""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import annotations import os import sys import shutil from attr import define from time import sleep from os import mkdir, environ from os.path import join, exists from tempfile import mkdtemp from json import loads from eliot import ( to_file, log_call, ) from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.procutils import which from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList, succeed from twisted.internet.error import ( ProcessExitedAlready, ProcessTerminated, ) import pytest import pytest_twisted from .util import ( _MagicTextProtocol, _DumpOutputProtocol, _ProcessExitedProtocol, _create_node, _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage, await_client_ready, cli, generate_ssh_key, block_with_timeout, ) from .grid import ( create_port_allocator, create_flog_gatherer, create_grid, ) from allmydata.node import read_config # No reason for HTTP requests to take longer than four minutes in the # integration tests. See allmydata/scripts/common_http.py for usage. os.environ["__TAHOE_CLI_HTTP_TIMEOUT"] = "240" # Make Foolscap logging go into Twisted logging, so that integration test logs # include extra information # (https://github.com/warner/foolscap/blob/latest-release/doc/logging.rst): os.environ["FLOGTOTWISTED"] = "1" # pytest customization hooks def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--keep-tempdir", action="store_true", dest="keep", help="Keep the tmpdir with the client directories (introducer, etc)", ) parser.addoption( "--coverage", action="store_true", dest="coverage", help="Collect coverage statistics", ) parser.addoption( "--force-foolscap", action="store_true", default=False, dest="force_foolscap", help=("If set, force Foolscap only for the storage protocol. " + "Otherwise HTTP will be used.") ) parser.addoption( "--runslow", action="store_true", default=False, dest="runslow", help="If set, run tests marked as slow.", ) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): if not config.option.runslow: # The --runslow option was not given; keep only collected items not # marked as slow. items[:] = [ item for item in items if item.get_closest_marker("slow") is None ] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session') def eliot_logging(): with open("integration.eliot.json", "w") as f: to_file(f) yield # I've mostly defined these fixtures from "easiest" to "most # complicated", and the dependencies basically go "down the # page". They're all session-scoped which has the "pro" that we only # set up the grid once, but the "con" that each test has to be a # little careful they're not stepping on toes etc :/ @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:reactor", include_result=False) def reactor(): # this is a fixture in case we might want to try different # reactors for some reason. from twisted.internet import reactor as _reactor return _reactor @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:port_allocator", include_result=False) def port_allocator(reactor): from allmydata.util.iputil import allocate_tcp_port # these will appear basically random, which can make especially # manual debugging harder but we're re-using code instead of # writing our own...so, win? def allocate(): port = allocate_tcp_port() return succeed(port) return allocate #return create_port_allocator(reactor, start_port=45000) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:temp_dir", include_args=[]) def temp_dir(request) -> str: """ Invoke like 'py.test --keep-tempdir ...' to avoid deleting the temp-dir """ tmp = mkdtemp(prefix="tahoe") if request.config.getoption('keep'): print("\nWill retain tempdir '{}'".format(tmp)) # I'm leaving this in and always calling it so that the tempdir # path is (also) printed out near the end of the run def cleanup(): if request.config.getoption('keep'): print("Keeping tempdir '{}'".format(tmp)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True) except Exception as e: print("Failed to remove tmpdir: {}".format(e)) request.addfinalizer(cleanup) return tmp @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:flog_binary", include_args=[]) def flog_binary(): return which('flogtool')[0] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:flog_gatherer", include_args=[]) def flog_gatherer(reactor, temp_dir, flog_binary, request): fg = pytest_twisted.blockon( create_flog_gatherer(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_binary) ) return fg @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:grid", include_args=[]) def grid(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, port_allocator): # XXX think: this creates an "empty" grid (introducer, no nodes); # do we want to ensure it has some minimum storage-nodes at least? # (that is, semantically does it make sense that 'a grid' is # essentially empty, or not?) g = pytest_twisted.blockon( create_grid(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, port_allocator) ) return g @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def introducer(grid): return grid.introducer @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:introducer:furl", include_args=["temp_dir"]) def introducer_furl(introducer, temp_dir): return introducer.furl @pytest.fixture @log_call( action_type=u"integration:tor:introducer", include_args=["temp_dir", "flog_gatherer"], include_result=False, ) def tor_introducer(reactor, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, request, tor_network): intro_dir = join(temp_dir, 'introducer_tor') print("making Tor introducer in {}".format(intro_dir)) print("(this can take tens of seconds to allocate Onion address)") if not exists(intro_dir): mkdir(intro_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( done_proto, reactor, request, ( 'create-introducer', '--tor-control-port', tor_network.client_control_endpoint, '--hide-ip', '--listen=tor', intro_dir, ), ) pytest_twisted.blockon(done_proto.done) # adjust a few settings config = read_config(intro_dir, "tub.port") config.set_config("node", "nickname", "introducer-tor") config.set_config("node", "web.port", "4561") config.set_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl", flog_gatherer.furl) # "tahoe run" is consistent across Linux/macOS/Windows, unlike the old # "start" command. protocol = _MagicTextProtocol('introducer running', "tor_introducer") transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, ( 'run', intro_dir, ), ) def cleanup(): try: transport.signalProcess('TERM') block_with_timeout(protocol.exited, reactor) except ProcessExitedAlready: pass request.addfinalizer(cleanup) print("Waiting for introducer to be ready...") pytest_twisted.blockon(protocol.magic_seen) print("Introducer ready.") return transport @pytest.fixture def tor_introducer_furl(tor_introducer, temp_dir): furl_fname = join(temp_dir, 'introducer_tor', 'private', 'introducer.furl') while not exists(furl_fname): print("Don't see {} yet".format(furl_fname)) sleep(.1) furl = open(furl_fname, 'r').read() print(f"Found Tor introducer furl: {furl} in {furl_fname}") return furl @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call( action_type=u"integration:storage_nodes", include_args=["grid"], include_result=False, ) def storage_nodes(grid): nodes_d = [] # start all 5 nodes in parallel for x in range(5): nodes_d.append(grid.add_storage_node()) nodes_status = pytest_twisted.blockon(DeferredList(nodes_d)) for ok, value in nodes_status: assert ok, "Storage node creation failed: {}".format(value) return grid.storage_servers @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:alice", include_args=[], include_result=False) def alice(reactor, request, grid, storage_nodes): """ :returns grid.Client: the associated instance for Alice """ alice = pytest_twisted.blockon(grid.add_client("alice")) pytest_twisted.blockon(alice.add_sftp(reactor, request)) print(f"Alice pid: {alice.process.transport.pid}") return alice @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:bob", include_args=[], include_result=False) def bob(reactor, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, storage_nodes, request): process = pytest_twisted.blockon( _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, "bob", web_port="tcp:9981:interface=localhost", storage=False, ) ) pytest_twisted.blockon(await_client_ready(process)) return process @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform.startswith('win'), 'Tor tests are unstable on Windows') def chutney(reactor, temp_dir: str) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]: """ Instantiate the "networks/hs-v3" Chutney configuration for a local Tor network. This provides a small, local Tor network that can run v3 Onion Services. This has 10 tor processes: 3 authorities, 5 exits+relays, a client (and one service-hosting node we don't use). We pin a Chutney revision, so things shouldn't change. Currently, the ONLY node that exposes a valid SocksPort is "008c" (the client) on 9008. The control ports start at 8000 (so the ControlPort for the one client node is 8008). """ # Try to find Chutney already installed in the environment. try: import chutney except ImportError: # Nope, we'll get our own in a moment. pass else: # We already have one, just use it. return ( # from `checkout/lib/chutney/__init__.py` we want to get back to # `checkout` because that's the parent of the directory with all # of the network definitions. So, great-grand-parent. FilePath(chutney.__file__).parent().parent().parent().path, # There's nothing to add to the environment. {}, ) chutney_dir = join(temp_dir, 'chutney') mkdir(chutney_dir) missing = [exe for exe in ["tor", "tor-gencert"] if not which(exe)] if missing: pytest.skip(f"Some command-line tools not found: {missing}") # XXX yuck! should add a setup.py to chutney so we can at least # "pip install " and/or depend on chutney in "pip # install -e .[dev]" (i.e. in the 'dev' extra) # # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20343 proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, 'git', ( 'git', 'clone', 'https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/chutney.git', chutney_dir, ), env=environ, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) # XXX: Here we reset Chutney to a specific revision known to work, # since there are no stability guarantees or releases yet. proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, 'git', ( 'git', '-C', chutney_dir, 'reset', '--hard', 'c4f6789ad2558dcbfeb7d024c6481d8112bfb6c2' ), env=environ, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) return chutney_dir, {"PYTHONPATH": join(chutney_dir, "lib")} @define class ChutneyTorNetwork: """ Represents a running Chutney (tor) network. Returned by the "tor_network" fixture. """ dir: FilePath environ: dict client_control_port: int @property def client_control_endpoint(self) -> str: return "tcp:localhost:{}".format(self.client_control_port) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform.startswith('win'), reason='Tor tests are unstable on Windows') def tor_network(reactor, temp_dir, chutney, request): """ Build a basic Tor network. :param chutney: The root directory of a Chutney checkout and a dict of additional environment variables to set so a Python process can use it. :return: None """ chutney_root, chutney_env = chutney basic_network = join(chutney_root, 'networks', 'basic') env = environ.copy() env.update(chutney_env) env.update({ # default is 60, probably too short for reliable automated use. "CHUTNEY_START_TIME": "600", }) chutney_argv = (sys.executable, '-m', 'chutney.TorNet') def chutney(argv): proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, chutney_argv + argv, path=join(chutney_root), env=env, ) return proto.done # now, as per Chutney's README, we have to create the network pytest_twisted.blockon(chutney(("configure", basic_network))) # before we start the network, ensure we will tear down at the end def cleanup(): print("Tearing down Chutney Tor network") try: block_with_timeout(chutney(("stop", basic_network)), reactor) except ProcessTerminated: # If this doesn't exit cleanly, that's fine, that shouldn't fail # the test suite. pass request.addfinalizer(cleanup) pytest_twisted.blockon(chutney(("start", basic_network))) pytest_twisted.blockon(chutney(("wait_for_bootstrap", basic_network))) # print some useful stuff try: pytest_twisted.blockon(chutney(("status", basic_network))) except ProcessTerminated: print("Chutney.TorNet status failed (continuing)") # the "8008" comes from configuring "networks/basic" in chutney # and then examining "net/nodes/008c/torrc" for ControlPort value return ChutneyTorNetwork( chutney_root, chutney_env, 8008, )