""" Integration tests for getting and putting files, including reading from stdin and stdout. """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output import sys import pytest from pytest_twisted import ensureDeferred from twisted.internet import reactor from .util import run_in_thread, cli, reconfigure DATA = b"abc123 this is not utf-8 decodable \xff\x00\x33 \x11" try: DATA.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass # great, what we want else: raise ValueError("BUG, the DATA string was decoded from UTF-8") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def get_put_alias(alice): cli(alice, "create-alias", "getput") def read_bytes(path): with open(path, "rb") as f: return f.read() @run_in_thread def test_put_from_stdin(alice, get_put_alias, tmpdir): """ It's possible to upload a file via `tahoe put`'s STDIN, and then download it to a file. """ tempfile = str(tmpdir.join("file")) p = Popen( ["tahoe", "--node-directory", alice.node_dir, "put", "-", "getput:fromstdin"], stdin=PIPE ) p.stdin.write(DATA) p.stdin.close() assert p.wait() == 0 cli(alice, "get", "getput:fromstdin", tempfile) assert read_bytes(tempfile) == DATA def test_get_to_stdout(alice, get_put_alias, tmpdir): """ It's possible to upload a file, and then download it to stdout. """ tempfile = tmpdir.join("file") with tempfile.open("wb") as f: f.write(DATA) cli(alice, "put", str(tempfile), "getput:tostdout") p = Popen( ["tahoe", "--node-directory", alice.node_dir, "get", "getput:tostdout", "-"], stdout=PIPE ) assert p.stdout.read() == DATA assert p.wait() == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.platform.startswith("win"), reason="reconfigure() has issues on Windows" ) @ensureDeferred async def test_upload_download_immutable_different_default_max_segment_size(alice, get_put_alias, tmpdir, request): """ Tahoe-LAFS used to have a default max segment size of 128KB, and is now 1MB. Test that an upload created when 128KB was the default can be downloaded with 1MB as the default (i.e. old uploader, new downloader), and vice versa, (new uploader, old downloader). """ tempfile = tmpdir.join("file") large_data = DATA * 100_000 assert len(large_data) > 2 * 1024 * 1024 with tempfile.open("wb") as f: f.write(large_data) async def set_segment_size(segment_size): await reconfigure( reactor, request, alice, (1, 1, 1), None, max_segment_size=segment_size ) # 1. Upload file 1 with default segment size set to 1MB await set_segment_size(1024 * 1024) cli(alice, "put", str(tempfile), "getput:seg1024kb") # 2. Download file 1 with default segment size set to 128KB await set_segment_size(128 * 1024) assert large_data == check_output( ["tahoe", "--node-directory", alice.node_dir, "get", "getput:seg1024kb", "-"] ) # 3. Upload file 2 with default segment size set to 128KB cli(alice, "put", str(tempfile), "getput:seg128kb") # 4. Download file 2 with default segment size set to 1MB await set_segment_size(1024 * 1024) assert large_data == check_output( ["tahoe", "--node-directory", alice.node_dir, "get", "getput:seg128kb", "-"] )