Jean-Paul Calderone 7b314ceab8 Attempt to avoid the hang condition
The Python 2.7 subprocess module does not promise thread safety.
2019-04-01 12:54:51 -04:00

721 lines
30 KiB

from __future__ import (
import os.path, re, sys
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.python import usage, runtime
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from allmydata.util import fileutil, pollmixin
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import unicode_to_argv, unicode_to_output, \
from allmydata.client import _Client
from allmydata.test import common_util
import allmydata
from allmydata import __appname__
from .common_util import parse_cli, run_cli
from ._twisted_9607 import (
timeout = 240
def get_root_from_file(src):
srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(src))))
root = os.path.dirname(srcdir)
if os.path.basename(srcdir) == 'site-packages':
if re.search(r'python.+\..+', os.path.basename(root)):
root = os.path.dirname(root)
root = os.path.dirname(root)
elif os.path.basename(root) == 'src':
root = os.path.dirname(root)
return root
srcfile = allmydata.__file__
rootdir = get_root_from_file(srcfile)
class RunBinTahoeMixin:
def skip_if_cannot_daemonize(self):
if runtime.platformType == "win32":
# twistd on windows doesn't daemonize. cygwin should work normally.
raise unittest.SkipTest("twistd does not fork under windows")
def find_import_location(self):
res = yield self.run_bintahoe(["--version-and-path"])
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.assertEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, res)
lines = out.splitlines()
tahoe_pieces = lines[0].split()
self.assertEqual(tahoe_pieces[0], "%s:" % (__appname__,), (tahoe_pieces, res))
def run_bintahoe(self, args, stdin=None, python_options=[], env=None):
command = sys.executable
argv = python_options + ["-m", "allmydata.scripts.runner"] + args
if env is None:
env = os.environ
d = getProcessOutputAndValue(command, argv, env, stdinBytes=stdin)
def fix_signal(result):
# Mirror subprocess.Popen.returncode structure
(out, err, signal) = result
return (out, err, -signal)
return d
class BinTahoe(common_util.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase, RunBinTahoeMixin):
def test_the_right_code(self):
# running "tahoe" in a subprocess should find the same code that
# holds this test file, else something is weird
test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(srcfile))))
bintahoe_import_path = yield self.find_import_location()
same = (bintahoe_import_path == test_path)
if not same:
msg = ("My tests and my 'tahoe' executable are using different paths.\n"
"tahoe: %r\n"
"tests: %r\n"
"( according to the test source filename %r)\n" %
(bintahoe_import_path, test_path, srcfile))
if (not isinstance(rootdir, unicode) and
rootdir.decode(get_filesystem_encoding(), 'replace') != rootdir):
msg += ("However, this may be a false alarm because the import path\n"
"is not representable in the filesystem encoding.")
raise unittest.SkipTest(msg)
msg += "Please run the tests in a virtualenv that includes both the Tahoe-LAFS library and the 'tahoe' executable."
def test_path(self):
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--version-and-path"])
def _cb(res):
from allmydata import normalized_version
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, str(res))
# Fail unless the __appname__ package is *this* version *and*
# was loaded from *this* source directory.
required_verstr = str(allmydata.__version__)
self.failIfEqual(required_verstr, "unknown",
"We don't know our version, because this distribution didn't come "
"with a _version.py and 'setup.py update_version' hasn't been run.")
srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(srcfile))))
info = repr((res, allmydata.__appname__, required_verstr, srcdir))
appverpath = out.split(')')[0]
(appverfull, path) = appverpath.split('] (')
(appver, comment) = appverfull.split(' [')
(branch, full_version) = comment.split(': ')
(app, ver) = appver.split(': ')
self.failUnlessEqual(app, allmydata.__appname__, info)
norm_ver = normalized_version(ver)
norm_required = normalized_version(required_verstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(norm_ver, norm_required, info)
self.failUnlessEqual(path, srcdir, info)
self.failUnlessEqual(branch, allmydata.branch)
self.failUnlessEqual(full_version, allmydata.full_version)
return d
def test_unicode_arguments_and_output(self):
tricky = u"\u2621"
tricky_arg = unicode_to_argv(tricky, mangle=True)
tricky_out = unicode_to_output(tricky)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise unittest.SkipTest("A non-ASCII argument/output could not be encoded on this platform.")
d = self.run_bintahoe([tricky_arg])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 1, str(res))
self.failUnlessIn("Unknown command: "+tricky_out, out)
return d
def test_run_with_python_options(self):
# -t is a harmless option that warns about tabs.
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--version"], python_options=["-t"])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, str(res))
self.failUnless(out.startswith(allmydata.__appname__+':'), str(res))
return d
def test_version_no_noise(self):
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--version"])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, str(res))
self.failUnless(out.startswith(allmydata.__appname__+':'), str(res))
self.failIfIn("DeprecationWarning", out, str(res))
errlines = err.split("\n")
self.failIf([True for line in errlines if (line != "" and "UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line
and "from pkg_resources import load_entry_point" not in line)], str(res))
if err != "":
raise unittest.SkipTest("This test is known not to pass on Ubuntu Lucid; see #1235.")
return d
def test_help_eliot_destinations(self):
out, err, rc_or_sig = yield self.run_bintahoe(["--help-eliot-destinations"])
self.assertIn("\tfile:<path>", out)
self.assertEqual(rc_or_sig, 0)
def test_eliot_destination(self):
out, err, rc_or_sig = yield self.run_bintahoe([
# Proves little but maybe more than nothing.
# Throw in *some* command or the process exits with error, making
# it difficult for us to see if the previous arg was accepted or
# not.
self.assertEqual(rc_or_sig, 0)
def test_unknown_eliot_destination(self):
out, err, rc_or_sig = yield self.run_bintahoe([
self.assertEqual(1, rc_or_sig)
self.assertIn("Unknown destination description", out)
self.assertIn("invalid:more", out)
def test_malformed_eliot_destination(self):
out, err, rc_or_sig = yield self.run_bintahoe([
self.assertEqual(1, rc_or_sig)
self.assertIn("must be formatted like", out)
def test_escape_in_eliot_destination(self):
out, err, rc_or_sig = yield self.run_bintahoe([
self.assertEqual(1, rc_or_sig)
self.assertIn("Unsupported escape character", out)
class CreateNode(unittest.TestCase):
# exercise "tahoe create-node", create-introducer,
# create-key-generator, and create-stats-gatherer, by calling the
# corresponding code as a subroutine.
def workdir(self, name):
basedir = os.path.join("test_runner", "CreateNode", name)
return basedir
def do_create(self, kind, *args):
basedir = self.workdir("test_" + kind)
command = "create-" + kind
is_client = kind in ("node", "client")
tac = is_client and "tahoe-client.tac" or ("tahoe-" + kind + ".tac")
n1 = os.path.join(basedir, command + "-n1")
argv = ["--quiet", command, "--basedir", n1] + list(args)
rc, out, err = yield run_cli(*argv)
self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(n1, tac)))
if is_client:
# tahoe.cfg should exist, and should have storage enabled for
# 'create-node', and disabled for 'create-client'.
tahoe_cfg = os.path.join(n1, "tahoe.cfg")
content = fileutil.read(tahoe_cfg).replace('\r\n', '\n')
if kind == "client":
self.failUnless(re.search(r"\n\[storage\]\n#.*\nenabled = false\n", content), content)
self.failUnless(re.search(r"\n\[storage\]\n#.*\nenabled = true\n", content), content)
self.failUnless("\nreserved_space = 1G\n" in content)
# creating the node a second time should be rejected
rc, out, err = yield run_cli(*argv)
self.failIfEqual(rc, 0, str((out, err, rc)))
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
self.failUnless("is not empty." in err)
# Fail if there is a non-empty line that doesn't end with a
# punctuation mark.
for line in err.splitlines():
self.failIf(re.search("[\S][^\.!?]$", line), (line,))
# test that the non --basedir form works too
n2 = os.path.join(basedir, command + "-n2")
argv = ["--quiet", command] + list(args) + [n2]
rc, out, err = yield run_cli(*argv)
self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(n2, tac)))
# test the --node-directory form
n3 = os.path.join(basedir, command + "-n3")
argv = ["--quiet", "--node-directory", n3, command] + list(args)
rc, out, err = yield run_cli(*argv)
self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(n3, tac)))
if kind in ("client", "node", "introducer"):
# test that the output (without --quiet) includes the base directory
n4 = os.path.join(basedir, command + "-n4")
argv = [command] + list(args) + [n4]
rc, out, err = yield run_cli(*argv)
self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
self.failUnlessIn(" created in ", out)
self.failUnlessIn(n4, out)
self.failIfIn("\\\\?\\", out)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(n4, tac)))
# make sure it rejects too many arguments
self.failUnlessRaises(usage.UsageError, parse_cli,
command, "basedir", "extraarg")
# when creating a non-client, there is no default for the basedir
if not is_client:
argv = [command]
self.failUnlessRaises(usage.UsageError, parse_cli,
def test_node(self):
self.do_create("node", "--hostname=")
def test_client(self):
# create-client should behave like create-node --no-storage.
def test_introducer(self):
self.do_create("introducer", "--hostname=")
def test_stats_gatherer(self):
self.do_create("stats-gatherer", "--hostname=")
def test_subcommands(self):
# no arguments should trigger a command listing, via UsageError
self.failUnlessRaises(usage.UsageError, parse_cli,
def test_stats_gatherer_good_args(self):
rc,out,err = yield run_cli("create-stats-gatherer", "--hostname=foo",
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
rc,out,err = yield run_cli("create-stats-gatherer",
"--port=tcp:1234", self.mktemp())
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
def test_stats_gatherer_bad_args(self):
def _test(args):
argv = args.split()
self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, parse_cli, *argv)
# missing hostname/location/port
_test("create-stats-gatherer D")
# missing port
_test("create-stats-gatherer --location=foo D")
# missing location
_test("create-stats-gatherer --port=foo D")
# can't provide both
_test("create-stats-gatherer --hostname=foo --port=foo D")
# can't provide both
_test("create-stats-gatherer --hostname=foo --location=foo D")
# can't provide all three
_test("create-stats-gatherer --hostname=foo --location=foo --port=foo D")
class RunNode(common_util.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase, pollmixin.PollMixin,
# exercise "tahoe start", for both introducer, client node, and
# key-generator, by spawning "tahoe start" as a subprocess. This doesn't
# get us figleaf-based line-level coverage, but it does a better job of
# confirming that the user can actually run "./bin/tahoe start" and
# expect it to work. This verifies that bin/tahoe sets up PYTHONPATH and
# the like correctly.
# This doesn't work on cygwin (it hangs forever), so we skip this test
# when we're on cygwin. It is likely that "tahoe start" itself doesn't
# work on cygwin: twisted seems unable to provide a version of
# spawnProcess which really works there.
def workdir(self, name):
basedir = os.path.join("test_runner", "RunNode", name)
return basedir
def test_introducer(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_introducer")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
exit_trigger_file = os.path.join(c1, _Client.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE)
twistd_pid_file = os.path.join(c1, "twistd.pid")
introducer_furl_file = os.path.join(c1, "private", "introducer.furl")
node_url_file = os.path.join(c1, "node.url")
config_file = os.path.join(c1, "tahoe.cfg")
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "create-introducer", "--basedir", c1, "--hostname", "localhost"])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0)
# This makes sure that node.url is written, which allows us to
# detect when the introducer restarts in _node_has_restarted below.
config = fileutil.read(config_file)
self.failUnlessIn('\nweb.port = \n', config)
fileutil.write(config_file, config.replace('\nweb.port = \n', '\nweb.port = 0\n'))
# by writing this file, we get ten seconds before the node will
# exit. This insures that even if the test fails (and the 'stop'
# command doesn't work), the client should still terminate.
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# now it's safe to start the node
def _then_start_the_node(res):
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "start", c1])
def _cb2(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# the parent (twistd) has exited. However, twistd writes the pid
# from the child, not the parent, so we can't expect twistd.pid
# to exist quite yet.
# the node is running, but it might not have made it past the
# first reactor turn yet, and if we kill it too early, it won't
# remove the twistd.pid file. So wait until it does something
# that we know it won't do until after the first turn.
def _node_has_started():
return os.path.exists(introducer_furl_file)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
def _started(res):
# read the introducer.furl file so we can check that the contents
# don't change on restart
self.furl = fileutil.read(introducer_furl_file)
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# rm this so we can detect when the second incarnation is ready
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "restart", c1])
def _then(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# Again, the second incarnation of the node might not be ready yet,
# so poll until it is. This time introducer_furl_file already
# exists, so we check for the existence of node_url_file instead.
def _node_has_restarted():
return os.path.exists(node_url_file)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_restarted))
def _check_same_furl(res):
self.failUnlessEqual(self.furl, fileutil.read(introducer_furl_file))
# Now we can kill it. TODO: On a slow machine, the node might kill
# itself before we get a chance to, especially if spawning the
# 'tahoe stop' command takes a while.
def _stop(res):
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "stop", c1])
def _after_stopping(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# the parent has exited by now
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# the parent was supposed to poll and wait until it sees
# twistd.pid go away before it exits, so twistd.pid should be
# gone by now.
d.addBoth(self._remove, exit_trigger_file)
return d
# This test has hit a 240-second timeout on our feisty2.5 buildslave, and a 480-second timeout
# on Francois's Lenny-armv5tel buildslave.
test_introducer.timeout = 960
def test_client_no_noise(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_client_no_noise")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
exit_trigger_file = os.path.join(c1, _Client.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE)
twistd_pid_file = os.path.join(c1, "twistd.pid")
node_url_file = os.path.join(c1, "node.url")
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "create-client", "--basedir", c1, "--webport", "0"])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
errstr = "cc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
assert rc_or_sig == 0, errstr
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0)
# By writing this file, we get two minutes before the client will exit. This ensures
# that even if the 'stop' command doesn't work (and the test fails), the client should
# still terminate.
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# now it's safe to start the node
def _start(res):
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "start", c1])
def _cb2(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
errstr = "cc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr) # If you emit noise, you fail this test.
errlines = err.split("\n")
self.failIf([True for line in errlines if (line != "" and "UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools" not in line
and "from pkg_resources import load_entry_point" not in line)], errstr)
if err != "":
raise unittest.SkipTest("This test is known not to pass on Ubuntu Lucid; see #1235.")
# the parent (twistd) has exited. However, twistd writes the pid
# from the child, not the parent, so we can't expect twistd.pid
# to exist quite yet.
# the node is running, but it might not have made it past the
# first reactor turn yet, and if we kill it too early, it won't
# remove the twistd.pid file. So wait until it does something
# that we know it won't do until after the first turn.
def _node_has_started():
return os.path.exists(node_url_file)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
# now we can kill it. TODO: On a slow machine, the node might kill
# itself before we get a chance to, especially if spawning the
# 'tahoe stop' command takes a while.
def _stop(res):
(twistd_pid_file, os.listdir(os.path.dirname(twistd_pid_file))))
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "stop", c1])
d.addBoth(self._remove, exit_trigger_file)
return d
def test_client(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_client")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
exit_trigger_file = os.path.join(c1, _Client.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE)
twistd_pid_file = os.path.join(c1, "twistd.pid")
node_url_file = os.path.join(c1, "node.url")
storage_furl_file = os.path.join(c1, "private", "storage.furl")
config_file = os.path.join(c1, "tahoe.cfg")
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "create-node", "--basedir", c1,
"--webport", "0",
"--hostname", "localhost"])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0)
# Check that the --webport option worked.
config = fileutil.read(config_file)
self.failUnlessIn('\nweb.port = 0\n', config)
# By writing this file, we get two minutes before the client will
# exit. This ensures that even if the 'stop' command doesn't work
# (and the test fails), the client should still terminate.
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# now it's safe to start the node
def _start(res):
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "start", c1])
def _cb2(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# the parent (twistd) has exited. However, twistd writes the pid
# from the child, not the parent, so we can't expect twistd.pid
# to exist quite yet.
# the node is running, but it might not have made it past the
# first reactor turn yet, and if we kill it too early, it won't
# remove the twistd.pid file. So wait until it does something
# that we know it won't do until after the first turn.
def _node_has_started():
return os.path.exists(node_url_file)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
def _started(res):
# read the storage.furl file so we can check that its contents
# don't change on restart
self.storage_furl = fileutil.read(storage_furl_file)
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# rm this so we can detect when the second incarnation is ready
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "restart", c1])
def _cb3(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# again, the second incarnation of the node might not be ready yet,
# so poll until it is
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
def _check_same_furl(res):
# now we can kill it. TODO: On a slow machine, the node might kill
# itself before we get a chance to, especially if spawning the
# 'tahoe stop' command takes a while.
def _stop(res):
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
(twistd_pid_file, os.listdir(os.path.dirname(twistd_pid_file))))
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "stop", c1])
def _cb4(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
fileutil.write(exit_trigger_file, "")
# the parent has exited by now
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc_or_sig, out, err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(out, "", errstr)
# self.failUnlessEqual(err, "", errstr) # See test_client_no_noise -- for now we ignore noise.
# the parent was supposed to poll and wait until it sees
# twistd.pid go away before it exits, so twistd.pid should be
# gone by now.
d.addBoth(self._remove, exit_trigger_file)
return d
def _remove(self, res, file):
return res
def test_baddir(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_baddir")
d = self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "start", "--basedir", basedir])
def _cb(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 1)
self.failUnless("is not a recognizable node directory" in err, err)
def _then_stop_it(res):
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "stop", "--basedir", basedir])
def _cb2(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 2)
self.failUnless("does not look like a running node directory" in err)
def _then_start_in_bogus_basedir(res):
not_a_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "bogus")
return self.run_bintahoe(["--quiet", "start", "--basedir", not_a_dir])
def _cb3(res):
out, err, rc_or_sig = res
self.failUnlessEqual(rc_or_sig, 1)
self.failUnlessIn("does not look like a directory at all", err)
return d