""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from future.utils import PY2 if PY2: from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 from six import ensure_binary import os from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import defer from allmydata.util import yamlutil from allmydata.client import create_client from allmydata.scripts.create_node import write_node_config INTRODUCERS_CFG_FURLS=['furl1', 'furl2'] INTRODUCERS_CFG_FURLS_COMMENTED="""introducers: 'intro1': {furl: furl1} # 'intro2': {furl: furl4} """ class MultiIntroTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # setup tahoe.cfg and basedir/private/introducers # create a custom tahoe.cfg self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.mktemp()) c = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), "w") config = {'hide-ip':False, 'listen': 'tcp', 'port': None, 'location': None, 'hostname': 'example.net'} write_node_config(c, config) c.write("[storage]\n") c.write("enabled = false\n") c.close() os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.basedir,"private")) self.yaml_path = FilePath(os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", "introducers.yaml")) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_introducer_count(self): """ If there are two introducers configured in ``introducers.yaml`` then ``Client`` creates two introducer clients. """ connections = { 'introducers': { u'intro1':{ 'furl': 'furl1' }, u'intro2':{ 'furl': 'furl4' }, }, } self.yaml_path.setContent(ensure_binary(yamlutil.safe_dump(connections))) # get a client and count of introducer_clients myclient = yield create_client(self.basedir) ic_count = len(myclient.introducer_clients) # assertions self.failUnlessEqual(ic_count, len(connections["introducers"])) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_read_introducer_furl_from_tahoecfg(self): """ The deprecated [client]introducer.furl item is still read and respected. """ # create a custom tahoe.cfg c = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), "w") config = {'hide-ip':False, 'listen': 'tcp', 'port': None, 'location': None, 'hostname': 'example.net'} write_node_config(c, config) fake_furl = "furl1" c.write("[client]\n") c.write("introducer.furl = %s\n" % fake_furl) c.write("[storage]\n") c.write("enabled = false\n") c.close() # get a client and first introducer_furl myclient = yield create_client(self.basedir) tahoe_cfg_furl = myclient.introducer_clients[0].introducer_furl # assertions self.failUnlessEqual(fake_furl, str(tahoe_cfg_furl, "utf-8")) self.assertEqual( list( warning["message"] for warning in self.flushWarnings() if warning["category"] is DeprecationWarning ), ["tahoe.cfg [client]introducer.furl is deprecated; " "use private/introducers.yaml instead."], ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_reject_default_in_yaml(self): """ If an introducer is configured in tahoe.cfg with the deprecated [client]introducer.furl then a "default" introducer in introducers.yaml is rejected. """ connections = { 'introducers': { u'default': { 'furl': 'furl1' }, }, } self.yaml_path.setContent(ensure_binary(yamlutil.safe_dump(connections))) FilePath(self.basedir).child("tahoe.cfg").setContent( b"[client]\n" b"introducer.furl = furl1\n" ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: yield create_client(self.basedir) self.assertEquals( str(ctx.exception), "'default' introducer furl cannot be specified in tahoe.cfg and introducers.yaml; " "please fix impossible configuration.", ) SIMPLE_YAML = b""" introducers: one: furl: furl1 """ # this format was recommended in docs/configuration.rst in 1.12.0, but it # isn't correct (the "furl = furl1" line is recorded as the string value of # the ["one"] key, instead of being parsed as a single-key dictionary). EQUALS_YAML = b""" introducers: one: furl = furl1 """ class NoDefault(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # setup tahoe.cfg and basedir/private/introducers # create a custom tahoe.cfg self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.mktemp()) c = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), "w") config = {'hide-ip':False, 'listen': 'tcp', 'port': None, 'location': None, 'hostname': 'example.net'} write_node_config(c, config) c.write("[storage]\n") c.write("enabled = false\n") c.close() os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.basedir,"private")) self.yaml_path = FilePath(os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", "introducers.yaml")) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_ok(self): connections = {'introducers': { u'one': { 'furl': 'furl1' }, }} self.yaml_path.setContent(ensure_binary(yamlutil.safe_dump(connections))) myclient = yield create_client(self.basedir) tahoe_cfg_furl = myclient.introducer_clients[0].introducer_furl self.assertEquals(tahoe_cfg_furl, b'furl1') @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_real_yaml(self): self.yaml_path.setContent(SIMPLE_YAML) myclient = yield create_client(self.basedir) tahoe_cfg_furl = myclient.introducer_clients[0].introducer_furl self.assertEquals(tahoe_cfg_furl, b'furl1') @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_invalid_equals_yaml(self): self.yaml_path.setContent(EQUALS_YAML) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as ctx: yield create_client(self.basedir) self.assertIsInstance( ctx.exception, TypeError, ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_introducerless(self): connections = {'introducers': {} } self.yaml_path.setContent(ensure_binary(yamlutil.safe_dump(connections))) myclient = yield create_client(self.basedir) self.assertEquals(len(myclient.introducer_clients), 0)