
626 lines
22 KiB

import os
from cStringIO import StringIO
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap import eventual
import allmydata
from allmydata import uri, monitor
from allmydata.immutable import upload
from allmydata.interfaces import IFileURI, FileTooLargeError, NotEnoughSharesError
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.util.deferredutil import DeferredListShouldSucceed
from common import SystemTestMixin
from common_util import ShouldFailMixin
MiB = 1024*1024
def extract_uri(results):
return results.uri
class Uploadable(unittest.TestCase):
def shouldEqual(self, data, expected):
self.failUnless(isinstance(data, list))
for e in data:
self.failUnless(isinstance(e, str))
s = "".join(data)
self.failUnlessEqual(s, expected)
def test_filehandle_random_key(self):
return self._test_filehandle(convergence=None)
def test_filehandle_convergent_encryption(self):
return self._test_filehandle(convergence="some convergence string")
def _test_filehandle(self, convergence):
s = StringIO("a"*41)
u = upload.FileHandle(s, convergence=convergence)
d = u.get_size()
d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, 41)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(1))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a")
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(80))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a"*40)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.close()) # this doesn't close the filehandle
d.addCallback(lambda res: s.close()) # that privilege is reserved for us
return d
def test_filename(self):
basedir = "upload/Uploadable/test_filename"
fn = os.path.join(basedir, "file")
f = open(fn, "w")
u = upload.FileName(fn, convergence=None)
d = u.get_size()
d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, 41)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(1))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a")
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(80))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a"*40)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.close())
return d
def test_data(self):
s = "a"*41
u = upload.Data(s, convergence=None)
d = u.get_size()
d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, 41)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(1))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a")
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.read(80))
d.addCallback(self.shouldEqual, "a"*40)
d.addCallback(lambda res: u.close())
return d
class FakeStorageServer:
def __init__(self, mode):
self.mode = mode
self.allocated = []
self.queries = 0
self.version = { "http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1" :
{ "maximum-immutable-share-size": 2**32 },
"application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
if mode == "small":
self.version = { "http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1" :
{ "maximum-immutable-share-size": 10 },
"application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
def callRemote(self, methname, *args, **kwargs):
def _call():
meth = getattr(self, methname)
return meth(*args, **kwargs)
d = eventual.fireEventually()
d.addCallback(lambda res: _call())
return d
def allocate_buckets(self, storage_index, renew_secret, cancel_secret,
sharenums, share_size, canary):
#print "FakeStorageServer.allocate_buckets(num=%d, size=%d)" % (len(sharenums), share_size)
self.queries += 1
if self.mode == "full":
return (set(), {},)
elif self.mode == "already got them":
return (set(sharenums), {},)
for shnum in sharenums:
self.allocated.append( (storage_index, shnum) )
return (set(),
dict([( shnum, FakeBucketWriter(share_size) )
for shnum in sharenums]),
class FakeBucketWriter:
# a diagnostic version of storageserver.BucketWriter
def __init__(self, size):
self.data = StringIO()
self.closed = False
self._size = size
def callRemote(self, methname, *args, **kwargs):
def _call():
meth = getattr(self, "remote_" + methname)
return meth(*args, **kwargs)
d = eventual.fireEventually()
d.addCallback(lambda res: _call())
return d
def remote_write(self, offset, data):
precondition(not self.closed)
precondition(offset >= 0)
precondition(offset+len(data) <= self._size,
"offset=%d + data=%d > size=%d" %
(offset, len(data), self._size))
def remote_close(self):
precondition(not self.closed)
self.closed = True
def remote_abort(self):
log.err("uh oh, I was asked to abort")
class FakeClient:
"happy": 75,
"n": 100,
"max_segment_size": 1*MiB,
def __init__(self, mode="good", num_servers=50):
self.mode = mode
self.num_servers = num_servers
if mode == "some_big_some_small":
self.peers = []
for fakeid in range(num_servers):
if fakeid % 2:
self.peers.append( ("%20d" % fakeid,
FakeStorageServer("good")) )
self.peers.append( ("%20d" % fakeid,
FakeStorageServer("small")) )
self.peers = [ ("%20d"%fakeid, FakeStorageServer(self.mode),)
for fakeid in range(self.num_servers) ]
def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
def get_permuted_peers(self, storage_index, include_myself):
self.last_peers = [p[1] for p in self.peers]
return self.peers
def get_encoding_parameters(self):
def get_renewal_secret(self):
return ""
def get_cancel_secret(self):
return ""
class GiganticUploadable(upload.FileHandle):
def __init__(self, size):
self._size = size
self._fp = 0
def get_encryption_key(self):
return defer.succeed("\x00" * 16)
def get_size(self):
return defer.succeed(self._size)
def read(self, length):
left = self._size - self._fp
length = min(left, length)
self._fp += length
if self._fp > 1000000:
# terminate the test early.
raise RuntimeError("we shouldn't be allowed to get this far")
return defer.succeed(["\x00" * length])
def close(self):
DATA = """
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Buttercup. She lived
in a magical land where every file was stored securely among millions of
machines, and nobody ever worried about their data being lost ever again.
The End.
assert len(DATA) > upload.Uploader.URI_LIT_SIZE_THRESHOLD
def upload_data(uploader, data):
u = upload.Data(data, convergence=None)
return uploader.upload(u)
def upload_filename(uploader, filename):
u = upload.FileName(filename, convergence=None)
return uploader.upload(u)
def upload_filehandle(uploader, fh):
u = upload.FileHandle(fh, convergence=None)
return uploader.upload(u)
class GoodServer(unittest.TestCase, ShouldFailMixin):
def setUp(self):
self.node = FakeClient(mode="good")
self.u = upload.Uploader()
self.u.running = True
self.u.parent = self.node
def set_encoding_parameters(self, k, happy, n, max_segsize=1*MiB):
p = {"k": k,
"happy": happy,
"n": n,
"max_segment_size": max_segsize,
def _check_small(self, newuri, size):
u = IFileURI(newuri)
self.failUnless(isinstance(u, uri.LiteralFileURI))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(u.data), size)
def _check_large(self, newuri, size):
u = IFileURI(newuri)
self.failUnless(isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI))
self.failUnless(isinstance(u.storage_index, str))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(u.storage_index), 16)
self.failUnless(isinstance(u.key, str))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(u.key), 16)
self.failUnlessEqual(u.size, size)
def get_data(self, size):
return DATA[:size]
def test_too_large(self):
# we've removed the 4GiB share size limit (see ticket #346 for
# details), but still have an 8-byte field, so the limit is now
# 2**64, so make sure we reject files larger than that.
k = 3; happy = 7; n = 10
self.set_encoding_parameters(k, happy, n)
big = k*(2**64)
data1 = GiganticUploadable(big)
d = self.shouldFail(FileTooLargeError, "test_too_large-data1",
"This file is too large to be uploaded (data_size)",
self.u.upload, data1)
data2 = GiganticUploadable(big-3)
d.addCallback(lambda res:
"This file is too large to be uploaded (offsets)",
self.u.upload, data2))
# I don't know where the actual limit is.. it depends upon how large
# the hash trees wind up. It's somewhere close to k*4GiB-ln2(size).
return d
def test_data_zero(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_ZERO)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_ZERO)
return d
def test_data_small(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_SMALL)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_SMALL)
return d
def test_data_large(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
return d
def test_data_large_odd_segments(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
segsize = int(SIZE_LARGE / 2.5)
# we want 3 segments, since that's not a power of two
self.set_encoding_parameters(25, 75, 100, segsize)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
return d
def test_filehandle_zero(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_ZERO)
d = upload_filehandle(self.u, StringIO(data))
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_ZERO)
return d
def test_filehandle_small(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_SMALL)
d = upload_filehandle(self.u, StringIO(data))
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_SMALL)
return d
def test_filehandle_large(self):
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
d = upload_filehandle(self.u, StringIO(data))
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
return d
def test_filename_zero(self):
fn = "Uploader-test_filename_zero.data"
f = open(fn, "wb")
data = self.get_data(SIZE_ZERO)
d = upload_filename(self.u, fn)
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_ZERO)
return d
def test_filename_small(self):
fn = "Uploader-test_filename_small.data"
f = open(fn, "wb")
data = self.get_data(SIZE_SMALL)
d = upload_filename(self.u, fn)
d.addCallback(self._check_small, SIZE_SMALL)
return d
def test_filename_large(self):
fn = "Uploader-test_filename_large.data"
f = open(fn, "wb")
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
d = upload_filename(self.u, fn)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
return d
class FullServer(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.node = FakeClient(mode="full")
self.u = upload.Uploader()
self.u.running = True
self.u.parent = self.node
def _should_fail(self, f):
self.failUnless(isinstance(f, Failure) and f.check(NotEnoughSharesError), f)
def test_data_large(self):
data = DATA
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
return d
class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
def make_client(self, num_servers=50):
self.node = FakeClient(mode="good", num_servers=num_servers)
self.u = upload.Uploader()
self.u.running = True
self.u.parent = self.node
def get_data(self, size):
return DATA[:size]
def _check_large(self, newuri, size):
u = IFileURI(newuri)
self.failUnless(isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI))
self.failUnless(isinstance(u.storage_index, str))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(u.storage_index), 16)
self.failUnless(isinstance(u.key, str))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(u.key), 16)
self.failUnlessEqual(u.size, size)
def set_encoding_parameters(self, k, happy, n, max_segsize=1*MiB):
p = {"k": k,
"happy": happy,
"n": n,
"max_segment_size": max_segsize,
def test_one_each(self):
# if we have 50 shares, and there are 50 peers, and they all accept a
# share, we should get exactly one share per peer
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(25, 30, 50)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
for p in self.node.last_peers:
allocated = p.allocated
self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 1)
return d
def test_two_each(self):
# if we have 100 shares, and there are 50 peers, and they all accept
# all shares, we should get exactly two shares per peer
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(50, 75, 100)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
for p in self.node.last_peers:
allocated = p.allocated
self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
return d
def test_one_each_plus_one_extra(self):
# if we have 51 shares, and there are 50 peers, then one peer gets
# two shares and the rest get just one
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(24, 41, 51)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
got_one = []
got_two = []
for p in self.node.last_peers:
allocated = p.allocated
self.failUnless(len(allocated) in (1,2), len(allocated))
if len(allocated) == 1:
self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(got_one), 49)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(got_two), 1)
return d
def test_four_each(self):
# if we have 200 shares, and there are 50 peers, then each peer gets
# 4 shares. The design goal is to accomplish this with only two
# queries per peer.
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(100, 150, 200)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
for p in self.node.last_peers:
allocated = p.allocated
self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 4)
self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
return d
def test_three_of_ten(self):
# if we have 10 shares and 3 servers, I want to see 3+3+4 rather than
# 4+4+2
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(3, 5, 10)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
counts = {}
for p in self.node.last_peers:
allocated = p.allocated
counts[len(allocated)] = counts.get(len(allocated), 0) + 1
histogram = [counts.get(i, 0) for i in range(5)]
self.failUnlessEqual(histogram, [0,0,0,2,1])
return d
def test_some_big_some_small(self):
# 10 shares, 20 servers, but half the servers don't support a
# share-size large enough for our file
self.node = FakeClient(mode="some_big_some_small", num_servers=20)
self.u = upload.Uploader()
self.u.running = True
self.u.parent = self.node
data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
self.set_encoding_parameters(3, 5, 10)
d = upload_data(self.u, data)
d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
def _check(res):
# we should have put one share each on the big peers, and zero
# shares on the small peers
total_allocated = 0
for p in self.node.last_peers:
if p.mode == "good":
self.failUnlessEqual(len(p.allocated), 1)
elif p.mode == "small":
self.failUnlessEqual(len(p.allocated), 0)
total_allocated += len(p.allocated)
self.failUnlessEqual(total_allocated, 10)
return d
class StorageIndex(unittest.TestCase):
def test_params_must_matter(self):
DATA = "I am some data"
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="")
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d1 = eu.get_storage_index()
# CHK means the same data should encrypt the same way
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="")
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d1a = eu.get_storage_index()
# but if we use a different convergence string it should be different
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="wheee!")
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d1salt1 = eu.get_storage_index()
# and if we add yet a different convergence it should be different again
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="NOT wheee!")
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d1salt2 = eu.get_storage_index()
# and if we use the first string again it should be the same as last time
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="wheee!")
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d1salt1a = eu.get_storage_index()
# and if we change the encoding parameters, it should be different (from the same convergence string with different encoding parameters)
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="")
u.encoding_param_k = u.default_encoding_param_k + 1
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d2 = eu.get_storage_index()
# and if we use a random key, it should be different than the CHK
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence=None)
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d3 = eu.get_storage_index()
# and different from another instance
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence=None)
eu = upload.EncryptAnUploadable(u)
d4 = eu.get_storage_index()
d = DeferredListShouldSucceed([d1,d1a,d1salt1,d1salt2,d1salt1a,d2,d3,d4])
def _done(res):
si1, si1a, si1salt1, si1salt2, si1salt1a, si2, si3, si4 = res
self.failUnlessEqual(si1, si1a)
self.failIfEqual(si1, si2)
self.failIfEqual(si1, si3)
self.failIfEqual(si1, si4)
self.failIfEqual(si3, si4)
self.failIfEqual(si1salt1, si1)
self.failIfEqual(si1salt1, si1salt2)
self.failIfEqual(si1salt2, si1)
self.failUnlessEqual(si1salt1, si1salt1a)
return d
class EncodingParameters(SystemTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_configure_parameters(self):
self.basedir = self.mktemp()
DATA = "data" * 100
u = upload.Data(DATA, convergence="")
d = self.set_up_nodes()
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.clients[0].upload(u))
d.addCallback(lambda ur: self.clients[0].create_node_from_uri(ur.uri))
m = monitor.Monitor()
d.addCallback(lambda fn: fn.check(m))
def _check(cr):
data = cr.get_data()
self.failUnlessEqual(data["count-shares-needed"], 7)
self.failUnlessEqual(data["count-shares-expected"], 12)
return d
def _set_up_nodes_extra_config(self):
f = open(os.path.join(self.getdir("client0"), "tahoe.cfg"), "wt")
f.write("shares.needed = 7\n")
f.write("shares.total = 12\n")
# upload with exactly 75 peers (shares_of_happiness)
# have a download fail
# cancel a download (need to implement more cancel stuff)