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214 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env python
import random, math, re
from twisted.python import usage
class Args(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["mode", "m", "alpha", "validation scheme"],
["arity", "k", 2, "k (airty) for hash tree"],
def opt_arity(self, option):
self['arity'] = int(option)
def parseArgs(self, *args):
if len(args) > 0:
self['mode'] = args[0]
def charttest():
import gdchart
sizes = [random.randrange(10, 20) for i in range(10)]
x = gdchart.Line()
x.width = 250
x.height = 250
x.xtitle = "sample"
x.ytitle = "size"
x.title = "Example Graph"
#x.ext_color = [ "white", "yellow", "red", "blue", "green"]
#x.setLabels(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"])
class Sizes:
def __init__(self, mode, file_size, arity=2):
self.mode = mode
self.file_size = file_size
self.seg_size = seg_size = 1.0 * min(MAX_SEGSIZE, file_size)
self.num_segs = num_segs = math.ceil(file_size / seg_size)
self.num_blocks = num_blocks = num_segs
self.num_shares = num_shares = 10
self.shares_needed = shares_needed = 3
self.block_size = block_size = seg_size / shares_needed
self.share_size = share_size = block_size * num_blocks
# none of this includes the share-level hash chain yet, since that is
# only a function of the number of shares. All overhead numbers
# assume that the share-level hash chain has already been sent,
# including the root of the block-level hash tree.
if mode == "alpha":
# no hash tree at all
self.block_arity = 0
self.block_tree_depth = 0
self.block_overhead = 0
self.bytes_until_some_data = 20 + share_size
self.share_storage_overhead = 0
self.share_transmission_overhead = 0
elif mode == "beta":
# k=num_blocks, d=1
# each block has a 20-byte hash
self.block_arity = num_blocks
self.block_tree_depth = 1
self.block_overhead = 20
# the share has a list of hashes, one for each block
self.share_storage_overhead = (self.block_overhead *
# we can get away with not sending the hash of the share that
# we're sending in full, once
self.share_transmission_overhead = self.share_storage_overhead - 20
# we must get the whole list (so it can be validated) before
# any data can be validated
self.bytes_until_some_data = (self.share_transmission_overhead +
elif mode == "gamma":
self.block_arity = k = arity
d = math.ceil(math.log(num_blocks, k))
self.block_tree_depth = d
num_leaves = k ** d
# to make things easier, we make the pessimistic assumption that
# we have to store hashes for all the empty places in the tree
# (when the number of shares is not an exact exponent of k)
self.block_overhead = 20
# the block hashes are organized into a k-ary tree, which
# means storing (and eventually transmitting) more hashes. This
# count includes all the low-level share hashes and the root.
hash_nodes = (num_leaves*k - 1) / (k - 1)
#print "hash_depth", d
#print "num_leaves", num_leaves
#print "hash_nodes", hash_nodes
# the storage overhead is this
self.share_storage_overhead = 20 * (hash_nodes - 1)
# the transmission overhead is smaller: if we actually transmit
# every block, we don't have to transmit 1/k of the
# lowest-level block hashes, and we don't have to transmit the
# root because it was already sent with the share-level hash tree
self.share_transmission_overhead = 20 * (hash_nodes
- 1 # the root
- num_leaves / k)
# we must get a full sibling hash chain before we can validate
# any data
sibling_length = d * (k-1)
self.bytes_until_some_data = 20 * sibling_length + block_size
raise ValueError("unknown mode '%s" % mode)
self.storage_overhead = self.share_storage_overhead * num_shares
self.storage_overhead_percentage = 100.0 * self.storage_overhead / file_size
def dump(self):
for k in ("mode", "file_size", "seg_size",
"num_segs", "num_blocks", "num_shares", "shares_needed",
"block_size", "share_size",
"block_arity", "block_tree_depth",
"share_storage_overhead", "share_transmission_overhead",
"storage_overhead", "storage_overhead_percentage",
print k, getattr(self, k)
def fmt(num, trim=False):
if num < KiB:
#s = str(num) + "#"
s = "%.2f#" % num
elif num < MiB:
s = "%.2fk" % (num / KiB)
elif num < GiB:
s = "%.2fM" % (num / MiB)
elif num < TiB:
s = "%.2fG" % (num / GiB)
elif num < PiB:
s = "%.2fT" % (num / TiB)
s = "big"
if trim:
s = re.sub(r'(\.0+)([kMGT#])',
lambda m: m.group(2),
s = re.sub(r'(\.0+)([kMGT#])',
lambda m: (" "*len(m.group(1))+m.group(2)),
if s.endswith("#"):
s = s[:-1] + " "
return s
def text():
opts = Args()
mode = opts["mode"]
arity = opts["arity"]
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
print "mode=%s" % mode, " arity=%d" % arity
print " storage storage"
print "Size sharesize overhead overhead k d alacrity"
print " (bytes) (%)"
print "------- ------- -------- -------- ---- -- --------"
#sizes = [2 ** i for i in range(7, 41)]
radix = math.sqrt(10); expstep = 2
radix = 2; expstep = 2
#radix = 10; expstep = 1
maxexp = int(math.ceil(math.log(1e12, radix)))+2
sizes = [radix ** i for i in range(2,maxexp,expstep)]
for file_size in sizes:
s = Sizes(mode, file_size, arity)
out = ""
out += "%7s " % fmt(file_size, trim=True)
out += "%7s " % fmt(s.share_size)
out += "%8s" % fmt(s.storage_overhead)
out += "%10.2f " % s.storage_overhead_percentage
out += " %4d" % int(s.block_arity)
out += " %2d" % int(s.block_tree_depth)
out += " %8s" % fmt(s.bytes_until_some_data)
print out
def graph():
# doesn't work yet
import Gnuplot
opts = Args()
mode = opts["mode"]
arity = opts["arity"]
g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1)
g.title("overhead / alacrity tradeoffs")
g.xlabel("file size")
sizes = [2 ** i for i in range(7, 32)]
series = {"overhead": {}, "alacrity": {}}
for file_size in sizes:
s = Sizes(mode, file_size, arity)
series["overhead"][file_size] = s.storage_overhead_percentage
series["alacrity"][file_size] = s.bytes_until_some_data
g.plot([ (fs, series["overhead"][fs])
for fs in sizes ])
raw_input("press return")
if __name__ == '__main__':