""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals # This contains a test harness that creates a full Tahoe grid in a single # process (actually in a single MultiService) which does not use the network. # It does not use an Introducer, and there are no foolscap Tubs. Each storage # server puts real shares on disk, but is accessed through loopback # RemoteReferences instead of over serialized SSL. It is not as complete as # the common.SystemTestMixin framework (which does use the network), but # should be considerably faster: on my laptop, it takes 50-80ms to start up, # whereas SystemTestMixin takes close to 2s. # This should be useful for tests which want to examine and/or manipulate the # uploaded shares, checker/verifier/repairer tests, etc. The clients have no # Tubs, so it is not useful for tests that involve a Helper or the # control.furl . from future.utils import PY2 if PY2: from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 from past.builtins import unicode from six import ensure_text import os from base64 import b32encode from functools import ( partial, ) from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.web.error import Error from foolscap.api import Referenceable, fireEventually, RemoteException from foolscap.ipb import ( IRemoteReference, ) import treq from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert from allmydata import uri as tahoe_uri from allmydata.client import _Client from allmydata.storage.server import StorageServer, storage_index_to_dir from allmydata.util import fileutil, idlib, hashutil from allmydata.util.hashutil import permute_server_hash from allmydata.util.fileutil import abspath_expanduser_unicode from allmydata.interfaces import IStorageBroker, IServer from allmydata.storage_client import ( _StorageServer, ) from .common import ( TEST_RSA_KEY_SIZE, SameProcessStreamEndpointAssigner, ) class IntentionalError(Exception): pass class Marker(object): pass fireNow = partial(defer.succeed, None) @implementer(IRemoteReference) # type: ignore # warner/foolscap#79 class LocalWrapper(object): """ A ``LocalWrapper`` presents the remote reference interface to a local object which implements a ``RemoteInterface``. """ def __init__(self, original, fireEventually=fireEventually): """ :param Callable[[], Deferred[None]] fireEventually: Get a Deferred that will fire at some point. This is used to control when ``callRemote`` calls the remote method. The default value allows the reactor to iterate before the call happens. Use ``fireNow`` to call the remote method synchronously. """ self.original = original self.broken = False self.hung_until = None self.post_call_notifier = None self.disconnectors = {} self.counter_by_methname = {} self._fireEventually = fireEventually def _clear_counters(self): self.counter_by_methname = {} def callRemoteOnly(self, methname, *args, **kwargs): d = self.callRemote(methname, *args, **kwargs) del d # explicitly ignored return None def callRemote(self, methname, *args, **kwargs): # this is ideally a Membrane, but that's too hard. We do a shallow # wrapping of inbound arguments, and per-methodname wrapping of # selected return values. def wrap(a): if isinstance(a, Referenceable): return self._wrap(a) else: return a args = tuple([wrap(a) for a in args]) kwargs = dict([(k,wrap(kwargs[k])) for k in kwargs]) def _really_call(): def incr(d, k): d[k] = d.setdefault(k, 0) + 1 incr(self.counter_by_methname, methname) meth = getattr(self.original, "remote_" + methname) return meth(*args, **kwargs) def _call(): if self.broken: if self.broken is not True: # a counter, not boolean self.broken -= 1 raise IntentionalError("I was asked to break") if self.hung_until: d2 = defer.Deferred() self.hung_until.addCallback(lambda ign: _really_call()) self.hung_until.addCallback(lambda res: d2.callback(res)) def _err(res): d2.errback(res) return res self.hung_until.addErrback(_err) return d2 return _really_call() d = self._fireEventually() d.addCallback(lambda res: _call()) def _wrap_exception(f): return Failure(RemoteException(f)) d.addErrback(_wrap_exception) def _return_membrane(res): # rather than complete the difficult task of building a # fully-general Membrane (which would locate all Referenceable # objects that cross the simulated wire and replace them with # wrappers), we special-case certain methods that we happen to # know will return Referenceables. if methname == "allocate_buckets": (alreadygot, allocated) = res for shnum in allocated: allocated[shnum] = self._wrap(allocated[shnum]) if methname == "get_buckets": for shnum in res: res[shnum] = self._wrap(res[shnum]) return res d.addCallback(_return_membrane) if self.post_call_notifier: d.addCallback(self.post_call_notifier, self, methname) return d def notifyOnDisconnect(self, f, *args, **kwargs): m = Marker() self.disconnectors[m] = (f, args, kwargs) return m def dontNotifyOnDisconnect(self, marker): del self.disconnectors[marker] def _wrap(self, value): return LocalWrapper(value, self._fireEventually) def wrap_storage_server(original): # Much of the upload/download code uses rref.version (which normally # comes from rrefutil.add_version_to_remote_reference). To avoid using a # network, we want a LocalWrapper here. Try to satisfy all these # constraints at the same time. wrapper = LocalWrapper(original) wrapper.version = original.remote_get_version() return wrapper @implementer(IServer) class NoNetworkServer(object): def __init__(self, serverid, rref): self.serverid = serverid self.rref = rref def __repr__(self): return "" % self.get_name() # Special method used by copy.copy() and copy.deepcopy(). When those are # used in allmydata.immutable.filenode to copy CheckResults during # repair, we want it to treat the IServer instances as singletons. def __copy__(self): return self def __deepcopy__(self, memodict): return self def get_serverid(self): return self.serverid def get_permutation_seed(self): return self.serverid def get_lease_seed(self): return self.serverid def get_foolscap_write_enabler_seed(self): return self.serverid def get_name(self): return idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(self.serverid) def get_longname(self): return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.serverid) def get_nickname(self): return "nickname" def get_rref(self): return self.rref def get_storage_server(self): if self.rref is None: return None return _StorageServer(lambda: self.rref) def get_version(self): return self.rref.version def start_connecting(self, trigger_cb): raise NotImplementedError @implementer(IStorageBroker) class NoNetworkStorageBroker(object): # type: ignore # missing many methods def get_servers_for_psi(self, peer_selection_index): def _permuted(server): seed = server.get_permutation_seed() return permute_server_hash(peer_selection_index, seed) return sorted(self.get_connected_servers(), key=_permuted) def get_connected_servers(self): return self.client._servers def get_nickname_for_serverid(self, serverid): return None def when_connected_enough(self, threshold): return defer.Deferred() def get_all_serverids(self): return [] # FIXME? def get_known_servers(self): return [] # FIXME? def create_no_network_client(basedir): """ :return: a Deferred yielding an instance of _Client subclass which does no actual networking but has the same API. """ basedir = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(basedir)) fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.join(basedir, "private"), 0o700) from allmydata.client import read_config config = read_config(basedir, u'client.port') storage_broker = NoNetworkStorageBroker() client = _NoNetworkClient( config, main_tub=None, control_tub=None, i2p_provider=None, tor_provider=None, introducer_clients=[], storage_farm_broker=storage_broker, ) # this is a (pre-existing) reference-cycle and also a bad idea, see: # https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2949 storage_broker.client = client return defer.succeed(client) class _NoNetworkClient(_Client): # type: ignore # tahoe-lafs/ticket/3573 """ Overrides all _Client networking functionality to do nothing. """ def init_connections(self): pass def create_main_tub(self): pass def init_introducer_client(self): pass def create_control_tub(self): pass def create_log_tub(self): pass def setup_logging(self): pass def startService(self): service.MultiService.startService(self) def stopService(self): return service.MultiService.stopService(self) def init_control(self): pass def init_helper(self): pass def init_key_gen(self): pass def init_storage(self): pass def init_client_storage_broker(self): self.storage_broker = NoNetworkStorageBroker() self.storage_broker.client = self def init_stub_client(self): pass #._servers will be set by the NoNetworkGrid which creates us class SimpleStats(object): def __init__(self): self.counters = {} self.stats_producers = [] def count(self, name, delta=1): val = self.counters.setdefault(name, 0) self.counters[name] = val + delta def register_producer(self, stats_producer): self.stats_producers.append(stats_producer) def get_stats(self): stats = {} for sp in self.stats_producers: stats.update(sp.get_stats()) ret = { 'counters': self.counters, 'stats': stats } return ret class NoNetworkGrid(service.MultiService): def __init__(self, basedir, num_clients, num_servers, client_config_hooks, port_assigner): service.MultiService.__init__(self) # We really need to get rid of this pattern here (and # everywhere) in Tahoe where "async work" is started in # __init__ For now, we at least keep the errors so they can # cause tests to fail less-improperly (see _check_clients) self._setup_errors = [] self.port_assigner = port_assigner self.basedir = basedir fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) self.servers_by_number = {} # maps to StorageServer instance self.wrappers_by_id = {} # maps to wrapped StorageServer instance self.proxies_by_id = {} # maps to IServer on which .rref is a wrapped # StorageServer self.clients = [] self.client_config_hooks = client_config_hooks for i in range(num_servers): ss = self.make_server(i) self.add_server(i, ss) self.rebuild_serverlist() for i in range(num_clients): d = self.make_client(i) d.addCallback(lambda c: self.clients.append(c)) def _bad(f): self._setup_errors.append(f) d.addErrback(_bad) def _check_clients(self): """ The anti-pattern of doing async work in __init__ means we need to check if that work completed successfully. This method either returns nothing or raises an exception in case __init__ failed to complete properly """ if self._setup_errors: self._setup_errors[0].raiseException() @defer.inlineCallbacks def make_client(self, i, write_config=True): clientid = hashutil.tagged_hash(b"clientid", b"%d" % i)[:20] clientdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "clients", idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(clientid)) fileutil.make_dirs(clientdir) tahoe_cfg_path = os.path.join(clientdir, "tahoe.cfg") if write_config: from twisted.internet import reactor _, port_endpoint = self.port_assigner.assign(reactor) with open(tahoe_cfg_path, "w") as f: f.write("[node]\n") f.write("nickname = client-%d\n" % i) f.write("web.port = {}\n".format(port_endpoint)) f.write("[storage]\n") f.write("enabled = false\n") else: _assert(os.path.exists(tahoe_cfg_path), tahoe_cfg_path=tahoe_cfg_path) c = None if i in self.client_config_hooks: # this hook can either modify tahoe.cfg, or return an # entirely new Client instance c = self.client_config_hooks[i](clientdir) if not c: c = yield create_no_network_client(clientdir) c.set_default_mutable_keysize(TEST_RSA_KEY_SIZE) c.nodeid = clientid c.short_nodeid = b32encode(clientid).lower()[:8] c._servers = self.all_servers # can be updated later c.setServiceParent(self) defer.returnValue(c) def make_server(self, i, readonly=False): serverid = hashutil.tagged_hash(b"serverid", b"%d" % i)[:20] serverdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "servers", idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(serverid), "storage") fileutil.make_dirs(serverdir) ss = StorageServer(serverdir, serverid, stats_provider=SimpleStats(), readonly_storage=readonly) ss._no_network_server_number = i return ss def add_server(self, i, ss): # to deal with the fact that all StorageServers are named 'storage', # we interpose a middleman middleman = service.MultiService() middleman.setServiceParent(self) ss.setServiceParent(middleman) serverid = ss.my_nodeid self.servers_by_number[i] = ss wrapper = wrap_storage_server(ss) self.wrappers_by_id[serverid] = wrapper self.proxies_by_id[serverid] = NoNetworkServer(serverid, wrapper) self.rebuild_serverlist() def get_all_serverids(self): return list(self.proxies_by_id.keys()) def rebuild_serverlist(self): self._check_clients() self.all_servers = frozenset(list(self.proxies_by_id.values())) for c in self.clients: c._servers = self.all_servers def remove_server(self, serverid): # it's enough to remove the server from c._servers (we don't actually # have to detach and stopService it) for i,ss in list(self.servers_by_number.items()): if ss.my_nodeid == serverid: del self.servers_by_number[i] break del self.wrappers_by_id[serverid] del self.proxies_by_id[serverid] self.rebuild_serverlist() return ss def break_server(self, serverid, count=True): # mark the given server as broken, so it will throw exceptions when # asked to hold a share or serve a share. If count= is a number, # throw that many exceptions before starting to work again. self.wrappers_by_id[serverid].broken = count def hang_server(self, serverid): # hang the given server ss = self.wrappers_by_id[serverid] assert ss.hung_until is None ss.hung_until = defer.Deferred() def unhang_server(self, serverid): # unhang the given server ss = self.wrappers_by_id[serverid] assert ss.hung_until is not None ss.hung_until.callback(None) ss.hung_until = None def nuke_from_orbit(self): """ Empty all share directories in this grid. It's the only way to be sure ;-) """ for server in list(self.servers_by_number.values()): for prefixdir in os.listdir(server.sharedir): if prefixdir != 'incoming': fileutil.rm_dir(os.path.join(server.sharedir, prefixdir)) class GridTestMixin(object): def setUp(self): self.s = service.MultiService() self.s.startService() return super(GridTestMixin, self).setUp() def tearDown(self): return defer.gatherResults([ self.s.stopService(), defer.maybeDeferred(super(GridTestMixin, self).tearDown), ]) def set_up_grid(self, num_clients=1, num_servers=10, client_config_hooks={}, oneshare=False): # self.basedir must be set port_assigner = SameProcessStreamEndpointAssigner() port_assigner.setUp() self.addCleanup(port_assigner.tearDown) self.g = NoNetworkGrid(self.basedir, num_clients=num_clients, num_servers=num_servers, client_config_hooks=client_config_hooks, port_assigner=port_assigner, ) self.g.setServiceParent(self.s) if oneshare: c = self.get_client(0) c.encoding_params["k"] = 1 c.encoding_params["happy"] = 1 c.encoding_params["n"] = 1 self._record_webports_and_baseurls() def _record_webports_and_baseurls(self): self.g._check_clients() self.client_webports = [c.getServiceNamed("webish").getPortnum() for c in self.g.clients] self.client_baseurls = [c.getServiceNamed("webish").getURL() for c in self.g.clients] def get_client_config(self, i=0): self.g._check_clients() return self.g.clients[i].config def get_clientdir(self, i=0): # ideally, use something get_client_config() only, we # shouldn't need to manipulate raw paths.. return self.get_client_config(i).get_config_path() def get_client(self, i=0): self.g._check_clients() return self.g.clients[i] def restart_client(self, i=0): self.g._check_clients() client = self.g.clients[i] d = defer.succeed(None) d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.g.removeService(client)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _make_client(ign): c = yield self.g.make_client(i, write_config=False) self.g.clients[i] = c self._record_webports_and_baseurls() d.addCallback(_make_client) return d def get_serverdir(self, i): return self.g.servers_by_number[i].storedir def iterate_servers(self): for i in sorted(self.g.servers_by_number.keys()): ss = self.g.servers_by_number[i] yield (i, ss, ss.storedir) def find_uri_shares(self, uri): si = tahoe_uri.from_string(uri).get_storage_index() prefixdir = storage_index_to_dir(si) shares = [] for i,ss in list(self.g.servers_by_number.items()): serverid = ss.my_nodeid basedir = os.path.join(ss.sharedir, prefixdir) if not os.path.exists(basedir): continue for f in os.listdir(basedir): try: shnum = int(f) shares.append((shnum, serverid, os.path.join(basedir, f))) except ValueError: pass return sorted(shares) def copy_shares(self, uri): shares = {} for (shnum, serverid, sharefile) in self.find_uri_shares(uri): with open(sharefile, "rb") as f: shares[sharefile] = f.read() return shares def restore_all_shares(self, shares): for sharefile, data in list(shares.items()): with open(sharefile, "wb") as f: f.write(data) def delete_share(self, sharenum_and_serverid_and_sharefile): (shnum, serverid, sharefile) = sharenum_and_serverid_and_sharefile os.unlink(sharefile) def delete_shares_numbered(self, uri, shnums): for (i_shnum, i_serverid, i_sharefile) in self.find_uri_shares(uri): if i_shnum in shnums: os.unlink(i_sharefile) def delete_all_shares(self, serverdir): sharedir = os.path.join(serverdir, "shares") for prefixdir in os.listdir(sharedir): if prefixdir != 'incoming': fileutil.rm_dir(os.path.join(sharedir, prefixdir)) def corrupt_share(self, sharenum_and_serverid_and_sharefile, corruptor_function): (shnum, serverid, sharefile) = sharenum_and_serverid_and_sharefile with open(sharefile, "rb") as f: sharedata = f.read() corruptdata = corruptor_function(sharedata) with open(sharefile, "wb") as f: f.write(corruptdata) def corrupt_shares_numbered(self, uri, shnums, corruptor, debug=False): for (i_shnum, i_serverid, i_sharefile) in self.find_uri_shares(uri): if i_shnum in shnums: with open(i_sharefile, "rb") as f: sharedata = f.read() corruptdata = corruptor(sharedata, debug=debug) with open(i_sharefile, "wb") as f: f.write(corruptdata) def corrupt_all_shares(self, uri, corruptor, debug=False): for (i_shnum, i_serverid, i_sharefile) in self.find_uri_shares(uri): with open(i_sharefile, "rb") as f: sharedata = f.read() corruptdata = corruptor(sharedata, debug=debug) with open(i_sharefile, "wb") as f: f.write(corruptdata) @defer.inlineCallbacks def GET(self, urlpath, followRedirect=False, return_response=False, method="GET", clientnum=0, **kwargs): # if return_response=True, this fires with (data, statuscode, # respheaders) instead of just data. url = self.client_baseurls[clientnum] + ensure_text(urlpath) response = yield treq.request(method, url, persistent=False, allow_redirects=followRedirect, **kwargs) data = yield response.content() if return_response: # we emulate the old HTTPClientGetFactory-based response, which # wanted a tuple of (bytestring of data, bytestring of response # code like "200" or "404", and a # twisted.web.http_headers.Headers instance). Fortunately treq's # response.headers has one. defer.returnValue( (data, str(response.code), response.headers) ) if 400 <= response.code < 600: raise Error(response.code, response=data) defer.returnValue(data) def PUT(self, urlpath, **kwargs): return self.GET(urlpath, method="PUT", **kwargs)