import re from zope.interface import implements from twisted.application import service from twisted.python import log from foolscap import Referenceable from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducer, RIIntroducerClient from allmydata.util import idlib, observer class Introducer(service.MultiService, Referenceable): implements(RIIntroducer) def __init__(self): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.nodes = set() self.pburls = set() def remote_hello(self, node, pburl): log.msg("introducer: new contact at %s, node is %s" % (pburl, node)) def _remove(): log.msg(" introducer: removing %s %s" % (node, pburl)) self.nodes.remove(node) self.pburls.remove(pburl) node.notifyOnDisconnect(_remove) self.pburls.add(pburl) node.callRemote("new_peers", self.pburls) for othernode in self.nodes: othernode.callRemote("new_peers", set([pburl])) self.nodes.add(node) class IntroducerClient(service.Service, Referenceable): implements(RIIntroducerClient) def __init__(self, tub, introducer_pburl, my_pburl): self.tub = tub self.introducer_pburl = introducer_pburl self.my_pburl = my_pburl self.connections = {} # k: nodeid, v: ref self.reconnectors = {} # k: PBURL, v: reconnector self.connection_observers = observer.ObserverList() def startService(self): self.introducer_reconnector = self.tub.connectTo(self.introducer_pburl, self._got_introducer) def log(self, msg): self.parent.log(msg) def remote_new_peers(self, pburls): for pburl in pburls: self._new_peer(pburl) def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) self.introducer_reconnector.stopConnecting() for reconnector in self.reconnectors.itervalues(): reconnector.stopConnecting() def _new_peer(self, pburl): if pburl in self.reconnectors: return m = re.match(r'pb://(\w+)@', pburl) assert m nodeid = idlib.a2b( def _got_peer(rref): self.log(" connected to(%s)" % idlib.b2a(nodeid)) self.connection_observers.notify(nodeid, rref) self.connections[nodeid] = rref def _lost(): # TODO: notifyOnDisconnect uses eventually(), but connects do # not. Could this cause a problem? del self.connections[nodeid] rref.notifyOnDisconnect(_lost) self.log(" connecting to(%s)" % pburl) self.reconnectors[pburl] = self.tub.connectTo(pburl, _got_peer) def _got_introducer(self, introducer): self.log(" introducing ourselves: %s, %s" % (self, self.my_pburl)) d = introducer.callRemote("hello", node=self, pburl=self.my_pburl) def notify_on_new_connection(self, cb): """Register a callback that will be fired (with nodeid, rref) when a new connection is established.""" self.connection_observers.subscribe(cb)