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    <title>Using Tahoe</title>
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    <p>This is how to use your Tahoe node.  First, you have to run your own
    local Tahoe node, as described in <a

    <h1>The WUI</h1>

    <p>Point your web browser to <a
    href=""></a> -- which is the URL
    of the gateway running on your own local computer -- to use your newly
    created node.</p>

    <p>Create a new directory (with the button labelled "create a directory").
    Your web browser will load the new directory.  Now if you want to be able
    to come back to this directory later, you have to bookmark it, or otherwise
    save a copy of the URL.  If you lose URL to this directory, then you can never
    again come back to this directory.</p>

    <p>You can do more or less everything you want to do with a decentralized
    filesystem through the WUI.</p>

    <p>P.S.  "WUI" is pronounced "wooey".</p>

    <h1>The CLI</h1>

    <p>Prefer the command-line? Run "<cite>tahoe --help</cite>" (the same
    command-line tool that is used to start and stop nodes serves to navigate
    and use the decentralized filesystem). To get started, create a new
    directory and mark it as the 'tahoe:' alias by running "<cite>tahoe
    add-alias tahoe `tahoe mkdir`</cite>". Once you've done that, you can do
    "<cite>tahoe ls tahoe:</cite>" and "<cite>tahoe cp LOCALFILE
    tahoe:foo.txt</cite>" to work with your filesystem. The Tahoe CLI uses the
    same syntax as the well-known scp and rsync tools. See <a
    href="frontends/CLI.txt">CLI.txt</a> for more details.</p>

    <p>As with the WUI (and with all current interfaces to Tahoe), you are
    responsible for remembering directory capabilities yourself. If you create
    a new directory and lose the capability to it, then you cannot access that
    directory ever again.</p>

    <p>P.S.  "CLI" is pronounced "clee".</p>

    <h1>The FUSE Extension</h1>

    <p>You can plug Tahoe into your computer's local filesystem using the FUSE
    extension, found in the <cite>contrib</cite> directory.  Warning: unlike
    most of Tahoe, and unlike the rest of the user interfaces described on this
    page, the FUSE plugin doesn't have extensive unit tests that are
    automatically run on every check-in of the source.  Therefore, we can't be
    sure how complete and reliable it is.</p>

    <p>P.S.  "FUSE" rhymes with "muse".</p>

    <h1>The WAPI</h1>

    <p>Want to program your Tahoe node to do your bidding?  Easy!  See <a

    <p>P.S.  "WAPI" is pronounced "wappy".</p>


    <p>You can chat with other users of and hackers of this software at <a

