109 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# copy .rrd files from a remote munin master host, sum the 'df' stats from a
# list of hosts, use them to estimate a rate-of-change for the past month,
# then extrapolate to guess how many weeks/months/years of storage space we
# have left, and output it to another munin graph
import sys, os, time
import rrdtool
MUNIN_HOST = "munin.allmydata.com"
PREFIX = "%s:/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" % MUNIN_HOST
FILES = [ "prodtahoe%d.allmydata.com-df-_dev_sd%s3-g.rrd" % (a,b)
for a in (1,2,3,4,5)
for b in ("a", "b", "c", "d")
LOCALFILES = ["/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" + f for f in FILES ]
WEBFILE = "/var/www/tahoe/spacetime.json"
def rsync_rrd():
# copy the RRD files from your munin master host to a local one
cmd = "rsync %s rrds/" % (" ".join(REMOTEFILES))
rc = os.system(cmd)
assert rc == 0, rc
def format_time(t):
return time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M", time.localtime(t))
def predict_future(past_s):
start_df = []
end_df = []
durations = []
for fn in LOCALFILES:
d = rrdtool.fetch(fn, "AVERAGE", "-s", "-"+past_s, "-e", "-1hr")
# ((start, end, step), (name1, name2, ...), [(data1, data2, ..), ...])
(start_time, end_time ,step) = d[0]
#print format_time(start_time), " - ", format_time(end_time), step
names = d[1]
#for points in d[2]:
# point = points[0]
# print point
start_space = d[2][0][0]
if start_space is None:
return None
# I don't know why, but the last few points are always bogus. Running
# 'rrdtool fetch' on the command line is usually ok.. I blame the python
# bindinds.
end_space = d[2][-4][0]
if end_space is None:
return None
end_time = end_time - (4*step)
durations.append(end_time - start_time)
avg_start_df = sum(start_df) / len(start_df)
avg_end_df = sum(end_df) / len(end_df)
avg_duration = sum(durations) / len(durations)
#print avg_start_df, avg_end_df, avg_duration
rate = (avg_end_df - avg_start_df) / avg_duration
#print "Rate", rate, " %/s"
#print "measured over", avg_duration / 86400, "days"
remaining = 100 - avg_end_df
remaining_seconds = remaining / rate
#print "remaining seconds", remaining_seconds
remaining_days = remaining_seconds / 86400
#print "remaining days", remaining_days
return remaining_days
def write_to_file(samples):
# write a JSON-formatted dictionary
f = open(WEBFILE + ".tmp", "w")
f.write("{ ")
f.write(", ".join(['"%s": %s' % (k, samples[k])
for k in sorted(samples.keys())]))
os.rename(WEBFILE + ".tmp", WEBFILE)
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
print """\
graph_title Tahoe Remaining Space Predictor
graph_vlabel days remaining
graph_category tahoe
graph_info This graph shows the estimated number of days left until storage space is exhausted
days_2wk.label days left (2wk sample)
days_2wk.draw LINE2
days_4wk.label days left (4wk sample)
days_4wk.draw LINE2"""
samples = {}
remaining_4wk = predict_future("4wk")
if remaining_4wk is not None:
print "days_4wk.value", remaining_4wk
samples["remaining_4wk"] = remaining_4wk
remaining_2wk = predict_future("2wk")
if remaining_2wk is not None:
print "days_2wk.value", remaining_2wk
samples["remaining_2wk"] = remaining_2wk