import sys import time import json import shutil from os import mkdir, unlink, listdir, utime from os.path import join, exists, getmtime from allmydata.util import keyutil from allmydata.util import base32 from allmydata.util import configutil import util import pytest_twisted @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_create_certificate(reactor): """ The Grid Manager produces a valid, correctly-signed certificate. """ gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "create", ) privkey_bytes = json.loads(gm_config)['private_key'].encode('ascii') privkey, pubkey_bytes = keyutil.parse_privkey(privkey_bytes) pubkey = keyutil.parse_pubkey(pubkey_bytes) # Note that zara + her key here are arbitrary and don't match any # "actual" clients in the test-grid; we're just checking that the # Grid Manager signs this properly. gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "add", "zara", "pub-v0-kzug3ut2m7ziihf3ndpqlquuxeie4foyl36wn54myqc4wmiwe4ga", stdin=gm_config, ) zara_cert_bytes = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "sign", "zara", stdin=gm_config, ) zara_cert = json.loads(zara_cert_bytes) # confirm that zara's certificate is made by the Grid Manager # (.verify returns None on success, raises exception on error) pubkey.verify( base32.a2b(zara_cert['signature'].encode('ascii')), zara_cert['certificate'].encode('ascii'), ) @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_remove_client(reactor): """ A Grid Manager can add and successfully remove a client """ gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "create", ) gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "add", "zara", "pub-v0-kzug3ut2m7ziihf3ndpqlquuxeie4foyl36wn54myqc4wmiwe4ga", stdin=gm_config, ) gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "add", "yakov", "pub-v0-kvxhb3nexybmipkrar2ztfrwp4uxxsmrjzkpzafit3ket4u5yldq", stdin=gm_config, ) assert "zara" in json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'] assert "yakov" in json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'] gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "remove", "zara", stdin=gm_config, ) assert "zara" not in json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'] assert "yakov" in json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'] @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_remove_last_client(reactor): """ A Grid Manager can remove all clients """ gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "create", ) gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "add", "zara", "pub-v0-kzug3ut2m7ziihf3ndpqlquuxeie4foyl36wn54myqc4wmiwe4ga", stdin=gm_config, ) assert "zara" in json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'] gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "remove", "zara", stdin=gm_config, ) # there are no storage servers left at all now assert "storage_servers" not in json.loads(gm_config) @pytest_twisted.inlineCallbacks def test_reject_storage_server(reactor, request, storage_nodes, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer): """ A client with happines=3 fails to upload to a Grid when it is using Grid Manager and there are only two storage-servers with valid certificates. """ gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "create", ) privkey_bytes = json.loads(gm_config)['private_key'].encode('ascii') privkey, pubkey_bytes = keyutil.parse_privkey(privkey_bytes) pubkey = keyutil.parse_pubkey(pubkey_bytes) # create certificates for first 2 storage-servers for idx, storage in enumerate(storage_nodes[:2]): pubkey_fname = join(storage._node_dir, "node.pubkey") with open(pubkey_fname, 'r') as f: pubkey = gm_config = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "add", "storage{}".format(idx), pubkey, stdin=gm_config, ) assert sorted(json.loads(gm_config)['storage_servers'].keys()) == ['storage0', 'storage1'] # XXX FIXME need to shut-down and nuke carol when we're done this # test (i.d. request.addfinalizer) carol = yield util._create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, "carol", web_port="tcp:9982:interface=localhost", storage=False, ) print("inserting certificates") # insert their certificates for idx, storage in enumerate(storage_nodes[:2]): print(idx, storage) cert = yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "grid-manager", "--config", "-", "sign", "storage{}".format(idx), stdin=gm_config, ) with open(join(storage._node_dir, "gridmanager.cert"), "w") as f: f.write(cert) config = configutil.get_config(join(storage._node_dir, "tahoe.cfg")) config.set("storage", "grid_management", "True") config.add_section("grid_manager_certificates") config.set("grid_manager_certificates", "default", "gridmanager.cert") config.write(open(join(storage._node_dir, "tahoe.cfg"), "w")) # re-start this storage server storage.signalProcess('TERM') yield storage._protocol.exited time.sleep(1) storage_nodes[idx] = yield util._run_node( reactor, storage._node_dir, request, None, ) # now only two storage-servers have certificates .. configure # carol to have the grid-manager certificate config = configutil.get_config(join(carol._node_dir, "tahoe.cfg")) print(dir(config)) config.add_section("grid_managers") config.set("grid_managers", "test", pubkey_bytes) config.write(open(join(carol._node_dir, "tahoe.cfg"), "w")) carol.signalProcess('TERM') yield carol._protocol.exited carol = yield util._run_node( reactor, carol._node_dir, request, None, ) # try to put something into the grid, which should fail (because # carol has happy=3 but should only find storage0, storage1 to be # acceptable to upload to) try: yield util.run_tahoe( reactor, "--node-directory", carol._node_dir, "put", "-", stdin="some content" * 200, ) assert False, "Should get a failure" except Exception as e: # depending on the full output being in the error-message # here; see assert 'UploadUnhappinessError' in str(e) print("found expected UploadUnhappinessError")