mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 04:04:10 +00:00
508 lines
19 KiB
508 lines
19 KiB
# do not import any allmydata modules at this level. Do that from inside
# individual functions instead.
import sys, struct, time, os
from twisted.python import usage
class DumpOptions(usage.Options):
"""tahoe dump-share SHARE_FILENAME"""
def parseArgs(self, filename):
self['filename'] = filename
def dump_share(config, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr):
from allmydata import uri, storage
from allmydata.util import base32
# check the version, to see if we have a mutable or immutable share
print >>out, "share filename: %s" % config['filename']
f = open(config['filename'], "rb")
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == storage.MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
return dump_mutable_share(config, out, err)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
f = storage.ShareFile(config['filename'])
# use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension
bp = storage.ReadBucketProxy(None)
offsets = bp._parse_offsets(f.read_share_data(0, 0x24))
seek = offsets['uri_extension']
length = struct.unpack(">L", f.read_share_data(seek, 4))[0]
seek += 4
UEB_data = f.read_share_data(seek, length)
unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data)
keys1 = ("size", "num_segments", "segment_size",
"needed_shares", "total_shares")
keys2 = ("codec_name", "codec_params", "tail_codec_params")
keys3 = ("plaintext_hash", "plaintext_root_hash",
"crypttext_hash", "crypttext_root_hash",
"share_root_hash", "UEB_hash")
display_keys = {"size": "file_size"}
for k in keys1:
if k in unpacked:
dk = display_keys.get(k, k)
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k])
print >>out
for k in keys2:
if k in unpacked:
dk = display_keys.get(k, k)
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k])
print >>out
for k in keys3:
if k in unpacked:
dk = display_keys.get(k, k)
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k])
leftover = set(unpacked.keys()) - set(keys1 + keys2 + keys3)
if leftover:
print >>out
print >>out, "LEFTOVER:"
for k in sorted(leftover):
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (k, unpacked[k])
# the storage index isn't stored in the share itself, so we depend upon
# knowing the parent directory name to get it
pieces = config['filename'].split(os.sep)
if len(pieces) >= 2 and base32.could_be_base32_encoded(pieces[-2]):
storage_index = base32.a2b(pieces[-2])
uri_extension_hash = base32.a2b(unpacked["UEB_hash"])
u = uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(storage_index, uri_extension_hash,
unpacked["total_shares"], unpacked["size"])
verify_cap = u.to_string()
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % ("verify-cap", verify_cap)
sizes = {}
sizes['data'] = bp._data_size
sizes['validation'] = (offsets['uri_extension'] -
sizes['uri-extension'] = len(UEB_data)
print >>out
print >>out, " Size of data within the share:"
for k in sorted(sizes):
print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (k, sizes[k])
# display lease information too
leases = list(f.iter_leases())
if leases:
for i,lease in enumerate(leases):
when = format_expiration_time(lease.expiration_time)
print >>out, " Lease #%d: owner=%d, expire in %s" \
% (i, lease.owner_num, when)
print >>out, " No leases."
print >>out
return 0
def format_expiration_time(expiration_time):
now = time.time()
remains = expiration_time - now
when = "%ds" % remains
if remains > 24*3600:
when += " (%d days)" % (remains / (24*3600))
elif remains > 3600:
when += " (%d hours)" % (remains / 3600)
return when
def dump_mutable_share(config, out, err):
from allmydata import storage
from allmydata.util import base32, idlib
m = storage.MutableShareFile(config['filename'])
f = open(config['filename'], "rb")
WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f)
num_extra_leases = m._read_num_extra_leases(f)
data_length = m._read_data_length(f)
extra_lease_offset = m._read_extra_lease_offset(f)
container_size = extra_lease_offset - m.DATA_OFFSET
leases = list(m._enumerate_leases(f))
share_type = "unknown"
if f.read(1) == "\x00":
# this slot contains an SMDF share
share_type = "SDMF"
print >>out
print >>out, "Mutable slot found:"
print >>out, " share_type: %s" % share_type
print >>out, " write_enabler: %s" % base32.b2a(WE)
print >>out, " WE for nodeid: %s" % idlib.nodeid_b2a(nodeid)
print >>out, " num_extra_leases: %d" % num_extra_leases
print >>out, " container_size: %d" % container_size
print >>out, " data_length: %d" % data_length
if leases:
for (leasenum, lease) in leases:
print >>out
print >>out, " Lease #%d:" % leasenum
print >>out, " ownerid: %d" % lease.owner_num
when = format_expiration_time(lease.expiration_time)
print >>out, " expires in %s" % when
print >>out, " renew_secret: %s" % base32.b2a(lease.renew_secret)
print >>out, " cancel_secret: %s" % base32.b2a(lease.cancel_secret)
print >>out, " secrets are for nodeid: %s" % idlib.nodeid_b2a(lease.nodeid)
print >>out, "No leases."
print >>out
if share_type == "SDMF":
dump_SDMF_share(m.DATA_OFFSET, data_length, config, out, err)
return 0
def dump_SDMF_share(offset, length, config, out, err):
from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share
from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError
from allmydata.util import base32, hashutil
from allmydata.uri import SSKVerifierURI
f = open(config['filename'], "rb")
data = f.read(min(length, 2000))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
except NeedMoreDataError, e:
# retry once with the larger size
size = e.needed_bytes
f = open(config['filename'], "rb")
data = f.read(min(length, size))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
(seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen,
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces
print >>out, " SDMF contents:"
print >>out, " seqnum: %d" % seqnum
print >>out, " root_hash: %s" % base32.b2a(root_hash)
print >>out, " IV: %s" % base32.b2a(IV)
print >>out, " required_shares: %d" % k
print >>out, " total_shares: %d" % N
print >>out, " segsize: %d" % segsize
print >>out, " datalen: %d" % datalen
print >>out, " enc_privkey: %d bytes" % len(enc_privkey)
print >>out, " pubkey: %d bytes" % len(pubkey)
print >>out, " signature: %d bytes" % len(signature)
share_hash_ids = ",".join(sorted([str(hid)
for hid in share_hash_chain.keys()]))
print >>out, " share_hash_chain: %s" % share_hash_ids
print >>out, " block_hash_tree: %d nodes" % len(block_hash_tree)
# the storage index isn't stored in the share itself, so we depend upon
# knowing the parent directory name to get it
pieces = config['filename'].split(os.sep)
if len(pieces) >= 2 and base32.could_be_base32_encoded(pieces[-2]):
storage_index = base32.a2b(pieces[-2])
fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey)
u = SSKVerifierURI(storage_index, fingerprint)
verify_cap = u.to_string()
print >>out, " verify-cap:", verify_cap
print >>out
class DumpCapOptions(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["nodeid", "n", None, "storage server nodeid (ascii), to construct WE and secrets."],
["client-secret", "c", None, "client's base secret (ascii), to construct secrets"],
["client-dir", "d", None, "client's base directory, from which a -c secret will be read"],
def parseArgs(self, cap):
self.cap = cap
def dump_cap(config, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr):
from allmydata import uri
from allmydata.util import base32
from base64 import b32decode
import urlparse, urllib
cap = config.cap
nodeid = None
if config['nodeid']:
nodeid = b32decode(config['nodeid'].upper())
secret = None
if config['client-secret']:
secret = base32.a2b(config['client-secret'])
elif config['client-dir']:
secretfile = os.path.join(config['client-dir'], "private", "secret")
secret = base32.a2b(open(secretfile, "r").read().strip())
except EnvironmentError:
if cap.startswith("http"):
scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(cap)
assert path.startswith("/uri/")
cap = urllib.unquote(path[len("/uri/"):])
u = uri.from_string(cap)
print >>out
dump_uri_instance(u, nodeid, secret, out, err)
def _dump_secrets(storage_index, secret, nodeid, out):
from allmydata.util import hashutil
from allmydata.util import base32
if secret:
crs = hashutil.my_renewal_secret_hash(secret)
print >>out, " client renewal secret:", base32.b2a(crs)
frs = hashutil.file_renewal_secret_hash(crs, storage_index)
print >>out, " file renewal secret:", base32.b2a(frs)
if nodeid:
renew = hashutil.bucket_renewal_secret_hash(frs, nodeid)
print >>out, " lease renewal secret:", base32.b2a(renew)
ccs = hashutil.my_cancel_secret_hash(secret)
print >>out, " client cancel secret:", base32.b2a(ccs)
fcs = hashutil.file_cancel_secret_hash(ccs, storage_index)
print >>out, " file cancel secret:", base32.b2a(fcs)
if nodeid:
cancel = hashutil.bucket_cancel_secret_hash(fcs, nodeid)
print >>out, " lease cancel secret:", base32.b2a(cancel)
def dump_uri_instance(u, nodeid, secret, out, err, show_header=True):
from allmydata import storage, uri
from allmydata.util import base32, hashutil
if isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "CHK File:"
print >>out, " key:", base32.b2a(u.key)
print >>out, " UEB hash:", base32.b2a(u.uri_extension_hash)
print >>out, " size:", u.size
print >>out, " k/N: %d/%d" % (u.needed_shares, u.total_shares)
print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index)
_dump_secrets(u.storage_index, secret, nodeid, out)
elif isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "CHK Verifier URI:"
print >>out, " UEB hash:", base32.b2a(u.uri_extension_hash)
print >>out, " size:", u.size
print >>out, " k/N: %d/%d" % (u.needed_shares, u.total_shares)
print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index)
elif isinstance(u, uri.LiteralFileURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "Literal File URI:"
print >>out, " data:", u.data
elif isinstance(u, uri.WriteableSSKFileURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "SSK Writeable URI:"
print >>out, " writekey:", base32.b2a(u.writekey)
print >>out, " readkey:", base32.b2a(u.readkey)
print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index)
print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint)
print >>out
if nodeid:
we = hashutil.ssk_write_enabler_hash(u.writekey, nodeid)
print >>out, " write_enabler:", base32.b2a(we)
print >>out
_dump_secrets(u.storage_index, secret, nodeid, out)
elif isinstance(u, uri.ReadonlySSKFileURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "SSK Read-only URI:"
print >>out, " readkey:", base32.b2a(u.readkey)
print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index)
print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint)
elif isinstance(u, uri.SSKVerifierURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "SSK Verifier URI:"
print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index)
print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint)
elif isinstance(u, uri.NewDirectoryURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "Directory Writeable URI:"
dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, err, False)
elif isinstance(u, uri.ReadonlyNewDirectoryURI):
if show_header:
print >>out, "Directory Read-only URI:"
dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, err, False)
elif isinstance(u, uri.NewDirectoryURIVerifier):
if show_header:
print >>out, "Directory Verifier URI:"
dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, err, False)
print >>out, "unknown cap type"
class FindSharesOptions(usage.Options):
def parseArgs(self, storage_index_s, *nodedirs):
self.si_s = storage_index_s
self.nodedirs = nodedirs
def find_shares(config, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr):
"""Given a storage index and a list of node directories, emit a list of
all matching shares to stdout, one per line. For example:
find-shares.py 44kai1tui348689nrw8fjegc8c ~/testnet/node-*
from allmydata import storage
sharedir = storage.storage_index_to_dir(storage.si_a2b(config.si_s))
for d in config.nodedirs:
d = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(d), "storage/shares", sharedir)
if os.path.exists(d):
for shnum in os.listdir(d):
print >>out, os.path.join(d, shnum)
return 0
class CatalogSharesOptions(usage.Options):
Run this as 'catalog-shares NODEDIRS..', and it will emit a line to stdout
for each share it finds:
CHK $SI $k/$N $filesize $UEB_hash $expiration $abspath_sharefile
SDMF $SI $k/$N $filesize $seqnum/$roothash $expiration $abspath_sharefile
UNKNOWN $abspath_sharefile
It may be useful to build up a catalog of shares from many storage servers
and then sort the results. If you see shares with the same SI but different
parameters/filesize/UEB_hash, then something is wrong.
def parseArgs(self, *nodedirs):
self.nodedirs = nodedirs
def describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now, out, err):
from allmydata import uri, storage
from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share
from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError
from allmydata.util import base32
import struct
f = open(abs_sharefile, "rb")
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == storage.MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
# mutable share
m = storage.MutableShareFile(abs_sharefile)
WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f)
num_extra_leases = m._read_num_extra_leases(f)
data_length = m._read_data_length(f)
extra_lease_offset = m._read_extra_lease_offset(f)
container_size = extra_lease_offset - m.DATA_OFFSET
leases = list(m._enumerate_leases(f))
expiration_time = min( [lease[1].expiration_time
for lease in leases] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
share_type = "unknown"
if f.read(1) == "\x00":
# this slot contains an SMDF share
share_type = "SDMF"
if share_type == "SDMF":
data = f.read(min(data_length, 2000))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
except NeedMoreDataError, e:
# retry once with the larger size
size = e.needed_bytes
data = f.read(min(data_length, size))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
(seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen,
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces
print >>out, "SDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \
(si_s, k, N, datalen,
seqnum, base32.b2a(root_hash),
expiration, abs_sharefile)
print >>out, "UNKNOWN mutable %s" % (abs_sharefile,)
elif struct.unpack(">L", prefix[:4]) == (1,):
# immutable
sf = storage.ShareFile(abs_sharefile)
# use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension
bp = storage.ReadBucketProxy(None)
offsets = bp._parse_offsets(sf.read_share_data(0, 0x24))
seek = offsets['uri_extension']
length = struct.unpack(">L", sf.read_share_data(seek, 4))[0]
seek += 4
UEB_data = sf.read_share_data(seek, length)
expiration_time = min( [lease.expiration_time
for lease in sf.iter_leases()] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data)
k = unpacked["needed_shares"]
N = unpacked["total_shares"]
filesize = unpacked["size"]
ueb_hash = unpacked["UEB_hash"]
print >>out, "CHK %s %d/%d %d %s %d %s" % (si_s, k, N, filesize,
ueb_hash, expiration,
print >>out, "UNKNOWN really-unknown %s" % (abs_sharefile,)
def catalog_shares(config, out=sys.stdout, err=sys.stderr):
now = time.time()
for d in config.nodedirs:
d = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(d), "storage/shares")
abbrevs = os.listdir(d)
except EnvironmentError:
# ignore nodes that have storage turned off altogether
for abbrevdir in abbrevs:
if abbrevdir == "incoming":
abbrevdir = os.path.join(d, abbrevdir)
for si_s in os.listdir(abbrevdir):
si_dir = os.path.join(abbrevdir, si_s)
for shnum_s in os.listdir(si_dir):
abs_sharefile = os.path.join(si_dir, shnum_s)
abs_sharefile = os.path.abspath(abs_sharefile)
assert os.path.isfile(abs_sharefile)
describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now,
out, err)
return 0
subCommands = [
["dump-share", None, DumpOptions,
"Unpack and display the contents of a share (uri_extension and leases)."],
["dump-cap", None, DumpCapOptions, "Unpack a read-cap or write-cap"],
["find-shares", None, FindSharesOptions, "Locate sharefiles in node dirs"],
["catalog-shares", None, CatalogSharesOptions, "Describe shares in node dirs"],
dispatch = {
"dump-share": dump_share,
"dump-cap": dump_cap,
"find-shares": find_shares,
"catalog-shares": catalog_shares,