""" Tests for allmydata.util.log. Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from future.utils import PY2 if PY2: from builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.python.failure import Failure from foolscap.logging import log from allmydata.util import log as tahoe_log class SampleError(Exception): pass class Log(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.messages = [] def msg(msg, facility, parent, *args, **kwargs): self.messages.append((msg, facility, parent, args, kwargs)) return "msg{}".format(len(self.messages)) self.patch(log, "msg", msg) def test_err(self): """Logging with log.err() causes tests to fail.""" try: raise SampleError("simple sample") except: f = Failure() tahoe_log.err(format="intentional sample error", failure=f, level=tahoe_log.OPERATIONAL, umid="wO9UoQ") result = self.flushLoggedErrors(SampleError) self.assertEqual(len(result), 1) def test_default_facility(self): """ If facility is passed to PrefixingLogMixin.__init__, it is used as default facility. """ class LoggingObject1(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject1(facility="defaultfac") obj.log("hello") obj.log("world", facility="override") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-2][1], "defaultfac") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-1][1], "override") def test_with_prefix(self): """ If prefix is passed to PrefixingLogMixin.__init__, it is used in message rendering. """ class LoggingObject4(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject4("fac", prefix="pre1") obj.log("hello") obj.log("world") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-2][0], '(pre1): hello') self.assertEqual(self.messages[-1][0], '(pre1): world') def test_with_bytes_prefix(self): """ If bytes prefix is passed to PrefixingLogMixin.__init__, it is used in message rendering. """ class LoggingObject5(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject5("fac", prefix=b"pre1") obj.log("hello") obj.log("world") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-2][0], '(pre1): hello') self.assertEqual(self.messages[-1][0], '(pre1): world') def test_no_prefix(self): """ If no prefix is passed to PrefixingLogMixin.__init__, it is not used in message rendering. """ class LoggingObject2(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject2() obj.log("hello") obj.log("world") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-2][0], ': hello') self.assertEqual(self.messages[-1][0], ': world') def test_numming(self): """ Objects inheriting from PrefixingLogMixin get a unique number from a class-specific counter. """ class LoggingObject3(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject3() obj2 = LoggingObject3() obj.log("hello") obj2.log("world") self.assertEqual(self.messages[-2][0], ': hello') self.assertEqual(self.messages[-1][0], ': world') def test_parent_id(self): """ The parent message id can be passed in, otherwise the first message's id is used as the parent. This logic is pretty bogus, but that's what the code does. """ class LoggingObject1(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject1() result = obj.log("zero") self.assertEqual(result, "msg1") obj.log("one", parent="par1") obj.log("two", parent="par2") obj.log("three") obj.log("four") self.assertEqual([m[2] for m in self.messages], [None, "par1", "par2", "msg1", "msg1"]) def test_grandparent_id(self): """ If grandparent message id is given, it's used as parent id of the first message. """ class LoggingObject1(tahoe_log.PrefixingLogMixin): pass obj = LoggingObject1(grandparentmsgid="grand") result = obj.log("zero") self.assertEqual(result, "msg1") obj.log("one", parent="par1") obj.log("two", parent="par2") obj.log("three") obj.log("four") self.assertEqual([m[2] for m in self.messages], ["grand", "par1", "par2", "msg1", "msg1"])