# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/ version: 2 workflows: version: 2 ci: jobs: # Platforms - "debian-9" - "debian-8": requires: - "debian-9" - "ubuntu-18.04" - "ubuntu-16.04": requires: - "ubuntu-18.04" - "fedora-29" - "fedora-28": requires: - "fedora-29" - "centos-7" - "slackware-14.2" # Test against PyPy 2.7/7.1.1 - "pypy2.7-7.1" # Other assorted tasks and configurations - "lint" - "pyinstaller" - "deprecations" - "c-locale" # Any locale other than C or UTF-8. - "another-locale" - "integration": requires: # If the unit test suite doesn't pass, don't bother running the # integration tests. - "debian-9" # Generate the underlying data for a visualization to aid with Python 3 # porting. - "build-porting-depgraph" images: # Build the Docker images used by the ci jobs. This makes the ci jobs # faster and takes various spurious failures out of the critical path. triggers: # Build once a day - schedule: cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: - "master" jobs: - "build-image-debian-8" - "build-image-debian-9" - "build-image-ubuntu-16.04" - "build-image-ubuntu-18.04" - "build-image-fedora-28" - "build-image-fedora-29" - "build-image-centos-7" - "build-image-slackware-14.2" - "build-image-pypy-2.7-7.1.1-jessie" jobs: lint: docker: - image: "circleci/python:2" steps: - "checkout" - run: name: "Install tox" command: | pip install --user tox - run: name: "Static-ish code checks" command: | ~/.local/bin/tox -e codechecks pyinstaller: docker: - image: "circleci/python:2" steps: - "checkout" - run: name: "Install tox" command: | pip install --user tox - run: name: "Make PyInstaller executable" command: | ~/.local/bin/tox -e pyinstaller - run: # To verify that the resultant PyInstaller-generated binary executes # cleanly (i.e., that it terminates with an exit code of 0 and isn't # failing due to import/packaging-related errors, etc.). name: "Test PyInstaller executable" command: | dist/Tahoe-LAFS/tahoe --version debian-9: &DEBIAN docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/debian:9" user: "nobody" environment: &UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # In general, the test suite is not allowed to fail while the job # succeeds. But you can set this to "yes" if you want it to be # otherwise. ALLOWED_FAILURE: "no" # Tell Hypothesis which configuration we want it to use. TAHOE_LAFS_HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE: "ci" # Tell the C runtime things about character encoding (mainly to do with # filenames and argv). LANG: "en_US.UTF-8" # Select a tox environment to run for this job. TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT: "py27-coverage" # Additional arguments to pass to tox. TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ARGS: "" # The path in which test artifacts will be placed. ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH: "/tmp/artifacts" # Convince all of our pip invocations to look at the cached wheelhouse # we maintain. WHEELHOUSE_PATH: &WHEELHOUSE_PATH "/tmp/wheelhouse" PIP_FIND_LINKS: "file:///tmp/wheelhouse" # pip cannot install packages if the working directory is not readable. # We want to run a lot of steps as nobody instead of as root. working_directory: "/tmp/project" steps: - "checkout" - run: &SETUP_VIRTUALENV name: "Setup virtualenv" command: | /tmp/project/.circleci/setup-virtualenv.sh \ "/tmp/venv" \ "/tmp/project" \ "${WHEELHOUSE_PATH}" \ "${TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT}" \ "${TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ARGS}" - run: &RUN_TESTS name: "Run test suite" command: | /tmp/project/.circleci/run-tests.sh \ "/tmp/venv" \ "/tmp/project" \ "${ALLOWED_FAILURE}" \ "${ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH}" \ "${TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT}" \ "${TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ARGS}" # trial output gets directed straight to a log. avoid the circleci # timeout while the test suite runs. no_output_timeout: "20m" - store_test_results: &STORE_TEST_RESULTS path: "/tmp/artifacts/junit" - store_artifacts: &STORE_TEST_LOG # Despite passing --workdir /tmp to tox above, it still runs trial # in the project source checkout. path: "/tmp/project/_trial_temp/test.log" - store_artifacts: &STORE_OTHER_ARTIFACTS # Store any other artifacts, too. This is handy to allow other jobs # sharing most of the definition of this one to be able to # contribute artifacts easily. path: "/tmp/artifacts" - run: &SUBMIT_COVERAGE name: "Submit coverage results" command: | /tmp/venv/bin/codecov debian-8: <<: *DEBIAN docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/debian:8" user: "nobody" pypy2.7-7.1: <<: *DEBIAN docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/pypy:2.7-7.1.1-jessie" user: "nobody" environment: <<: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT: "pypy27-coverage" ALLOWED_FAILURE: "yes" c-locale: <<: *DEBIAN environment: <<: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT LANG: "C" another-locale: <<: *DEBIAN environment: <<: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # aka "Latin 1" LANG: "en_US.ISO-8859-1" deprecations: <<: *DEBIAN environment: <<: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # Select the deprecations tox environments. TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT: "deprecations,upcoming-deprecations" # Put the logs somewhere we can report them. TAHOE_LAFS_WARNINGS_LOG: "/tmp/artifacts/deprecation-warnings.log" integration: <<: *DEBIAN environment: <<: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # Select the integration tests tox environments. TAHOE_LAFS_TOX_ENVIRONMENT: "integration" # Disable artifact collection because py.test can't produce any. ARTIFACTS_OUTPUT_PATH: "" steps: - "checkout" # DRY, YAML-style. See the debian-9 steps. - run: *SETUP_VIRTUALENV - run: *RUN_TESTS ubuntu-16.04: <<: *DEBIAN docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/ubuntu:16.04" user: "nobody" ubuntu-18.04: <<: *DEBIAN docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/ubuntu:18.04" user: "nobody" centos-7: &RHEL_DERIV docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/centos:7" user: "nobody" environment: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # pip cannot install packages if the working directory is not readable. # We want to run a lot of steps as nobody instead of as root. working_directory: "/tmp/project" steps: - "checkout" - run: *SETUP_VIRTUALENV - run: *RUN_TESTS - store_test_results: *STORE_TEST_RESULTS - store_artifacts: *STORE_TEST_LOG - store_artifacts: *STORE_OTHER_ARTIFACTS - run: *SUBMIT_COVERAGE fedora-28: <<: *RHEL_DERIV docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/fedora:28" user: "nobody" fedora-29: <<: *RHEL_DERIV docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/fedora:29" user: "nobody" slackware-14.2: docker: - image: "tahoelafsci/slackware:14.2" user: "nobody" environment: *UTF_8_ENVIRONMENT # pip cannot install packages if the working directory is not readable. # We want to run a lot of steps as nobody instead of as root. working_directory: "/tmp/project" steps: - "checkout" - run: *SETUP_VIRTUALENV - run: *RUN_TESTS - store_test_results: *STORE_TEST_RESULTS - store_artifacts: *STORE_TEST_LOG - store_artifacts: *STORE_OTHER_ARTIFACTS - run: *SUBMIT_COVERAGE # Generate up-to-date data for the dependency graph visualizer. build-porting-depgraph: # Get a system in which we can easily install Tahoe-LAFS and all its # dependencies. The dependency graph analyzer works by executing the code. # It's Python, what do you expect? <<: *DEBIAN steps: - "checkout" - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: # Jean-Paul Calderone (CircleCI depgraph key) # This lets us push to tahoe-lafs/tahoe-depgraph in the next step. - "86:38:18:a7:c0:97:42:43:18:46:55:d6:21:b0:5f:d4" - run: name: "Setup Python Environment" command: | /tmp/venv/bin/pip install -e /tmp/project - run: name: "Generate dependency graph data" command: | . /tmp/venv/bin/activate ./misc/python3/depgraph.sh build-image: &BUILD_IMAGE # This is a template for a job to build a Docker image that has as much of # the setup as we can manage already done and baked in. This cuts down on # the per-job setup time the actual testing jobs have to perform - by # perhaps 10% - 20%. # # https://circleci.com/blog/how-to-build-a-docker-image-on-circleci-2-0/ docker: - image: "docker:17.05.0-ce-git" environment: DISTRO: "tahoelafsci/:foo" TAG: "tahoelafsci/distro:" steps: - "checkout" - "setup_remote_docker" - run: name: "Get openssl" command: | apk add --no-cache openssl - run: name: "Get Dockerhub secrets" command: | # If you create an encryption key like this: # # openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha256 # From the output that looks like: # # salt=... # key=... # iv =... # # extract just the value for ``key``. # then you can re-generate ``secret-env-cipher`` locally using the # command: # # openssl aes-256-cbc -e -md sha256 -in secret-env-plain -out .circleci/secret-env-cipher -pass env:KEY # # Make sure the key is set as the KEY environment variable in the # CircleCI web interface. You can do this by visiting # # after logging in to CircleCI with an account in the tahoe-lafs # CircleCI team. # # Then you can recover the environment plaintext (for example, to # change and re-encrypt it) like just like CircleCI recovers it # here: # openssl aes-256-cbc -d -md sha256 -in .circleci/secret-env-cipher -pass env:KEY >> ~/.env - run: name: "Log in to Dockerhub" command: | . ~/.env # TAHOELAFSCI_PASSWORD come from the secret env. docker login -u tahoelafsci -p ${TAHOELAFSCI_PASSWORD} - run: name: "Build image" command: | docker \ build \ --build-arg TAG=${TAG} \ -t tahoelafsci/${DISTRO}:${TAG} \ -f ~/project/.circleci/Dockerfile.${DISTRO} \ ~/project/ - run: name: "Push image" command: | docker push tahoelafsci/${DISTRO}:${TAG} build-image-debian-8: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "debian" TAG: "8" build-image-debian-9: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "debian" TAG: "9" build-image-ubuntu-16.04: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "ubuntu" TAG: "16.04" build-image-ubuntu-18.04: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "ubuntu" TAG: "18.04" build-image-centos-7: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "centos" TAG: "7" build-image-fedora-28: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "fedora" TAG: "28" build-image-fedora-29: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "fedora" TAG: "29" build-image-slackware-14.2: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "slackware" TAG: "14.2" build-image-pypy-2.7-7.1.1-jessie: <<: *BUILD_IMAGE environment: DISTRO: "pypy" TAG: "2.7-7.1.1-jessie"