#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Tahoe-LAFS -- secure, distributed storage grid
# Copyright © 2008-2011 Allmydata, Inc.
# This file is part of Tahoe-LAFS.
# See the docs/about.rst file for licensing information.

import glob, os, stat, subprocess, sys, re

##### sys.path management

def pylibdir(prefixdir):
    pyver = "python%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[:2])
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        return os.path.join(prefixdir, "Lib", "site-packages")
        return os.path.join(prefixdir, "lib", pyver, "site-packages")

basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
supportlib = pylibdir(os.path.join(basedir, "support"))

# locate our version number

def read_version_py(infname):
        verstrline = open(infname, "rt").read()
    except EnvironmentError:
        return None
        VSRE = r"^verstr = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
        mo = re.search(VSRE, verstrline, re.M)
        if mo:
            return mo.group(1)

version = read_version_py("src/allmydata/_version.py")

APPNAMEFILE = os.path.join('src', 'allmydata', '_appname.py')
APPNAMEFILESTR = "__appname__ = '%s'" % (APPNAME,)
    curappnamefilestr = open(APPNAMEFILE, 'rU').read()
except EnvironmentError:
    # No file, or unreadable or something, okay then let's try to write one.
    if curappnamefilestr.strip() != APPNAMEFILESTR:
        print "Error -- this setup.py file is configured with the 'application name' to be '%s', but there is already a file in place in '%s' which contains the contents '%s'.  If the file is wrong, please remove it and setup.py will regenerate it and write '%s' into it." % (APPNAME, APPNAMEFILE, curappnamefilestr, APPNAMEFILESTR)

# setuptools/zetuptoolz looks in __main__.__requires__ for a list of
# requirements. When running "python setup.py test", __main__ is
# setup.py, so we put the list here so that the requirements will be
# available for tests:

# Tahoe's dependencies are managed by the find_links= entry in setup.cfg and
# the _auto_deps.install_requires list, which is used in the call to setup()
# below.
adglobals = {}
execfile('src/allmydata/_auto_deps.py', adglobals)
install_requires = adglobals['install_requires']

if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--fakedependency':
    del sys.argv[1]
    install_requires += ["fakedependency >= 1.0.0"]

__requires__ = install_requires[:]

egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('setuptools-*.egg')[0])
sys.path.insert(0, egg)
egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('darcsver-*.egg')[0])
sys.path.insert(0, egg)
egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('setuptools_darcs-*.egg')[0])
sys.path.insert(0, egg)
import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg

from setuptools import find_packages, setup
from setuptools.command import sdist
from setuptools import Command

    "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
    "Environment :: Console",
    "Environment :: Web Environment",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)",
    "License :: DFSG approved",
    "License :: Other/Proprietary License",
    "Intended Audience :: Developers",
    "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
    "Intended Audience :: System Administrators",
    "Operating System :: Microsoft",
    "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
    "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000",
    "Operating System :: Unix",
    "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
    "Operating System :: POSIX",
    "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent",
    "Natural Language :: English",
    "Programming Language :: C",
    "Programming Language :: Python",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 2",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.4",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.5",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6",
    "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
    "Topic :: Utilities",
    "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration",
    "Topic :: System :: Filesystems",
    "Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing",
    "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries",
    "Topic :: Communications :: Usenet News",
    "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup",
    "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Mirroring",
    "Topic :: System :: Archiving",

setup_requires = []

# The darcsver command from the darcsver plugin is needed to initialize the
# distribution's .version attribute correctly. (It does this either by
# examining darcs history, or if that fails by reading the
# src/allmydata/_version.py file). darcsver will also write a new version
# stamp in src/allmydata/_version.py, with a version number derived from
# darcs history. Note that the setup.cfg file has an "[aliases]" section
# which enumerates commands that you might run and specifies that it will run
# darcsver before each one. If you add different commands (or if I forgot
# some that are already in use), you may need to add it to setup.cfg and
# configure it to run darcsver before your command, if you want the version
# number to be correct when that command runs.
# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/darcsver
setup_requires.append('darcsver >= 1.7.2')

# Nevow imports itself when building, which causes Twisted and zope.interface
# to be imported. We need to make sure that the versions of Twisted and
# zope.interface used at build time satisfy Nevow's requirements. If not
# then there are two problems:
#  - prior to Nevow v0.9.33, Nevow didn't declare its dependency on Twisted
#    in a way that enabled setuptools to satisfy that requirement at
#    build time.
#  - some versions of zope.interface, e.g. v3.6.4, are incompatible with
#    Nevow, and we need to avoid those both at build and run-time.
# This only matters when compatible versions of Twisted and zope.interface
# are not already installed. Retire this hack when
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/nevow/+bug/812537 has been fixed.
setup_requires += [req for req in install_requires if req.startswith('Twisted') or req.startswith('zope.interface')]

# setuptools_darcs is required to produce complete distributions (such
# as with "sdist" or "bdist_egg"), unless there is a
# src/allmydata_tahoe.egg-info/SOURCE.txt file present which contains
# a complete list of files that should be included.

# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_darcs

# However, requiring it runs afoul of a bug in Distribute, which was
# shipped in Ubuntu Lucid, so for now you have to manually install it
# before building sdists or eggs:
# http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issue/55/revision-control-plugin-automatically-installed-as-a-build-dependency-is-not-present-when-another-build-dependency-is-being

# Note that we explicitly inject setuptools_darcs at the beginning of
# this setup.py file, so it is still in effect when building dists
# using this setup.py file even when the following requirement is
# disabled.
if False:
    setup_requires.append('setuptools_darcs >= 1.1.0')

# trialcoverage is required if you want the "trial" unit test runner to have a
# "--reporter=bwverbose-coverage" option which produces code-coverage results.
# The required version is 0.3.3, because that is the latest version that only
# depends on a version of pycoverage for which binary packages are available.
if "--reporter=bwverbose-coverage" in sys.argv:
    setup_requires.append('trialcoverage >= 0.3.3')

# stdeb is required to produce Debian files with the "sdist_dsc" command.
if "sdist_dsc" in sys.argv:
    setup_requires.append('stdeb >= 0.3')

# We no longer have any requirements specific to tests.

class Trial(Command):
    description = "run trial (use 'bin%stahoe debug trial' for the full set of trial options)" % (os.sep,)
    # This is just a subset of the most useful options, for compatibility.
    user_options = [ ("rterrors", "e", "Print out tracebacks as soon as they occur."),
                     ("reporter=", None, "The reporter to use for this test run."),
                     ("suite=", "s", "Specify the test suite."),
                     ("quiet", None, "Don't display version numbers and paths of Tahoe dependencies."),

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.rterrors = False
        self.reporter = None
        self.suite = "allmydata"
        self.quiet = False

    def finalize_options(self):

    def run(self):
        args = [sys.executable, os.path.join('bin', 'tahoe')]
        if not self.quiet:
        args += ['debug', 'trial']
        if self.rterrors:
        if self.reporter:
            args.append('--reporter=' + self.reporter)
        if self.suite:
        rc = subprocess.call(args)

class MakeExecutable(Command):
    description = "make the 'bin%stahoe' scripts" % (os.sep,)
    user_options = []

    def initialize_options(self):
    def finalize_options(self):
    def run(self):
        bin_tahoe_template = os.path.join("bin", "tahoe-script.template")

        # tahoe.pyscript is really only necessary for Windows, but we also
        # create it on Unix for consistency.
        script_names = ["tahoe.pyscript", "tahoe"]

        # Create the tahoe script file under the 'bin' directory. This
        # file is exactly the same as the 'tahoe-script.template' script
        # except that the shebang line is rewritten to use our sys.executable
        # for the interpreter.
        f = open(bin_tahoe_template, "rU")
        script_lines = f.readlines()
        script_lines[0] = '#!%s\n' % (sys.executable,)
        for script_name in script_names:
            tahoe_script = os.path.join("bin", script_name)
            except Exception:
                if os.path.exists(tahoe_script):
            f = open(tahoe_script, "wb")
            for line in script_lines:

        # chmod +x
        unix_script = os.path.join("bin", "tahoe")
        old_mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(unix_script)[stat.ST_MODE])
        new_mode = old_mode | (stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR |
                               stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IRGRP |
                               stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IROTH )
        os.chmod(unix_script, new_mode)

        old_tahoe_exe = os.path.join("bin", "tahoe.exe")
        except Exception:
            if os.path.exists(old_tahoe_exe):

class MySdist(sdist.sdist):
    """ A hook in the sdist command so that we can determine whether this the
    tarball should be 'SUMO' or not, i.e. whether or not to include the
    external dependency tarballs. Note that we always include
    misc/dependencies/* in the tarball; --sumo controls whether tahoe-deps/*
    is included as well.

    user_options = sdist.sdist.user_options + \
        [('sumo', 's',
          "create a 'sumo' sdist which includes the contents of tahoe-deps/*"),
    boolean_options = ['sumo']

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.sumo = False

    def make_distribution(self):
        # add our extra files to the list just before building the
        # tarball/zipfile. We override make_distribution() instead of run()
        # because setuptools.command.sdist.run() does not lend itself to
        # easy/robust subclassing (the code we need to add goes right smack
        # in the middle of a 12-line method). If this were the distutils
        # version, we'd override get_file_list().

        if self.sumo:
            # If '--sumo' was specified, include tahoe-deps/* in the sdist.
            # We assume that the user has fetched the tahoe-deps.tar.gz
            # tarball and unpacked it already.
            self.filelist.extend([os.path.join("tahoe-deps", fn)
                                  for fn in os.listdir("tahoe-deps")])
            # In addition, we want the tarball/zipfile to have -SUMO in the
            # name, and the unpacked directory to have -SUMO too. The easiest
            # way to do this is to patch self.distribution and override the
            # get_fullname() method. (an alternative is to modify
            # self.distribution.metadata.version, but that also affects the
            # contents of PKG-INFO).
            fullname = self.distribution.get_fullname()
            def get_fullname():
                return fullname + "-SUMO"
            self.distribution.get_fullname = get_fullname

        return sdist.sdist.make_distribution(self)

setup_args = {}
if version:
    setup_args["version"] = version

      description='secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem',
      long_description=open('README.txt', 'rU').read(),
      author='the Tahoe-LAFS project',
      license='GNU GPL', # see README.txt -- there is an alternative licence
      cmdclass={"trial": Trial,
                "make_executable": MakeExecutable,
                "sdist": MySdist,
      package_dir = {'':'src'},
      entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'tahoe = allmydata.scripts.runner:run' ] },
      zip_safe=False, # We prefer unzipped for easier access.