import os, random, sha from zope.interface import implements from twisted.python import log from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.application import service from allmydata.util import idlib, mathutil from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert from allmydata import codec, hashtree from allmydata.Crypto.Cipher import AES from allmydata.uri import unpack_uri from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadTarget, IDownloader class NotEnoughPeersError(Exception): pass class HaveAllPeersError(Exception): # we use this to jump out of the loop pass class Output: def __init__(self, downloadable, key): self.downloadable = downloadable self._decryptor =, mode=AES.MODE_CTR, counterstart="\x00"*16) self._verifierid_hasher ="allmydata_verifierid_v1")) self._fileid_hasher ="allmydata_fileid_v1")) self.length = 0 def open(self): def write(self, crypttext): self.length += len(crypttext) self._verifierid_hasher.update(crypttext) plaintext = self._decryptor.decrypt(crypttext) self._fileid_hasher.update(plaintext) self.downloadable.write(plaintext) def close(self): self.verifierid = self._verifierid_hasher.digest() self.fileid = self._fileid_hasher.digest() self.downloadable.close() def finish(self): return self.downloadable.finish() class ValidatedBucket: """I am a front-end for a remote storage bucket, responsible for retrieving and validating data from that bucket. My get_block() method is used by BlockDownloaders. """ def __init__(self, sharenum, bucket, share_hash_tree, roothash, num_blocks): self.sharenum = sharenum self.bucket = bucket self._share_hash = None # None means not validated yet self.share_hash_tree = share_hash_tree self._roothash = roothash self.block_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(num_blocks) def get_block(self, blocknum): # the first time we use this bucket, we need to fetch enough elements # of the share hash tree to validate it from our share hash up to the # hashroot. if not self._share_hash: d1 = self.bucket.callRemote('get_share_hashes') else: d1 = defer.succeed(None) # we might need to grab some elements of our block hash tree, to # validate the requested block up to the share hash needed = self.block_hash_tree.needed_hashes(blocknum) if needed: # TODO: get fewer hashes, callRemote('get_block_hashes', needed) d2 = self.bucket.callRemote('get_block_hashes') else: d2 = defer.succeed([]) d3 = self.bucket.callRemote('get_block', blocknum) d = defer.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3]) d.addCallback(self._got_data, blocknum) return d def _got_data(self, res, blocknum): sharehashes, blockhashes, blockdata = res try: if not self._share_hash: sh = dict(sharehashes) sh[0] = self._roothash # always use our own root, from the URI sht = self.share_hash_tree if sht.get_leaf_index(self.sharenum) not in sh: raise hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError sht.set_hashes(sh) self._share_hash = sht.get_leaf(self.sharenum) #log.msg("checking block_hash(shareid=%d, blocknum=%d) len=%d" % # (self.sharenum, blocknum, len(blockdata))) blockhash = hashtree.block_hash(blockdata) # we always validate the blockhash bh = dict(enumerate(blockhashes)) # replace blockhash root with validated value bh[0] = self._share_hash self.block_hash_tree.set_hashes(bh, {blocknum: blockhash}) except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError): # log.WEIRD: indicates undetected disk/network error, or more # likely a programming error log.msg("hash failure in block=%d, shnum=%d on %s" % (blocknum, self.sharenum, self.bucket)) #log.msg(" block length: %d" % len(blockdata)) #log.msg(" block hash: %s" % idlib.b2a_or_none(blockhash)) # not safe #log.msg(" block data: %r" % (blockdata,)) #log.msg(" root hash: %s" % idlib.b2a(self._roothash)) #log.msg(" share hash tree:\n" + self.share_hash_tree.dump()) #log.msg(" block hash tree:\n" + self.block_hash_tree.dump()) #lines = [] #for i,h in sorted(sharehashes): # lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, idlib.b2a_or_none(h))) #log.msg(" sharehashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n") #lines = [] #for i,h in enumerate(blockhashes): # lines.append("%3d: %s" % (i, idlib.b2a_or_none(h))) #log.msg(" blockhashes:\n" + "\n".join(lines) + "\n") raise # If we made it here, the block is good. If the hash trees didn't # like what they saw, they would have raised a BadHashError, causing # our caller to see a Failure and thus ignore this block (as well as # dropping this bucket). return blockdata class BlockDownloader: """I am responsible for downloading a single block (from a single bucket) for a single segment. I am a child of the SegmentDownloader. """ def __init__(self, vbucket, blocknum, parent): self.vbucket = vbucket self.blocknum = blocknum self.parent = parent def start(self, segnum): d = self.vbucket.get_block(segnum) d.addCallbacks(self._hold_block, self._got_block_error) return d def _hold_block(self, data): self.parent.hold_block(self.blocknum, data) def _got_block_error(self, f): log.msg("BlockDownloader[%d] got error: %s" % (self.blocknum, f)) self.parent.bucket_failed(self.vbucket) class SegmentDownloader: """I am responsible for downloading all the blocks for a single segment of data. I am a child of the FileDownloader. """ def __init__(self, parent, segmentnumber, needed_shares): self.parent = parent self.segmentnumber = segmentnumber self.needed_blocks = needed_shares self.blocks = {} # k: blocknum, v: data def start(self): return self._download() def _download(self): d = self._try() def _done(res): if len(self.blocks) >= self.needed_blocks: # we only need self.needed_blocks blocks # we want to get the smallest blockids, because they are # more likely to be fast "primary blocks" blockids = sorted(self.blocks.keys())[:self.needed_blocks] blocks = [] for blocknum in blockids: blocks.append(self.blocks[blocknum]) return (blocks, blockids) else: return self._download() d.addCallback(_done) return d def _try(self): # fill our set of active buckets, maybe raising NotEnoughPeersError active_buckets = self.parent._activate_enough_buckets() # Now we have enough buckets, in self.parent.active_buckets. # in test cases, bd.start might mutate active_buckets right away, so # we need to put off calling start() until we've iterated all the way # through it. downloaders = [] for blocknum, vbucket in active_buckets.iteritems(): bd = BlockDownloader(vbucket, blocknum, self) downloaders.append(bd) l = [bd.start(self.segmentnumber) for bd in downloaders] return defer.DeferredList(l, fireOnOneErrback=True) def hold_block(self, blocknum, data): self.blocks[blocknum] = data def bucket_failed(self, vbucket): self.parent.bucket_failed(vbucket) class FileDownloader: check_verifierid = True check_fileid = True def __init__(self, client, uri, downloadable): self._client = client self._downloadable = downloadable d = unpack_uri(uri) verifierid = d['verifierid'] size = d['size'] segment_size = d['segment_size'] assert isinstance(verifierid, str) assert len(verifierid) == 20 self._verifierid = verifierid self._fileid = d['fileid'] self._roothash = d['roothash'] self._codec = codec.get_decoder_by_name(d['codec_name']) self._codec.set_serialized_params(d['codec_params']) self._tail_codec = codec.get_decoder_by_name(d['codec_name']) self._tail_codec.set_serialized_params(d['tail_codec_params']) self._total_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(size, segment_size) self._current_segnum = 0 self._segment_size = segment_size self._size = size self._num_needed_shares = self._codec.get_needed_shares() self._output = Output(downloadable, d['key']) self._share_hashtree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(d['total_shares']) self._share_hashtree.set_hashes({0: self._roothash}) self.active_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: bucket self._share_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: set of buckets def start(self): log.msg("starting download [%s]" % (idlib.b2a(self._verifierid),)) # first step: who should we download from? d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._get_all_shareholders) d.addCallback(self._got_all_shareholders) # once we know that, we can download blocks from them d.addCallback(self._download_all_segments) d.addCallback(self._done) return d def _get_all_shareholders(self): dl = [] for (permutedpeerid, peerid, connection) in self._client.get_permuted_peers(self._verifierid): d = connection.callRemote("get_service", "storageserver") d.addCallback(lambda ss: ss.callRemote("get_buckets", self._verifierid)) d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error, callbackArgs=(connection,)) dl.append(d) return defer.DeferredList(dl) def _got_response(self, buckets, connection): _assert(isinstance(buckets, dict), buckets) # soon foolscap will check this for us with its DictOf schema constraint for sharenum, bucket in buckets.iteritems(): self.add_share_bucket(sharenum, bucket) def add_share_bucket(self, sharenum, bucket): vbucket = ValidatedBucket(sharenum, bucket, self._share_hashtree, self._roothash, self._total_segments) self._share_buckets.setdefault(sharenum, set()).add(vbucket) def _got_error(self, f): self._client.log("Somebody failed. -- %s" % (f,)) def bucket_failed(self, vbucket): shnum = vbucket.sharenum del self.active_buckets[shnum] s = self._share_buckets[shnum] # s is a set of ValidatedBucket instances s.remove(vbucket) # ... which might now be empty if not s: # there are no more buckets which can provide this share, so # remove the key. This may prompt us to use a different share. del self._share_buckets[shnum] def _got_all_shareholders(self, res): if len(self._share_buckets) < self._num_needed_shares: raise NotEnoughPeersError for s in self._share_buckets.values(): for vb in s: assert isinstance(vb, ValidatedBucket), \ "vb is %s but should be a ValidatedBucket" % (vb,) def _activate_enough_buckets(self): """either return a mapping from shnum to a ValidatedBucket that can provide data for that share, or raise NotEnoughPeersError""" while len(self.active_buckets) < self._num_needed_shares: # need some more handled_shnums = set(self.active_buckets.keys()) available_shnums = set(self._share_buckets.keys()) potential_shnums = list(available_shnums - handled_shnums) if not potential_shnums: raise NotEnoughPeersError # choose a random share shnum = random.choice(potential_shnums) # and a random bucket that will provide it validated_bucket = random.choice(list(self._share_buckets[shnum])) self.active_buckets[shnum] = validated_bucket return self.active_buckets def _download_all_segments(self, res): # the promise: upon entry to this function, self._share_buckets # contains enough buckets to complete the download, and some extra # ones to tolerate some buckets dropping out or having errors. # self._share_buckets is a dictionary that maps from shnum to a set # of ValidatedBuckets, which themselves are wrappers around # RIBucketReader references. self.active_buckets = {} # k: shnum, v: ValidatedBucket instance d = defer.succeed(None) for segnum in range(self._total_segments-1): d.addCallback(self._download_segment, segnum) d.addCallback(self._download_tail_segment, self._total_segments-1) return d def _download_segment(self, res, segnum): segmentdler = SegmentDownloader(self, segnum, self._num_needed_shares) d = segmentdler.start() d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids): self._codec.decode(shares, shareids)) def _done(res): for buf in res: self._output.write(buf) d.addCallback(_done) return d def _download_tail_segment(self, res, segnum): segmentdler = SegmentDownloader(self, segnum, self._num_needed_shares) d = segmentdler.start() d.addCallback(lambda (shares, shareids): self._tail_codec.decode(shares, shareids)) def _done(res): # trim off any padding added by the upload side data = ''.join(res) # we never send empty segments. If the data was an exact multiple # of the segment size, the last segment will be full. pad_size = mathutil.pad_size(self._size, self._segment_size) tail_size = self._segment_size - pad_size self._output.write(data[:tail_size]) d.addCallback(_done) return d def _done(self, res): self._output.close() log.msg("computed VERIFIERID: %s" % idlib.b2a(self._output.verifierid)) log.msg("computed FILEID: %s" % idlib.b2a(self._output.fileid)) if self.check_verifierid: _assert(self._verifierid == self._output.verifierid, "bad verifierid: computed=%s, expected=%s" % (idlib.b2a(self._output.verifierid), idlib.b2a(self._verifierid))) if self.check_fileid: _assert(self._fileid == self._output.fileid, "bad fileid: computed=%s, expected=%s" % (idlib.b2a(self._output.fileid), idlib.b2a(self._fileid))) _assert(self._output.length == self._size, got=self._output.length, expected=self._size) return self._output.finish() def netstring(s): return "%d:%s," % (len(s), s) class FileName: implements(IDownloadTarget) def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename def open(self): self.f = open(self._filename, "wb") return self.f def write(self, data): self.f.write(data) def close(self): self.f.close() def fail(self): self.f.close() os.unlink(self._filename) def register_canceller(self, cb): pass # we won't use it def finish(self): pass class Data: implements(IDownloadTarget) def __init__(self): self._data = [] def open(self): pass def write(self, data): self._data.append(data) def close(self): = "".join(self._data) del self._data def fail(self): del self._data def register_canceller(self, cb): pass # we won't use it def finish(self): return class FileHandle: """Use me to download data to a pre-defined filehandle-like object. I will use the target's write() method. I will *not* close the filehandle: I leave that up to the originator of the filehandle. The download process will return the filehandle when it completes. """ implements(IDownloadTarget) def __init__(self, filehandle): self._filehandle = filehandle def open(self): pass def write(self, data): self._filehandle.write(data) def close(self): # the originator of the filehandle reserves the right to close it pass def fail(self): pass def register_canceller(self, cb): pass def finish(self): return self._filehandle class Downloader(service.MultiService): """I am a service that allows file downloading. """ implements(IDownloader) name = "downloader" def download(self, uri, t): assert self.parent assert self.running t = IDownloadTarget(t) assert t.write assert t.close dl = FileDownloader(self.parent, uri, t) d = dl.start() return d # utility functions def download_to_data(self, uri): return, Data()) def download_to_filename(self, uri, filename): return, FileName(filename)) def download_to_filehandle(self, uri, filehandle): return, FileHandle(filehandle))