""" Ported to Python 3. """ import sys import shutil from time import sleep from os import mkdir, listdir, environ from os.path import join, exists from tempfile import mkdtemp, mktemp from functools import partial from json import loads from foolscap.furl import ( decode_furl, ) from eliot import ( to_file, log_call, ) from twisted.python.procutils import which from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList from twisted.internet.error import ( ProcessExitedAlready, ProcessTerminated, ) import pytest import pytest_twisted from .util import ( _CollectOutputProtocol, _MagicTextProtocol, _DumpOutputProtocol, _ProcessExitedProtocol, _create_node, _cleanup_tahoe_process, _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage, await_client_ready, TahoeProcess, cli, generate_ssh_key, block_with_timeout, ) from allmydata.node import read_config # pytest customization hooks def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--keep-tempdir", action="store_true", dest="keep", help="Keep the tmpdir with the client directories (introducer, etc)", ) parser.addoption( "--coverage", action="store_true", dest="coverage", help="Collect coverage statistics", ) parser.addoption( "--force-foolscap", action="store_true", default=False, dest="force_foolscap", help=("If set, force Foolscap only for the storage protocol. " + "Otherwise HTTP will be used.") ) parser.addoption( "--runslow", action="store_true", default=False, dest="runslow", help="If set, run tests marked as slow.", ) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): if not config.option.runslow: # The --runslow option was not given; keep only collected items not # marked as slow. items[:] = [ item for item in items if item.get_closest_marker("slow") is None ] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session') def eliot_logging(): with open("integration.eliot.json", "w") as f: to_file(f) yield # I've mostly defined these fixtures from "easiest" to "most # complicated", and the dependencies basically go "down the # page". They're all session-scoped which has the "pro" that we only # set up the grid once, but the "con" that each test has to be a # little careful they're not stepping on toes etc :/ @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:reactor", include_result=False) def reactor(): # this is a fixture in case we might want to try different # reactors for some reason. from twisted.internet import reactor as _reactor return _reactor @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:temp_dir", include_args=[]) def temp_dir(request): """ Invoke like 'py.test --keep-tempdir ...' to avoid deleting the temp-dir """ tmp = mkdtemp(prefix="tahoe") if request.config.getoption('keep'): print("\nWill retain tempdir '{}'".format(tmp)) # I'm leaving this in and always calling it so that the tempdir # path is (also) printed out near the end of the run def cleanup(): if request.config.getoption('keep'): print("Keeping tempdir '{}'".format(tmp)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(tmp, ignore_errors=True) except Exception as e: print("Failed to remove tmpdir: {}".format(e)) request.addfinalizer(cleanup) return tmp @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:flog_binary", include_args=[]) def flog_binary(): return which('flogtool')[0] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:flog_gatherer", include_args=[]) def flog_gatherer(reactor, temp_dir, flog_binary, request): out_protocol = _CollectOutputProtocol() gather_dir = join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather') reactor.spawnProcess( out_protocol, flog_binary, ( 'flogtool', 'create-gatherer', '--location', 'tcp:localhost:3117', '--port', '3117', gather_dir, ) ) pytest_twisted.blockon(out_protocol.done) twistd_protocol = _MagicTextProtocol("Gatherer waiting at") twistd_process = reactor.spawnProcess( twistd_protocol, which('twistd')[0], ( 'twistd', '--nodaemon', '--python', join(gather_dir, 'gatherer.tac'), ), path=gather_dir, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(twistd_protocol.magic_seen) def cleanup(): _cleanup_tahoe_process(twistd_process, twistd_protocol.exited) flog_file = mktemp('.flog_dump') flog_protocol = _DumpOutputProtocol(open(flog_file, 'w')) flog_dir = join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather') flogs = [x for x in listdir(flog_dir) if x.endswith('.flog')] print("Dumping {} flogtool logfiles to '{}'".format(len(flogs), flog_file)) reactor.spawnProcess( flog_protocol, flog_binary, ( 'flogtool', 'dump', join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather', flogs[0]) ), ) print("Waiting for flogtool to complete") try: block_with_timeout(flog_protocol.done, reactor) except ProcessTerminated as e: print("flogtool exited unexpectedly: {}".format(str(e))) print("Flogtool completed") request.addfinalizer(cleanup) with open(join(gather_dir, 'log_gatherer.furl'), 'r') as f: furl = f.read().strip() return furl @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call( action_type=u"integration:introducer", include_args=["temp_dir", "flog_gatherer"], include_result=False, ) def introducer(reactor, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, request): config = ''' [node] nickname = introducer0 web.port = 4560 log_gatherer.furl = {log_furl} '''.format(log_furl=flog_gatherer) intro_dir = join(temp_dir, 'introducer') print("making introducer", intro_dir) if not exists(intro_dir): mkdir(intro_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( done_proto, reactor, request, ( 'create-introducer', '--listen=tcp', '--hostname=localhost', intro_dir, ), ) pytest_twisted.blockon(done_proto.done) # over-write the config file with our stuff with open(join(intro_dir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f: f.write(config) # "tahoe run" is consistent across Linux/macOS/Windows, unlike the old # "start" command. protocol = _MagicTextProtocol('introducer running') transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, ( 'run', intro_dir, ), ) request.addfinalizer(partial(_cleanup_tahoe_process, transport, protocol.exited)) pytest_twisted.blockon(protocol.magic_seen) return TahoeProcess(transport, intro_dir) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:introducer:furl", include_args=["temp_dir"]) def introducer_furl(introducer, temp_dir): furl_fname = join(temp_dir, 'introducer', 'private', 'introducer.furl') while not exists(furl_fname): print("Don't see {} yet".format(furl_fname)) sleep(.1) furl = open(furl_fname, 'r').read() tubID, location_hints, name = decode_furl(furl) if not location_hints: # If there are no location hints then nothing can ever possibly # connect to it and the only thing that can happen next is something # will hang or time out. So just give up right now. raise ValueError( "Introducer ({!r}) fURL has no location hints!".format( introducer_furl, ), ) return furl @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call( action_type=u"integration:tor:introducer", include_args=["temp_dir", "flog_gatherer"], include_result=False, ) def tor_introducer(reactor, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, request): intro_dir = join(temp_dir, 'introducer_tor') print("making introducer", intro_dir) if not exists(intro_dir): mkdir(intro_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( done_proto, reactor, request, ( 'create-introducer', '--tor-control-port', 'tcp:localhost:8010', '--listen=tor', intro_dir, ), ) pytest_twisted.blockon(done_proto.done) # adjust a few settings config = read_config(intro_dir, "tub.port") config.set_config("node", "nickname", "introducer-tor") config.set_config("node", "web.port", "4561") config.set_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl", flog_gatherer) # "tahoe run" is consistent across Linux/macOS/Windows, unlike the old # "start" command. protocol = _MagicTextProtocol('introducer running') transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, ( 'run', intro_dir, ), ) def cleanup(): try: transport.signalProcess('TERM') block_with_timeout(protocol.exited, reactor) except ProcessExitedAlready: pass request.addfinalizer(cleanup) print("Waiting for introducer to be ready...") pytest_twisted.blockon(protocol.magic_seen) print("Introducer ready.") return transport @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def tor_introducer_furl(tor_introducer, temp_dir): furl_fname = join(temp_dir, 'introducer_tor', 'private', 'introducer.furl') while not exists(furl_fname): print("Don't see {} yet".format(furl_fname)) sleep(.1) furl = open(furl_fname, 'r').read() print(f"Found Tor introducer furl: {furl}") return furl @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call( action_type=u"integration:storage_nodes", include_args=["temp_dir", "introducer_furl", "flog_gatherer"], include_result=False, ) def storage_nodes(reactor, temp_dir, introducer, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, request): nodes_d = [] # start all 5 nodes in parallel for x in range(5): name = 'node{}'.format(x) web_port= 9990 + x nodes_d.append( _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port="tcp:{}:interface=localhost".format(web_port), storage=True, ) ) nodes_status = pytest_twisted.blockon(DeferredList(nodes_d)) nodes = [] for ok, process in nodes_status: assert ok, "Storage node creation failed: {}".format(process) nodes.append(process) return nodes @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def alice_sftp_client_key_path(temp_dir): # The client SSH key path is typically going to be somewhere else (~/.ssh, # typically), but for convenience sake for testing we'll put it inside node. return join(temp_dir, "alice", "private", "ssh_client_rsa_key") @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:alice", include_args=[], include_result=False) def alice( reactor, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, storage_nodes, alice_sftp_client_key_path, request, ): process = pytest_twisted.blockon( _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, "alice", web_port="tcp:9980:interface=localhost", storage=False, # We're going to kill this ourselves, so no need for finalizer to # do it: finalize=False, ) ) pytest_twisted.blockon(await_client_ready(process)) # 1. Create a new RW directory cap: cli(process, "create-alias", "test") rwcap = loads(cli(process, "list-aliases", "--json"))["test"]["readwrite"] # 2. Enable SFTP on the node: host_ssh_key_path = join(process.node_dir, "private", "ssh_host_rsa_key") accounts_path = join(process.node_dir, "private", "accounts") with open(join(process.node_dir, "tahoe.cfg"), "a") as f: f.write("""\ [sftpd] enabled = true port = tcp:8022:interface= host_pubkey_file = {ssh_key_path}.pub host_privkey_file = {ssh_key_path} accounts.file = {accounts_path} """.format(ssh_key_path=host_ssh_key_path, accounts_path=accounts_path)) generate_ssh_key(host_ssh_key_path) # 3. Add a SFTP access file with an SSH key for auth. generate_ssh_key(alice_sftp_client_key_path) # Pub key format is "ssh-rsa ". We want the key. ssh_public_key = open(alice_sftp_client_key_path + ".pub").read().strip().split()[1] with open(accounts_path, "w") as f: f.write("""\ alice-key ssh-rsa {ssh_public_key} {rwcap} """.format(rwcap=rwcap, ssh_public_key=ssh_public_key)) # 4. Restart the node with new SFTP config. pytest_twisted.blockon(process.restart_async(reactor, request)) pytest_twisted.blockon(await_client_ready(process)) print(f"Alice pid: {process.transport.pid}") return process @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @log_call(action_type=u"integration:bob", include_args=[], include_result=False) def bob(reactor, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, storage_nodes, request): process = pytest_twisted.blockon( _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, "bob", web_port="tcp:9981:interface=localhost", storage=False, ) ) pytest_twisted.blockon(await_client_ready(process)) return process @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform.startswith('win'), 'Tor tests are unstable on Windows') def chutney(reactor, temp_dir): chutney_dir = join(temp_dir, 'chutney') mkdir(chutney_dir) # TODO: # check for 'tor' binary explicitly and emit a "skip" if we can't # find it # XXX yuck! should add a setup.py to chutney so we can at least # "pip install " and/or depend on chutney in "pip # install -e .[dev]" (i.e. in the 'dev' extra) # # https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20343 proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, 'git', ( 'git', 'clone', 'https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/chutney.git', chutney_dir, ), env=environ, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) # XXX: Here we reset Chutney to a specific revision known to work, # since there are no stability guarantees or releases yet. proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, 'git', ( 'git', '-C', chutney_dir, 'reset', '--hard', 'c4f6789ad2558dcbfeb7d024c6481d8112bfb6c2' ), env=environ, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) return chutney_dir @pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform.startswith('win'), reason='Tor tests are unstable on Windows') def tor_network(reactor, temp_dir, chutney, request): # this is the actual "chutney" script at the root of a chutney checkout chutney_dir = chutney chut = join(chutney_dir, 'chutney') # now, as per Chutney's README, we have to create the network # ./chutney configure networks/basic # ./chutney start networks/basic env = environ.copy() env.update({"PYTHONPATH": join(chutney_dir, "lib")}) proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, ( sys.executable, '-m', 'chutney.TorNet', 'configure', join(chutney_dir, 'networks', 'basic'), ), path=join(chutney_dir), env=env, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) proto = _DumpOutputProtocol(None) reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, ( sys.executable, '-m', 'chutney.TorNet', 'start', join(chutney_dir, 'networks', 'basic'), ), path=join(chutney_dir), env=env, ) pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) # print some useful stuff proto = _CollectOutputProtocol() reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, ( sys.executable, '-m', 'chutney.TorNet', 'status', join(chutney_dir, 'networks', 'basic'), ), path=join(chutney_dir), env=env, ) try: pytest_twisted.blockon(proto.done) except ProcessTerminated: print("Chutney.TorNet status failed (continuing):") print(proto.output.getvalue()) def cleanup(): print("Tearing down Chutney Tor network") proto = _CollectOutputProtocol() reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, ( sys.executable, '-m', 'chutney.TorNet', 'stop', join(chutney_dir, 'networks', 'basic'), ), path=join(chutney_dir), env=env, ) try: block_with_timeout(proto.done, reactor) except ProcessTerminated: # If this doesn't exit cleanly, that's fine, that shouldn't fail # the test suite. pass request.addfinalizer(cleanup) return chut