""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from future.utils import PY2 if PY2: from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 import os from struct import ( pack, ) from functools import ( partial, ) import attr from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.application import service from foolscap.api import Tub, fireEventually, flushEventualQueue from eliot.twisted import ( inline_callbacks, ) from allmydata.crypto import aes from allmydata.storage.server import ( si_b2a, StorageServer, ) from allmydata.storage_client import StorageFarmBroker from allmydata.immutable.layout import ( make_write_bucket_proxy, ) from allmydata.immutable import offloaded, upload from allmydata import uri, client from allmydata.util import hashutil, fileutil, mathutil, dictutil from .no_network import ( NoNetworkServer, LocalWrapper, fireNow, ) from .common import ( EMPTY_CLIENT_CONFIG, SyncTestCase, ) from testtools.matchers import ( Equals, MatchesListwise, IsInstance, ) from testtools.twistedsupport import ( succeeded, ) MiB = 1024*1024 DATA = b"I need help\n" * 1000 class CHKUploadHelper_fake(offloaded.CHKUploadHelper): def start_encrypted(self, eu): d = eu.get_size() def _got_size(size): d2 = eu.get_all_encoding_parameters() def _got_parms(parms): # just pretend we did the upload needed_shares, happy, total_shares, segsize = parms ueb_data = {"needed_shares": needed_shares, "total_shares": total_shares, "segment_size": segsize, "size": size, } ueb_hash = b"fake" v = uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(self._storage_index, b"x"*32, needed_shares, total_shares, size) _UR = upload.UploadResults ur = _UR(file_size=size, ciphertext_fetched=0, preexisting_shares=0, pushed_shares=total_shares, sharemap={}, servermap={}, timings={}, uri_extension_data=ueb_data, uri_extension_hash=ueb_hash, verifycapstr=v.to_string()) self._upload_status.set_results(ur) return ur d2.addCallback(_got_parms) return d2 d.addCallback(_got_size) return d @attr.s class FakeCHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher(object): """ A fake of ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher`` which hard-codes some check result. """ peer_getter = attr.ib() storage_index = attr.ib() logparent = attr.ib() _sharemap = attr.ib() _ueb_data = attr.ib() @property def _ueb_hash(self): return hashutil.uri_extension_hash( uri.pack_extension(self._ueb_data), ) def check(self): return defer.succeed(( self._sharemap, self._ueb_data, self._ueb_hash, )) class FakeClient(service.MultiService): introducer_clients = [] DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS = {"k":25, "happy": 75, "n": 100, "max_segment_size": 1*MiB, } def get_encoding_parameters(self): return self.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS def get_storage_broker(self): return self.storage_broker def flush_but_dont_ignore(res): d = flushEventualQueue() def _done(ignored): return res d.addCallback(_done) return d def wait_a_few_turns(ignored=None): d = fireEventually() d.addCallback(fireEventually) d.addCallback(fireEventually) d.addCallback(fireEventually) d.addCallback(fireEventually) d.addCallback(fireEventually) return d def upload_data(uploader, data, convergence): u = upload.Data(data, convergence=convergence) return uploader.upload(u) def make_uploader(helper_furl, parent, override_name=None): """ Make an ``upload.Uploader`` service pointed at the given helper and with the given service parent. :param bytes helper_furl: The Foolscap URL of the upload helper. :param IServiceCollection parent: A parent to assign to the new uploader. :param str override_name: If not ``None``, a new name for the uploader service. Multiple services cannot coexist with the same name. """ u = upload.Uploader(helper_furl) if override_name is not None: u.name = override_name u.setServiceParent(parent) return u class AssistedUpload(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tub = t = Tub() t.setOption("expose-remote-exception-types", False) self.s = FakeClient() self.s.storage_broker = StorageFarmBroker( True, lambda h: self.tub, EMPTY_CLIENT_CONFIG, ) self.s.secret_holder = client.SecretHolder(b"lease secret", b"converge") self.s.startService() t.setServiceParent(self.s) self.s.tub = t # we never actually use this for network traffic, so it can use a # bogus host/port t.setLocation(b"bogus:1234") def setUpHelper(self, basedir, chk_upload=CHKUploadHelper_fake, chk_checker=None): fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) self.helper = offloaded.Helper( basedir, self.s.storage_broker, self.s.secret_holder, None, None, ) if chk_upload is not None: self.helper.chk_upload = chk_upload if chk_checker is not None: self.helper.chk_checker = chk_checker self.helper_furl = self.tub.registerReference(self.helper) def tearDown(self): d = self.s.stopService() d.addCallback(fireEventually) d.addBoth(flush_but_dont_ignore) return d def test_one(self): """ Some data that has never been uploaded before can be uploaded in CHK format using the ``RIHelper`` provider and ``Uploader.upload``. """ self.basedir = "helper/AssistedUpload/test_one" self.setUpHelper(self.basedir) u = make_uploader(self.helper_furl, self.s) d = wait_a_few_turns() def _ready(res): self.assertTrue( u._helper, "Expected uploader to have a helper reference, had {} instead.".format( u._helper, ), ) return upload_data(u, DATA, convergence=b"some convergence string") d.addCallback(_ready) def _uploaded(results): the_uri = results.get_uri() self.assertIn(b"CHK", the_uri) self.assertNotEqual( results.get_pushed_shares(), 0, ) d.addCallback(_uploaded) def _check_empty(res): # Make sure the intermediate artifacts aren't left lying around. files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_encoding")) self.assertEqual(files, []) files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_incoming")) self.assertEqual(files, []) d.addCallback(_check_empty) return d @inline_callbacks def test_concurrent(self): """ The same data can be uploaded by more than one ``Uploader`` at a time. """ self.basedir = "helper/AssistedUpload/test_concurrent" self.setUpHelper(self.basedir) u1 = make_uploader(self.helper_furl, self.s, "u1") u2 = make_uploader(self.helper_furl, self.s, "u2") yield wait_a_few_turns() for u in [u1, u2]: self.assertTrue( u._helper, "Expected uploader to have a helper reference, had {} instead.".format( u._helper, ), ) uploads = list( upload_data(u, DATA, convergence=b"some convergence string") for u in [u1, u2] ) result1, result2 = yield defer.gatherResults(uploads) self.assertEqual( result1.get_uri(), result2.get_uri(), ) # It would be really cool to assert that result1.get_pushed_shares() + # result2.get_pushed_shares() == total_shares here. However, we're # faking too much for that to be meaningful here. Also it doesn't # hold because we don't actually push _anything_, we just lie about # having pushed stuff. def test_previous_upload_failed(self): self.basedir = "helper/AssistedUpload/test_previous_upload_failed" self.setUpHelper(self.basedir) # we want to make sure that an upload which fails (leaving the # ciphertext in the CHK_encoding/ directory) does not prevent a later # attempt to upload that file from working. We simulate this by # populating the directory manually. The hardest part is guessing the # storage index. k = FakeClient.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS["k"] n = FakeClient.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS["n"] max_segsize = FakeClient.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS["max_segment_size"] segsize = min(max_segsize, len(DATA)) # this must be a multiple of 'required_shares'==k segsize = mathutil.next_multiple(segsize, k) key = hashutil.convergence_hash(k, n, segsize, DATA, b"test convergence string") assert len(key) == 16 encryptor = aes.create_encryptor(key) SI = hashutil.storage_index_hash(key) SI_s = str(si_b2a(SI), "utf-8") encfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_encoding", SI_s) f = open(encfile, "wb") f.write(aes.encrypt_data(encryptor, DATA)) f.close() u = make_uploader(self.helper_furl, self.s) d = wait_a_few_turns() def _ready(res): assert u._helper return upload_data(u, DATA, convergence=b"test convergence string") d.addCallback(_ready) def _uploaded(results): the_uri = results.get_uri() assert b"CHK" in the_uri d.addCallback(_uploaded) def _check_empty(res): files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_encoding")) self.failUnlessEqual(files, []) files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_incoming")) self.failUnlessEqual(files, []) d.addCallback(_check_empty) return d @inline_callbacks def test_already_uploaded(self): """ If enough shares to satisfy the needed parameter already exist, the upload succeeds without pushing any shares. """ params = FakeClient.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS chk_checker = partial( FakeCHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher, sharemap=dictutil.DictOfSets({ 0: {b"server0"}, 1: {b"server1"}, }), ueb_data={ "size": len(DATA), "segment_size": min(params["max_segment_size"], len(DATA)), "needed_shares": params["k"], "total_shares": params["n"], }, ) self.basedir = "helper/AssistedUpload/test_already_uploaded" self.setUpHelper( self.basedir, chk_checker=chk_checker, ) u = make_uploader(self.helper_furl, self.s) yield wait_a_few_turns() assert u._helper results = yield upload_data(u, DATA, convergence=b"some convergence string") the_uri = results.get_uri() assert b"CHK" in the_uri files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_encoding")) self.failUnlessEqual(files, []) files = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.basedir, "CHK_incoming")) self.failUnlessEqual(files, []) self.assertEqual( results.get_pushed_shares(), 0, ) class CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcherTests(SyncTestCase): """ Tests for ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher``. """ def test_check_no_peers(self): """ If the supplied "peer getter" returns no peers then ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher.check`` returns a ``Deferred`` that fires with ``False``. """ storage_index = b"a" * 16 peers = {storage_index: []} caf = offloaded.CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher( peers.get, storage_index, None, ) self.assertThat( caf.check(), succeeded(Equals(False)), ) @inline_callbacks def test_check_ueb_unavailable(self): """ If the UEB cannot be read from any of the peers supplied by the "peer getter" then ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher.check`` returns a ``Deferred`` that fires with ``False``. """ storage_index = b"a" * 16 serverid = b"b" * 20 storage = StorageServer(self.mktemp(), serverid) rref_without_ueb = LocalWrapper(storage, fireNow) yield write_bad_share(rref_without_ueb, storage_index) server_without_ueb = NoNetworkServer(serverid, rref_without_ueb) peers = {storage_index: [server_without_ueb]} caf = offloaded.CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher( peers.get, storage_index, None, ) self.assertThat( caf.check(), succeeded(Equals(False)), ) @inline_callbacks def test_not_enough_shares(self): """ If fewer shares are found than are required to reassemble the data then ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher.check`` returns a ``Deferred`` that fires with ``False``. """ storage_index = b"a" * 16 serverid = b"b" * 20 storage = StorageServer(self.mktemp(), serverid) rref_with_ueb = LocalWrapper(storage, fireNow) ueb = { "needed_shares": 2, "total_shares": 2, "segment_size": 128 * 1024, "size": 1024, } yield write_good_share(rref_with_ueb, storage_index, ueb, [0]) server_with_ueb = NoNetworkServer(serverid, rref_with_ueb) peers = {storage_index: [server_with_ueb]} caf = offloaded.CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher( peers.get, storage_index, None, ) self.assertThat( caf.check(), succeeded(Equals(False)), ) @inline_callbacks def test_enough_shares(self): """ If enough shares are found to reassemble the data then ``CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher.check`` returns a ``Deferred`` that fires with share and share placement information. """ storage_index = b"a" * 16 serverids = list( ch * 20 for ch in [b"b", b"c"] ) storages = list( StorageServer(self.mktemp(), serverid) for serverid in serverids ) rrefs_with_ueb = list( LocalWrapper(storage, fireNow) for storage in storages ) ueb = { "needed_shares": len(serverids), "total_shares": len(serverids), "segment_size": 128 * 1024, "size": 1024, } for n, rref_with_ueb in enumerate(rrefs_with_ueb): yield write_good_share(rref_with_ueb, storage_index, ueb, [n]) servers_with_ueb = list( NoNetworkServer(serverid, rref_with_ueb) for (serverid, rref_with_ueb) in zip(serverids, rrefs_with_ueb) ) peers = {storage_index: servers_with_ueb} caf = offloaded.CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher( peers.get, storage_index, None, ) self.assertThat( caf.check(), succeeded(MatchesListwise([ Equals({ n: {serverid} for (n, serverid) in enumerate(serverids) }), Equals(ueb), IsInstance(bytes), ])), ) def write_bad_share(storage_rref, storage_index): """ Write a share with a corrupt URI extension block. """ # Write some trash to the right bucket on this storage server. It won't # have a recoverable UEB block. return write_share(storage_rref, storage_index, [0], b"\0" * 1024) def write_good_share(storage_rref, storage_index, ueb, sharenums): """ Write a valid share with the given URI extension block. """ write_proxy = make_write_bucket_proxy( storage_rref, None, 1024, ueb["segment_size"], 1, 1, ueb["size"], ) # See allmydata/immutable/layout.py offset = write_proxy._offsets["uri_extension"] filler = b"\0" * (offset - len(write_proxy._offset_data)) ueb_data = uri.pack_extension(ueb) data = ( write_proxy._offset_data + filler + pack(write_proxy.fieldstruct, len(ueb_data)) + ueb_data ) return write_share(storage_rref, storage_index, sharenums, data) @inline_callbacks def write_share(storage_rref, storage_index, sharenums, sharedata): """ Write the given share data to the given storage index using the given IStorageServer remote reference. :param foolscap.ipb.IRemoteReference storage_rref: A remote reference to an IStorageServer. :param bytes storage_index: The storage index to which to write the share data. :param [int] sharenums: The share numbers to which to write this sharedata. :param bytes sharedata: The ciphertext to write as the share. """ ignored, writers = yield storage_rref.callRemote( "allocate_buckets", storage_index, b"x" * 16, b"x" * 16, sharenums, len(sharedata), LocalWrapper(None), ) [writer] = writers.values() yield writer.callRemote("write", 0, sharedata) yield writer.callRemote("close")