Ross Patterson 362c121426 feat(py3): Convert unicode-only modules to str
Modules that reference `unicode` but do *not* reference `str` can safely be converted to
use `str` in a way that's closest to the way it should be done under Python 3 but that
is still Python 2 compatible [per

This change results in 4 additional tests passing under Python 3 that weren't before,
one previous test error is now a failure, and more coverage in a few modules.  Here's
the diff of the output from running all tests under Python 3 before these changes and
after.  I've elided the irrelevant changes (time stamps, object ids, etc.):

--- .tox/make-test-py3-all-old.log	2020-09-27 20:56:55.761691130 -0700
+++ .tox/make-test-py3-all-new.log	2020-09-27 20:58:16.242075678 -0700
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@@ -4218,7 +4218,7 @@
 (#.### secs)
 allmydata.test.mutable.test_version.Version.test_download_version ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/mutable/", line 274, in test_download_version
+  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/mutable/", line 279, in test_download_version
     d = self.publish_multiple()
   File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/mutable/", line 372, in publish_multiple
     self._nodemaker = make_nodemaker(self._storage)
@@ -4438,40 +4438,26 @@
 allmydata.test.test_abbreviate.Abbreviate.test_time ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
 allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_authenticated ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+Failure: twisted.cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin:
 (#.### secs)
 allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_missing_signature ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/.tox/py36-coverage/lib/python3.6/site-packages/twisted/trial/", line 75, in _eb
+    raise self.failureException(output)
+Expected: (<class 'twisted.conch.error.ValidPublicKey'>,)
+[Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin'>:
 (#.### secs)
-allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_password_auth_user ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_password_auth_user ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
-allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_unknown_user ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_unknown_user ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
-allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_unrecognized_key ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_unrecognized_key ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
-allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_wrong_signature ... Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/rpatterson/src/work/sfu/tahoe-lafs/src/allmydata/test/", line 42, in setUp
-    abspath = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(self.account_file.path))
-builtins.NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined
+allmydata.test.test_auth.AccountFileCheckerKeyTests.test_wrong_signature ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
 allmydata.test.test_backupdb.BackupDB.test_basic ... [OK]
 (#.### secs)
@@ -4615,7 +4601,7 @@
 src/allmydata/crypto/                            12      2      4      2    75%   13, 32, 12->13, 30->32
 src/allmydata/                             83     63     26      0    18%   27-52, 56-58, 62-82, 86-91, 94, 97, 103-114, 117-121, 125-131, 135
 src/allmydata/                               525    420    178      0    15%   70-103, 112-116, 119-135, 140-143, 146-160, 165-173, 176-177, 180-205, 208-217, 223-229, 248-286, 293-299, 302, 310, 315, 318-324, 327-332, 336-340, 344-346, 355-406, 410, 413, 416, 419, 422, 425, 428, 431-433, 436, 439, 442, 445, 448-450, 453, 457, 459, 464, 469-472, 475-478, 481-484, 489-492, 498-501, 504-507, 510-518, 530-532, 539-555, 558-566, 570-589, 600-610, 613-620, 628-641, 646-652, 657-678, 693-714, 752-761, 765-770, 774-812, 819-820, 825, 828, 831, 836-839, 842-849, 852-853, 862-877, 880-881, 884-891, 894, 897-899
-src/allmydata/frontends/                        100     71     28      0    26%   21-22, 30-48, 51, 54-56, 59-70, 80-87, 100-110, 117-118, 121, 124-142, 147-150, 156-159
+src/allmydata/frontends/                        100     52     28      4    47%   21-22, 38, 41-44, 51, 54-56, 65-70, 80-87, 106-108, 117-118, 121, 124-142, 147-150, 156-159, 37->38, 40->41, 59->65, 101->106
 src/allmydata/frontends/                        255    254     84      0     1%   4-337
 src/allmydata/frontends/                      1211   1208    488      0     1%   4-2014
 src/allmydata/                              174    135     72      1    16%   59, 75-78, 106-108, 114-117, 123-126, 132-136, 142-149, 152-162, 165-169, 172, 175, 180, 183, 186, 218-232, 259-262, 295-306, 320-323, 326-331, 384-484, 58->59
@@ -4653,7 +4639,7 @@
 src/allmydata/scripts/                          51     31      2      0    38%   9-14, 17-21, 25, 28, 31-37, 40-46, 56-57, 59, 61-66, 74-78
 src/allmydata/scripts/                      146     91     14      1    36%   84-91, 94-96, 99, 103, 106, 111-114, 117-119, 122, 125, 128, 176-221, 231-242, 245-263, 266-272, 308-324, 327-333, 336-341, 306->308
 src/allmydata/scripts/                           259    124     46      6    46%   25-49, 69-72, 79-81, 103, 142-146, 175, 221-222, 258, 265-266, 284-285, 330-331, 338-341, 346-355, 361-362, 366-373, 388, 405, 417, 432, 449, 479-481, 484-486, 489-491, 494-496, 499-501, 504-515, 518-520, 523-525, 528-530, 533, 536-538, 541-543, 546-548, 551-553, 556-558, 561-563, 566-568, 571-573, 576-577, 60->exit, 61->exit, 174->175, 180->exit, 181->exit, 219->221
-src/allmydata/scripts/                        153     74     60      4    48%   64, 82, 88, 100, 114-126, 130-152, 159-163, 168-169, 172, 177, 191-236, 240-241, 47->49, 63->64, 79->82, 87->88
+src/allmydata/scripts/                        154     74     60      4    49%   69, 87, 93, 105, 119-131, 135-157, 164-168, 173-174, 177, 182, 196-241, 245-246, 52->54, 68->69, 84->87, 92->93
 src/allmydata/scripts/                    77     58     20      0    20%   15-30, 34-36, 38, 42-83, 87, 90, 94-96, 101
 src/allmydata/scripts/                   302    185    114      8    30%   24, 61-96, 99-111, 114-128, 136-139, 169-174, 191-194, 205-208, 224-229, 235, 242, 256-278, 289-292, 295-298, 329, 339, 347-380, 385-445, 448-450, 455-477, 223->224, 234->235, 241->242, 252->256, 288->289, 294->295, 328->329, 338->339
 src/allmydata/scripts/                         719    638    202      0     9%   14, 31-32, 35-49, 52-60, 63-142, 146-154, 157-164, 168-217, 220-304, 307-401, 407, 417, 437-465, 468-485, 488-602, 606, 609-611, 637-648, 653-656, 659, 683-689, 692-810, 813-842, 845-848, 851-865, 869, 888, 891-940, 946, 949-950, 957, 960-961, 967-972, 984-985, 999-1000, 1003-1004, 1020-1021, 1025-1031, 1046-1050
@@ -4661,10 +4647,10 @@
 src/allmydata/scripts/                    135     18     24      6    85%   37, 41-46, 59-60, 149, 158, 192-193, 216-220, 226-227, 55->62, 135->exit, 135->exit, 148->149, 191->192, 225->226
 src/allmydata/scripts/                        138     53     42     11    56%   84-85, 91, 97-99, 104, 114, 123-132, 140, 146, 149-160, 174-181, 186, 189-190, 204-232, 248, 255, 31->36, 103->104, 113->114, 139->140, 145->146, 147->149, 185->186, 188->189, 202->204, 247->248, 254->255
 src/allmydata/scripts/                 69     56     22      0    14%   15-44, 47-52, 55-61, 64-83
-src/allmydata/scripts/                 41     25     10      0    31%   20-25, 62-86
+src/allmydata/scripts/                 42     25     10      0    33%   25-30, 67-91
 src/allmydata/scripts/               106     91     30      0    11%   20-32, 35-59, 63-98, 102-111, 115-144
 src/allmydata/scripts/                  331    267     85      0    15%   20-35, 38-51, 54-58, 71-73, 76-152, 155-157, 160-161, 164-174, 178-209, 212-242, 246-274, 278-279, 287-311, 322-331, 336, 339, 342-351, 356, 359, 362-367, 372-374, 379, 384, 389, 398, 417-425, 428, 431-461, 469-480, 483-486, 500-504, 511-512, 525, 538-542, 545-549, 552-555, 558-561, 564, 571, 578, 586-594
-src/allmydata/scripts/                   263    235    121      0     7%   15, 20-100, 103-112, 120-129, 132-167, 170-173, 179-192, 195-256, 259-270, 277-323, 327-336, 339
+src/allmydata/scripts/                   264    235    121      0     8%   20, 25-105, 108-117, 125-134, 137-172, 175-178, 184-197, 200-261, 264-275, 282-328, 332-341, 344
 src/allmydata/scripts/                      602    503    226      0    12%   22, 26, 30-31, 34-37, 40-41, 44-47, 50-53, 56-60, 63-70, 75-77, 80, 83, 86, 90-91, 94, 98-99, 102, 106-111, 114, 117-134, 138-142, 145-159, 162-172, 175-177, 180, 185-189, 192, 195-197, 200-203, 206, 210-214, 218-223, 230-233, 236, 239-253, 256-263, 266-297, 303, 307-309, 316, 320-323, 326-333, 336-350, 354-358, 361-397, 403-413, 416-433, 436-437, 440-454, 465-496, 504-580, 583, 589-630, 636-689, 693-698, 701-703, 706-719, 723-762, 765-775, 778-806, 810-818, 821-838, 842, 845-857, 862-863, 867
 src/allmydata/scripts/                      37     32     12      0    10%   9-45
 src/allmydata/scripts/                   59     41      8      0    27%   27-31, 36-71, 76-101
@@ -4679,7 +4665,7 @@
 src/allmydata/scripts/                     60     47     10      0    19%   16, 24-84
 src/allmydata/scripts/                   28     23      6      0    15%   12-40
 src/allmydata/scripts/                  27     24     12      0     8%   7-31
-src/allmydata/                                 242    156     54      3    33%   28-34, 37-40, 43-47, 50-64, 67-72, 101, 104-110, 113-125, 144-146, 154-155, 160-163, 169-174, 178-187, 191, 200-207, 210, 213-219, 222-228, 232-234, 237, 241, 246-250, 253, 256-257, 263-278, 281-285, 288-293, 299-325, 100->101, 143->144, 153->154
+src/allmydata/                                 242    156     54      3    33%   29-35, 38-41, 44-48, 51-65, 68-73, 102, 105-111, 114-126, 145-147, 155-156, 161-164, 170-175, 179-188, 192, 201-208, 211, 214-220, 223-229, 233-235, 238, 242, 247-251, 254, 257-258, 264-279, 282-286, 289-294, 300-326, 101->102, 144->145, 154->155
 src/allmydata/storage/                         24      2      4      2    86%   11, 28, 10->11, 36->39
 src/allmydata/storage/                       222    125     64      6    37%   16, 90, 111-113, 148-178, 192-193, 231, 244, 251, 275-312, 315-363, 377-384, 393, 416, 428, 445, 453, 488-492, 495-508, 13->16, 89->90, 96->99, 228->231, 248->251, 268->271
 src/allmydata/storage/                       240    183     81      2    21%   9, 74-79, 119, 122, 125-167, 171-233, 236-253, 256-261, 264-266, 269-274, 280-284, 288-322, 388-435, 7->9, 71->74
@@ -4748,7 +4734,7 @@
 src/allmydata/windows/                        133    133     54      0     0%   1-237
 src/allmydata/windows/                       42     42     12      0     0%   1-77
-TOTAL                                                27427  20411   8234    294    22%
+TOTAL                                                27430  20392   8234    298    22%

 18 files skipped due to complete coverage.
 + '[' '!' -z 1 ']'

Trac: refs #3448,
2020-09-30 08:47:02 -07:00
2020-09-14 07:38:54 -04:00
2020-07-28 13:00:44 -04:00
2018-05-29 13:17:32 -06:00
2015-07-17 22:12:25 +01:00
2018-04-26 15:41:38 -04:00
2018-05-18 14:41:48 -06:00
2020-03-11 18:41:32 -06:00
2020-07-07 09:19:30 -04:00
2020-02-07 09:27:02 -05:00
2019-03-21 15:00:02 -04:00


Tahoe-LAFS is a Free and Open decentralized cloud storage system. It distributes your data across multiple servers. Even if some of the servers fail or are taken over by an attacker, the entire file store continues to function correctly, preserving your privacy and security.

For full documentation, please see .

code of conduct documentation status build status circleci test coverage percentage


There are three ways to install Tahoe-LAFS.

using OS packages

Pre-packaged versions are available for several operating systems:

  • Debian and Ubuntu users can apt-get install tahoe-lafs
  • NixOS, NetBSD (pkgsrc), ArchLinux, Slackware, and Gentoo have packages available, see OSPackages for details
  • Mac and Windows installers are in development.

via pip

If you don't use an OS package, you'll need Python 2.7 and pip. You may also need a C compiler, and the development headers for python, libffi, and OpenSSL. On a Debian-like system, use apt-get install build-essential python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev python-virtualenv. On Windows, see docs/windows.rst.

Then, to install the most recent release, just run:

  • pip install tahoe-lafs

from source

To install from source (either so you can hack on it, or just to run pre-release code), you should create a virtualenv and install into that:

  • git clone
  • cd tahoe-lafs
  • virtualenv --python=python2.7 venv
  • venv/bin/pip install --upgrade setuptools
  • venv/bin/pip install --editable .
  • venv/bin/tahoe --version

To run the unit test suite:

  • tox

You can pass arguments to trial with an environment variable. For example, you can run the test suite on multiple cores to speed it up:


For more detailed instructions, read docs/INSTALL.rst .

Once tahoe --version works, see docs/running.rst to learn how to set up your first Tahoe-LAFS node.


Copyright 2006-2018 The Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation

You may use this package under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or, at your option, any later version. You may use this package under the Transitive Grace Period Public Licence, version 1.0, or at your option, any later version. (You may choose to use this package under the terms of either licence, at your option.) See the file COPYING.GPL for the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. See the file COPYING.TGPPL for the terms of the Transitive Grace Period Public Licence, version 1.0.

See TGPPL.PDF for why the TGPPL exists, graphically illustrated on three slides.

The Tahoe-LAFS decentralized secure filesystem.
Readme 91 MiB
Python 98.1%
HTML 0.9%
Nix 0.3%
Shell 0.3%
Makefile 0.2%
Other 0.1%