sequence_or_length)
if length == 1:
return ""
return "s"
def text_plain(text, req):
req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
req.setHeader("content-length", b"%d" % len(text))
return text
def spaces_to_nbsp(text):
return unicode(text).replace(u' ', u'\u00A0')
def render_time_delta(time_1, time_2):
return spaces_to_nbsp(format_delta(time_1, time_2))
def render_time(t):
return spaces_to_nbsp(format_time(time.localtime(t)))
def render_time_attr(t):
return format_time(time.localtime(t))
class WebError(Exception):
def __init__(self, text, code=http.BAD_REQUEST):
self.text = text
self.code = code
# XXX: to make UnsupportedMethod return 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED instead of 500
# Internal Server Error, we either need to do that ICanHandleException trick,
# or make sure that childFactory returns a WebErrorResource (and never an
# actual exception). The latter is growing increasingly annoying.
def should_create_intermediate_directories(req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
return bool(req.method in ("PUT", "POST") and
t not in ("delete", "rename", "rename-form", "check"))
def humanize_failure(f):
# return text, responsecode
if f.check(EmptyPathnameComponentError):
return ("The webapi does not allow empty pathname components, "
"i.e. a double slash", http.BAD_REQUEST)
if f.check(ExistingChildError):
return ("There was already a child by that name, and you asked me "
"to not replace it.", http.CONFLICT)
if f.check(NoSuchChildError):
quoted_name = quote_output(f.value.args[0], encoding="utf-8", quotemarks=False)
return ("No such child: %s" % quoted_name, http.NOT_FOUND)
if f.check(NotEnoughSharesError):
t = ("NotEnoughSharesError: This indicates that some "
"servers were unavailable, or that shares have been "
"lost to server departure, hard drive failure, or disk "
"corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
"this object to learn more.\n\nThe full error message is:\n"
"%s") % str(f.value)
return (t, http.GONE)
if f.check(NoSharesError):
t = ("NoSharesError: no shares could be found. "
"Zero shares usually indicates a corrupt URI, or that "
"no servers were connected, but it might also indicate "
"severe corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
"this object to learn more.\n\nThe full error message is:\n"
"%s") % str(f.value)
return (t, http.GONE)
if f.check(UnrecoverableFileError):
t = ("UnrecoverableFileError: the directory (or mutable file) could "
"not be retrieved, because there were insufficient good shares. "
"This might indicate that no servers were connected, "
"insufficient servers were connected, the URI was corrupt, or "
"that shares have been lost due to server departure, hard drive "
"failure, or disk corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
"this object to learn more.")
return (t, http.GONE)
if f.check(MustNotBeUnknownRWError):
quoted_name = quote_output(f.value.args[1], encoding="utf-8")
immutable = f.value.args[2]
if immutable:
t = ("MustNotBeUnknownRWError: an operation to add a child named "
"%s to a directory was given an unknown cap in a write slot.\n"
"If the cap is actually an immutable readcap, then using a "
"webapi server that supports a later version of Tahoe may help.\n\n"
"If you are using the webapi directly, then specifying an immutable "
"readcap in the read slot (ro_uri) of the JSON PROPDICT, and "
"omitting the write slot (rw_uri), would also work in this "
"case.") % quoted_name
t = ("MustNotBeUnknownRWError: an operation to add a child named "
"%s to a directory was given an unknown cap in a write slot.\n"
"Using a webapi server that supports a later version of Tahoe "
"may help.\n\n"
"If you are using the webapi directly, specifying a readcap in "
"the read slot (ro_uri) of the JSON PROPDICT, as well as a "
"writecap in the write slot if desired, would also work in this "
"case.") % quoted_name
return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST)
if f.check(MustBeDeepImmutableError):
quoted_name = quote_output(f.value.args[1], encoding="utf-8")
t = ("MustBeDeepImmutableError: a cap passed to this operation for "
"the child named %s, needed to be immutable but was not. Either "
"the cap is being added to an immutable directory, or it was "
"originally retrieved from an immutable directory as an unknown "
"cap.") % quoted_name
return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST)
if f.check(MustBeReadonlyError):
quoted_name = quote_output(f.value.args[1], encoding="utf-8")
t = ("MustBeReadonlyError: a cap passed to this operation for "
"the child named '%s', needed to be read-only but was not. "
"The cap is being passed in a read slot (ro_uri), or was retrieved "
"from a read slot as an unknown cap.") % quoted_name
return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST)
if f.check(blacklist.FileProhibited):
t = "Access Prohibited: %s" % quote_output(f.value.reason, encoding="utf-8", quotemarks=False)
return (t, http.FORBIDDEN)
if f.check(WebError):
return (f.value.text, f.value.code)
if f.check(FileTooLargeError):
return (f.getTraceback(), http.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE)
return (str(f), None)
class MyExceptionHandler(appserver.DefaultExceptionHandler, object):
def simple(self, ctx, text, code=http.BAD_REQUEST):
req = IRequest(ctx)
#req.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("content-encoding", [])
#req.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("content-disposition", [])
req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
if isinstance(text, unicode):
text = text.encode("utf-8")
req.setHeader("content-length", b"%d" % len(text))
# TODO: consider putting the requested URL here
def renderHTTP_exception(self, ctx, f):
text, code = humanize_failure(f)
log.msg("exception in humanize_failure")
log.msg("argument was %s" % (f,))
text, code = str(f), None
if code is not None:
return self.simple(ctx, text, code)
if f.check(server.UnsupportedMethod):
# twisted.web.server.Request.render() has support for transforming
# this into an appropriate 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED or 405 NOT_ALLOWED
# return code, but nevow does not.
req = IRequest(ctx)
method = req.method
return self.simple(ctx,
"I don't know how to treat a %s request." % method,
req = IRequest(ctx)
accept = req.getHeader("accept")
if not accept:
accept = "*/*"
if "*/*" in accept or "text/*" in accept or "text/html" in accept:
super = appserver.DefaultExceptionHandler
return super.renderHTTP_exception(self, ctx, f)
# use plain text
traceback = f.getTraceback()
return self.simple(ctx, traceback, http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
class NeedOperationHandleError(WebError):
# XXX should be phased out by the nevow -> twisted.web port
class RenderMixin(object):
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
request = IRequest(ctx)
# if we were using regular twisted.web Resources (and the regular
# twisted.web.server.Request object) then we could implement
# render_PUT and render_GET. But Nevow's request handler
# (NevowRequest.gotPageContext) goes directly to renderHTTP. Copy
# some code from the Resource.render method that Nevow bypasses, to
# do the same thing.
m = getattr(self, 'render_' + request.method, None)
if not m:
raise server.UnsupportedMethod(getattr(self, 'allowedMethods', ()))
return m(ctx)
def render_OPTIONS(self, ctx):
Handle HTTP OPTIONS request by adding appropriate headers.
:param ctx: client transaction from which request is extracted
:returns: str (empty)
req = IRequest(ctx)
req.setHeader("server", "Tahoe-LAFS gateway")
methods = ', '.join([m[7:] for m in dir(self) if m.startswith('render_')])
req.setHeader("allow", methods)
req.setHeader("public", methods)
req.setHeader("compliance", "rfc=2068, rfc=2616")
req.setHeader("content-length", 0)
return ""
class MultiFormatPage(Page):
```MultiFormatPage`` is a ``rend.Page`` that can be rendered in a number
of different formats.
Rendered format is controlled by a query argument (given by
``self.formatArgument``). Different resources may support different
formats but ``json`` is a pretty common one.
formatArgument = "t"
formatDefault = None
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
Dispatch to a renderer for a particular format, as selected by a query
A renderer for the format given by the query argument matching
``formatArgument`` will be selected and invoked. The default ``Page``
rendering behavior will be used if no format is selected (either by
query arguments or by ``formatDefault``).
:return: The result of the selected renderer.
req = IRequest(ctx)
t = get_arg(req, self.formatArgument, self.formatDefault)
renderer = self._get_renderer(t)
result = renderer(ctx)
return result
def _get_renderer(self, fmt):
Get the renderer for the indicated format.
:param bytes fmt: The format. If a method with a prefix of
``render_`` and a suffix of this format (upper-cased) is found, it
will be used.
:return: A callable which takes a Nevow context and renders a
if fmt is None:
return super(MultiFormatPage, self).renderHTTP
renderer = getattr(self, "render_{}".format(fmt.upper()))
except AttributeError:
raise WebError(
"Unknown {} value: {!r}".format(self.formatArgument, fmt),
if renderer is None:
return super(MultiFormatPage, self).renderHTTP
return lambda ctx: renderer(IRequest(ctx))
class MultiFormatResource(resource.Resource, object):
``MultiFormatResource`` is a ``resource.Resource`` that can be rendered in
a number of different formats.
Rendered format is controlled by a query argument (given by
``self.formatArgument``). Different resources may support different
formats but ``json`` is a pretty common one. ``html`` is the default
format if nothing else is given as the ``formatDefault``.
formatArgument = "t"
formatDefault = None
def render(self, req):
Dispatch to a renderer for a particular format, as selected by a query
A renderer for the format given by the query argument matching
``formatArgument`` will be selected and invoked. render_HTML will be
used as a default if no format is selected (either by query arguments
or by ``formatDefault``).
:return: The result of the selected renderer.
t = get_arg(req, self.formatArgument, self.formatDefault)
renderer = self._get_renderer(t)
return renderer(req)
def _get_renderer(self, fmt):
Get the renderer for the indicated format.
:param str fmt: The format. If a method with a prefix of ``render_``
and a suffix of this format (upper-cased) is found, it will be
:return: A callable which takes a twisted.web Request and renders a
renderer = None
if fmt is not None:
renderer = getattr(self, "render_{}".format(fmt.upper()))
except AttributeError:
raise WebError(
"Unknown {} value: {!r}".format(self.formatArgument, fmt),
if renderer is None:
renderer = self.render_HTML
return renderer
class SlotsSequenceElement(template.Element):
``SlotsSequenceElement` is a minimal port of nevow's sequence renderer for
Tags passed in to be templated will have two renderers available: ``item``
and ``tag``.
def __init__(self, tag, seq):
self.loader = template.TagLoader(tag)
self.seq = seq
def header(self, request, tag):
return tag
def item(self, request, tag):
A template renderer for each sequence item.
``tag`` will be cloned for each item in the sequence provided, and its
slots filled from the sequence item. Each item must be dict-like enough
for ``tag.fillSlots(**item)``. Each cloned tag will be siblings with no
separator beween them.
for item in self.seq:
print("item: {}".format(item))
yield tag.clone(deep=False).fillSlots(**item)
def empty(self, request, tag):
A template renderer for empty sequences.
This renderer will either return ``tag`` unmodified if the provided
sequence has no items, or return the empty string if there are any
if len(self.seq) > 0:
return u''
return tag
class TokenOnlyWebApi(resource.Resource, object):
I provide a rend.Page implementation that only accepts POST calls,
and only if they have a 'token=' arg with the correct
authentication token (see
:meth:`allmydata.client.Client.get_auth_token`). Callers must also
provide the "t=" argument to indicate the return-value (the only
valid value for this is "json")
Subclasses should override 'post_json' which should process the
API call and return a string which encodes a valid JSON
object. This will only be called if the correct token is present
and valid (during renderHTTP processing).
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def post_json(self, req):
return NotImplemented
def render(self, req):
if req.method != 'POST':
raise server.UnsupportedMethod(('POST',))
if req.args.get('token', False):
raise WebError("Do not pass 'token' as URL argument", http.BAD_REQUEST)
# not using get_arg() here because we *don't* want the token
# argument to work if you passed it as a GET-style argument
token = None
if req.fields and 'token' in req.fields:
token = req.fields['token'].value.strip()
if not token:
raise WebError("Missing token", http.UNAUTHORIZED)
if not timing_safe_compare(token, self.client.get_auth_token()):
raise WebError("Invalid token", http.UNAUTHORIZED)
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
if not t:
raise WebError("Must provide 't=' argument")
if t == u'json':
return self.post_json(req)
except WebError as e:
return json.dumps({"error": e.text})
except Exception as e:
message, code = humanize_failure(Failure())
req.setResponseCode(500 if code is None else code)
return json.dumps({"error": message})
raise WebError("'%s' invalid type for 't' arg" % (t,), http.BAD_REQUEST)