#! /usr/bin/env python # Allmydata Tahoe -- secure, distributed storage grid # # Copyright (C) 2007 Allmydata, Inc. # # This file is part of tahoe. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version, with the added permission that, if you become obligated # to release a derived work under this licence (as per section 2.b), you may # delay the fulfillment of this obligation for up to 12 months. If you are # obligated to release code under section 2.b of this licence, you are # obligated to release it under these same terms, including the 12-month grace # period clause. See the COPYING file for details. # # If you would like to inquire about a commercial relationship with Allmydata, # Inc., please contact partnerships@allmydata.com and visit # http://allmydata.com/. import re, os.path from setuptools import Extension, setup trove_classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Environment :: Console", "Environment :: Web Environment", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "License :: DFSG approved", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "Operating System :: Microsoft", "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows", "Operating System :: Unix", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Operating System :: POSIX", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Natural Language :: English", "Programming Language :: C", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Utilities", "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration", "Topic :: System :: Filesystems", "Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: Communications :: Usenet News", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Mirroring", "Topic :: System :: Archiving", ] VERSIONFILE = "src/allmydata/_version.py" verstr = "unknown" if os.path.exists(VERSIONFILE): VSRE = re.compile("^verstr = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", re.M) verstrline = open(VERSIONFILE, "rt").read() mo = VSRE.search(verstrline) if mo: verstr = mo.group(1) else: print "unable to find version in src/allmydata/_version.py" raise RuntimeError("if _version.py exists, it must be well-formed") LONG_DESCRIPTION=\ """Welcome to the AllMyData "tahoe" project. This project implements a secure, distributed, fault-tolerant storage grid. The basic idea is that the data in this storage grid is spread over all participating nodes, using an algorithm that can recover the data even if a majority of the nodes are no longer available.""" setup(name='allmydata-tahoe', version=verstr, description='secure, distributed storage grid', long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, author='Allmydata, Inc.', author_email='tahoe-dev@allmydata.org', url='http://allmydata.org/', license='GNU GPL', packages=["allmydata", "allmydata.test", "allmydata.util", "allmydata.scripts", "allmydata.Crypto", "allmydata.Crypto.Cipher", "allmydata.Crypto.Hash", "allmydata.Crypto.Util", #"allmydata.Crypto.PublicKey", ], package_dir={ "allmydata": "src/allmydata",}, scripts = ["bin/allmydata-tahoe"], package_data={ 'allmydata': ['web/*.xhtml', 'web/*.html', 'web/*.css'] }, classifiers=trove_classifiers, test_suite="allmydata.test", install_requires=["zfec >= 1.0.3", "foolscap >= 0.1.6", "simplejson", #"nevow", # we need nevow, but it doesn't seem to be # installable by easy_install ], dependency_links=["http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/wiki/Dependencies", # this form is used when the unpacked source # distribution is copied into our tree: #"file:misc/dependencies/zfec-1.0.2/" # and this form is used when we provide a tarball #"file:misc/dependencies/zfec-1.0.2.tar.gz", # The file: URL can start with either 'misc' or # './misc' to get a relative path. ], ext_modules=[ Extension("allmydata.Crypto.Cipher.AES", include_dirs=["src/allmydata/Crypto"], sources=["src/allmydata/Crypto/AES.c"]), Extension("allmydata.Crypto.Hash.SHA256", include_dirs=["src/allmydata/Crypto"], sources=["src/allmydata/Crypto/SHA256.c"]), # _fastmath requires gmp. Since we're not using rsa yet, hold off # on requiring this. (note that RSA.py doesn't require _fastmath, # but I doubt we'd want to use the pure-python version). # Extension("allmydata.Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath", # sources=["src/allmydata/Crypto/_fastmath.c"]), ], )