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synced 2025-03-14 08:06:26 +00:00
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description = "Tahoe-LAFS, free and open decentralized data store";
nixConfig = {
# Supply configuration for the build cache updated by our CI system. This
# should allow most users to avoid having to build a large number of
# packages (otherwise necessary due to our Python package overrides).
substituters = ["https://tahoe-lafs-opensource.cachix.org"];
trusted-public-keys = ["tahoe-lafs-opensource.cachix.org-1:eIKCHOPJYceJ2gb74l6e0mayuSdXqiavxYeAio0LFGo="];
inputs = {
# A couple possible nixpkgs pins. Ideally these could be selected easily
# from the command line but there seems to be no syntax/support for that.
# However, these at least cause certain revisions to be pinned in our lock
# file where you *can* dig them out - and the CI configuration does.
# These are really just examples for the time being since neither of these
# releases contains a package set that is completely compatible with our
# requirements. We could decide in the future that supporting multiple
# releases of NixOS at a time is worthwhile and then pins like these will
# help us test each of those releases.
"nixpkgs-22_11" = {
url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-22.11;
"nixpkgs-23_05" = {
url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-23.05;
# We depend on a very new python-cryptography which is not yet available
# from any release branch of nixpkgs. However, it is contained in a PR
# currently up for review. Point our nixpkgs at that for now.
"nixpkgs-unstable" = {
url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs?ref=pull/244135/head;
# Point the default nixpkgs at one of those. This avoids having getting a
# _third_ package set involved and gives a way to provide what should be a
# working experience by default (that is, if nixpkgs doesn't get
# overridden).
nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs-unstable";
# Also get flake-utils for simplified multi-system definitions.
flake-utils = {
url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
# And get a helper that lets us easily continue to provide a default.nix.
flake-compat = {
url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
flake = false;
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }:
# Expose an overlay which adds our version of Tahoe-LAFS to the Python
# package sets we specify, as well as all of the correct versions of its
# dependencies.
# We will also use this to define some other outputs since it gives us
# the most succinct way to get a working Tahoe-LAFS package.
overlays.default = import ./nix/overlay.nix;
} // (flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
# The package set for this system architecture.
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
# And include our Tahoe-LAFS package in that package set.
overlays = [ self.overlays.default ];
# pythonVersions :: [string]
# The version strings for the Python runtimes we'll work with.
pythonVersions =
# Match attribute names that look like a Python derivation - CPython
# or PyPy. We take care to avoid things like "python-foo" and
# "python3Full-unittest" though. We only want things like "pypy38"
# or "python311".
nameMatches = name: null != builtins.match "(python|pypy)3[[:digit:]]{0,2}" name;
# Sometimes an old version is left in the package set as an error
# saying something like "we remove this". Make sure we whatever we
# found by name evaluates without error, too.
notError = drv: (builtins.tryEval drv).success;
# Discover all of the Python runtime derivations by inspecting names
# and filtering out derivations with errors.
builtins.attrNames (
(name: drv: nameMatches name && notError drv)
# defaultPyVersion :: string
# An element of pythonVersions which we'll use for the default package.
defaultPyVersion = "python3";
# pythons :: [derivation]
# Retrieve the actual Python package for each configured version. We
# already applied our overlay to pkgs so our packages will already be
# available.
pythons = builtins.map (pyVer: pkgs.${pyVer}) pythonVersions;
# packageName :: string -> string
# Construct the Tahoe-LAFS package name for the given Python runtime.
packageName = pyVersion: "${pyVersion}-tahoe-lafs";
# string -> string
# Construct the unit test application name for the given Python runtime.
unitTestName = pyVersion: "${pyVersion}-unittest";
# (string -> a) -> (string -> b) -> string -> attrset a b
# Make a singleton attribute set from the result of two functions.
singletonOf = f: g: x: { ${f x} = g x; };
# [attrset] -> attrset
# Merge a list of attrset into a single attrset with overlap preferring
# rightmost values.
mergeAttrs = pkgs.lib.foldr pkgs.lib.mergeAttrs {};
# makeRuntimeEnv :: string -> derivation
# Create a derivation that includes a Python runtime, Tahoe-LAFS, and
# all of its dependencies.
makeRuntimeEnv = singletonOf packageName makeRuntimeEnv';
makeRuntimeEnv' = pyVersion: (pkgs.${pyVersion}.withPackages (ps: with ps;
[ tahoe-lafs ] ++
tahoe-lafs.passthru.extras.i2p ++
)).overrideAttrs (old: {
# By default, withPackages gives us a derivation with a fairly generic
# name (like "python-env"). Put our name in there for legibility.
# See the similar override in makeTestEnv.
name = packageName pyVersion;
# makeTestEnv :: string -> derivation
# Create a derivation that includes a Python runtime and all of the
# Tahoe-LAFS dependencies, but not Tahoe-LAFS itself, which we'll get
# from the working directory.
makeTestEnv = pyVersion: (pkgs.${pyVersion}.withPackages (ps: with ps;
[ tahoe-lafs ] ++
tahoe-lafs.passthru.extras.i2p ++
tahoe-lafs.passthru.extras.tor ++
)).overrideAttrs (old: {
# See the similar override in makeRuntimeEnv'.
name = packageName pyVersion;
in {
# Include a package set with out overlay on it in our own output. This
# is mainly a development/debugging convenience as it will expose all of
# our Python package overrides beneath it. The magic name
# "legacyPackages" is copied from nixpkgs and has special support in the
# nix command line tool.
legacyPackages = pkgs;
# The flake's package outputs. We'll define one version of the package
# for each version of Python we could find. We'll also point the
# flake's "default" package at the derivation corresponding to the
# default Python version we defined above. The package consists of a
# Python environment with Tahoe-LAFS available to it.
packages =
mergeAttrs (
[ { default = self.packages.${system}.${packageName defaultPyVersion}; } ]
++ (builtins.map makeRuntimeEnv pythonVersions)
++ (builtins.map (singletonOf unitTestName makeTestEnv) pythonVersions)
# The flake's app outputs. We'll define a version of an app for running
# the test suite for each version of Python we could find. We'll also
# define a version of an app for running the "tahoe" command-line
# entrypoint for each version of Python we could find.
apps =
# writeScript :: string -> string -> path
# Write a shell program to a file so it can be run later.
# We avoid writeShellApplication here because it has ghc as a
# dependency but ghc has Python as a dependency and our Python
# package override triggers a rebuild of ghc and many Haskell
# packages which takes a looong time.
writeScript = name: text: "${pkgs.writeShellScript name text}";
# makeTahoeApp :: string -> attrset
# A helper function to define the Tahoe-LAFS runtime entrypoint for
# a certain Python runtime.
makeTahoeApp = pyVersion: {
"tahoe-${pyVersion}" = {
type = "app";
program =
writeScript "tahoe"
${makeRuntimeEnv' pyVersion}/bin/tahoe "$@"
# makeUnitTestsApp :: string -> attrset
# A helper function to define the Tahoe-LAFS unit test entrypoint
# for a certain Python runtime.
makeUnitTestsApp = pyVersion: {
"${unitTestName pyVersion}" = {
type = "app";
program =
python = "${makeTestEnv pyVersion}/bin/python";
writeScript "unit-tests"
${python} setup.py update_version
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/src
${python} -m twisted.trial "$@"
# Merge a default app definition with the rest of the apps.
mergeAttrs (
[ { default = self.apps.${system}."tahoe-python3"; } ]
++ (builtins.map makeUnitTestsApp pythonVersions)
++ (builtins.map makeTahoeApp pythonVersions)