# this Makefile requires GNU make default: build PYTHON=python PATHSEP=$(shell python -c 'import os ; print os.pathsep') OSSEP=$(shell python -c 'import os ; print os.sep') REACTOR= PLAT = $(strip $(shell python -c "import sys ; print sys.platform")) ifeq ($(PLAT),win32) # The platform is Windows with cygwin build tools and the native Python interpreter. SUPPORT = $(shell cygpath -w $(shell pwd))\support SUPPORTLIB := $(SUPPORT)\Lib\site-packages SRCPATH := $(shell cygpath -w $(shell pwd)/src) CHECK_PYWIN32_DEP := check-pywin32-dep else PYVER=$(shell $(PYTHON) misc/pyver.py) SUPPORT = $(shell pwd)/support SUPPORTLIB = $(SUPPORT)/lib/$(PYVER)/site-packages SRCPATH := $(shell pwd)/src CHECK_PYWIN32_DEP := endif TRIALCMD = $(shell PYTHONPATH="$(PYTHONPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(SRCPATH)" $(PYTHON) misc/find_trial.py) ifeq ($(PLAT),cygwin) REACTOR = poll endif ifneq ($(REACTOR),) REACTOROPT := --reactor=$(REACTOR) else REACTOROPT := endif TRIAL=PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 $(TRIALCMD) --rterrors $(REACTOROPT) # build-deps wants setuptools to have been built first. It's easiest to # accomplish this by depending upon the tahoe compile. build-deps: .built check-twisted-dep mkdir -p "$(SUPPORTLIB)" PYTHONPATH="$(PYTHONPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(SUPPORTLIB)$(PATHSEP)" \ $(PYTHON) misc/dependencies/build-deps-setup.py install \ --prefix="$(SUPPORT)" EGGSPATH = $(shell $(PYTHON) misc/find-dep-eggs.py) show-eggspath: @echo $(EGGSPATH) ifneq ($(PYTHONPATH),) PYTHONPATH := $(PYTHONPATH)$(PATHSEP) endif PP=PYTHONPATH="$(SRCPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(EGGSPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(PYTHONPATH)" .PHONY: make-version build # N.B.: the first argument to make-version.py is used to find darcs tags that # represent released versions, so it needs to match whatever release # conventions are in use. make-version: $(PYTHON) misc/make-version.py "allmydata-tahoe" "src/allmydata/_version.py" .built: $(MAKE) build touch .built build: $(PYTHON) ./setup.py build_ext -i chmod +x bin/tahoe # 'make install' will do the following: # build+install tahoe (probably to /usr/lib/pythonN.N/site-packages) # 'make install PREFIX=/usr/local/stow/tahoe-N.N' will do the same, but to # a different location install: ifdef PREFIX mkdir -p $(PREFIX) $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py install \ --single-version-externally-managed \ --prefix=$(PREFIX) --record=./tahoe.files else $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py install \ --single-version-externally-managed endif # TESTING .PHONY: check-deps check-twisted-dep $(CHECK_PYWIN32_DEP) signal-error-deps, signal-error-twisted-dep, signal-error-pywin32-dep, test test-figleaf figleaf-output signal-error-deps: @echo "ERROR: Not all of Tahoe's dependencies are in place. Please\ see the README for help on installing dependencies." exit 1 signal-error-twisted-dep: @echo "ERROR: Before running \"make build-deps\" you have to ensure that\ Twisted is installed (including its zope.interface dependency). Twisted and\ zope.interface are required for the automatic installation of certain other\ libraries that Tahoe requires). Please see the README for details." exit 1 signal-error-pywin32-dep: @echo "ERROR: the pywin32 dependency is not in place. Please see the README\ for help on installing dependencies." exit 1 check-deps: check-twisted-dep $(CHECK_PYWIN32_DEP) $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) -c 'import allmydata, zfec, foolscap, simplejson, nevow, OpenSSL' || $(MAKE) signal-error-deps check-twisted-dep: $(PYTHON) -c 'import twisted, zope.interface' || $(MAKE) signal-error-twisted-dep check-pywin32-dep: $(PYTHON) -c 'import win32process' || $(MAKE) signal-error-pywin32-dep .checked-deps: $(MAKE) check-deps touch .checked-deps # you can use 'make test TEST=allmydata.test.test_introducer' to run just # test_introducer. TEST=allmydata.test.test_client.Basic.test_permute works # too. TEST=allmydata # use 'make test REPORTER=--reporter=bwverbose' from buildbot, to # suppress the ansi color sequences test: .built .checked-deps $(PP) \ $(TRIAL) $(REPORTER) $(TEST) test-figleaf: .built .checked-deps rm -f .figleaf $(PP) \ $(TRIAL) --reporter=bwverbose-figleaf $(TEST) figleaf-output: $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes @echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html" # after doing test-figleaf and figleaf-output, point your browser at # coverage-html/index.html .PHONY: upload-figleaf .figleaf.el pyflakes count-lines .PHONY: check-memory check-memory-once clean # 'upload-figleaf' is meant to be run with an UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/dir setting ifdef UPLOAD_TARGET ifndef UPLOAD_HOST $(error UPLOAD_HOST must be set when using UPLOAD_TARGET) endif ifndef COVERAGEDIR $(error COVERAGEDIR must be set when using UPLOAD_TARGET) endif upload-figleaf: rsync -a coverage-html/ $(UPLOAD_TARGET) ssh $(UPLOAD_HOST) make update-tahoe-figleaf COVERAGEDIR=$(COVERAGEDIR) else upload-figleaf: echo "this target is meant to be run with UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/path/" /bin/false endif .figleaf.el: .figleaf $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2el.py .figleaf src pyflakes: $(PYTHON) -OOu `which pyflakes` src/allmydata count-lines: @echo -n "files: " @find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/ |wc --lines @echo -n "lines: " @cat `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` |wc --lines @echo -n "TODO: " @grep TODO `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` | wc --lines check-memory: .built rm -rf _test_memory $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-self $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-POST $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py download-GET-slow $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py receive check-memory-once: .built rm -rf _test_memory $(PP) \ $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py $(MODE) # this target uses a pre-established client node to run a canned set of # performance tests against a test network that is also pre-established # (probably on a remote machine). Provide it with the path to a local # directory where this client node has been created (and populated with the # necessary FURLs of the test network). This target will start that client # with the current code and then run the tests. Afterwards it will stop the # client. # # The 'sleep 5' is in there to give the new client a chance to connect to its # storageservers, since check_speed.py has no good way of doing that itself. check-speed: .built if [ -z '$(TESTCLIENTDIR)' ]; then exit 1; fi $(PYTHON) bin/tahoe start $(TESTCLIENTDIR) sleep 5 $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_speed.py $(TESTCLIENTDIR) $(PYTHON) bin/tahoe stop $(TESTCLIENTDIR) test-darcs-boringfile: $(MAKE) $(PYTHON) misc/test-darcs-boringfile.py test-clean: find . |grep -v allfiles.tmp |grep -v src/allmydata/_version.py |sort >allfiles.tmp.old $(MAKE) $(MAKE) clean find . |grep -v allfiles.tmp |grep -v src/allmydata/_version.py |sort >allfiles.tmp.new diff allfiles.tmp.old allfiles.tmp.new clean: rm -rf build _trial_temp _test_memory .checked-deps .built rm -f debian rm -f `find src/allmydata -name '*.so' -or -name '*.pyc'` rm -rf tahoe_deps.egg-info allmydata_tahoe.egg-info rm -rf support dist rm -rf setuptools*.egg *.pyc # DEBIAN PACKAGING VER=$(shell $(PYTHON) misc/get-version.py) DEBCOMMENTS="'make deb' build" show-version: @echo $(VER) .PHONY: setup-deb deb-ARCH is-known-debian-arch .PHONY: deb-sid deb-feisty deb-edgy deb-etch deb-sid: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=sid deb-feisty: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=feisty # edgy uses the feisty control files for now deb-edgy: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=feisty # etch uses the feisty control files for now deb-etch: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=etch TAHOE_ARCH=feisty # we know how to handle the following debian architectures KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES := sid feisty edgy etch ifeq ($(findstring x-$(ARCH)-x,$(foreach arch,$(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES),"x-$(arch)-x")),) is-known-debian-arch: @echo "ARCH must be set when using setup-deb or deb-ARCH" @echo "I know how to handle:" $(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES) /bin/false else is-known-debian-arch: /bin/true endif ifndef TAHOE_ARCH TAHOE_ARCH=$(ARCH) endif setup-deb: is-known-debian-arch rm -f debian ln -s misc/$(TAHOE_ARCH)/debian debian chmod +x debian/rules # etch (current debian stable) has python-simplejson-1.3, which doesn't # support indent= # sid (debian unstable) currently has python-simplejson 1.7.1 # edgy has 1.3, which doesn't support indent= # feisty has 1.4, which supports indent= but emits a deprecation warning # gutsy has 1.7.1 # # we need 1.4 or newer deb-ARCH: is-known-debian-arch setup-deb fakeroot debian/rules binary @echo @echo "The newly built .deb packages are in the parent directory from here." .PHONY: increment-deb-version .PHONY: deb-sid-head deb-edgy-head deb-feisty-head .PHONY: deb-etch-head # The buildbot runs the following targets after each change, to produce # up-to-date tahoe .debs. These steps do not create .debs for anything else. increment-deb-version: make-version debchange --newversion $(VER) $(DEBCOMMENTS) deb-sid-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=sid $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-edgy-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-feisty-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-etch-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=etch TAHOE_ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary