# -*- test-case-name: allmydata.test.test_observer -*- from twisted.internet import defer from foolscap.eventual import eventually """The idiom we use is for the observed object to offer a method named 'when_something', which returns a deferred. That deferred will be fired when something happens. The way this is typically implemented is that the observed has an ObserverList whose when_fired method is called in the observed's 'when_something'.""" class OneShotObserverList: """A one-shot event distributor.""" def __init__(self): self._fired = False self._result = None self._watchers = [] self.__repr__ = self._unfired_repr def _unfired_repr(self): return "" % (self._watchers, ) def _fired_repr(self): return " %s>" % (self._result, ) def _get_result(self): return self._result def when_fired(self): if self._fired: return defer.succeed(self._get_result()) d = defer.Deferred() self._watchers.append(d) return d def fire(self, result): assert not self._fired self._fired = True self._result = result self._fire(result) def _fire(self, result): for w in self._watchers: eventually(w.callback, result) del self._watchers self.__repr__ = self._fired_repr def fire_if_not_fired(self, result): if not self._fired: self.fire(result) class LazyOneShotObserverList(OneShotObserverList): """ a variant of OneShotObserverList which does not retain the result it handles, but rather retains a callable() through which is retrieves the data if and when needed. """ def __init__(self): OneShotObserverList.__init__(self) def _get_result(self): return self._result_producer() def fire(self, result_producer): """ @param result_producer: a no-arg callable which returns the data which is to be considered the 'result' for this observer list. note that this function may be called multiple times - once upon initial firing, and potentially once more for each subsequent when_fired() deferred created """ assert not self._fired self._fired = True self._result_producer = result_producer if self._watchers: # if not, don't call result_producer self._fire(self._get_result()) class ObserverList: """A simple class to distribute events to a number of subscribers.""" def __init__(self): self._watchers = [] def subscribe(self, observer): self._watchers.append(observer) def unsubscribe(self, observer): self._watchers.remove(observer) def notify(self, *args, **kwargs): for o in self._watchers: eventually(o, *args, **kwargs)