import sys import time from os import mkdir from os.path import exists, join from StringIO import StringIO from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready, ProcessDone from allmydata.util.configutil import ( get_config, set_config, write_config, ) import pytest class _ProcessExitedProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper that .callback()s on self.done when the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() def processEnded(self, reason): self.done.callback(None) class _CollectOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Collects all output (stdout + stderr) into self.output, and callback's on done with all of it after the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() self.output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(self.output.getvalue()) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self.output.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): print("ERR: {}".format(data)) self.output.write(data) class _DumpOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. """ def __init__(self, f): self.done = Deferred() self._out = f if f is not None else sys.stdout def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(None) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) class _MagicTextProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Monitors all stdout looking for a magic string, and then .callback()s on self.done and .errback's if the process exits """ def __init__(self, magic_text): self.magic_seen = Deferred() self.exited = Deferred() self._magic_text = magic_text self._output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): self.exited.callback(None) def outReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) self._output.write(data) if not self.magic_seen.called and self._magic_text in self._output.getvalue(): print("Saw '{}' in the logs".format(self._magic_text)) self.magic_seen.callback(self) def errReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) def _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text): if magic_text is None: magic_text = "client running" protocol = _MagicTextProtocol(magic_text) # on windows, "tahoe start" means: run forever in the foreground, # but on linux it means daemonize. "tahoe run" is consistent # between platforms. process = reactor.spawnProcess( protocol, sys.executable, ( sys.executable, '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner', 'run', node_dir, ), ) process.exited = protocol.exited def cleanup(): try: process.signalProcess('TERM') pytest.blockon(protocol.exited) except ProcessExitedAlready: pass request.addfinalizer(cleanup) # we return the 'process' ITransport instance # XXX abusing the Deferred; should use .when_magic_seen() or something? def got_proto(proto): process._protocol = proto process._node_dir = node_dir return process protocol.magic_seen.addCallback(got_proto) return protocol.magic_seen def _create_node(reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, storage=True, magic_text=None, needed=2, happy=3, total=4): """ Helper to create a single node, run it and return the instance spawnProcess returned (ITransport) """ node_dir = join(temp_dir, name) if web_port is None: web_port = '' if exists(node_dir): created_d = succeed(None) else: print("creating", node_dir) mkdir(node_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() args = [ sys.executable, '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner', 'create-node', '--nickname', name, '--introducer', introducer_furl, '--hostname', 'localhost', '--listen', 'tcp', '--webport', web_port, '--shares-needed', unicode(needed), '--shares-happy', unicode(happy), '--shares-total', unicode(total), ] if not storage: args.append('--no-storage') args.append(node_dir) reactor.spawnProcess( done_proto, sys.executable, args, ) created_d = done_proto.done def created(_): config_path = join(node_dir, 'tahoe.cfg') config = get_config(config_path) set_config(config, 'node', 'log_gatherer.furl', flog_gatherer) write_config(config_path, config) created_d.addCallback(created) d = Deferred() d.callback(None) d.addCallback(lambda _: created_d) d.addCallback(lambda _: _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text)) return d class UnwantedFilesException(Exception): """ While waiting for some files to appear, some undesired files appeared instead (or in addition). """ def __init__(self, waiting, unwanted): super(self, Exception).__init__( self, u"While waiting for '{}', unwanted files appeared: {}".format( waiting, u', '.join(unwanted), ) ) class ExpectedFileMismatchException(Exception): """ A file or files we wanted weren't found within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(self, Exception).__init__( self, u"Contents of '{}' mismatched after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class ExpectedFileUnfoundException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to find didn't appear within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(self, Exception).__init__( self, u"Didn't find '{}' after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class FileShouldVanishException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to disappear did not within the timeout """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(self, Exception).__init__( self, u"'{}' still exists after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) def await_file_contents(path, contents, timeout=15, error_if=None): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for the file at `path` (any path-like object) to have the exact content `contents`. :param error_if: if specified, a list of additional paths; if any of these paths appear an Exception is raised. """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}'".format(path)) if error_if and any([exists(p) for p in error_if]): raise UnwantedFilesException( waiting=path, unwanted=[p for p in error_if if exists(p)], ) if exists(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as f: current = except IOError: print("IOError; trying again") else: if current == contents: return True print(" file contents still mismatched") print(" wanted: {}".format(contents.replace('\n', ' '))) print(" got: {}".format(current.replace('\n', ' '))) time.sleep(1) if exists(path): raise ExpectedFileMismatchException(path, timeout) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(path, timeout) def await_files_exist(paths, timeout=15, await_all=False): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for any of the paths to exist; when any exist, a list of all found filenames is returned. Otherwise, an Exception is raised """ found = [] start_time = time.time() while not found and time.time() - start_time < 15.0: print(" waiting for: {}".format(' '.join(paths))) found = [] for path in paths: if exists(path): print("FOUND {}".format(path)) found.append(path) if await_all: if len(found) == len(paths): return found else: if found: return found time.sleep(1) if await_all: nice_paths = ' and '.join(paths) else: nice_paths = ' or '.join(paths) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(nice_paths, timeout) def await_file_vanishes(path, timeout=10): start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}' to vanish".format(path)) if not exists(path): return time.sleep(1) raise FileShouldVanishException(path, timeout)