from zope.interface import Interface, implements from twisted.python import failure, log from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.application import service from foolscap import Referenceable from allmydata.util import idlib, bencode from allmydata.util.deferredutil import DeferredListShouldSucceed from allmydata import codec from cStringIO import StringIO import sha class NotEnoughPeersError(Exception): pass class HaveAllPeersError(Exception): # we use this to jump out of the loop pass # this wants to live in storage, not here class TooFullError(Exception): pass class FileUploader: debug = False def __init__(self, peer): self._peer = peer def set_params(self, min_shares, target_goodness, max_shares): self.min_shares = min_shares self.target_goodness = target_goodness self.max_shares = max_shares def set_filehandle(self, filehandle): self._filehandle = filehandle, 2) self._size = filehandle.tell() def set_verifierid(self, vid): assert isinstance(vid, str) assert len(vid) == 20 self._verifierid = vid def start(self): """Start uploading the file. The source of the data to be uploaded must have been set before this point by calling set_filehandle(). This method returns a Deferred that will fire with the URI (a string).""" log.msg("starting upload [%s]" % (idlib.b2a(self._verifierid),)) if self.debug: print "starting upload" assert self.min_shares assert self.target_goodness # create the encoder, so we can know how large the shares will be total_shares = self.max_shares needed_shares = self.min_shares self._encoder = codec.ReplicatingEncoder() self._encoder.set_params(self._size, needed_shares, total_shares) self._share_size = self._encoder.get_share_size() # first step: who should we upload to? # We will talk to at most max_peers (which can be None to mean no # limit). Maybe limit max_peers to 2*len(self.shares), to reduce # memory footprint. For now, make it unlimited. max_peers = None self.permuted = self._peer.permute_peerids(self._verifierid, max_peers) self._total_peers = len(self.permuted) for p in self.permuted: assert isinstance(p, str) # we will shrink self.permuted as we give up on peers self.peer_index = 0 self.goodness_points = 0 self.landlords = [] # list of (peerid, bucket_num, remotebucket) d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._check_next_peer) d.addCallback(self._got_enough_peers) d.addCallback(self._compute_uri) return d def _compute_uri(self, params): return "URI:%s" % bencode.bencode((self._verifierid, params)) def _check_next_peer(self): if self.debug: log.msg("FileUploader._check_next_peer: %d permuted, %d goodness" " (want %d), have %d landlords, %d total peers" % (len(self.permuted), self.goodness_points, self.target_goodness, len(self.landlords), self._total_peers)) if len(self.permuted) == 0: # there are no more to check raise NotEnoughPeersError("%s goodness, want %s, have %d " "landlords, %d total peers" % (self.goodness_points, self.target_goodness, len(self.landlords), self._total_peers)) if self.peer_index >= len(self.permuted): self.peer_index = 0 peerid = self.permuted[self.peer_index] d = self._peer.get_remote_service(peerid, "storageserver") def _got_peer(service): bucket_num = len(self.landlords) if self.debug: print "asking %s" % idlib.b2a(peerid) d2 = service.callRemote("allocate_bucket", verifierid=self._verifierid, bucket_num=bucket_num, size=self._share_size, leaser=self._peer.nodeid, canary=Referenceable()) def _allocate_response(bucket): if self.debug: print " peerid %s will grant us a lease" % idlib.b2a(peerid) self.landlords.append( (peerid, bucket_num, bucket) ) self.goodness_points += 1 if (self.goodness_points >= self.target_goodness and len(self.landlords) >= self.min_shares): if self.debug: print " we're done!" raise HaveAllPeersError() # otherwise we fall through to allocate more peers d2.addCallback(_allocate_response) return d2 d.addCallback(_got_peer) def _done_with_peer(res): if self.debug: print "done with peer %s:" % idlib.b2a(peerid) if isinstance(res, failure.Failure): if res.check(HaveAllPeersError): if self.debug: print " all done" # we're done! return if res.check(TooFullError): if self.debug: print " too full" elif res.check(IndexError): if self.debug: print " no connection" else: if self.debug: print " other error:", res self.permuted.remove(peerid) # this peer was unusable else: if self.debug: print " they gave us a lease" # we get here for either good peers (when we still need # more), or after checking a bad peer (and thus still need # more). So now we need to grab a new peer. self.peer_index += 1 return self._check_next_peer() d.addBoth(_done_with_peer) return d def _got_enough_peers(self, res): landlords = self.landlords if self.debug: log.msg("FileUploader._got_enough_peers") log.msg(" %d landlords" % len(landlords)) if len(landlords) < 20: log.msg(" peerids: %s" % " ".join([idlib.b2a(l[0]) for l in landlords])) log.msg(" buckets: %s" % " ".join([str(l[1]) for l in landlords])) # assign shares to landlords self.sharemap = {} for peerid, bucket_num, bucket in landlords: self.sharemap[bucket_num] = bucket # the sharemap should have exactly len(landlords) shares, with # no holes assert sorted(self.sharemap.keys()) == range(len(landlords)) # encode all the data at once: this class does not use segmentation data = d = self._encoder.encode(data, len(landlords)) d.addCallback(self._send_all_shares) d.addCallback(lambda res: self._encoder.get_serialized_params()) return d def _send_one_share(self, bucket, sharedata, metadata): d = bucket.callRemote("write", sharedata) d.addCallback(lambda res: bucket.callRemote("set_metadata", metadata)) d.addCallback(lambda res: bucket.callRemote("close")) return d def _send_all_shares(self, shares): dl = [] for share in shares: (sharenum,sharedata) = share if self.debug: log.msg(" writing share %d" % sharenum) metadata = bencode.bencode(sharenum) assert len(sharedata) == self._share_size assert isinstance(sharedata, str) bucket = self.sharemap[sharenum] d = self._send_one_share(bucket, sharedata, metadata) dl.append(d) return DeferredListShouldSucceed(dl) def netstring(s): return "%d:%s," % (len(s), s) class IUploadable(Interface): def get_filehandle(): pass def close_filehandle(f): pass class FileName: implements(IUploadable) def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename def get_filehandle(self): return open(self._filename, "rb") def close_filehandle(self, f): f.close() class Data: implements(IUploadable) def __init__(self, data): self._data = data def get_filehandle(self): return StringIO(self._data) def close_filehandle(self, f): pass class FileHandle: implements(IUploadable) def __init__(self, filehandle): self._filehandle = filehandle def get_filehandle(self): return self._filehandle def close_filehandle(self, f): # the originator of the filehandle reserves the right to close it pass class Uploader(service.MultiService): """I am a service that allows file uploading. """ name = "uploader" uploader_class = FileUploader debug = False def _compute_verifierid(self, f): hasher ="allmydata_v1_verifierid")) data = hasher.update(data) # note: this is only of the plaintext data, no encryption yet return hasher.digest() def upload(self, f): # this returns (verifierid, encoding_params) assert self.parent assert self.running f = IUploadable(f) fh = f.get_filehandle() u = self.uploader_class(self.parent) if self.debug: u.debug = True u.set_filehandle(fh) # push two shares, require that we get two back. TODO: this is # temporary, of course. u.set_params(2, 2, 4) u.set_verifierid(self._compute_verifierid(fh)) d = u.start() def _done(res): f.close_filehandle(fh) return res d.addBoth(_done) return d # utility functions def upload_data(self, data): return self.upload(Data(data)) def upload_filename(self, filename): return self.upload(FileName(filename)) def upload_filehandle(self, filehandle): return self.upload(FileHandle(filehandle))