TODO: clear-sign this with the release key TODO: update jean-paul's information January 3, 2021 Any of the following core Tahoe contributers may sign a release. Each release should be signed by at least two developers. They each independently produce a signature which are made available beside Tahoe releases after 1.15.0 This statement is signed by the previous Tahoe release key. Any future such statements may be signed by it OR by any two developers (for example, to add or remove developers from the list). meejah 0xC2602803128069A7 9D5A 2BD5 688E CB88 9DEB CD3F C260 2803 1280 69A7 jean-paul calderone (exarkun) 0xE27B085EDEAA4B1B 96B9 C5DA B2EA 9EB6 7941 9DB7 E27B 085E DEAA 4B1B [url for key] brian warner 0xD43B4C9C73225AAF 967E FE06 6998 7241 1A77 DF36 D43B 4C9C 7322 5AAF