""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import annotations import os import stat import time import weakref from typing import Optional from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode from functools import partial # On Python 2 this will be the backported package: from configparser import NoSectionError from foolscap.furl import ( decode_furl, ) import attr from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.plugin import ( getPlugins, ) from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.application import service from twisted.application.internet import TimerService from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath import allmydata from allmydata import node from allmydata.crypto import rsa, ed25519 from allmydata.crypto.util import remove_prefix from allmydata.storage.server import StorageServer, FoolscapStorageServer from allmydata import storage_client from allmydata.immutable.upload import Uploader from allmydata.immutable.offloaded import Helper from allmydata.mutable.filenode import MutableFileNode from allmydata.introducer.client import IntroducerClient from allmydata.util import ( hashutil, base32, pollmixin, log, idlib, yamlutil, configutil, fileutil, ) from allmydata.util.encodingutil import get_filesystem_encoding from allmydata.util.abbreviate import parse_abbreviated_size from allmydata.util.time_format import parse_duration, parse_date from allmydata.util.i2p_provider import create as create_i2p_provider from allmydata.util.tor_provider import create as create_tor_provider from allmydata.stats import StatsProvider from allmydata.history import History from allmydata.interfaces import ( IStatsProducer, SDMF_VERSION, MDMF_VERSION, DEFAULT_IMMUTABLE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, IFoolscapStoragePlugin, IAnnounceableStorageServer, ) from allmydata.nodemaker import NodeMaker from allmydata.blacklist import Blacklist KiB=1024 MiB=1024*KiB GiB=1024*MiB TiB=1024*GiB PiB=1024*TiB def _is_valid_section(section_name): """ Check for valid dynamic configuration section names. Currently considers all possible storage server plugin sections valid. """ return ( section_name.startswith("storageserver.plugins.") or section_name.startswith("storageclient.plugins.") or section_name in ("grid_managers", "grid_manager_certificates") ) _client_config = configutil.ValidConfiguration( static_valid_sections={ "client": ( "helper.furl", "introducer.furl", "key_generator.furl", "mutable.format", "peers.preferred", "shares.happy", "shares.needed", "shares.total", "shares._max_immutable_segment_size_for_testing", "storage.plugins", "force_foolscap", ), "storage": ( "debug_discard", "enabled", "anonymous", "expire.cutoff_date", "expire.enabled", "expire.immutable", "expire.mode", "expire.mode", "expire.mutable", "expire.override_lease_duration", "readonly", "reserved_space", "storage_dir", "plugins", "grid_management", "force_foolscap", ), "sftpd": ( "accounts.file", "enabled", "host_privkey_file", "host_pubkey_file", "port", ), "helper": ( "enabled", ), }, is_valid_section=_is_valid_section, # Anything in a valid section is a valid item, for now. is_valid_item=lambda section, ignored: _is_valid_section(section), ) def _valid_config(): cfg = node._common_valid_config() return cfg.update(_client_config) # this is put into README in new node-directories CLIENT_README = u""" This directory contains files which contain private data for the Tahoe node, such as private keys. On Unix-like systems, the permissions on this directory are set to disallow users other than its owner from reading the contents of the files. See the 'configuration.rst' documentation file for details. """ def _make_secret(): """ Returns a base32-encoded random secret of hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE bytes. """ return base32.b2a(os.urandom(hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE)) + b"\n" class SecretHolder(object): def __init__(self, lease_secret, convergence_secret): self._lease_secret = lease_secret self._convergence_secret = convergence_secret def get_renewal_secret(self): return hashutil.my_renewal_secret_hash(self._lease_secret) def get_cancel_secret(self): return hashutil.my_cancel_secret_hash(self._lease_secret) def get_convergence_secret(self): return self._convergence_secret class KeyGenerator(object): """I create RSA keys for mutable files. Each call to generate() returns a single keypair.""" def generate(self): """I return a Deferred that fires with a (verifyingkey, signingkey) pair. The returned key will be 2048 bit""" keysize = 2048 # RSA key generation for a 2048 bit key takes between 0.8 and 3.2 # secs signer, verifier = rsa.create_signing_keypair(keysize) return defer.succeed( (verifier, signer) ) class Terminator(service.Service): def __init__(self): self._clients = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def register(self, c): self._clients[c] = None def stopService(self): for c in self._clients: c.stop() return service.Service.stopService(self) def read_config(basedir, portnumfile, generated_files=[]): """ Read and validate configuration for a client-style Node. See :method:`allmydata.node.read_config` for parameter meanings (the only difference here is we pass different validation data) :returns: :class:`allmydata.node._Config` instance """ return node.read_config( basedir, portnumfile, generated_files=generated_files, _valid_config=_valid_config(), ) config_from_string = partial( node.config_from_string, _valid_config=_valid_config(), ) def create_client(basedir=u".", _client_factory=None): """ Creates a new client instance (a subclass of Node). :param unicode basedir: the node directory (which may not exist yet) :param _client_factory: (for testing) a callable that returns an instance of :class:`allmydata.node.Node` (or a subclass). By default this is :class:`allmydata.client._Client` :returns: Deferred yielding an instance of :class:`allmydata.client._Client` """ try: node.create_node_dir(basedir, CLIENT_README) config = read_config(basedir, u"client.port") # following call is async return create_client_from_config( config, _client_factory=_client_factory, ) except Exception: return defer.fail() @defer.inlineCallbacks def create_client_from_config(config, _client_factory=None, _introducer_factory=None): """ Creates a new client instance (a subclass of Node). Most code should probably use `create_client` instead. :returns: Deferred yielding a _Client instance :param config: configuration instance (from read_config()) which encapsulates everything in the "node directory". :param _client_factory: for testing; the class to instantiate instead of _Client :param _introducer_factory: for testing; the class to instantiate instead of IntroducerClient """ if _client_factory is None: _client_factory = _Client i2p_provider = create_i2p_provider(reactor, config) tor_provider = create_tor_provider(reactor, config) handlers = node.create_connection_handlers(config, i2p_provider, tor_provider) default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers = handlers tub_options = node.create_tub_options(config) main_tub = node.create_main_tub( config, tub_options, default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers, i2p_provider, tor_provider, ) introducer_clients = create_introducer_clients(config, main_tub, _introducer_factory) storage_broker = create_storage_farm_broker( config, default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers, tub_options, introducer_clients ) client = _client_factory( config, main_tub, i2p_provider, tor_provider, introducer_clients, storage_broker, ) # Initialize storage separately after creating the client. This is # necessary because we need to pass a reference to the client in to the # storage plugins to allow them to initialize themselves (specifically, # they may want the anonymous IStorageServer implementation so they don't # have to duplicate all of its basic storage functionality). A better way # to do this, eventually, may be to create that implementation first and # then pass it in to both storage plugin creation and the client factory. # This avoids making a partially initialized client object escape the # client factory and removes the circular dependency between these # objects. storage_plugins = yield _StoragePlugins.from_config( client.get_anonymous_storage_server, config, ) client.init_storage(storage_plugins.announceable_storage_servers) i2p_provider.setServiceParent(client) tor_provider.setServiceParent(client) for ic in introducer_clients: ic.setServiceParent(client) storage_broker.setServiceParent(client) defer.returnValue(client) @attr.s class _StoragePlugins(object): """ Functionality related to getting storage plugins set up and ready for use. :ivar list[IAnnounceableStorageServer] announceable_storage_servers: The announceable storage servers that should be used according to node configuration. """ announceable_storage_servers = attr.ib() @classmethod @defer.inlineCallbacks def from_config(cls, get_anonymous_storage_server, config): """ Load and configured storage plugins. :param get_anonymous_storage_server: A no-argument callable which returns the node's anonymous ``IStorageServer`` implementation. :param _Config config: The node's configuration. :return: A ``_StoragePlugins`` initialized from the given configuration. """ storage_plugin_names = cls._get_enabled_storage_plugin_names(config) plugins = list(cls._collect_storage_plugins(storage_plugin_names)) unknown_plugin_names = storage_plugin_names - {plugin.name for plugin in plugins} if unknown_plugin_names: raise configutil.UnknownConfigError( "Storage plugins {} are enabled but not known on this system.".format( unknown_plugin_names, ), ) announceable_storage_servers = yield cls._create_plugin_storage_servers( get_anonymous_storage_server, config, plugins, ) defer.returnValue(cls( announceable_storage_servers, )) @classmethod def _get_enabled_storage_plugin_names(cls, config): """ Get the names of storage plugins that are enabled in the configuration. """ return set( config.get_config( "storage", "plugins", "" ).split(u",") ) - {u""} @classmethod def _collect_storage_plugins(cls, storage_plugin_names): """ Get the storage plugins with names matching those given. """ return list( plugin for plugin in getPlugins(IFoolscapStoragePlugin) if plugin.name in storage_plugin_names ) @classmethod def _create_plugin_storage_servers(cls, get_anonymous_storage_server, config, plugins): """ Cause each storage plugin to instantiate its storage server and return them all. :return: A ``Deferred`` that fires with storage servers instantiated by all of the given storage server plugins. """ return defer.gatherResults( list( plugin.get_storage_server( cls._get_storage_plugin_configuration(config, plugin.name), get_anonymous_storage_server, ).addCallback( partial( _add_to_announcement, {u"name": plugin.name}, ), ) for plugin # The order is fairly arbitrary and it is not meant to convey # anything but providing *some* stable ordering makes the data # a little easier to deal with (mainly in tests and when # manually inspecting it). in sorted(plugins, key=lambda p: p.name) ), ) @classmethod def _get_storage_plugin_configuration(cls, config, storage_plugin_name): """ Load the configuration for a storage server plugin with the given name. :return dict[bytes, bytes]: The matching configuration. """ try: config = config.items( "storageserver.plugins." + storage_plugin_name, ) except NoSectionError: config = [] return dict(config) def _sequencer(config): """ :returns: a 2-tuple consisting of a new announcement sequence-number and random nonce (int, unicode). Reads and re-writes configuration file "announcement-seqnum" (starting at 1 if that file doesn't exist). """ seqnum_s = config.get_config_from_file("announcement-seqnum") if not seqnum_s: seqnum_s = u"0" seqnum = int(seqnum_s.strip()) seqnum += 1 # increment config.write_config_file("announcement-seqnum", "{}\n".format(seqnum)) nonce = _make_secret().strip() return seqnum, nonce def create_introducer_clients(config, main_tub, _introducer_factory=None): """ Read, validate and parse any 'introducers.yaml' configuration. :param _introducer_factory: for testing; the class to instantiate instead of IntroducerClient :returns: a list of IntroducerClient instances """ if _introducer_factory is None: _introducer_factory = IntroducerClient # we return this list introducer_clients = [] introducers = config.get_introducer_configuration() for petname, (furl, cache_path) in list(introducers.items()): ic = _introducer_factory( main_tub, furl.encode("ascii"), config.nickname, str(allmydata.__full_version__), str(_Client.OLDEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION), partial(_sequencer, config), cache_path, ) introducer_clients.append(ic) return introducer_clients def create_storage_farm_broker(config, default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers, tub_options, introducer_clients): """ Create a StorageFarmBroker object, for use by Uploader/Downloader (and everybody else who wants to use storage servers) :param config: a _Config instance :param default_connection_handlers: default Foolscap handlers :param foolscap_connection_handlers: available/configured Foolscap handlers :param dict tub_options: how to configure our Tub :param list introducer_clients: IntroducerClient instances if we're connecting to any """ storage_client_config = storage_client.StorageClientConfig.from_node_config( config, ) def tub_creator(handler_overrides=None, **kwargs): return node.create_tub( tub_options, default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers, handler_overrides={} if handler_overrides is None else handler_overrides, **kwargs ) # create the actual storage-broker sb = storage_client.StorageFarmBroker( permute_peers=True, tub_maker=tub_creator, node_config=config, storage_client_config=storage_client_config, ) for ic in introducer_clients: sb.use_introducer(ic) return sb def _register_reference(key, config, tub, referenceable): """ Register a referenceable in a tub with a stable fURL. Stability is achieved by storing the fURL in the configuration the first time and then reading it back on for future calls. :param bytes key: An identifier for this reference which can be used to identify its fURL in the configuration. :param _Config config: The configuration to use for fURL persistence. :param Tub tub: The tub in which to register the reference. :param Referenceable referenceable: The referenceable to register in the Tub. :return bytes: The fURL at which the object is registered. """ persisted_furl = config.get_private_config( key, default=None, ) name = None if persisted_furl is not None: _, _, name = decode_furl(persisted_furl) registered_furl = tub.registerReference( referenceable, name=name, ) if persisted_furl is None: config.write_private_config(key, registered_furl) return registered_furl @implementer(IAnnounceableStorageServer) @attr.s class AnnounceableStorageServer(object): announcement = attr.ib() storage_server = attr.ib() def _add_to_announcement(information, announceable_storage_server): """ Create a new ``AnnounceableStorageServer`` based on ``announceable_storage_server`` with ``information`` added to its ``announcement``. """ updated_announcement = announceable_storage_server.announcement.copy() updated_announcement.update(information) return AnnounceableStorageServer( updated_announcement, announceable_storage_server.storage_server, ) def storage_enabled(config): """ Is storage enabled according to the given configuration object? :param _Config config: The configuration to inspect. :return bool: ``True`` if storage is enabled, ``False`` otherwise. """ return config.get_config("storage", "enabled", True, boolean=True) def anonymous_storage_enabled(config): """ Is anonymous access to storage enabled according to the given configuration object? :param _Config config: The configuration to inspect. :return bool: ``True`` if storage is enabled, ``False`` otherwise. """ return ( storage_enabled(config) and config.get_config("storage", "anonymous", True, boolean=True) ) @implementer(IStatsProducer) class _Client(node.Node, pollmixin.PollMixin): """ This class should be refactored; see https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3931 """ STOREDIR = 'storage' NODETYPE = "client" EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE = "exit_trigger" # This means that if a storage server treats me as though I were a # 1.0.0 storage client, it will work as they expect. OLDEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION = "1.0.0" # This is a dictionary of (needed, desired, total, max_segment_size). 'needed' # is the number of shares required to reconstruct a file. 'desired' means # that we will abort an upload unless we can allocate space for at least # this many. 'total' is the total number of shares created by encoding. # If everybody has room then this is is how many we will upload. DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS = {"k": 3, "happy": 7, "n": 10, "max_segment_size": DEFAULT_IMMUTABLE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, } def __init__(self, config, main_tub, i2p_provider, tor_provider, introducer_clients, storage_farm_broker): """ Use :func:`allmydata.client.create_client` to instantiate one of these. """ node.Node.__init__(self, config, main_tub, i2p_provider, tor_provider) self.started_timestamp = time.time() self.logSource = "Client" self.encoding_params = self.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS.copy() self.introducer_clients = introducer_clients self.storage_broker = storage_farm_broker self.init_stats_provider() self.init_secrets() self.init_node_key() self._key_generator = KeyGenerator() key_gen_furl = config.get_config("client", "key_generator.furl", None) if key_gen_furl: log.msg("[client]key_generator.furl= is now ignored, see #2783") self.init_client() self.load_static_servers() self.helper = None if config.get_config("helper", "enabled", False, boolean=True): if not self._is_tub_listening(): raise ValueError("config error: helper is enabled, but tub " "is not listening ('tub.port=' is empty)") self.init_helper() self.init_sftp_server() # If the node sees an exit_trigger file, it will poll every second to see # whether the file still exists, and what its mtime is. If the file does not # exist or has not been modified for a given timeout, the node will exit. exit_trigger_file = config.get_config_path(self.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE) if os.path.exists(exit_trigger_file): age = time.time() - os.stat(exit_trigger_file)[stat.ST_MTIME] self.log("%s file noticed (%ds old), starting timer" % (self.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE, age)) exit_trigger = TimerService(1.0, self._check_exit_trigger, exit_trigger_file) exit_trigger.setServiceParent(self) # this needs to happen last, so it can use getServiceNamed() to # acquire references to StorageServer and other web-statusable things webport = config.get_config("node", "web.port", None) if webport: self.init_web(webport) # strports string # TODO this may be the wrong location for now? but as temporary measure # it allows us to get NURLs for testing in test_istorageserver.py. This # will eventually get fixed one way or another in # https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3901. See also # https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3931 for the bigger # picture issue. self.storage_nurls : Optional[set] = None def init_stats_provider(self): self.stats_provider = StatsProvider(self) self.stats_provider.setServiceParent(self) self.stats_provider.register_producer(self) def get_stats(self): return { 'node.uptime': time.time() - self.started_timestamp } def init_secrets(self): # configs are always unicode def _unicode_make_secret(): return str(_make_secret(), "ascii") lease_s = self.config.get_or_create_private_config( "secret", _unicode_make_secret).encode("utf-8") lease_secret = base32.a2b(lease_s) convergence_s = self.config.get_or_create_private_config( 'convergence', _unicode_make_secret).encode("utf-8") self.convergence = base32.a2b(convergence_s) self._secret_holder = SecretHolder(lease_secret, self.convergence) def init_node_key(self): # we only create the key once. On all subsequent runs, we re-use the # existing key def _make_key(): private_key, _ = ed25519.create_signing_keypair() # Config values are always unicode: return str(ed25519.string_from_signing_key(private_key) + b"\n", "utf-8") private_key_str = self.config.get_or_create_private_config( "node.privkey", _make_key).encode("utf-8") private_key, public_key = ed25519.signing_keypair_from_string(private_key_str) public_key_str = ed25519.string_from_verifying_key(public_key) self.config.write_config_file("node.pubkey", public_key_str + b"\n", "wb") self._node_private_key = private_key self._node_public_key = public_key def get_long_nodeid(self): # this matches what IServer.get_longname() says about us elsewhere vk_string = ed25519.string_from_verifying_key(self._node_public_key) return remove_prefix(vk_string, b"pub-") def get_long_tubid(self): return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.nodeid) def get_web_service(self): """ :return: a reference to our web server """ return self.getServiceNamed("webish") def _init_permutation_seed(self, ss): seed = self.config.get_config_from_file("permutation-seed") if not seed: have_shares = ss.have_shares() if have_shares: # if the server has shares but not a recorded # permutation-seed, then it has been around since pre-#466 # days, and the clients who uploaded those shares used our # TubID as a permutation-seed. We should keep using that same # seed to keep the shares in the same place in the permuted # ring, so those clients don't have to perform excessive # searches. seed = base32.b2a(self.nodeid) else: # otherwise, we're free to use the more natural seed of our # pubkey-based serverid vk_string = ed25519.string_from_verifying_key(self._node_public_key) vk_bytes = remove_prefix(vk_string, ed25519.PUBLIC_KEY_PREFIX) seed = base32.b2a(vk_bytes) self.config.write_config_file("permutation-seed", seed+b"\n", mode="wb") return seed.strip() def get_anonymous_storage_server(self): """ Get the anonymous ``IStorageServer`` implementation for this node. Note this will return an object even if storage is disabled on this node (but the object will not be exposed, peers will not be able to access it, and storage will remain disabled). The one and only instance for this node is always returned. It is created first if necessary. """ try: ss = self.getServiceNamed(StorageServer.name) except KeyError: pass else: return ss readonly = self.config.get_config("storage", "readonly", False, boolean=True) config_storedir = self.get_config( "storage", "storage_dir", self.STOREDIR, ) storedir = self.config.get_config_path(config_storedir) data = self.config.get_config("storage", "reserved_space", None) try: reserved = parse_abbreviated_size(data) except ValueError: log.msg("[storage]reserved_space= contains unparseable value %s" % data) raise if reserved is None: reserved = 0 discard = self.config.get_config("storage", "debug_discard", False, boolean=True) expire = self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.enabled", False, boolean=True) if expire: mode = self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.mode") # require a mode else: mode = self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.mode", "age") o_l_d = self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.override_lease_duration", None) if o_l_d is not None: o_l_d = parse_duration(o_l_d) cutoff_date = None if mode == "cutoff-date": cutoff_date = self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.cutoff_date") cutoff_date = parse_date(cutoff_date) sharetypes = [] if self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.immutable", True, boolean=True): sharetypes.append("immutable") if self.config.get_config("storage", "expire.mutable", True, boolean=True): sharetypes.append("mutable") expiration_sharetypes = tuple(sharetypes) ss = StorageServer( storedir, self.nodeid, reserved_space=reserved, discard_storage=discard, readonly_storage=readonly, stats_provider=self.stats_provider, expiration_enabled=expire, expiration_mode=mode, expiration_override_lease_duration=o_l_d, expiration_cutoff_date=cutoff_date, expiration_sharetypes=expiration_sharetypes, ) ss.setServiceParent(self) return ss def init_storage(self, announceable_storage_servers): # should we run a storage server (and publish it for others to use)? if not storage_enabled(self.config): return if not self._is_tub_listening(): raise ValueError("config error: storage is enabled, but tub " "is not listening ('tub.port=' is empty)") ss = self.get_anonymous_storage_server() announcement = { "permutation-seed-base32": self._init_permutation_seed(ss), } if anonymous_storage_enabled(self.config): furl_file = self.config.get_private_path("storage.furl").encode(get_filesystem_encoding()) furl = self.tub.registerReference(FoolscapStorageServer(ss), furlFile=furl_file) (_, _, swissnum) = decode_furl(furl) if hasattr(self.tub.negotiationClass, "add_storage_server"): nurls = self.tub.negotiationClass.add_storage_server(ss, swissnum.encode("ascii")) self.storage_nurls = nurls announcement[storage_client.ANONYMOUS_STORAGE_NURLS] = [n.to_text() for n in nurls] announcement["anonymous-storage-FURL"] = furl enabled_storage_servers = self._enable_storage_servers( announceable_storage_servers, ) storage_options = list( storage_server.announcement for storage_server in enabled_storage_servers ) plugins_announcement = {} if storage_options: # Only add the new key if there are any plugins enabled. plugins_announcement[u"storage-options"] = storage_options announcement.update(plugins_announcement) if self.config.get_config("storage", "grid_management", default=False, boolean=True): grid_manager_certificates = self.config.get_grid_manager_certificates() announcement[u"grid-manager-certificates"] = grid_manager_certificates # Note: certificates are not verified for validity here, but # that may be useful. See: # https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3977 for ic in self.introducer_clients: ic.publish("storage", announcement, self._node_private_key) def get_client_storage_plugin_web_resources(self): """ Get all of the client-side ``IResource`` implementations provided by enabled storage plugins. :return dict[bytes, IResource provider]: The implementations. """ return self.storage_broker.get_client_storage_plugin_web_resources( self.config, ) def _enable_storage_servers(self, announceable_storage_servers): """ Register and announce the given storage servers. """ for announceable in announceable_storage_servers: yield self._enable_storage_server(announceable) def _enable_storage_server(self, announceable_storage_server): """ Register a storage server. """ config_key = "storage-plugin.{}.furl".format( # Oops, why don't I have a better handle on this value? announceable_storage_server.announcement[u"name"], ) furl = _register_reference( config_key, self.config, self.tub, announceable_storage_server.storage_server, ) announceable_storage_server = _add_to_announcement( {u"storage-server-FURL": furl}, announceable_storage_server, ) return announceable_storage_server def init_client(self): helper_furl = self.config.get_config("client", "helper.furl", None) if helper_furl in ("None", ""): helper_furl = None DEP = self.encoding_params DEP["k"] = int(self.config.get_config("client", "shares.needed", DEP["k"])) DEP["n"] = int(self.config.get_config("client", "shares.total", DEP["n"])) DEP["happy"] = int(self.config.get_config("client", "shares.happy", DEP["happy"])) # At the moment this is only used for testing, thus the janky config # attribute name. DEP["max_segment_size"] = int(self.config.get_config( "client", "shares._max_immutable_segment_size_for_testing", DEP["max_segment_size"]) ) # for the CLI to authenticate to local JSON endpoints self._create_auth_token() self.history = History(self.stats_provider) self.terminator = Terminator() self.terminator.setServiceParent(self) uploader = Uploader( helper_furl, self.stats_provider, self.history, ) uploader.setServiceParent(self) self.init_blacklist() self.init_nodemaker() def get_auth_token(self): """ This returns a local authentication token, which is just some random data in "api_auth_token" which must be echoed to API calls. """ return self.config.get_private_config( 'api_auth_token').encode("ascii") def _create_auth_token(self): """ Creates new auth-token data written to 'private/api_auth_token'. This is intentionally re-created every time the node starts. """ self.config.write_private_config( 'api_auth_token', urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)) + b'\n', ) def get_storage_broker(self): return self.storage_broker def load_static_servers(self): """ Load the servers.yaml file if it exists, and provide the static server data to the StorageFarmBroker. """ fn = self.config.get_private_path("servers.yaml") servers_filepath = FilePath(fn) try: with servers_filepath.open() as f: servers_yaml = yamlutil.safe_load(f) static_servers = servers_yaml.get("storage", {}) log.msg("found %d static servers in private/servers.yaml" % len(static_servers)) self.storage_broker.set_static_servers(static_servers) except EnvironmentError: pass def init_blacklist(self): fn = self.config.get_config_path("access.blacklist") self.blacklist = Blacklist(fn) def init_nodemaker(self): default = self.config.get_config("client", "mutable.format", default="SDMF") if default.upper() == "MDMF": self.mutable_file_default = MDMF_VERSION else: self.mutable_file_default = SDMF_VERSION self.nodemaker = NodeMaker(self.storage_broker, self._secret_holder, self.get_history(), self.getServiceNamed("uploader"), self.terminator, self.get_encoding_parameters(), self.mutable_file_default, self._key_generator, self.blacklist) def get_history(self): return self.history def init_helper(self): self.helper = Helper(self.config.get_config_path("helper"), self.storage_broker, self._secret_holder, self.stats_provider, self.history) # TODO: this is confusing. BASEDIR/private/helper.furl is created by # the helper. BASEDIR/helper.furl is consumed by the client who wants # to use the helper. I like having the filename be the same, since # that makes 'cp' work smoothly, but the difference between config # inputs and generated outputs is hard to see. helper_furlfile = self.config.get_private_path("helper.furl").encode(get_filesystem_encoding()) self.tub.registerReference(self.helper, furlFile=helper_furlfile) def _get_tempdir(self): """ Determine the path to the directory where temporary files for this node should be written. :return bytes: The path which will exist and be a directory. """ tempdir_config = self.config.get_config("node", "tempdir", "tmp") if isinstance(tempdir_config, bytes): tempdir_config = tempdir_config.decode('utf-8') tempdir = self.config.get_config_path(tempdir_config) if not os.path.exists(tempdir): fileutil.make_dirs(tempdir) return tempdir def init_web(self, webport): self.log("init_web(webport=%s)", args=(webport,)) from allmydata.webish import WebishServer nodeurl_path = self.config.get_config_path("node.url") staticdir_config = self.config.get_config("node", "web.static", "public_html") staticdir = self.config.get_config_path(staticdir_config) ws = WebishServer( self, webport, self._get_tempdir(), nodeurl_path, staticdir, ) ws.setServiceParent(self) def init_sftp_server(self): if self.config.get_config("sftpd", "enabled", False, boolean=True): accountfile = self.config.get_config("sftpd", "accounts.file", None) if accountfile: accountfile = self.config.get_config_path(accountfile) sftp_portstr = self.config.get_config("sftpd", "port", "tcp:8022") pubkey_file = self.config.get_config("sftpd", "host_pubkey_file") privkey_file = self.config.get_config("sftpd", "host_privkey_file") from allmydata.frontends import sftpd s = sftpd.SFTPServer(self, accountfile, sftp_portstr, pubkey_file, privkey_file) s.setServiceParent(self) def _check_exit_trigger(self, exit_trigger_file): if os.path.exists(exit_trigger_file): mtime = os.stat(exit_trigger_file)[stat.ST_MTIME] if mtime > time.time() - 120.0: return else: self.log("%s file too old, shutting down" % (self.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE,)) else: self.log("%s file missing, shutting down" % (self.EXIT_TRIGGER_FILE,)) reactor.stop() def get_encoding_parameters(self): return self.encoding_params def introducer_connection_statuses(self): return [ic.connection_status() for ic in self.introducer_clients] def connected_to_introducer(self): return any([ic.connected_to_introducer() for ic in self.introducer_clients]) def get_renewal_secret(self): # this will go away return self._secret_holder.get_renewal_secret() def get_cancel_secret(self): return self._secret_holder.get_cancel_secret() def debug_wait_for_client_connections(self, num_clients): """Return a Deferred that fires (with None) when we have connections to the given number of peers. Useful for tests that set up a temporary test network and need to know when it is safe to proceed with an upload or download.""" def _check(): return len(self.storage_broker.get_connected_servers()) >= num_clients d = self.poll(_check, 0.5) d.addCallback(lambda res: None) return d # these four methods are the primitives for creating filenodes and # dirnodes. The first takes a URI and produces a filenode or (new-style) # dirnode. The other three create brand-new filenodes/dirnodes. def create_node_from_uri(self, write_uri, read_uri=None, deep_immutable=False, name=""): # This returns synchronously. # Note that it does *not* validate the write_uri and read_uri; instead we # may get an opaque node if there were any problems. return self.nodemaker.create_from_cap(write_uri, read_uri, deep_immutable=deep_immutable, name=name) def create_dirnode(self, initial_children={}, version=None): d = self.nodemaker.create_new_mutable_directory(initial_children, version=version) return d def create_immutable_dirnode(self, children, convergence=None): return self.nodemaker.create_immutable_directory(children, convergence) def create_mutable_file( self, contents: bytes | None = None, version: int | None = None, *, unique_keypair: tuple[rsa.PublicKey, rsa.PrivateKey] | None = None, ) -> MutableFileNode: """ Create *and upload* a new mutable object. :param contents: If given, the initial contents for the new object. :param version: If given, the mutable file format for the new object (otherwise a format will be chosen automatically). :param unique_keypair: **Warning** This value independently determines the identity of the mutable object to create. There cannot be two different mutable objects that share a keypair. They will merge into one object (with undefined contents). It is common to pass a None value (or not pass a valuye) for this parameter. In these cases, a new random keypair will be generated. If non-None, the given public/private keypair will be used for the new object. The expected use-case is for implementing compliance tests. :return: A Deferred which will fire with a representation of the new mutable object after it has been uploaded. """ return self.nodemaker.create_mutable_file(contents, version=version, keypair=unique_keypair) def upload(self, uploadable, reactor=None): uploader = self.getServiceNamed("uploader") return uploader.upload(uploadable, reactor=reactor)