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synced 2025-03-11 06:43:54 +00:00
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547 lines
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import time, os, json
from twisted.web import (
from twisted.web.util import redirectTo
from nevow import rend, url, tags as T
from nevow.inevow import IRequest
from nevow.static import File as nevow_File # TODO: merge with static.File?
from nevow.util import resource_filename
import allmydata # to display import path
from allmydata.version_checks import get_package_versions_string
from allmydata.util import log
from allmydata.interfaces import IFileNode
from allmydata.web import filenode, directory, unlinked, status
from allmydata.web import storage, magic_folder
from allmydata.web.common import (
from allmydata.web.private import (
class URIHandler(resource.Resource, object):
I live at /uri . There are several operations defined on /uri itself,
mostly involved with creation of unlinked files and directories.
def __init__(self, client):
super(URIHandler, self).__init__()
self.client = client
def render_GET(self, req):
Historically, accessing this via "GET /uri?uri=<capabilitiy>"
was/is a feature -- which simply redirects to the more-common
"GET /uri/<capability>". New code should use /uri/<cap>
uri = get_arg(req, "uri", None)
if uri is None:
raise WebError("GET /uri requires uri=")
# XXX nevow escaped 'uri' -- do we need to do that here?
return redirectTo(b'/uri/{}'.format(uri), req)
def render_PUT(self, req):
either "PUT /uri" to create an unlinked file, or
"PUT /uri?t=mkdir" to create an unlinked directory
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
if t == "":
file_format = get_format(req, "CHK")
mutable_type = get_mutable_type(file_format)
if mutable_type is not None:
return unlinked.PUTUnlinkedSSK(req, self.client, mutable_type)
return unlinked.PUTUnlinkedCHK(req, self.client)
if t == "mkdir":
return unlinked.PUTUnlinkedCreateDirectory(req, self.client)
errmsg = (
"/uri accepts only PUT, PUT?t=mkdir, POST?t=upload, "
"and POST?t=mkdir"
raise WebError(errmsg, http.BAD_REQUEST)
def render_POST(self, req):
"POST /uri?t=upload&file=newfile" to upload an
unlinked file or "POST /uri?t=mkdir" to create a
new directory
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
if t in ("", "upload"):
file_format = get_format(req)
mutable_type = get_mutable_type(file_format)
if mutable_type is not None:
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedSSK(req, self.client, mutable_type)
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedCHK(req, self.client)
if t == "mkdir":
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedCreateDirectory(req, self.client)
elif t == "mkdir-with-children":
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedCreateDirectoryWithChildren(req,
elif t == "mkdir-immutable":
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedCreateImmutableDirectory(req,
errmsg = ("/uri accepts only PUT, PUT?t=mkdir, POST?t=upload, "
"and POST?t=mkdir")
raise WebError(errmsg, http.BAD_REQUEST)
def getChild(self, name, req):
Most requests look like /uri/<cap> so this fetches the capability
and creates and appropriate handler (depending on the kind of
capability it was passed).
node = self.client.create_node_from_uri(name)
return directory.make_handler_for(node, self.client)
except (TypeError, AssertionError):
raise WebError(
"'{}' is not a valid file- or directory- cap".format(name)
class FileHandler(rend.Page):
# I handle /file/$FILECAP[/IGNORED] , which provides a URL from which a
# file can be downloaded correctly by tools like "wget".
def __init__(self, client):
rend.Page.__init__(self, client)
self.client = client
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
req = IRequest(ctx)
if req.method not in ("GET", "HEAD"):
raise WebError("/file can only be used with GET or HEAD")
# 'name' must be a file URI
node = self.client.create_node_from_uri(name)
except (TypeError, AssertionError):
# I think this can no longer be reached
raise WebError("'%s' is not a valid file- or directory- cap"
% name)
if not IFileNode.providedBy(node):
raise WebError("'%s' is not a file-cap" % name)
return filenode.FileNodeDownloadHandler(self.client, node)
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
raise WebError("/file must be followed by a file-cap and a name",
class IncidentReporter(RenderMixin, rend.Page):
def render_POST(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
log.msg(format="User reports incident through web page: %(details)s",
details=get_arg(req, "details", ""),
level=log.WEIRD, umid="LkD9Pw")
req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
return "An incident report has been saved to logs/incidents/ in the node directory."
SPACE = u"\u00A0"*2
class Root(MultiFormatPage):
addSlash = True
docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml")
_connectedalts = {
"not-configured": "Not Configured",
"yes": "Connected",
"no": "Disconnected",
def __init__(self, client, clock=None, now_fn=None):
rend.Page.__init__(self, client)
self.client = client
self.now_fn = now_fn
s = client.getServiceNamed("storage")
except KeyError:
s = None
self.putChild("storage", storage.StorageStatus(s, self.client.nickname))
self.putChild("uri", URIHandler(client))
self.putChild("cap", URIHandler(client))
# handler for "/magic_folder" URIs
self.putChild("magic_folder", magic_folder.MagicFolderWebApi(client))
# Handler for everything beneath "/private", an area of the resource
# hierarchy which is only accessible with the private per-node API
# auth token.
self.putChild("private", create_private_tree(client.get_auth_token))
self.putChild("file", FileHandler(client))
self.putChild("named", FileHandler(client))
self.putChild("status", status.Status(client.get_history()))
self.putChild("statistics", status.Statistics(client.stats_provider))
static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))
self.putChild("report_incident", IncidentReporter())
# until we get rid of nevow.Page in favour of twisted.web.resource
# we can't use getChild() -- but we CAN use childFactory or
# override locatechild
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
request = IRequest(ctx)
return self.getChild(name, request)
def getChild(self, path, request):
if path == "helper_status":
# the Helper isn't attached until after the Tub starts, so this child
# needs to created on each request
return status.HelperStatus(self.client.helper)
# FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
def data_rendered_at(self, ctx, data):
return render_time(time.time())
def data_version(self, ctx, data):
return get_package_versions_string()
def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
return str(allmydata)
def render_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
tubid_s = "TubID: "+self.client.get_long_tubid()
return T.td(title=tubid_s)[self.client.get_long_nodeid()]
def data_my_nickname(self, ctx, data):
return self.client.nickname
def render_JSON(self, req):
req.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
intro_summaries = [s.summary for s in self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()]
sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
servers = self._describe_known_servers(sb)
result = {
"introducers": {
"statuses": intro_summaries,
"servers": servers
return json.dumps(result, indent=1) + "\n"
def _describe_known_servers(self, broker):
return sorted(list(
for server
in broker.get_known_servers()
def _describe_server(self, server):
status = server.get_connection_status()
description = {
u"nodeid": server.get_serverid(),
u"connection_status": status.summary,
u"available_space": server.get_available_space(),
u"nickname": server.get_nickname(),
u"version": None,
u"last_received_data": status.last_received_time,
version = server.get_version()
if version is not None:
description[u"version"] = version["application-version"]
return description
def data_magic_folders(self, ctx, data):
return self.client._magic_folders.keys()
def render_magic_folder_row(self, ctx, data):
magic_folder = self.client._magic_folders[data]
(ok, messages) = magic_folder.get_public_status()
ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_name", data)
if ok:
ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "yes")
ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "working")
ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "no")
ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "not working")
status = T.ul(class_="magic-folder-status")
for msg in messages:
return ctx.tag[status]
def render_magic_folder(self, ctx, data):
if not self.client._magic_folders:
return T.p()
return ctx.tag
def render_services(self, ctx, data):
ul = T.ul()
ss = self.client.getServiceNamed("storage")
stats = ss.get_stats()
if stats["storage_server.accepting_immutable_shares"]:
msg = "accepting new shares"
msg = "not accepting new shares (read-only)"
available = stats.get("storage_server.disk_avail")
if available is not None:
msg += ", %s available" % abbreviate_size(available)
ul[T.li[T.a(href="storage")["Storage Server"], ": ", msg]]
except KeyError:
ul[T.li["Not running storage server"]]
if self.client.helper:
stats = self.client.helper.get_stats()
active_uploads = stats["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
ul[T.li["Helper: %d active uploads" % (active_uploads,)]]
ul[T.li["Not running helper"]]
return ctx.tag[ul]
def data_introducer_description(self, ctx, data):
connected_count = self.data_connected_introducers( ctx, data )
if connected_count == 0:
return "No introducers connected"
elif connected_count == 1:
return "1 introducer connected"
return "%s introducers connected" % (connected_count,)
def data_total_introducers(self, ctx, data):
return len(self.client.introducer_connection_statuses())
def data_connected_introducers(self, ctx, data):
return len([1 for cs in self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()
if cs.connected])
def data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer(self, ctx, data):
if self.data_connected_introducers(ctx, data):
return "yes"
return "no"
def data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer_alt(self, ctx, data):
return self._connectedalts[self.data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer(ctx, data)]
# In case we configure multiple introducers
def data_introducers(self, ctx, data):
return self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()
def _render_connection_status(self, ctx, cs):
connected = "yes" if cs.connected else "no"
ctx.fillSlots("service_connection_status", connected)
since = cs.last_connection_time
render_time_delta(since, self.now_fn())
if since is not None
else "N/A")
if since is not None
else "N/A")
last_received_data_time = cs.last_received_time
if last_received_data_time is not None
else "N/A")
render_time_delta(last_received_data_time, self.now_fn())
if last_received_data_time is not None
else "N/A")
others = cs.non_connected_statuses
if cs.connected:
ctx.fillSlots("summary", cs.summary)
if others:
details = "\n".join(["* %s: %s\n" % (which, others[which])
for which in sorted(others)])
ctx.fillSlots("details", "Other hints:\n" + details)
ctx.fillSlots("details", "(no other hints)")
details = T.ul()
for which in sorted(others):
details[T.li["%s: %s" % (which, others[which])]]
ctx.fillSlots("summary", [cs.summary, details])
ctx.fillSlots("details", "")
def render_introducers_row(self, ctx, cs):
self._render_connection_status(ctx, cs)
return ctx.tag
def data_helper_furl_prefix(self, ctx, data):
uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
except KeyError:
return None
furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()
if not furl:
return None
# trim off the secret swissnum
(prefix, _, swissnum) = furl.rpartition("/")
return "%s/[censored]" % (prefix,)
def data_helper_description(self, ctx, data):
if self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data) == "no":
return "Helper not connected"
return "Helper"
def data_connected_to_helper(self, ctx, data):
uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
except KeyError:
return "no" # we don't even have an Uploader
furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()
if furl is None:
return "not-configured"
if connected:
return "yes"
return "no"
def data_connected_to_helper_alt(self, ctx, data):
return self._connectedalts[self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data)]
def data_known_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
return len(sb.get_all_serverids())
def data_connected_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
return len(sb.get_connected_servers())
def data_services(self, ctx, data):
sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
return sorted(sb.get_known_servers(), key=lambda s: s.get_serverid())
def render_service_row(self, ctx, server):
cs = server.get_connection_status()
self._render_connection_status(ctx, cs)
ctx.fillSlots("peerid", server.get_longname())
ctx.fillSlots("nickname", server.get_nickname())
announcement = server.get_announcement()
version = announcement.get("my-version", "")
available_space = server.get_available_space()
if available_space is None:
available_space = "N/A"
available_space = abbreviate_size(available_space)
ctx.fillSlots("version", version)
ctx.fillSlots("available_space", available_space)
return ctx.tag
def render_download_form(self, ctx, data):
# this is a form where users can download files by URI
form = T.form(action="uri", method="get",
T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Download a file"],
T.div["Tahoe-URI to download:"+SPACE,
T.input(type="text", name="uri")],
T.div["Filename to download as:"+SPACE,
T.input(type="text", name="filename")],
T.input(type="submit", value="Download!"),
return T.div[form]
def render_view_form(self, ctx, data):
# this is a form where users can download files by URI, or jump to a
# named directory
form = T.form(action="uri", method="get",
T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["View a file or directory"],
"Tahoe-URI to view:"+SPACE,
T.input(type="text", name="uri"), SPACE*2,
T.input(type="submit", value="View!"),
return T.div[form]
def render_upload_form(self, ctx, data):
# This is a form where users can upload unlinked files.
# Users can choose immutable, SDMF, or MDMF from a radio button.
upload_chk = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
value='chk', id='upload-chk',
upload_sdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
value='sdmf', id='upload-sdmf')
upload_mdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
value='mdmf', id='upload-mdmf')
form = T.form(action="uri", method="post",
T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file"],
T.div["Choose a file:"+SPACE,
T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file")],
T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
T.div[upload_chk, T.label(for_="upload-chk") [" Immutable"], SPACE,
upload_sdmf, T.label(for_="upload-sdmf")[" SDMF"], SPACE,
upload_mdmf, T.label(for_="upload-mdmf")[" MDMF (experimental)"], SPACE*2,
T.input(type="submit", value="Upload!")],
return T.div[form]
def render_mkdir_form(self, ctx, data):
# This is a form where users can create new directories.
# Users can choose SDMF or MDMF from a radio button.
mkdir_sdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
value='sdmf', id='mkdir-sdmf',
mkdir_mdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
value='mdmf', id='mkdir-mdmf')
form = T.form(action="uri", method="post",
T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a directory"],
mkdir_sdmf, T.label(for_='mkdir-sdmf')[" SDMF"], SPACE,
mkdir_mdmf, T.label(for_='mkdir-mdmf')[" MDMF (experimental)"], SPACE*2,
T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
T.input(type="hidden", name="redirect_to_result", value="true"),
T.input(type="submit", value="Create a directory"),
return T.div[form]
def render_incident_button(self, ctx, data):
# this button triggers a foolscap-logging "incident"
form = T.form(action="report_incident", method="post",
T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="report-incident"),
"What went wrong?"+SPACE,
T.input(type="text", name="details"), SPACE,
T.input(type="submit", value=u"Save \u00BB"),
return T.div[form]