# do not import any allmydata modules at this level. Do that from inside # individual functions instead. import struct, time, os from twisted.python import usage, failure from twisted.internet import defer class DumpOptions(usage.Options): def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug dump-share SHARE_FILENAME" optFlags = [ ["offsets", None, "Display a table of section offsets"], ] def getUsage(self, width=None): t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t += """ Print lots of information about the given share, by parsing the share's contents. This includes share type, lease information, encoding parameters, hash-tree roots, public keys, and segment sizes. This command also emits a verify-cap for the file that uses the share. tahoe debug dump-share testgrid/node-3/storage/shares/4v/4vozh77tsrw7mdhnj7qvp5ky74/0 """ return t def parseArgs(self, filename): self['filename'] = filename def dump_share(options): from allmydata import storage out = options.stdout # check the version, to see if we have a mutable or immutable share print >>out, "share filename: %s" % options['filename'] f = open(options['filename'], "rb") prefix = f.read(32) f.close() if prefix == storage.MutableShareFile.MAGIC: return dump_mutable_share(options) # otherwise assume it's immutable return dump_immutable_share(options) def dump_immutable_share(options): from allmydata import uri, storage from allmydata.util import base32 from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy out = options.stdout f = storage.ShareFile(options['filename']) # use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension bp = ReadBucketProxy(None) offsets = bp._parse_offsets(f.read_share_data(0, 0x44)) print >>out, "%20s: %d" % ("version", bp._version) seek = offsets['uri_extension'] length = struct.unpack(bp._fieldstruct, f.read_share_data(seek, bp._fieldsize))[0] seek += bp._fieldsize UEB_data = f.read_share_data(seek, length) unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data) keys1 = ("size", "num_segments", "segment_size", "needed_shares", "total_shares") keys2 = ("codec_name", "codec_params", "tail_codec_params") keys3 = ("plaintext_hash", "plaintext_root_hash", "crypttext_hash", "crypttext_root_hash", "share_root_hash", "UEB_hash") display_keys = {"size": "file_size"} for k in keys1: if k in unpacked: dk = display_keys.get(k, k) print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k]) print >>out for k in keys2: if k in unpacked: dk = display_keys.get(k, k) print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k]) print >>out for k in keys3: if k in unpacked: dk = display_keys.get(k, k) print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (dk, unpacked[k]) leftover = set(unpacked.keys()) - set(keys1 + keys2 + keys3) if leftover: print >>out print >>out, "LEFTOVER:" for k in sorted(leftover): print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (k, unpacked[k]) # the storage index isn't stored in the share itself, so we depend upon # knowing the parent directory name to get it pieces = options['filename'].split(os.sep) if len(pieces) >= 2 and base32.could_be_base32_encoded(pieces[-2]): storage_index = base32.a2b(pieces[-2]) uri_extension_hash = base32.a2b(unpacked["UEB_hash"]) u = uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(storage_index, uri_extension_hash, unpacked["needed_shares"], unpacked["total_shares"], unpacked["size"]) verify_cap = u.to_string() print >>out, "%20s: %s" % ("verify-cap", verify_cap) sizes = {} sizes['data'] = bp._data_size sizes['validation'] = (offsets['uri_extension'] - offsets['plaintext_hash_tree']) sizes['uri-extension'] = len(UEB_data) print >>out print >>out, " Size of data within the share:" for k in sorted(sizes): print >>out, "%20s: %s" % (k, sizes[k]) if options['offsets']: print >>out print >>out, " Section Offsets:" print >>out, "%20s: %s" % ("share data", f._data_offset) for k in ["data", "plaintext_hash_tree", "crypttext_hash_tree", "block_hashes", "share_hashes", "uri_extension"]: name = {"data": "block data"}.get(k,k) offset = f._data_offset + offsets[k] print >>out, " %20s: %s (0x%x)" % (name, offset, offset) print >>out, "%20s: %s" % ("leases", f._lease_offset) # display lease information too print >>out leases = list(f.iter_leases()) if leases: for i,lease in enumerate(leases): when = format_expiration_time(lease.expiration_time) print >>out, " Lease #%d: owner=%d, expire in %s" \ % (i, lease.owner_num, when) else: print >>out, " No leases." print >>out return 0 def format_expiration_time(expiration_time): now = time.time() remains = expiration_time - now when = "%ds" % remains if remains > 24*3600: when += " (%d days)" % (remains / (24*3600)) elif remains > 3600: when += " (%d hours)" % (remains / 3600) return when def dump_mutable_share(options): from allmydata import storage from allmydata.util import base32, idlib out = options.stdout m = storage.MutableShareFile(options['filename']) f = open(options['filename'], "rb") WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f) num_extra_leases = m._read_num_extra_leases(f) data_length = m._read_data_length(f) extra_lease_offset = m._read_extra_lease_offset(f) container_size = extra_lease_offset - m.DATA_OFFSET leases = list(m._enumerate_leases(f)) share_type = "unknown" f.seek(m.DATA_OFFSET) if f.read(1) == "\x00": # this slot contains an SMDF share share_type = "SDMF" f.close() print >>out print >>out, "Mutable slot found:" print >>out, " share_type: %s" % share_type print >>out, " write_enabler: %s" % base32.b2a(WE) print >>out, " WE for nodeid: %s" % idlib.nodeid_b2a(nodeid) print >>out, " num_extra_leases: %d" % num_extra_leases print >>out, " container_size: %d" % container_size print >>out, " data_length: %d" % data_length if leases: for (leasenum, lease) in leases: print >>out print >>out, " Lease #%d:" % leasenum print >>out, " ownerid: %d" % lease.owner_num when = format_expiration_time(lease.expiration_time) print >>out, " expires in %s" % when print >>out, " renew_secret: %s" % base32.b2a(lease.renew_secret) print >>out, " cancel_secret: %s" % base32.b2a(lease.cancel_secret) print >>out, " secrets are for nodeid: %s" % idlib.nodeid_b2a(lease.nodeid) else: print >>out, "No leases." print >>out if share_type == "SDMF": dump_SDMF_share(m, data_length, options) return 0 def dump_SDMF_share(m, length, options): from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share, unpack_header from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError from allmydata.util import base32, hashutil from allmydata.uri import SSKVerifierURI offset = m.DATA_OFFSET out = options.stdout f = open(options['filename'], "rb") f.seek(offset) data = f.read(min(length, 2000)) f.close() try: pieces = unpack_share(data) except NeedMoreDataError, e: # retry once with the larger size size = e.needed_bytes f = open(options['filename'], "rb") f.seek(offset) data = f.read(min(length, size)) f.close() pieces = unpack_share(data) (seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen, pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree, share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces (ig_version, ig_seqnum, ig_roothash, ig_IV, ig_k, ig_N, ig_segsize, ig_datalen, offsets) = unpack_header(data) print >>out, " SDMF contents:" print >>out, " seqnum: %d" % seqnum print >>out, " root_hash: %s" % base32.b2a(root_hash) print >>out, " IV: %s" % base32.b2a(IV) print >>out, " required_shares: %d" % k print >>out, " total_shares: %d" % N print >>out, " segsize: %d" % segsize print >>out, " datalen: %d" % datalen print >>out, " enc_privkey: %d bytes" % len(enc_privkey) print >>out, " pubkey: %d bytes" % len(pubkey) print >>out, " signature: %d bytes" % len(signature) share_hash_ids = ",".join(sorted([str(hid) for hid in share_hash_chain.keys()])) print >>out, " share_hash_chain: %s" % share_hash_ids print >>out, " block_hash_tree: %d nodes" % len(block_hash_tree) # the storage index isn't stored in the share itself, so we depend upon # knowing the parent directory name to get it pieces = options['filename'].split(os.sep) if len(pieces) >= 2 and base32.could_be_base32_encoded(pieces[-2]): storage_index = base32.a2b(pieces[-2]) fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(pubkey) u = SSKVerifierURI(storage_index, fingerprint) verify_cap = u.to_string() print >>out, " verify-cap:", verify_cap if options['offsets']: # NOTE: this offset-calculation code is fragile, and needs to be # merged with MutableShareFile's internals. print >>out print >>out, " Section Offsets:" def printoffset(name, value, shift=0): print >>out, "%s%20s: %s (0x%x)" % (" "*shift, name, value, value) printoffset("first lease", m.HEADER_SIZE) printoffset("share data", m.DATA_OFFSET) o_seqnum = m.DATA_OFFSET + struct.calcsize(">B") printoffset("seqnum", o_seqnum, 2) o_root_hash = m.DATA_OFFSET + struct.calcsize(">BQ") printoffset("root_hash", o_root_hash, 2) for k in ["signature", "share_hash_chain", "block_hash_tree", "share_data", "enc_privkey", "EOF"]: name = {"share_data": "block data", "EOF": "end of share data"}.get(k,k) offset = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets[k] printoffset(name, offset, 2) f = open(options['filename'], "rb") printoffset("extra leases", m._read_extra_lease_offset(f) + 4) f.close() print >>out class DumpCapOptions(usage.Options): def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug dump-cap [options] FILECAP" optParameters = [ ["nodeid", "n", None, "storage server nodeid (ascii), to construct WE and secrets."], ["client-secret", "c", None, "client's base secret (ascii), to construct secrets"], ["client-dir", "d", None, "client's base directory, from which a -c secret will be read"], ] def parseArgs(self, cap): self.cap = cap def getUsage(self, width=None): t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t += """ Print information about the given cap-string (aka: URI, file-cap, dir-cap, read-cap, write-cap). The URI string is parsed and unpacked. This prints the type of the cap, its storage index, and any derived keys. tahoe debug dump-cap URI:SSK-Verifier:4vozh77tsrw7mdhnj7qvp5ky74:q7f3dwz76sjys4kqfdt3ocur2pay3a6rftnkqmi2uxu3vqsdsofq This may be useful to determine if a read-cap and a write-cap refer to the same time, or to extract the storage-index from a file-cap (to then use with find-shares) If additional information is provided (storage server nodeid and/or client base secret), this command will compute the shared secrets used for the write-enabler and for lease-renewal. """ return t def dump_cap(options): from allmydata import uri from allmydata.util import base32 from base64 import b32decode import urlparse, urllib out = options.stdout cap = options.cap nodeid = None if options['nodeid']: nodeid = b32decode(options['nodeid'].upper()) secret = None if options['client-secret']: secret = base32.a2b(options['client-secret']) elif options['client-dir']: secretfile = os.path.join(options['client-dir'], "private", "secret") try: secret = base32.a2b(open(secretfile, "r").read().strip()) except EnvironmentError: pass if cap.startswith("http"): scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(cap) assert path.startswith("/uri/") cap = urllib.unquote(path[len("/uri/"):]) u = uri.from_string(cap) print >>out dump_uri_instance(u, nodeid, secret, out) def _dump_secrets(storage_index, secret, nodeid, out): from allmydata.util import hashutil from allmydata.util import base32 if secret: crs = hashutil.my_renewal_secret_hash(secret) print >>out, " client renewal secret:", base32.b2a(crs) frs = hashutil.file_renewal_secret_hash(crs, storage_index) print >>out, " file renewal secret:", base32.b2a(frs) if nodeid: renew = hashutil.bucket_renewal_secret_hash(frs, nodeid) print >>out, " lease renewal secret:", base32.b2a(renew) ccs = hashutil.my_cancel_secret_hash(secret) print >>out, " client cancel secret:", base32.b2a(ccs) fcs = hashutil.file_cancel_secret_hash(ccs, storage_index) print >>out, " file cancel secret:", base32.b2a(fcs) if nodeid: cancel = hashutil.bucket_cancel_secret_hash(fcs, nodeid) print >>out, " lease cancel secret:", base32.b2a(cancel) def dump_uri_instance(u, nodeid, secret, out, show_header=True): from allmydata import storage, uri from allmydata.util import base32, hashutil if isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileURI): if show_header: print >>out, "CHK File:" print >>out, " key:", base32.b2a(u.key) print >>out, " UEB hash:", base32.b2a(u.uri_extension_hash) print >>out, " size:", u.size print >>out, " k/N: %d/%d" % (u.needed_shares, u.total_shares) print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index) _dump_secrets(u.storage_index, secret, nodeid, out) elif isinstance(u, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI): if show_header: print >>out, "CHK Verifier URI:" print >>out, " UEB hash:", base32.b2a(u.uri_extension_hash) print >>out, " size:", u.size print >>out, " k/N: %d/%d" % (u.needed_shares, u.total_shares) print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index) elif isinstance(u, uri.LiteralFileURI): if show_header: print >>out, "Literal File URI:" print >>out, " data:", u.data elif isinstance(u, uri.WriteableSSKFileURI): if show_header: print >>out, "SSK Writeable URI:" print >>out, " writekey:", base32.b2a(u.writekey) print >>out, " readkey:", base32.b2a(u.readkey) print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index) print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint) print >>out if nodeid: we = hashutil.ssk_write_enabler_hash(u.writekey, nodeid) print >>out, " write_enabler:", base32.b2a(we) print >>out _dump_secrets(u.storage_index, secret, nodeid, out) elif isinstance(u, uri.ReadonlySSKFileURI): if show_header: print >>out, "SSK Read-only URI:" print >>out, " readkey:", base32.b2a(u.readkey) print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index) print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint) elif isinstance(u, uri.SSKVerifierURI): if show_header: print >>out, "SSK Verifier URI:" print >>out, " storage index:", storage.si_b2a(u.storage_index) print >>out, " fingerprint:", base32.b2a(u.fingerprint) elif isinstance(u, uri.NewDirectoryURI): if show_header: print >>out, "Directory Writeable URI:" dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, False) elif isinstance(u, uri.ReadonlyNewDirectoryURI): if show_header: print >>out, "Directory Read-only URI:" dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, False) elif isinstance(u, uri.NewDirectoryURIVerifier): if show_header: print >>out, "Directory Verifier URI:" dump_uri_instance(u._filenode_uri, nodeid, secret, out, False) else: print >>out, "unknown cap type" class FindSharesOptions(usage.Options): def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug find-shares STORAGE_INDEX NODEDIRS.." def parseArgs(self, storage_index_s, *nodedirs): self.si_s = storage_index_s self.nodedirs = nodedirs def getUsage(self, width=None): t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t += """ Locate all shares for the given storage index. This command looks through one or more node directories to find the shares. It returns a list of filenames, one per line, for each share file found. tahoe debug find-shares 4vozh77tsrw7mdhnj7qvp5ky74 testgrid/node-* It may be useful during testing, when running a test grid in which all the nodes are on a local disk. The share files thus located can be counted, examined (with dump-share), or corrupted/deleted to test checker/repairer. """ return t def find_shares(options): """Given a storage index and a list of node directories, emit a list of all matching shares to stdout, one per line. For example: find-shares.py 44kai1tui348689nrw8fjegc8c ~/testnet/node-* gives: /home/warner/testnet/node-1/storage/shares/44k/44kai1tui348689nrw8fjegc8c/5 /home/warner/testnet/node-1/storage/shares/44k/44kai1tui348689nrw8fjegc8c/9 /home/warner/testnet/node-2/storage/shares/44k/44kai1tui348689nrw8fjegc8c/2 """ from allmydata import storage out = options.stdout sharedir = storage.storage_index_to_dir(storage.si_a2b(options.si_s)) for d in options.nodedirs: d = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(d), "storage/shares", sharedir) if os.path.exists(d): for shnum in os.listdir(d): print >>out, os.path.join(d, shnum) return 0 class CatalogSharesOptions(usage.Options): """ """ def parseArgs(self, *nodedirs): self.nodedirs = nodedirs if not nodedirs: raise usage.UsageError("must specify at least one node directory") def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug catalog-shares NODEDIRS.." def getUsage(self, width=None): t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t += """ Locate all shares in the given node directories, and emit a one-line summary of each share. Run it like this: tahoe debug catalog-shares testgrid/node-* >allshares.txt The lines it emits will look like the following: CHK $SI $k/$N $filesize $UEB_hash $expiration $abspath_sharefile SDMF $SI $k/$N $filesize $seqnum/$roothash $expiration $abspath_sharefile UNKNOWN $abspath_sharefile This command can be used to build up a catalog of shares from many storage servers and then sort the results to compare all shares for the same file. If you see shares with the same SI but different parameters/filesize/UEB_hash, then something is wrong. The misc/find-share/anomalies.py script may be useful for purpose. """ return t def call(c, *args, **kwargs): # take advantage of the fact that ImmediateReadBucketProxy returns # Deferreds that are already fired results = [] failures = [] d = defer.maybeDeferred(c, *args, **kwargs) d.addCallbacks(results.append, failures.append) if failures: failures[0].raiseException() return results[0] def describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now, out): from allmydata import uri, storage from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy from allmydata.util import base32 import struct f = open(abs_sharefile, "rb") prefix = f.read(32) if prefix == storage.MutableShareFile.MAGIC: # mutable share m = storage.MutableShareFile(abs_sharefile) WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f) num_extra_leases = m._read_num_extra_leases(f) data_length = m._read_data_length(f) extra_lease_offset = m._read_extra_lease_offset(f) container_size = extra_lease_offset - m.DATA_OFFSET leases = list(m._enumerate_leases(f)) expiration_time = min( [lease[1].expiration_time for lease in leases] ) expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now) share_type = "unknown" f.seek(m.DATA_OFFSET) if f.read(1) == "\x00": # this slot contains an SMDF share share_type = "SDMF" if share_type == "SDMF": f.seek(m.DATA_OFFSET) data = f.read(min(data_length, 2000)) try: pieces = unpack_share(data) except NeedMoreDataError, e: # retry once with the larger size size = e.needed_bytes f.seek(m.DATA_OFFSET) data = f.read(min(data_length, size)) pieces = unpack_share(data) (seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen, pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree, share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces print >>out, "SDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \ (si_s, k, N, datalen, seqnum, base32.b2a(root_hash), expiration, abs_sharefile) else: print >>out, "UNKNOWN mutable %s" % (abs_sharefile,) elif struct.unpack(">L", prefix[:4]) == (1,): # immutable class ImmediateReadBucketProxy(ReadBucketProxy): def __init__(self, sf): self.sf = sf def __repr__(self): return "" def _read(self, offset, size): return defer.succeed(sf.read_share_data(offset, size)) # use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension sf = storage.ShareFile(abs_sharefile) bp = ImmediateReadBucketProxy(sf) call(bp.start) expiration_time = min( [lease.expiration_time for lease in sf.iter_leases()] ) expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now) UEB_data = call(bp.get_uri_extension) unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data) k = unpacked["needed_shares"] N = unpacked["total_shares"] filesize = unpacked["size"] ueb_hash = unpacked["UEB_hash"] print >>out, "CHK %s %d/%d %d %s %d %s" % (si_s, k, N, filesize, ueb_hash, expiration, abs_sharefile) else: print >>out, "UNKNOWN really-unknown %s" % (abs_sharefile,) f.close() def catalog_shares(options): out = options.stdout err = options.stderr now = time.time() for d in options.nodedirs: d = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(d), "storage/shares") try: abbrevs = os.listdir(d) except EnvironmentError: # ignore nodes that have storage turned off altogether pass else: for abbrevdir in abbrevs: if abbrevdir == "incoming": continue abbrevdir = os.path.join(d, abbrevdir) for si_s in os.listdir(abbrevdir): si_dir = os.path.join(abbrevdir, si_s) for shnum_s in os.listdir(si_dir): abs_sharefile = os.path.join(si_dir, shnum_s) abs_sharefile = os.path.abspath(abs_sharefile) assert os.path.isfile(abs_sharefile) try: describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now, out) except: print >>err, "Error processing %s" % abs_sharefile failure.Failure().printTraceback(err) return 0 class CorruptShareOptions(usage.Options): def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug corrupt-share SHARE_FILENAME" optParameters = [ ["offset", "o", "block-random", "Which bit to flip."], ] def getUsage(self, width=None): t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t += """ Corrupt the given share by flipping a bit. This will cause a verifying/downloading client to log an integrity-check failure incident, and downloads will proceed with a different share. The --offset parameter controls which bit should be flipped. The default is to flip a single random bit of the block data. tahoe debug corrupt-share testgrid/node-3/storage/shares/4v/4vozh77tsrw7mdhnj7qvp5ky74/0 Obviously, this command should not be used in normal operation. """ return t def parseArgs(self, filename): self['filename'] = filename def corrupt_share(options): import random from allmydata import storage from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_header from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy out = options.stdout fn = options['filename'] assert options["offset"] == "block-random", "other offsets not implemented" # first, what kind of share is it? def flip_bit(start, end): offset = random.randrange(start, end) bit = random.randrange(0, 8) print >>out, "[%d..%d): %d.b%d" % (start, end, offset, bit) f = open(fn, "rb+") f.seek(offset) d = f.read(1) d = chr(ord(d) ^ 0x01) f.seek(offset) f.write(d) f.close() f = open(fn, "rb") prefix = f.read(32) f.close() if prefix == storage.MutableShareFile.MAGIC: # mutable m = storage.MutableShareFile(fn) f = open(fn, "rb") f.seek(m.DATA_OFFSET) data = f.read(2000) # make sure this slot contains an SMDF share assert data[0] == "\x00", "non-SDMF mutable shares not supported" f.close() (version, ig_seqnum, ig_roothash, ig_IV, ig_k, ig_N, ig_segsize, ig_datalen, offsets) = unpack_header(data) assert version == 0, "we only handle v0 SDMF files" start = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["share_data"] end = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["enc_privkey"] flip_bit(start, end) else: # otherwise assume it's immutable f = storage.ShareFile(fn) bp = ReadBucketProxy(None) offsets = bp._parse_offsets(f.read_share_data(0, 0x24)) start = f._data_offset + offsets["data"] end = f._data_offset + offsets["plaintext_hash_tree"] flip_bit(start, end) class ReplOptions(usage.Options): pass def repl(options): import code return code.interact() class DebugCommand(usage.Options): subCommands = [ ["dump-share", None, DumpOptions, "Unpack and display the contents of a share (uri_extension and leases)."], ["dump-cap", None, DumpCapOptions, "Unpack a read-cap or write-cap"], ["find-shares", None, FindSharesOptions, "Locate sharefiles in node dirs"], ["catalog-shares", None, CatalogSharesOptions, "Describe shares in node dirs"], ["corrupt-share", None, CorruptShareOptions, "Corrupt a share"], ["repl", None, ReplOptions, "Open a python interpreter"], ] def postOptions(self): if not hasattr(self, 'subOptions'): raise usage.UsageError("must specify a subcommand") def getSynopsis(self): return "Usage: tahoe debug SUBCOMMAND" def getUsage(self, width=None): #t = usage.Options.getUsage(self, width) t = """ Subcommands: tahoe debug dump-share Unpack and display the contents of a share tahoe debug dump-cap Unpack a read-cap or write-cap tahoe debug find-shares Locate sharefiles in node directories tahoe debug catalog-shares Describe all shares in node dirs tahoe debug corrupt-share Corrupt a share by flipping a bit. Please run e.g. 'tahoe debug dump-share --help' for more details on each subcommand. """ return t subDispatch = { "dump-share": dump_share, "dump-cap": dump_cap, "find-shares": find_shares, "catalog-shares": catalog_shares, "corrupt-share": corrupt_share, "repl": repl, } def do_debug(options): so = options.subOptions so.stdout = options.stdout so.stderr = options.stderr f = subDispatch[options.subCommand] return f(so) subCommands = [ ["debug", None, DebugCommand, "debug subcommands: use 'tahoe debug' for a list"], ] dispatch = { "debug": do_debug, }