2024-02-28 00:49:07 +01:00

316 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Run this as "./graph-deps.py ." from your source tree, then open out.png .
# You can also use a PyPI package name, e.g. "./graph-deps.py tahoe-lafs".
# This builds all necessary wheels for your project (in a tempdir), scans
# them to learn their inter-dependencies, generates a DOT-format graph
# specification, then runs the "dot" program (from the "graphviz" package) to
# turn this into a PNG image.
# To hack on this script (e.g. change the way it generates DOT) without
# re-building the wheels each time, set --wheeldir= to some not-existent
# path. It will write the wheels to that directory instead of a tempdir. The
# next time you run it, if --wheeldir= points to a directory, it will read
# the wheels from there.
# To hack on the DOT output without re-running this script, add --write-dot,
# which will cause it to write "out.dot". Edit that file, then run "dot -Tpng
# out.dot >out.png" to re-render the graph.
# Install 'click' first. I run this with py2, but py3 might work too, if the
# wheels can be built with py3.
import os, sys, subprocess, json, tempfile, zipfile, re, itertools
import email.parser
from pprint import pprint
from io import StringIO
import click
all_packages = {} # name -> version
all_reqs = {} # name -> specs
all_pure = set()
# 1: build a local directory of wheels for the given target
# pip wheel --wheel-dir=tempdir sys.argv[1]
def build_wheels(target, wheeldir):
print("-- building wheels for '%s' in %s" % (target, wheeldir))
pip = subprocess.Popen(["pip", "wheel", "--wheel-dir", wheeldir, target],
stdout = pip.communicate()[0]
if pip.returncode != 0:
# 'pip wheel .' starts with "Processing /path/to/." but ends with
# "Successfully built PKGNAME". 'pip wheel PKGNAME' start with
# "Collecting PKGNAME" but ends with e.g. "Skipping foo, due to already
# being wheel."
lines = stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
if lines[0].startswith("Collecting "):
root_pkgname = lines[0].split()[-1]
elif lines[-1].startswith("Successfully built "):
root_pkgname = lines[-1].split()[-1]
print("Unable to figure out root package name")
print("'pip wheel %s' output is:" % target)
with open(os.path.join(wheeldir, "root_pkgname"), "w") as f:
def get_root_pkgname(wheeldir):
with open(os.path.join(wheeldir, "root_pkgname"), "r") as f:
return f.read().strip()
# 2: for each wheel, find the *.dist-info file, find metadata.json inside
# that, extract metadata.run_requires[0].requires
def add(name, version, extras, reqs, raw):
if set(reqs) - set([None]) - set(extras):
print("um, %s metadata has mismatching extras/reqs" % name)
print("raw data:")
raise ValueError
if None not in reqs:
print("um, %s has no reqs" % name)
print("raw data:")
raise ValueError
all_packages[name] = version
all_reqs[name] = reqs
def parse_metadata_json(f):
md = json.loads(f.read().decode("utf-8"))
name = md["name"].lower()
version = md["version"]
reqs = {None: []} # extra_name/None -> [specs]
if "run_requires" in md:
for r in md["run_requires"]:
reqs[r.get("extra", None)] = r["requires"]
# this package provides the following extras
extras = md.get("extras", [])
#for e in extras:
# if e not in reqs:
# reqs[e] = []
except KeyError:
print("error in '%s'" % name)
add(name, version, extras, reqs, md)
return name
def parse_METADATA(f):
data = f.read().decode("utf-8")
md = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(data)
name = md.get_all("Name")[0].lower()
version = md.get_all("Version")[0]
reqs = {None: []}
for req in md.get_all("Requires-Dist") or []: # untested
pieces = [p.strip() for p in req.split(";")]
spec = pieces[0]
extra = None
if len(pieces) > 1:
mo = re.search(r"extra == '(\w+)'", pieces[1])
if mo:
extra = mo.group(1)
if extra not in reqs:
reqs[extra] = []
extras = md.get_all("Provides-Extra") or [] # untested
add(name, version, extras, reqs, data)
return name
def parse_wheels(wheeldir):
for fn in os.listdir(wheeldir):
if not fn.endswith(".whl"):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(wheeldir, fn))
zfnames = zf.namelist()
mdfns = [n for n in zfnames if n.endswith(".dist-info/metadata.json")]
if mdfns:
name = parse_metadata_json(zf.open(mdfns[0]))
mdfns = [n for n in zfnames if n.endswith(".dist-info/METADATA")]
if mdfns:
name = parse_METADATA(zf.open(mdfns[0]))
print("no metadata for", fn)
is_pure = False
wheel_fns = [n for n in zfnames if n.endswith(".dist-info/WHEEL")]
if wheel_fns:
with zf.open(wheel_fns[0]) as wheel:
for line in wheel:
if line.lower().rstrip() == b"root-is-purelib: true":
is_pure = True
if is_pure:
return get_root_pkgname(wheeldir)
# 3: emit a .dot file with a graph of all the dependencies
def dot_name(name, extra):
# the 'dot' format enforces C identifier syntax on node names
assert name.lower() == name, name
name = "%s__%s" % (name, extra)
return name.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
def parse_spec(spec):
# turn "twisted[tls] (>=16.0.0)" into "twisted"
pieces = spec.split()
name_and_extras = pieces[0]
paren_constraint = pieces[1] if len(pieces) > 1 else ""
if "[" in name_and_extras:
name = name_and_extras[:name_and_extras.find("[")]
extras_bracketed = name_and_extras[name_and_extras.find("["):]
extras = extras_bracketed.strip("[]").split(",")
name = name_and_extras
extras = []
return name.lower(), extras, paren_constraint
def format_attrs(**kwargs):
# return "", or "[attr=value attr=value]"
if not kwargs or all([not(v) for v in kwargs.values()]):
return ""
def escape(s):
return s.replace('\n', r'\n').replace('"', r'\"')
pieces = ['%s="%s"' % (k, escape(kwargs[k]))
for k in sorted(kwargs)
if kwargs[k]]
body = " ".join(pieces)
return "[%s]" % body
# We draw a node for each wheel. When one of the inbound dependencies asks
# for an extra, we assign that (target, extra) pair a color. We draw outbound
# links for all non-extra dependencies in black. If something asked the
# target for an extra, we also draw links for the extra deps using the
# assigned color.
COLORS = itertools.cycle(["green", "blue", "red", "purple"])
extras_to_show = {} # maps (target, extraname) -> colorname
def add_extra_to_show(targetname, extraname):
key = (targetname, extraname)
if key not in extras_to_show:
extras_to_show[key] = next(COLORS)
_scanned = set()
def scan(name, extra=None, path=""):
dupkey = (name, extra)
if dupkey in _scanned:
#print("SCAN-SKIP %s %s[%s]" % (path, name, extra))
#print("SCAN %s %s[%s]" % (path, name, extra))
add_extra_to_show(name, extra)
for spec in all_reqs[name][extra]:
#print("-", spec)
dep_name, dep_extras, dep_constraint = parse_spec(spec)
#print("--", dep_name, dep_extras)
children = set(dep_extras)
for dep_extra in children:
scan(dep_name, dep_extra,
path=path+"->%s[%s]" % (dep_name, dep_extra))
def generate_dot():
f = StringIO()
f.write("digraph {\n")
for name, extra in extras_to_show.keys():
version = all_packages[name]
if extra:
label = "%s[%s]\n%s" % (name, extra, version)
label = "%s\n%s" % (name, version)
color = None
if name not in all_pure:
color = "red"
f.write('%s %s\n' % (dot_name(name, extra),
format_attrs(label=label, color=color)))
for (source, extra), color in extras_to_show.items():
if extra:
f.write('%s -> %s [weight="50" style="dashed"]\n' %
(dot_name(source, extra),
dot_name(source, None)))
specs = all_reqs[source][extra]
for spec in specs:
reqname, reqextras, paren_constraint = parse_spec(spec)
#extras_bracketed = "[%s]" % ",".join(extras) if extras else ""
#edge_label = " ".join([p for p in [extras_bracketed,
# paren_constraint] if p])
assert None not in reqextras
if not reqextras:
reqextras = [None]
for reqextra in reqextras:
edge_label = ""
if extra:
edge_label += "(%s[%s] wants)\n" % (source, extra)
edge_label += spec
style = "bold" if reqextra else "solid"
f.write('%s -> %s %s\n' % (dot_name(source, extra),
dot_name(reqname, reqextra),
return f
# 4: convert to .png
def dot_to_png(f, png_fn):
png = open(png_fn, "wb")
dot = subprocess.Popen(["dot", "-Tpng"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=png)
if dot.returncode != 0:
print("wrote graph to %s" % png_fn)
@click.option("--wheeldir", default=None, type=str)
@click.option("--write-dot/--no-write-dot", default=False)
def go(target, wheeldir, write_dot):
if wheeldir:
if os.path.isdir(wheeldir):
print("loading wheels from", wheeldir)
root_pkgname = parse_wheels(wheeldir)
assert not os.path.exists(wheeldir)
print("loading wheels from", wheeldir)
build_wheels(target, wheeldir)
root_pkgname = parse_wheels(wheeldir)
wheeldir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
build_wheels(target, wheeldir)
root_pkgname = parse_wheels(wheeldir)
print("root package:", root_pkgname)
# parse the requirement specs (which look like "Twisted[tls] (>=13.0.0)")
# enough to identify the package name
print("pure:", " ".join(sorted(all_pure)))
for name in all_packages.keys():
extras_to_show[(name, None)] = "black"
f = generate_dot()
if write_dot:
with open("out.dot", "w") as dotf:
print("wrote DOT to out.dot")
dot_to_png(f, "out.png")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":