import os, string, sys, re import xml.dom.minidom import subprocess PIPE=subprocess.PIPE from distutils import log def all(iterable): for thing in iterable: if not thing: return False return True OUR_VERSION_BASE_RE_STR="(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?)?((a|b|c)(\d+))?(\.dev(\d+))?" try: # If we can import pyutil.version_class then use its regex. from pyutil import version_class VERSION_BASE_RE_STR = version_class.VERSION_BASE_RE_STR except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Else (perhaps a bootstrapping problem),then we'll use this # regex, which was copied from the pyutil source code on # 2010-09-02. VERSION_BASE_RE_STR=OUR_VERSION_BASE_RE_STR def get_text(nodelist): rc = "" for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc = rc + return rc VERSION_BODY = ''' # This is the version of this tree, as created by %(versiontool)s from the darcs patch # information: the main version number is taken from the most recent release # tag. If some patches have been added since the last release, this will have a # -NN "build number" suffix, or else a -rNN "revision number" suffix. Please see # pyutil.version_class for a description of what the different fields mean. __pkgname__ = "%(pkgname)s" verstr = "%(pkgversion)s" try: from pyutil.version_class import Version as pyutil_Version __version__ = pyutil_Version(verstr) except (ImportError, ValueError): # Maybe there is no pyutil installed. from distutils.version import LooseVersion as distutils_Version __version__ = distutils_Version(verstr) ''' def write_version_py(verstr, outfname, EXE_NAME, version_body, pkgname): f = open(outfname, "wt+") f.write(version_body % { 'versiontool': EXE_NAME, 'pkgversion': verstr, 'pkgname': pkgname, }) f.close() def read_version_py(infname): try: verstrline = open(infname, "rt").read() except EnvironmentError: return None else: VSRE = r"^verstr = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]" mo =, verstrline, re.M) if mo: return def update(pkgname, verfilename, revision_number=False, loud=False, abort_if_snapshot=False, EXE_NAME="darcsver", version_body=VERSION_BODY): """ @param revision_number If true, count the total number of patches in all history. If false, count the total number of patches since the most recent release tag. Returns a tuple of (exit code, new version string). """ if isinstance(verfilename, basestring): verfilenames = [verfilename] else: verfilenames = verfilename if isinstance(version_body, basestring): verbodies = [version_body] else: verbodies = version_body rc = -1 # First we try "darcs query repo" because if that fails then we # won't try "darcs changes" at all, because "darcs changes" emits # an ugly error message when run in not-a-repo. try: p = subprocess.Popen(["darcs", 'query', 'repo'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except OSError, ose: if ose.errno == 2 and '~' in os.environ['PATH']: expanded_path = os.environ['PATH'].replace('~', os.path.expanduser('~')) msg = ("WARNING: 'darcs' was not found. However '~' was found in your PATH. \n" "Please note that bugs in python cause it to fail to traverse '~' in \n" "the user's PATH. Please fix your path, e.g. \nPATH=%s" ) log.warn(msg % (expanded_path,)) pass else: (output, errput) = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if rc == 0: cmd = ["changes", "--xml-output"] if not revision_number: cmd.append("--from-tag=^%s" % (pkgname,)) errput = None try: p = subprocess.Popen(["darcs"] + cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except OSError: pass else: (output, errput) = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if rc != 0 and errput:"%s: darcs wrote to stderr: '%s'" % (EXE_NAME, errput,)) else: if all([os.path.exists(vfn) for vfn in verfilenames]):"%s: using extant version file %s" % (EXE_NAME, verfilenames)) return (0, read_version_py(verfilenames[0])) else: log.warn("%s: didn't find version tags with darcs, and %s don't exist." % (EXE_NAME, verfilenames)) return (rc, None) # Filter out bad chars that can cause the XML parser to give up in despair. # (Thanks to lelit of the tailor project and ndurner and warner for this hack.) allbadchars = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(0x0a) + [0x0b, 0x0c] + range(0x0e, 0x20) + range(0x7f,0x100)]) tt = string.maketrans(allbadchars, "-"*len(allbadchars)) output = output.translate(tt) # strip off trailing warning messages that darcs 2.3.1 writes to stdout endi = output.find("")+len("") output = output[:endi] doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output) changelog = doc.getElementsByTagName("changelog")[0] patches = changelog.getElementsByTagName("patch") regexstr = "^TAG %s-(%s)$" % (pkgname, VERSION_BASE_RE_STR) version_re = re.compile(regexstr) last_tag = None count_since_last_patch = 0 if abort_if_snapshot: for patch in patches: name = get_text(patch.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes) m = version_re.match(name) if m: last_tag = last_tag = last_tag.encode("utf-8") break else: sys.exit(0) # because abort_if_snapshot else: for patch in patches: name = get_text(patch.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].childNodes) m = version_re.match(name) if m: last_tag = last_tag = last_tag.encode("utf-8") break else: count_since_last_patch += 1 if not last_tag: if errput:"%s: darcs wrote to stderr: '%s'" % (EXE_NAME, errput,)) if all([os.path.exists(vfn) for vfn in verfilenames]): log.warn("%s: I'm unable to find a tag in the darcs history matching \"%s\", so I'm leaving %s alone." % (EXE_NAME, regexstr, verfilenames,)) return (0, read_version_py(verfilenames[0])) else: log.warn("%s: I'm unable to find a tag in the darcs history matching \"%s\", and %s don't exist." % (EXE_NAME, regexstr, verfilenames,)) return (0, None) if revision_number: if count_since_last_patch: # this is an interim version verstr = "%s-r%d" % (last_tag, len(patches)) else: # this is a release verstr = last_tag else: if count_since_last_patch: # this is an interim version verstr = "%s-%d" % (last_tag, count_since_last_patch) else: # this is a release verstr = last_tag for verfn, verbod in zip(verfilenames, verbodies): write_version_py(verstr, verfn, EXE_NAME, verbod, pkgname)"%s: wrote '%s' into %s" % (EXE_NAME, verstr, verfn,)) return (0, verstr)