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import os, time, math
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap.api import fireEventually
import simplejson
from allmydata.mutable.common import NotMutableError
from allmydata.mutable.filenode import MutableFileNode
from allmydata.interfaces import IMutableFileNode, IDirectoryNode,\
IURI, IFileNode, IMutableFileURI, IFilesystemNode, \
ExistingChildError, NoSuchChildError, ICheckable, IDeepCheckable
from allmydata.check_results import DeepCheckResults, \
from allmydata.monitor import Monitor
from allmydata.util import hashutil, mathutil, base32, log
from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert, precondition
from allmydata.util.hashutil import netstring
from allmydata.util.netstring import split_netstring
from allmydata.uri import NewDirectoryURI, LiteralFileURI, from_string
from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
class Deleter:
def __init__(self, node, name, must_exist=True):
self.node = node
self.name = name
self.must_exist = True
def modify(self, old_contents, servermap, first_time):
children = self.node._unpack_contents(old_contents)
if self.name not in children:
if first_time and self.must_exist:
raise NoSuchChildError(self.name)
self.old_child = None
return None
self.old_child, metadata = children[self.name]
del children[self.name]
new_contents = self.node._pack_contents(children)
return new_contents
class MetadataSetter:
def __init__(self, node, name, metadata):
self.node = node
self.name = name
self.metadata = metadata
def modify(self, old_contents, servermap, first_time):
children = self.node._unpack_contents(old_contents)
if self.name not in children:
raise NoSuchChildError(self.name)
children[self.name] = (children[self.name][0], self.metadata)
new_contents = self.node._pack_contents(children)
return new_contents
class Adder:
def __init__(self, node, entries=None, overwrite=True):
self.node = node
if entries is None:
entries = []
self.entries = entries
self.overwrite = overwrite
def set_node(self, name, node, metadata):
precondition(isinstance(name, unicode), name)
precondition(IFilesystemNode.providedBy(node), node)
self.entries.append( [name, node, metadata] )
def modify(self, old_contents, servermap, first_time):
children = self.node._unpack_contents(old_contents)
now = time.time()
for e in self.entries:
if len(e) == 2:
name, child = e
new_metadata = None
assert len(e) == 3
name, child, new_metadata = e
assert _assert(IFilesystemNode.providedBy(child), child)
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
if name in children:
if not self.overwrite:
raise ExistingChildError("child '%s' already exists" % name)
metadata = children[name][1].copy()
metadata = {"ctime": now,
"mtime": now,
"tahoe": {
"linkcrtime": now,
"linkmotime": now,
if new_metadata is not None:
# Overwrite all metadata.
newmd = new_metadata.copy()
# Except 'tahoe'.
if newmd.has_key('tahoe'):
del newmd['tahoe']
if metadata.has_key('tahoe'):
newmd['tahoe'] = metadata['tahoe']
metadata = newmd
# For backwards compatibility with Tahoe < 1.4.0:
if "ctime" not in metadata:
metadata["ctime"] = now
metadata["mtime"] = now
# update timestamps
sysmd = metadata.get('tahoe', {})
if not 'linkcrtime' in sysmd:
if "ctime" in metadata:
# In Tahoe < 1.4.0 we used the word "ctime" to mean what Tahoe >= 1.4.0
# calls "linkcrtime".
sysmd["linkcrtime"] = metadata["ctime"]
sysmd["linkcrtime"] = now
sysmd["linkmotime"] = now
children[name] = (child, metadata)
new_contents = self.node._pack_contents(children)
return new_contents
class NewDirectoryNode:
implements(IDirectoryNode, ICheckable, IDeepCheckable)
filenode_class = MutableFileNode
def __init__(self, client):
self._client = client
self._most_recent_size = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.is_readonly() and "RO" or "RW", hasattr(self, '_uri') and self._uri.abbrev())
def init_from_uri(self, myuri):
self._uri = IURI(myuri)
self._node = self.filenode_class(self._client)
return self
def create(self, keypair_generator=None):
Returns a deferred that eventually fires with self once the directory
has been created (distributed across a set of storage servers).
# first we create a MutableFileNode with empty_contents, then use its
# URI to create our own.
self._node = self.filenode_class(self._client)
empty_contents = self._pack_contents({})
d = self._node.create(empty_contents, keypair_generator)
return d
def _filenode_created(self, res):
self._uri = NewDirectoryURI(IMutableFileURI(self._node.get_uri()))
return self
def get_size(self):
# return the size of our backing mutable file, in bytes, if we've
# fetched it.
return self._most_recent_size
def _set_size(self, data):
self._most_recent_size = len(data)
return data
def _read(self):
d = self._node.download_best_version()
return d
def _encrypt_rwcap(self, rwcap):
assert isinstance(rwcap, str)
IV = os.urandom(16)
key = hashutil.mutable_rwcap_key_hash(IV, self._node.get_writekey())
cryptor = AES(key)
crypttext = cryptor.process(rwcap)
mac = hashutil.hmac(key, IV + crypttext)
assert len(mac) == 32
return IV + crypttext + mac
# The MAC is not checked by readers in Tahoe >= 1.3.0, but we still produce it for the sake of older readers.
def _decrypt_rwcapdata(self, encwrcap):
IV = encwrcap[:16]
crypttext = encwrcap[16:-32]
key = hashutil.mutable_rwcap_key_hash(IV, self._node.get_writekey())
cryptor = AES(key)
plaintext = cryptor.process(crypttext)
return plaintext
def _create_node(self, child_uri):
return self._client.create_node_from_uri(child_uri)
def _unpack_contents(self, data):
# the directory is serialized as a list of netstrings, one per child.
# Each child is serialized as a list of four netstrings: (name,
# rocap, rwcap, metadata), in which the name,rocap,metadata are in
# cleartext. The 'name' is UTF-8 encoded. The rwcap is formatted as:
# pack("16ss32s", iv, AES(H(writekey+iv), plaintextrwcap), mac)
assert isinstance(data, str)
# an empty directory is serialized as an empty string
if data == "":
return {}
writeable = not self.is_readonly()
children = {}
while len(data) > 0:
entry, data = split_netstring(data, 1, True)
name, rocap, rwcapdata, metadata_s = split_netstring(entry, 4)
name = name.decode("utf-8")
if writeable:
rwcap = self._decrypt_rwcapdata(rwcapdata)
child = self._create_node(rwcap)
child = self._create_node(rocap)
metadata = simplejson.loads(metadata_s)
assert isinstance(metadata, dict)
children[name] = (child, metadata)
return children
def _pack_contents(self, children):
# expects children in the same format as _unpack_contents
assert isinstance(children, dict)
entries = []
for name in sorted(children.keys()):
child, metadata = children[name]
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
assert (IFileNode.providedBy(child)
or IMutableFileNode.providedBy(child)
or IDirectoryNode.providedBy(child)), (name,child)
assert isinstance(metadata, dict)
rwcap = child.get_uri() # might be RO if the child is not writeable
assert isinstance(rwcap, str), rwcap
rocap = child.get_readonly_uri()
assert isinstance(rocap, str), rocap
entry = "".join([netstring(name.encode("utf-8")),
return "".join(entries)
def is_readonly(self):
return self._node.is_readonly()
def is_mutable(self):
return self._node.is_mutable()
def get_uri(self):
return self._uri.to_string()
def get_readonly_uri(self):
return self._uri.get_readonly().to_string()
def get_verify_cap(self):
return self._uri.get_verify_cap()
def get_repair_cap(self):
if self._node.is_readonly():
return None
return self._uri
def get_storage_index(self):
return self._uri._filenode_uri.storage_index
def check(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
"""Perform a file check. See IChecker.check for details."""
return self._node.check(monitor, verify, add_lease)
def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False, add_lease=False):
return self._node.check_and_repair(monitor, verify, add_lease)
def list(self):
"""I return a Deferred that fires with a dictionary mapping child
name to a tuple of (IFileNode or IDirectoryNode, metadata)."""
return self._read()
def has_child(self, name):
"""I return a Deferred that fires with a boolean, True if there
exists a child of the given name, False if not."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
d = self._read()
d.addCallback(lambda children: children.has_key(name))
return d
def _get(self, children, name):
child = children.get(name)
if child is None:
raise NoSuchChildError(name)
return child[0]
def _get_with_metadata(self, children, name):
child = children.get(name)
if child is None:
raise NoSuchChildError(name)
return child
def get(self, name):
"""I return a Deferred that fires with the named child node,
which is either an IFileNode or an IDirectoryNode."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
d = self._read()
d.addCallback(self._get, name)
return d
def get_child_and_metadata(self, name):
"""I return a Deferred that fires with the (node, metadata) pair for
the named child. The node is either an IFileNode or an
IDirectoryNode, and the metadata is a dictionary."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
d = self._read()
d.addCallback(self._get_with_metadata, name)
return d
def get_metadata_for(self, name):
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
d = self._read()
d.addCallback(lambda children: children[name][1])
return d
def set_metadata_for(self, name, metadata):
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
assert isinstance(metadata, dict)
s = MetadataSetter(self, name, metadata)
d = self._node.modify(s.modify)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self)
return d
def get_child_at_path(self, path):
"""Transform a child path into an IDirectoryNode or IFileNode.
I perform a recursive series of 'get' operations to find the named
descendant node. I return a Deferred that fires with the node, or
errbacks with IndexError if the node could not be found.
The path can be either a single string (slash-separated) or a list of
path-name elements.
d = self.get_child_and_metadata_at_path(path)
d.addCallback(lambda (node, metadata): node)
return d
def get_child_and_metadata_at_path(self, path):
"""Transform a child path into an IDirectoryNode or IFileNode and
a metadata dictionary from the last edge that was traversed.
if not path:
return defer.succeed((self, {}))
if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)):
path = path.split("/")
for p in path:
assert isinstance(p, unicode)
childname = path[0]
remaining_path = path[1:]
if remaining_path:
d = self.get(childname)
d.addCallback(lambda node:
return d
d = self.get_child_and_metadata(childname)
return d
def set_uri(self, name, child_uri, metadata=None, overwrite=True):
"""I add a child (by URI) at the specific name. I return a Deferred
that fires with the child node when the operation finishes. I will
replace any existing child of the same name.
The child_uri could be for a file, or for a directory (either
read-write or read-only, using a URI that came from get_uri() ).
If this directory node is read-only, the Deferred will errback with a
precondition(isinstance(name, unicode), name)
precondition(isinstance(child_uri, str), child_uri)
child_node = self._create_node(child_uri)
d = self.set_node(name, child_node, metadata, overwrite)
d.addCallback(lambda res: child_node)
return d
def set_children(self, entries, overwrite=True):
# this takes URIs
a = Adder(self, overwrite=overwrite)
node_entries = []
for e in entries:
if len(e) == 2:
name, child_uri = e
metadata = None
assert len(e) == 3
name, child_uri, metadata = e
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
a.set_node(name, self._create_node(child_uri), metadata)
return self._node.modify(a.modify)
def set_node(self, name, child, metadata=None, overwrite=True):
"""I add a child at the specific name. I return a Deferred that fires
when the operation finishes. This Deferred will fire with the child
node that was just added. I will replace any existing child of the
same name.
If this directory node is read-only, the Deferred will errback with a
precondition(IFilesystemNode.providedBy(child), child)
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
assert IFilesystemNode.providedBy(child), child
a = Adder(self, overwrite=overwrite)
a.set_node(name, child, metadata)
d = self._node.modify(a.modify)
d.addCallback(lambda res: child)
return d
def set_nodes(self, entries, overwrite=True):
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
a = Adder(self, entries, overwrite=overwrite)
d = self._node.modify(a.modify)
d.addCallback(lambda res: None)
return d
def add_file(self, name, uploadable, metadata=None, overwrite=True):
"""I upload a file (using the given IUploadable), then attach the
resulting FileNode to the directory at the given name. I return a
Deferred that fires (with the IFileNode of the uploaded file) when
the operation completes."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
d = self._client.upload(uploadable)
d.addCallback(lambda results: results.uri)
d.addCallback(lambda node:
self.set_node(name, node, metadata, overwrite))
return d
def delete(self, name):
"""I remove the child at the specific name. I return a Deferred that
fires (with the node just removed) when the operation finishes."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
deleter = Deleter(self, name)
d = self._node.modify(deleter.modify)
d.addCallback(lambda res: deleter.old_child)
return d
def create_empty_directory(self, name, overwrite=True):
"""I create and attach an empty directory at the given name. I return
a Deferred that fires (with the new directory node) when the
operation finishes."""
assert isinstance(name, unicode)
if self.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
d = self._client.create_empty_dirnode()
def _created(child):
entries = [(name, child, None)]
a = Adder(self, entries, overwrite=overwrite)
d = self._node.modify(a.modify)
d.addCallback(lambda res: child)
return d
return d
def move_child_to(self, current_child_name, new_parent,
new_child_name=None, overwrite=True):
"""I take one of my children and move them to a new parent. The child
is referenced by name. On the new parent, the child will live under
'new_child_name', which defaults to 'current_child_name'. I return a
Deferred that fires when the operation finishes."""
assert isinstance(current_child_name, unicode)
if self.is_readonly() or new_parent.is_readonly():
return defer.fail(NotMutableError())
if new_child_name is None:
new_child_name = current_child_name
assert isinstance(new_child_name, unicode)
d = self.get(current_child_name)
def sn(child):
return new_parent.set_node(new_child_name, child,
d.addCallback(lambda child: self.delete(current_child_name))
return d
def deep_traverse(self, walker):
"""Perform a recursive walk, using this dirnode as a root, notifying
the 'walker' instance of everything I encounter.
I call walker.enter_directory(parent, children) once for each dirnode
I visit, immediately after retrieving the list of children. I pass in
the parent dirnode and the dict of childname->(childnode,metadata).
This function should *not* traverse the children: I will do that.
enter_directory() is most useful for the deep-stats number that
counts how large a directory is.
I call walker.add_node(node, path) for each node (both files and
directories) I can reach. Most work should be done here.
I avoid loops by keeping track of verifier-caps and refusing to call
walker.add_node() or traverse a node that I've seen before. This
means that any file or directory will only be given to the walker
once. If files or directories are referenced multiple times by a
directory structure, this may appear to under-count or miss some of
I return a Monitor which can be used to wait for the operation to
finish, learn about its progress, or cancel the operation.
# this is just a tree-walker, except that following each edge
# requires a Deferred. We used to use a ConcurrencyLimiter to limit
# fanout to 10 simultaneous operations, but the memory load of the
# queued operations was excessive (in one case, with 330k dirnodes,
# it caused the process to run into the 3.0GB-ish per-process 32bit
# linux memory limit, and crashed). So we use a single big Deferred
# chain, and do a strict depth-first traversal, one node at a time.
# This can be slower, because we aren't pipelining directory reads,
# but it brought the memory footprint down by roughly 50%.
monitor = Monitor()
found = set([self.get_verify_cap()])
d = self._deep_traverse_dirnode(self, [], walker, monitor, found)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored: walker.finish())
d.addErrback(lambda f: None)
return monitor
def _deep_traverse_dirnode(self, node, path, walker, monitor, found):
# process this directory, then walk its children
d = defer.maybeDeferred(walker.add_node, node, path)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored: node.list())
d.addCallback(self._deep_traverse_dirnode_children, node, path,
walker, monitor, found)
return d
def _deep_traverse_dirnode_children(self, children, parent, path,
walker, monitor, found):
d = defer.maybeDeferred(walker.enter_directory, parent, children)
# we process file-like children first, so we can drop their FileNode
# objects as quickly as possible. Tests suggest that a FileNode (held
# in the client's nodecache) consumes about 2440 bytes. dirnodes (not
# in the nodecache) seem to consume about 2000 bytes.
dirkids = []
filekids = []
for name, (child, metadata) in sorted(children.iteritems()):
verifier = child.get_verify_cap()
# allow LIT files (for which verifier==None) to be processed
if (verifier is not None) and (verifier in found):
childpath = path + [name]
if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(child):
dirkids.append( (child, childpath) )
filekids.append( (child, childpath) )
for i, (child, childpath) in enumerate(filekids):
d.addCallback(lambda ignored, child=child, childpath=childpath:
walker.add_node(child, childpath))
# to work around the Deferred tail-recursion problem
# (specifically the defer.succeed flavor) requires us to avoid
# doing more than 158 LIT files in a row. We insert a turn break
# once every 100 files (LIT or CHK) to preserve some stack space
# for other code. This is a different expression of the same
# Twisted problem as in #237.
if i % 100 == 99:
d.addCallback(lambda ignored: fireEventually())
for (child, childpath) in dirkids:
d.addCallback(lambda ignored, child=child, childpath=childpath:
self._deep_traverse_dirnode(child, childpath,
walker, monitor,
return d
def build_manifest(self):
"""Return a Monitor, with a ['status'] that will be a list of (path,
cap) tuples, for all nodes (directories and files) reachable from
this one."""
walker = ManifestWalker(self)
return self.deep_traverse(walker)
def start_deep_stats(self):
# Since deep_traverse tracks verifier caps, we avoid double-counting
# children for which we've got both a write-cap and a read-cap
return self.deep_traverse(DeepStats(self))
def start_deep_check(self, verify=False, add_lease=False):
return self.deep_traverse(DeepChecker(self, verify, repair=False, add_lease=add_lease))
def start_deep_check_and_repair(self, verify=False, add_lease=False):
return self.deep_traverse(DeepChecker(self, verify, repair=True, add_lease=add_lease))
class DeepStats:
def __init__(self, origin):
self.origin = origin
self.stats = {}
for k in ["count-immutable-files",
self.stats[k] = 0
self.histograms = {}
for k in ["size-files-histogram"]:
self.histograms[k] = {} # maps (min,max) to count
self.buckets = [ (0,0), (1,3)]
self.root = math.sqrt(10)
def set_monitor(self, monitor):
self.monitor = monitor
monitor.origin_si = self.origin.get_storage_index()
def add_node(self, node, childpath):
if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
elif IMutableFileNode.providedBy(node):
# TODO: update the servermap, compute a size, add it to
# size-mutable-files, max it into "largest-mutable-file"
elif IFileNode.providedBy(node): # CHK and LIT
size = node.get_size()
self.histogram("size-files-histogram", size)
theuri = from_string(node.get_uri())
if isinstance(theuri, LiteralFileURI):
self.add("size-literal-files", size)
self.add("size-immutable-files", size)
self.max("largest-immutable-file", size)
def enter_directory(self, parent, children):
dirsize_bytes = parent.get_size()
dirsize_children = len(children)
self.add("size-directories", dirsize_bytes)
self.max("largest-directory", dirsize_bytes)
self.max("largest-directory-children", dirsize_children)
def add(self, key, value=1):
self.stats[key] += value
def max(self, key, value):
self.stats[key] = max(self.stats[key], value)
def which_bucket(self, size):
# return (min,max) such that min <= size <= max
# values are from the set (0,0), (1,3), (4,10), (11,31), (32,100),
# (101,316), (317, 1000), etc: two per decade
assert size >= 0
i = 0
while True:
if i >= len(self.buckets):
# extend the list
new_lower = self.buckets[i-1][1]+1
new_upper = int(mathutil.next_power_of_k(new_lower, self.root))
self.buckets.append( (new_lower, new_upper) )
maybe = self.buckets[i]
if maybe[0] <= size <= maybe[1]:
return maybe
i += 1
def histogram(self, key, size):
bucket = self.which_bucket(size)
h = self.histograms[key]
if bucket not in h:
h[bucket] = 0
h[bucket] += 1
def get_results(self):
stats = self.stats.copy()
for key in self.histograms:
h = self.histograms[key]
out = [ (bucket[0], bucket[1], h[bucket]) for bucket in h ]
stats[key] = out
return stats
def finish(self):
return self.get_results()
class ManifestWalker(DeepStats):
def __init__(self, origin):
DeepStats.__init__(self, origin)
self.manifest = []
self.storage_index_strings = set()
self.verifycaps = set()
def add_node(self, node, path):
self.manifest.append( (tuple(path), node.get_uri()) )
si = node.get_storage_index()
if si:
v = node.get_verify_cap()
if v:
return DeepStats.add_node(self, node, path)
def get_results(self):
stats = DeepStats.get_results(self)
return {"manifest": self.manifest,
"verifycaps": self.verifycaps,
"storage-index": self.storage_index_strings,
"stats": stats,
class DeepChecker:
def __init__(self, root, verify, repair, add_lease):
root_si = root.get_storage_index()
self._lp = log.msg(format="deep-check starting (%(si)s),"
" verify=%(verify)s, repair=%(repair)s",
si=base32.b2a(root_si), verify=verify, repair=repair)
self._verify = verify
self._repair = repair
self._add_lease = add_lease
if repair:
self._results = DeepCheckAndRepairResults(root_si)
self._results = DeepCheckResults(root_si)
self._stats = DeepStats(root)
def set_monitor(self, monitor):
self.monitor = monitor
def add_node(self, node, childpath):
if self._repair:
d = node.check_and_repair(self.monitor, self._verify, self._add_lease)
d.addCallback(self._results.add_check_and_repair, childpath)
d = node.check(self.monitor, self._verify, self._add_lease)
d.addCallback(self._results.add_check, childpath)
d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self._stats.add_node(node, childpath))
return d
def enter_directory(self, parent, children):
return self._stats.enter_directory(parent, children)
def finish(self):
log.msg("deep-check done", parent=self._lp)
return self._results
# use client.create_dirnode() to make one of these