mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 08:48:01 +00:00
Also fix the relevant "make clean" target behavior.
780 lines
28 KiB
780 lines
28 KiB
"""PyPI and direct package downloading"""
import sys, os.path, re, urlparse, urllib2, shutil, random, socket, cStringIO
import httplib, urllib
from pkg_resources import *
from distutils import log
from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
from fnmatch import translate
EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.]+)$')
HREF = re.compile("""href\\s*=\\s*['"]?([^'"> ]+)""", re.I)
# this is here to fix emacs' cruddy broken syntax highlighting
PYPI_MD5 = re.compile(
'<a href="([^"#]+)">([^<]+)</a>\n\s+\\(<a (?:title="MD5 hash"\n\s+)'
URL_SCHEME = re.compile('([-+.a-z0-9]{2,}):',re.I).match
EXTENSIONS = ".tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tar .zip .tgz".split()
__all__ = [
'PackageIndex', 'distros_for_url', 'parse_bdist_wininst',
def parse_bdist_wininst(name):
"""Return (base,pyversion) or (None,None) for possible .exe name"""
lower = name.lower()
base, py_ver = None, None
if lower.endswith('.exe'):
if lower.endswith('.win32.exe'):
base = name[:-10]
elif lower.startswith('.win32-py',-16):
py_ver = name[-7:-4]
base = name[:-16]
return base,py_ver
def egg_info_for_url(url):
scheme, server, path, parameters, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)
base = urllib2.unquote(path.split('/')[-1])
if server=='sourceforge.net' and base=='download': # XXX Yuck
base = urllib2.unquote(path.split('/')[-2])
if '#' in base: base, fragment = base.split('#',1)
return base,fragment
def distros_for_url(url, metadata=None):
"""Yield egg or source distribution objects that might be found at a URL"""
base, fragment = egg_info_for_url(url)
for dist in distros_for_location(url, base, metadata): yield dist
if fragment:
match = EGG_FRAGMENT.match(fragment)
if match:
for dist in interpret_distro_name(
url, match.group(1), metadata, precedence = CHECKOUT_DIST
yield dist
def distros_for_location(location, basename, metadata=None):
"""Yield egg or source distribution objects based on basename"""
if basename.endswith('.egg.zip'):
basename = basename[:-4] # strip the .zip
if basename.endswith('.egg') and '-' in basename:
# only one, unambiguous interpretation
return [Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata)]
if basename.endswith('.exe'):
win_base, py_ver = parse_bdist_wininst(basename)
if win_base is not None:
return interpret_distro_name(
location, win_base, metadata, py_ver, BINARY_DIST, "win32"
# Try source distro extensions (.zip, .tgz, etc.)
for ext in EXTENSIONS:
if basename.endswith(ext):
basename = basename[:-len(ext)]
return interpret_distro_name(location, basename, metadata)
return [] # no extension matched
def distros_for_filename(filename, metadata=None):
"""Yield possible egg or source distribution objects based on a filename"""
return distros_for_location(
normalize_path(filename), os.path.basename(filename), metadata
def interpret_distro_name(location, basename, metadata,
py_version=None, precedence=SOURCE_DIST, platform=None
"""Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name
Note: if `location` is a filesystem filename, you should call
``pkg_resources.normalize_path()`` on it before passing it to this
# Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name
# Because some packages are ambiguous as to name/versions split
# e.g. "adns-python-1.1.0", "egenix-mx-commercial", etc.
# So, we generate each possible interepretation (e.g. "adns, python-1.1.0"
# "adns-python, 1.1.0", and "adns-python-1.1.0, no version"). In practice,
# the spurious interpretations should be ignored, because in the event
# there's also an "adns" package, the spurious "python-1.1.0" version will
# compare lower than any numeric version number, and is therefore unlikely
# to match a request for it. It's still a potential problem, though, and
# in the long run PyPI and the distutils should go for "safe" names and
# versions in distribution archive names (sdist and bdist).
parts = basename.split('-')
if not py_version:
for i,p in enumerate(parts[2:]):
if len(p)==5 and p.startswith('py2.'):
return # It's a bdist_dumb, not an sdist -- bail out
for p in range(1,len(parts)+1):
yield Distribution(
location, metadata, '-'.join(parts[:p]), '-'.join(parts[p:]),
py_version=py_version, precedence = precedence,
platform = platform
REL = re.compile("""<([^>]*\srel\s*=\s*['"]?([^'">]+)[^>]*)>""", re.I)
# this line is here to fix emacs' cruddy broken syntax highlighting
def find_external_links(url, page):
"""Find rel="homepage" and rel="download" links in `page`, yielding URLs"""
for match in REL.finditer(page):
tag, rel = match.groups()
rels = map(str.strip, rel.lower().split(','))
if 'homepage' in rels or 'download' in rels:
for match in HREF.finditer(tag):
yield urlparse.urljoin(url, htmldecode(match.group(1)))
for tag in ("<th>Home Page", "<th>Download URL"):
pos = page.find(tag)
if pos!=-1:
match = HREF.search(page,pos)
if match:
yield urlparse.urljoin(url, htmldecode(match.group(1)))
user_agent = "Python-urllib/%s setuptools/%s" % (
urllib2.__version__, require('setuptools')[0].version
class PackageIndex(Environment):
"""A distribution index that scans web pages for download URLs"""
def __init__(self, index_url="http://pypi.python.org/simple", hosts=('*',),
*args, **kw
self.index_url = index_url + "/"[:not index_url.endswith('/')]
self.scanned_urls = {}
self.fetched_urls = {}
self.package_pages = {}
self.allows = re.compile('|'.join(map(translate,hosts))).match
self.to_scan = []
def process_url(self, url, retrieve=False):
"""Evaluate a URL as a possible download, and maybe retrieve it"""
if url in self.scanned_urls and not retrieve:
self.scanned_urls[url] = True
if not URL_SCHEME(url):
dists = list(distros_for_url(url))
if dists:
if not self.url_ok(url):
self.debug("Found link: %s", url)
if dists or not retrieve or url in self.fetched_urls:
map(self.add, dists)
return # don't need the actual page
if not self.url_ok(url):
self.fetched_urls[url] = True
self.info("Reading %s", url)
self.fetched_urls[url] = True # prevent multiple fetch attempts
f = self.open_url(url, "Download error: %s -- Some packages may not be found!")
if f is None: return
self.fetched_urls[f.url] = True
if 'html' not in f.headers.get('content-type', '').lower():
f.close() # not html, we can't process it
base = f.url # handle redirects
page = f.read()
if url.startswith(self.index_url) and getattr(f,'code',None)!=404:
page = self.process_index(url, page)
for match in HREF.finditer(page):
link = urlparse.urljoin(base, htmldecode(match.group(1)))
def process_filename(self, fn, nested=False):
# process filenames or directories
if not os.path.exists(fn):
self.warn("Not found: %s", fn)
if os.path.isdir(fn) and not nested:
path = os.path.realpath(fn)
for item in os.listdir(path):
self.process_filename(os.path.join(path,item), True)
dists = distros_for_filename(fn)
if dists:
self.debug("Found: %s", fn)
map(self.add, dists)
def url_ok(self, url, fatal=False):
s = URL_SCHEME(url)
if (s and s.group(1).lower()=='file') or self.allows(urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]):
return True
msg = "\nLink to % s ***BLOCKED*** by --allow-hosts\n"
if fatal:
raise DistutilsError(msg % url)
self.warn(msg, url)
def scan_egg_links(self, search_path):
for item in search_path:
if os.path.isdir(item):
for entry in os.listdir(item):
if entry.endswith('.egg-link'):
self.scan_egg_link(item, entry)
def scan_egg_link(self, path, entry):
lines = filter(None, map(str.strip, file(os.path.join(path, entry))))
if len(lines)==2:
for dist in find_distributions(os.path.join(path, lines[0])):
dist.location = os.path.join(path, *lines)
dist.precedence = SOURCE_DIST
def process_index(self,url,page):
"""Process the contents of a PyPI page"""
def scan(link):
# Process a URL to see if it's for a package page
if link.startswith(self.index_url):
parts = map(
urllib2.unquote, link[len(self.index_url):].split('/')
if len(parts)==2 and '#' not in parts[1]:
# it's a package page, sanitize and index it
pkg = safe_name(parts[0])
ver = safe_version(parts[1])
self.package_pages.setdefault(pkg.lower(),{})[link] = True
return to_filename(pkg), to_filename(ver)
return None, None
# process an index page into the package-page index
for match in HREF.finditer(page):
scan( urlparse.urljoin(url, htmldecode(match.group(1))) )
pkg, ver = scan(url) # ensure this page is in the page index
if pkg:
# process individual package page
for new_url in find_external_links(url, page):
# Process the found URL
base, frag = egg_info_for_url(new_url)
if base.endswith('.py') and not frag:
if ver:
new_url+='#egg=%s-%s' % (pkg,ver)
return PYPI_MD5.sub(
lambda m: '<a href="%s#md5=%s">%s</a>' % m.group(1,3,2), page
return "" # no sense double-scanning non-package pages
def need_version_info(self, url):
"Page at %s links to .py file(s) without version info; an index "
"scan is required.", url
def scan_all(self, msg=None, *args):
if self.index_url not in self.fetched_urls:
if msg: self.warn(msg,*args)
"Scanning index of all packages (this may take a while)"
def find_packages(self, requirement):
self.scan_url(self.index_url + requirement.unsafe_name+'/')
if not self.package_pages.get(requirement.key):
# Fall back to safe version of the name
self.scan_url(self.index_url + requirement.project_name+'/')
if not self.package_pages.get(requirement.key):
# We couldn't find the target package, so search the index page too
for url in list(self.package_pages.get(requirement.key,())):
# scan each page that might be related to the desired package
def obtain(self, requirement, installer=None):
self.prescan(); self.find_packages(requirement)
for dist in self[requirement.key]:
if dist in requirement:
return dist
self.debug("%s does not match %s", requirement, dist)
return super(PackageIndex, self).obtain(requirement,installer)
def check_md5(self, cs, info, filename, tfp):
if re.match('md5=[0-9a-f]{32}$', info):
self.debug("Validating md5 checksum for %s", filename)
if cs.hexdigest()!=info[4:]:
raise DistutilsError(
"MD5 validation failed for "+os.path.basename(filename)+
"; possible download problem?"
def add_find_links(self, urls):
"""Add `urls` to the list that will be prescanned for searches"""
for url in urls:
if (
self.to_scan is None # if we have already "gone online"
or not URL_SCHEME(url) # or it's a local file/directory
or url.startswith('file:')
or list(distros_for_url(url)) # or a direct package link
# then go ahead and process it now
# otherwise, defer retrieval till later
def prescan(self):
"""Scan urls scheduled for prescanning (e.g. --find-links)"""
if self.to_scan:
map(self.scan_url, self.to_scan)
self.to_scan = None # from now on, go ahead and process immediately
def not_found_in_index(self, requirement):
if self[requirement.key]: # we've seen at least one distro
meth, msg = self.info, "Couldn't retrieve index page for %r"
else: # no distros seen for this name, might be misspelled
meth, msg = (self.warn,
"Couldn't find index page for %r (maybe misspelled?)")
meth(msg, requirement.unsafe_name)
def download(self, spec, tmpdir):
"""Locate and/or download `spec` to `tmpdir`, returning a local path
`spec` may be a ``Requirement`` object, or a string containing a URL,
an existing local filename, or a project/version requirement spec
(i.e. the string form of a ``Requirement`` object). If it is the URL
of a .py file with an unambiguous ``#egg=name-version`` tag (i.e., one
that escapes ``-`` as ``_`` throughout), a trivial ``setup.py`` is
automatically created alongside the downloaded file.
If `spec` is a ``Requirement`` object or a string containing a
project/version requirement spec, this method returns the location of
a matching distribution (possibly after downloading it to `tmpdir`).
If `spec` is a locally existing file or directory name, it is simply
returned unchanged. If `spec` is a URL, it is downloaded to a subpath
of `tmpdir`, and the local filename is returned. Various errors may be
raised if a problem occurs during downloading.
if not isinstance(spec,Requirement):
scheme = URL_SCHEME(spec)
if scheme:
# It's a url, download it to tmpdir
found = self._download_url(scheme.group(1), spec, tmpdir)
base, fragment = egg_info_for_url(spec)
if base.endswith('.py'):
found = self.gen_setup(found,fragment,tmpdir)
return found
elif os.path.exists(spec):
# Existing file or directory, just return it
return spec
spec = Requirement.parse(spec)
except ValueError:
raise DistutilsError(
"Not a URL, existing file, or requirement spec: %r" %
return getattr(self.fetch_distribution(spec, tmpdir),'location',None)
def fetch_distribution(self,
requirement, tmpdir, force_scan=False, source=False, develop_ok=False,
"""Obtain a distribution suitable for fulfilling `requirement`
`requirement` must be a ``pkg_resources.Requirement`` instance.
If necessary, or if the `force_scan` flag is set, the requirement is
searched for in the (online) package index as well as the locally
installed packages. If a distribution matching `requirement` is found,
the returned distribution's ``location`` is the value you would have
gotten from calling the ``download()`` method with the matching
distribution's URL or filename. If no matching distribution is found,
``None`` is returned.
If the `source` flag is set, only source distributions and source
checkout links will be considered. Unless the `develop_ok` flag is
set, development and system eggs (i.e., those using the ``.egg-info``
format) will be ignored.
# process a Requirement
self.info("Searching for %s", requirement)
skipped = {}
dist = None
def find(env, req):
# Find a matching distribution; may be called more than once
for dist in env[req.key]:
if dist.precedence==DEVELOP_DIST and not develop_ok:
if dist not in skipped:
self.warn("Skipping development or system egg: %s",dist)
skipped[dist] = 1
if dist in req and (dist.precedence<=SOURCE_DIST or not source):
return dist
if force_scan:
dist = find(self, requirement)
if local_index is not None:
dist = dist or find(local_index, requirement)
if dist is None and self.to_scan is not None:
dist = find(self, requirement)
if dist is None and not force_scan:
dist = find(self, requirement)
if dist is None:
"No local packages or download links found for %s%s",
(source and "a source distribution of " or ""),
self.info("Best match: %s", dist)
return dist.clone(location=self.download(dist.location, tmpdir))
def fetch(self, requirement, tmpdir, force_scan=False, source=False):
"""Obtain a file suitable for fulfilling `requirement`
DEPRECATED; use the ``fetch_distribution()`` method now instead. For
backward compatibility, this routine is identical but returns the
``location`` of the downloaded distribution instead of a distribution
dist = self.fetch_distribution(requirement,tmpdir,force_scan,source)
if dist is not None:
return dist.location
return None
def gen_setup(self, filename, fragment, tmpdir):
match = EGG_FRAGMENT.match(fragment)
dists = match and [d for d in
interpret_distro_name(filename, match.group(1), None) if d.version
] or []
if len(dists)==1: # unambiguous ``#egg`` fragment
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
# Make sure the file has been downloaded to the temp dir.
if os.path.dirname(filename) != tmpdir:
dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, basename)
from setuptools.command.easy_install import samefile
if not samefile(filename, dst):
shutil.copy2(filename, dst)
file = open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'setup.py'), 'w')
"from setuptools import setup\n"
"setup(name=%r, version=%r, py_modules=[%r])\n"
% (
dists[0].project_name, dists[0].version,
return filename
elif match:
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't unambiguously interpret project/version identifier %r; "
"any dashes in the name or version should be escaped using "
"underscores. %r" % (fragment,dists)
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't process plain .py files without an '#egg=name-version'"
" suffix to enable automatic setup script generation."
dl_blocksize = 8192
def _download_to(self, url, filename):
self.info("Downloading %s", url)
# Download the file
fp, tfp, info = None, None, None
if '#' in url:
url, info = url.split('#', 1)
fp = self.open_url(url)
if isinstance(fp, urllib2.HTTPError):
raise DistutilsError(
"Can't download %s: %s %s" % (url, fp.code,fp.msg)
cs = md5()
headers = fp.info()
blocknum = 0
bs = self.dl_blocksize
size = -1
if "content-length" in headers:
size = int(headers["Content-Length"])
self.reporthook(url, filename, blocknum, bs, size)
tfp = open(filename,'wb')
while True:
block = fp.read(bs)
if block:
blocknum += 1
self.reporthook(url, filename, blocknum, bs, size)
if info: self.check_md5(cs, info, filename, tfp)
return headers
if fp: fp.close()
if tfp: tfp.close()
def reporthook(self, url, filename, blocknum, blksize, size):
pass # no-op
def open_url(self, url, warning=None):
if url.startswith('file:'): return local_open(url)
return open_with_auth(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError, v:
return v
except urllib2.URLError, v:
reason = v.reason
except httplib.HTTPException, v:
reason = "%s: %s" % (v.__doc__ or v.__class__.__name__, v)
if warning:
self.warn(warning, reason)
raise DistutilsError("Download error for %s: %s" % (url, reason))
def _download_url(self, scheme, url, tmpdir):
# Determine download filename
name, fragment = egg_info_for_url(url)
if name:
while '..' in name:
name = name.replace('..','.').replace('\\','_')
name = "__downloaded__" # default if URL has no path contents
if name.endswith('.egg.zip'):
name = name[:-4] # strip the extra .zip before download
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,name)
# Download the file
if scheme=='svn' or scheme.startswith('svn+'):
return self._download_svn(url, filename)
elif scheme=='file':
return urllib2.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2])
self.url_ok(url, True) # raises error if not allowed
return self._attempt_download(url, filename)
def scan_url(self, url):
self.process_url(url, True)
def _attempt_download(self, url, filename):
headers = self._download_to(url, filename)
if 'html' in headers.get('content-type','').lower():
return self._download_html(url, headers, filename)
return filename
def _download_html(self, url, headers, filename):
file = open(filename)
for line in file:
if line.strip():
# Check for a subversion index page
if re.search(r'<title>([^- ]+ - )?Revision \d+:', line):
# it's a subversion index page:
return self._download_svn(url, filename)
break # not an index page
raise DistutilsError("Unexpected HTML page found at "+url)
def _download_svn(self, url, filename):
url = url.split('#',1)[0] # remove any fragment for svn's sake
self.info("Doing subversion checkout from %s to %s", url, filename)
os.system("svn checkout -q %s %s" % (url, filename))
return filename
def debug(self, msg, *args):
log.debug(msg, *args)
def info(self, msg, *args):
log.info(msg, *args)
def warn(self, msg, *args):
log.warn(msg, *args)
# This pattern matches a character entity reference (a decimal numeric
# references, a hexadecimal numeric reference, or a named reference).
entity_sub = re.compile(r'&(#(\d+|x[\da-fA-F]+)|[\w.:-]+);?').sub
def uchr(c):
if not isinstance(c, int):
return c
if c>255: return unichr(c)
return chr(c)
def decode_entity(match):
what = match.group(1)
if what.startswith('#x'):
what = int(what[2:], 16)
elif what.startswith('#'):
what = int(what[1:])
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
what = name2codepoint.get(what, match.group(0))
return uchr(what)
def htmldecode(text):
"""Decode HTML entities in the given text."""
return entity_sub(decode_entity, text)
def open_with_auth(url):
"""Open a urllib2 request, handling HTTP authentication"""
scheme, netloc, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if scheme in ('http', 'https'):
auth, host = urllib.splituser(netloc)
auth = None
if auth:
auth = "Basic " + urllib2.unquote(auth).encode('base64').strip()
new_url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme,host,path,params,query,frag))
request = urllib2.Request(new_url)
request.add_header("Authorization", auth)
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
fp = urllib2.urlopen(request)
if auth:
# Put authentication info back into request URL if same host,
# so that links found on the page will work
s2, h2, path2, param2, query2, frag2 = urlparse.urlparse(fp.url)
if s2==scheme and h2==host:
fp.url = urlparse.urlunparse((s2,netloc,path2,param2,query2,frag2))
return fp
def fix_sf_url(url):
return url # backward compatibility
def local_open(url):
"""Read a local path, with special support for directories"""
scheme, server, path, param, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
filename = urllib2.url2pathname(path)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
return urllib2.urlopen(url)
elif path.endswith('/') and os.path.isdir(filename):
files = []
for f in os.listdir(filename):
if f=='index.html':
body = open(os.path.join(filename,f),'rb').read()
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(filename,f)):
files.append("<a href=%r>%s</a>" % (f,f))
body = ("<html><head><title>%s</title>" % url) + \
"</head><body>%s</body></html>" % '\n'.join(files)
status, message = 200, "OK"
status, message, body = 404, "Path not found", "Not found"
return urllib2.HTTPError(url, status, message,
{'content-type':'text/html'}, cStringIO.StringIO(body))
# this line is a kludge to keep the trailing blank lines for pje's editor