from past.builtins import unicode import time import json from functools import wraps from hyperlink import ( DecodedURL, ) from eliot import ( Message, start_action, ) from eliot.twisted import ( DeferredContext, ) from twisted.web import ( http, resource, template, ) from twisted.web.iweb import ( IRequest, ) from twisted.web.template import ( tags, ) from twisted.web.server import ( NOT_DONE_YET, ) from twisted.web.util import ( DeferredResource, FailureElement, redirectTo, ) from twisted.python.reflect import ( fullyQualifiedName, ) from twisted.python import log from twisted.python.failure import ( Failure, ) from twisted.internet.defer import ( CancelledError, maybeDeferred, ) from twisted.web.resource import ( IResource, ) from allmydata import blacklist from allmydata.interfaces import ( EmptyPathnameComponentError, ExistingChildError, FileTooLargeError, MustBeDeepImmutableError, MustBeReadonlyError, MustNotBeUnknownRWError, NoSharesError, NoSuchChildError, NotEnoughSharesError, MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION, ) from allmydata.mutable.common import UnrecoverableFileError from allmydata.util.time_format import ( format_delta, format_time, ) from allmydata.util.encodingutil import ( quote_output, to_bytes, ) # Originally part of this module, so still part of its API: from .common_py3 import ( # noqa: F401 get_arg, abbreviate_time, MultiFormatResource, WebError, ) def get_filenode_metadata(filenode): metadata = {'mutable': filenode.is_mutable()} if metadata['mutable']: mutable_type = filenode.get_version() assert mutable_type in (SDMF_VERSION, MDMF_VERSION) if mutable_type == MDMF_VERSION: file_format = "MDMF" else: file_format = "SDMF" else: file_format = "CHK" metadata['format'] = file_format size = filenode.get_size() if size is not None: metadata['size'] = size return metadata def boolean_of_arg(arg): # TODO: "" if arg.lower() not in ("true", "t", "1", "false", "f", "0", "on", "off"): raise WebError("invalid boolean argument: %r" % (arg,), http.BAD_REQUEST) return arg.lower() in ("true", "t", "1", "on") def parse_replace_arg(replace): if replace.lower() == "only-files": return replace try: return boolean_of_arg(replace) except WebError: raise WebError("invalid replace= argument: %r" % (replace,), http.BAD_REQUEST) def get_format(req, default="CHK"): arg = get_arg(req, "format", None) if not arg: if boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "mutable", "false")): return "SDMF" return default if arg.upper() == "CHK": return "CHK" elif arg.upper() == "SDMF": return "SDMF" elif arg.upper() == "MDMF": return "MDMF" else: raise WebError("Unknown format: %s, I know CHK, SDMF, MDMF" % arg, http.BAD_REQUEST) def get_mutable_type(file_format): # accepts result of get_format() if file_format == "SDMF": return SDMF_VERSION elif file_format == "MDMF": return MDMF_VERSION else: # this is also used to identify which formats are mutable. Use # if get_mutable_type(file_format) is not None: # do_mutable() # else: # do_immutable() return None def parse_offset_arg(offset): # XXX: This will raise a ValueError when invoked on something that # is not an integer. Is that okay? Or do we want a better error # message? Since this call is going to be used by programmers and # their tools rather than users (through the wui), it is not # inconsistent to return that, I guess. if offset is not None: offset = int(offset) return offset def get_root(req): """ Get a relative path with parent directory segments that refers to the root location known to the given request. This seems a lot like the constant absolute path **/** but it will behave differently if the Tahoe-LAFS HTTP server is reverse-proxied and mounted somewhere other than at the root. :param twisted.web.iweb.IRequest req: The request to consider. :return: A string like ``../../..`` with the correct number of segments to reach the root. """ if not IRequest.providedBy(req): raise TypeError( "get_root requires IRequest provider, got {!r}".format(req), ) depth = len(req.prepath) + len(req.postpath) link = "/".join([".."] * depth) return link def convert_children_json(nodemaker, children_json): """I convert the JSON output of GET?t=json into the dict-of-nodes input to both dirnode.create_subdirectory() and client.create_directory(initial_children=). This is used by t=mkdir-with-children and t=mkdir-immutable""" children = {} if children_json: data = json.loads(children_json) for (namex, (ctype, propdict)) in data.iteritems(): namex = unicode(namex) writecap = to_bytes(propdict.get("rw_uri")) readcap = to_bytes(propdict.get("ro_uri")) metadata = propdict.get("metadata", {}) # name= argument is just for error reporting childnode = nodemaker.create_from_cap(writecap, readcap, name=namex) children[namex] = (childnode, metadata) return children def compute_rate(bytes, seconds): if bytes is None: return None if seconds is None or seconds == 0: return None # negative values don't make sense here assert bytes > -1 assert seconds > 0 return 1.0 * bytes / seconds def abbreviate_rate(data): """ Convert number of bytes/second into human readable strings (unicode). Uses metric measures, so 1000 not 1024, e.g. 21.8kBps, 554.4kBps, 4.37MBps. :param data: Either ``None`` or integer. :return: Unicode string. """ if data is None: return u"" r = float(data) if r > 1000000: return u"%1.2fMBps" % (r/1000000) if r > 1000: return u"%.1fkBps" % (r/1000) return u"%.0fBps" % r def abbreviate_size(data): """ Convert number of bytes into human readable strings (unicode). Uses metric measures, so 1000 not 1024, e.g. 21.8kB, 554.4kB, 4.37MB. :param data: Either ``None`` or integer. :return: Unicode string. """ if data is None: return u"" r = float(data) if r > 1000000000: return u"%1.2fGB" % (r/1000000000) if r > 1000000: return u"%1.2fMB" % (r/1000000) if r > 1000: return u"%.1fkB" % (r/1000) return u"%.0fB" % r def plural(sequence_or_length): if isinstance(sequence_or_length, int): length = sequence_or_length else: length = len(sequence_or_length) if length == 1: return "" return "s" def text_plain(text, req): req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain") req.setHeader("content-length", b"%d" % len(text)) return text def spaces_to_nbsp(text): return unicode(text).replace(u' ', u'\u00A0') def render_time_delta(time_1, time_2): return spaces_to_nbsp(format_delta(time_1, time_2)) def render_time(t): return spaces_to_nbsp(format_time(time.localtime(t))) def render_time_attr(t): return format_time(time.localtime(t)) # XXX: to make UnsupportedMethod return 501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED instead of 500 # Internal Server Error, we either need to do that ICanHandleException trick, # or make sure that childFactory returns a WebErrorResource (and never an # actual exception). The latter is growing increasingly annoying. def should_create_intermediate_directories(req): t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip() return bool(req.method in ("PUT", "POST") and t not in ("delete", "rename", "rename-form", "check")) def humanize_exception(exc): """ Like ``humanize_failure`` but for an exception. :param Exception exc: The exception to describe. :return: See ``humanize_failure``. """ if isinstance(exc, EmptyPathnameComponentError): return ("The webapi does not allow empty pathname components, " "i.e. a double slash", http.BAD_REQUEST) if isinstance(exc, ExistingChildError): return ("There was already a child by that name, and you asked me " "to not replace it.", http.CONFLICT) if isinstance(exc, NoSuchChildError): quoted_name = quote_output(exc.args[0], encoding="utf-8", quotemarks=False) return ("No such child: %s" % quoted_name, http.NOT_FOUND) if isinstance(exc, NotEnoughSharesError): t = ("NotEnoughSharesError: This indicates that some " "servers were unavailable, or that shares have been " "lost to server departure, hard drive failure, or disk " "corruption. You should perform a filecheck on " "this object to learn more.\n\nThe full error message is:\n" "%s") % str(exc) return (t, http.GONE) if isinstance(exc, NoSharesError): t = ("NoSharesError: no shares could be found. " "Zero shares usually indicates a corrupt URI, or that " "no servers were connected, but it might also indicate " "severe corruption. You should perform a filecheck on " "this object to learn more.\n\nThe full error message is:\n" "%s") % str(exc) return (t, http.GONE) if isinstance(exc, UnrecoverableFileError): t = ("UnrecoverableFileError: the directory (or mutable file) could " "not be retrieved, because there were insufficient good shares. " "This might indicate that no servers were connected, " "insufficient servers were connected, the URI was corrupt, or " "that shares have been lost due to server departure, hard drive " "failure, or disk corruption. You should perform a filecheck on " "this object to learn more.") return (t, http.GONE) if isinstance(exc, MustNotBeUnknownRWError): quoted_name = quote_output(exc.args[1], encoding="utf-8") immutable = exc.args[2] if immutable: t = ("MustNotBeUnknownRWError: an operation to add a child named " "%s to a directory was given an unknown cap in a write slot.\n" "If the cap is actually an immutable readcap, then using a " "webapi server that supports a later version of Tahoe may help.\n\n" "If you are using the webapi directly, then specifying an immutable " "readcap in the read slot (ro_uri) of the JSON PROPDICT, and " "omitting the write slot (rw_uri), would also work in this " "case.") % quoted_name else: t = ("MustNotBeUnknownRWError: an operation to add a child named " "%s to a directory was given an unknown cap in a write slot.\n" "Using a webapi server that supports a later version of Tahoe " "may help.\n\n" "If you are using the webapi directly, specifying a readcap in " "the read slot (ro_uri) of the JSON PROPDICT, as well as a " "writecap in the write slot if desired, would also work in this " "case.") % quoted_name return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST) if isinstance(exc, MustBeDeepImmutableError): quoted_name = quote_output(exc.args[1], encoding="utf-8") t = ("MustBeDeepImmutableError: a cap passed to this operation for " "the child named %s, needed to be immutable but was not. Either " "the cap is being added to an immutable directory, or it was " "originally retrieved from an immutable directory as an unknown " "cap.") % quoted_name return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST) if isinstance(exc, MustBeReadonlyError): quoted_name = quote_output(exc.args[1], encoding="utf-8") t = ("MustBeReadonlyError: a cap passed to this operation for " "the child named '%s', needed to be read-only but was not. " "The cap is being passed in a read slot (ro_uri), or was retrieved " "from a read slot as an unknown cap.") % quoted_name return (t, http.BAD_REQUEST) if isinstance(exc, blacklist.FileProhibited): t = "Access Prohibited: %s" % quote_output(exc.reason, encoding="utf-8", quotemarks=False) return (t, http.FORBIDDEN) if isinstance(exc, WebError): return (exc.text, exc.code) if isinstance(exc, FileTooLargeError): return ("FileTooLargeError: %s" % (exc,), http.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) return (str(exc), None) def humanize_failure(f): """ Create an human-oriented description of a failure along with some HTTP metadata. :param Failure f: The failure to describe. :return (bytes, int): A tuple of some prose and an HTTP code describing the failure. """ return humanize_exception(f.value) class NeedOperationHandleError(WebError): pass class SlotsSequenceElement(template.Element): """ ``SlotsSequenceElement` is a minimal port of Nevow's sequence renderer for twisted.web.template. Tags passed in to be templated will have two renderers available: ``item`` and ``tag``. """ def __init__(self, tag, seq): self.loader = template.TagLoader(tag) self.seq = seq @template.renderer def header(self, request, tag): return tag @template.renderer def item(self, request, tag): """ A template renderer for each sequence item. ``tag`` will be cloned for each item in the sequence provided, and its slots filled from the sequence item. Each item must be dict-like enough for ``tag.fillSlots(**item)``. Each cloned tag will be siblings with no separator beween them. """ for item in self.seq: yield tag.clone(deep=False).fillSlots(**item) @template.renderer def empty(self, request, tag): """ A template renderer for empty sequences. This renderer will either return ``tag`` unmodified if the provided sequence has no items, or return the empty string if there are any items. """ if len(self.seq) > 0: return u'' else: return tag def exception_to_child(getChild): """ Decorate ``getChild`` method with exception handling behavior to render an error page reflecting the exception. """ @wraps(getChild) def g(self, name, req): # Bind the method to the instance so it has a better # fullyQualifiedName later on. This is not necessary on Python 3. bound_getChild = getChild.__get__(self, type(self)) action = start_action( action_type=u"allmydata:web:common-getChild", uri=req.uri, method=req.method, name=name, handler=fullyQualifiedName(bound_getChild), ) with action.context(): result = DeferredContext(maybeDeferred(bound_getChild, name, req)) result.addCallbacks( _getChild_done, _getChild_failed, callbackArgs=(self,), ) result = result.addActionFinish() return DeferredResource(result) return g def _getChild_done(child, parent): Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-getChild:result", result=fullyQualifiedName(type(child)), ) if child is None: return resource.NoResource() return child def _getChild_failed(reason): text, code = humanize_failure(reason) return resource.ErrorPage(code, "Error", text) def render_exception(render): """ Decorate a ``render_*`` method with exception handling behavior to render an error page reflecting the exception. """ @wraps(render) def g(self, request): # Bind the method to the instance so it has a better # fullyQualifiedName later on. This is not necessary on Python 3. bound_render = render.__get__(self, type(self)) action = start_action( action_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render", uri=request.uri, method=request.method, handler=fullyQualifiedName(bound_render), ) if getattr(request, "dont_apply_extra_processing", False): with action: return bound_render(request) with action.context(): result = DeferredContext(maybeDeferred(bound_render, request)) # Apply `_finish` all of our result handling logic to whatever it # returned. result.addBoth(_finish, bound_render, request) d = result.addActionFinish() # If the connection is lost then there's no point running our _finish # logic because it has nowhere to send anything. There may also be no # point in finishing whatever operation was being performed because # the client cannot be informed of its result. Also, Twisted Web # raises exceptions from some Request methods if they're used after # the connection is lost. request.notifyFinish().addErrback( lambda ignored: d.cancel(), ) return NOT_DONE_YET return g def _finish(result, render, request): """ Try to finish rendering the response to a request. This implements extra convenience functionality not provided by Twisted Web. Various resources in Tahoe-LAFS made use of this functionality when it was provided by Nevow. Rather than making that application code do the more tedious thing itself, we duplicate the functionality here. :param result: Something returned by a render method which we can turn into a response. :param render: The original render method which produced the result. :param request: The request being responded to. :return: ``None`` """ if isinstance(result, Failure): if result.check(CancelledError): return Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:failure", message=result.getErrorMessage(), ) _finish( _renderHTTP_exception(request, result), render, request, ) elif IResource.providedBy(result): # If result is also using @render_exception then we don't want to # double-apply the logic. This leads to an attempt to double-finish # the request. If it isn't using @render_exception then you should # fix it so it is. Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:resource", resource=fullyQualifiedName(type(result)), ) result.render(request) elif isinstance(result, unicode): Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:unicode", ) request.write(result.encode("utf-8")) request.finish() elif isinstance(result, bytes): Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:bytes", ) request.write(result) request.finish() elif isinstance(result, DecodedURL): Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:DecodedURL", ) _finish(redirectTo(result.to_text().encode("utf-8"), request), render, request) elif result is None: Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:None", ) request.finish() elif result == NOT_DONE_YET: Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:NOT_DONE_YET", ) pass else: Message.log( message_type=u"allmydata:web:common-render:unknown", ) log.err("Request for {!r} handled by {!r} returned unusable {!r}".format( request.uri, fullyQualifiedName(render), result, )) request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) _finish(b"Internal Server Error", render, request) def _renderHTTP_exception(request, failure): try: text, code = humanize_failure(failure) except: log.msg("exception in humanize_failure") log.msg("argument was %s" % (failure,)) log.err() text = str(failure) code = None if code is not None: return _renderHTTP_exception_simple(request, text, code) accept = request.getHeader("accept") if not accept: accept = "*/*" if "*/*" in accept or "text/*" in accept or "text/html" in accept: request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) return template.renderElement( request, tags.html( tags.head( tags.title(u"Exception"), ), tags.body( FailureElement(failure), ), ), ) # use plain text traceback = failure.getTraceback() return _renderHTTP_exception_simple( request, traceback, http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) def _renderHTTP_exception_simple(request, text, code): request.setResponseCode(code) request.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8") if isinstance(text, unicode): text = text.encode("utf-8") request.setHeader("content-length", b"%d" % len(text)) return text def handle_when_done(req, d): when_done = get_arg(req, "when_done", None) if when_done: d.addCallback(lambda res: DecodedURL.from_text(when_done.decode("utf-8"))) return d def url_for_string(req, url_string): """ Construct a universal URL using the given URL string. :param IRequest req: The request being served. If ``redir_to`` is not absolute then this is used to determine the net location of this server and the resulting URL is made to point at it. :param bytes url_string: A byte string giving a universal or absolute URL. :return DecodedURL: An absolute URL based on this server's net location and the given URL string. """ url = DecodedURL.from_text(url_string.decode("utf-8")) if == b"": root = req.URLPath() netloc = root.netloc.split(b":", 1) if len(netloc) == 1: host = netloc port = None else: host = netloc[0] port = int(netloc[1]) url = url.replace( scheme=root.scheme.decode("ascii"), host=host.decode("ascii"), port=port, ) return url