import datetime, os.path, re, types, ConfigParser, tempfile from base64 import b32decode, b32encode from twisted.python import log as twlog from twisted.application import service from foolscap.api import Tub, app_versions import foolscap.logging.log from allmydata import get_package_versions, get_package_versions_string from allmydata.util import log from allmydata.util import fileutil, iputil from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert from allmydata.util.fileutil import abspath_expanduser_unicode from allmydata.util.encodingutil import get_filesystem_encoding, quote_output from allmydata.util import configutil # Add our application versions to the data that Foolscap's LogPublisher # reports. for thing, things_version in get_package_versions().iteritems(): app_versions.add_version(thing, str(things_version)) # group 1 will be addr (dotted quad string), group 3 if any will be portnum (string) ADDR_RE=re.compile("^([1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*)(:([1-9][0-9]*))?$") def formatTimeTahoeStyle(self, when): # we want UTC timestamps that look like: # 2007-10-12 00:26:28.566Z [Client] rnp752lz: 'client running' d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(when) if d.microsecond: return d.isoformat(" ")[:-3]+"Z" else: return d.isoformat(" ") + ".000Z" PRIV_README=""" This directory contains files which contain private data for the Tahoe node, such as private keys. On Unix-like systems, the permissions on this directory are set to disallow users other than its owner from reading the contents of the files. See the 'configuration.rst' documentation file for details.""" class _None: # used as a marker in get_config() pass class MissingConfigEntry(Exception): """ A required config entry was not found. """ class OldConfigError(Exception): """ An obsolete config file was found. See docs/historical/configuration.rst. """ def __str__(self): return ("Found pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3 configuration file(s):\n" "%s\n" "See docs/historical/configuration.rst." % "\n".join([quote_output(fname) for fname in self.args[0]])) class OldConfigOptionError(Exception): pass class UnescapedHashError(Exception): def __str__(self): return ("The configuration entry %s contained an unescaped '#' character." % quote_output("[%s]%s = %s" % self.args)) class Node(service.MultiService): # this implements common functionality of both Client nodes and Introducer # nodes. NODETYPE = "unknown NODETYPE" PORTNUMFILE = None CERTFILE = "node.pem" GENERATED_FILES = [] def __init__(self, basedir=u"."): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.basedir = abspath_expanduser_unicode(unicode(basedir)) self._portnumfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.PORTNUMFILE) fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.join(self.basedir, "private"), 0700) open(os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", "README"), "w").write(PRIV_README) # creates self.config self.read_config() nickname_utf8 = self.get_config("node", "nickname", "") self.nickname = nickname_utf8.decode("utf-8") assert type(self.nickname) is unicode self.init_tempdir() self.init_connections() self.set_tub_options() self.create_main_tub() self.create_control_tub() self.create_log_tub() self.logSource="Node" self.setup_logging() self.log("Node constructed. " + get_package_versions_string()) iputil.increase_rlimits() def init_tempdir(self): tempdir_config = self.get_config("node", "tempdir", "tmp").decode('utf-8') tempdir = abspath_expanduser_unicode(tempdir_config, base=self.basedir) if not os.path.exists(tempdir): fileutil.make_dirs(tempdir) tempfile.tempdir = tempdir # this should cause twisted.web.http (which uses # tempfile.TemporaryFile) to put large request bodies in the given # directory. Without this, the default temp dir is usually /tmp/, # which is frequently too small. test_name = tempfile.mktemp() _assert(os.path.dirname(test_name) == tempdir, test_name, tempdir) @staticmethod def _contains_unescaped_hash(item): characters = iter(item) for c in characters: if c == '\\': elif c == '#': return True return False def get_config(self, section, option, default=_None, boolean=False): try: if boolean: return self.config.getboolean(section, option) item = self.config.get(section, option) if option.endswith(".furl") and self._contains_unescaped_hash(item): raise UnescapedHashError(section, option, item) return item except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): if default is _None: fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, u"tahoe.cfg") raise MissingConfigEntry("%s is missing the [%s]%s entry" % (quote_output(fn), section, option)) return default def read_config(self): self.error_about_old_config_files() self.config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() tahoe_cfg = os.path.join(self.basedir, "tahoe.cfg") try: self.config = configutil.get_config(tahoe_cfg) except EnvironmentError: if os.path.exists(tahoe_cfg): raise def error_about_old_config_files(self): """ If any old configuration files are detected, raise OldConfigError. """ oldfnames = set() for name in [ 'nickname', 'webport', 'keepalive_timeout', 'log_gatherer.furl', 'disconnect_timeout', 'advertised_ip_addresses', 'introducer.furl', 'helper.furl', 'key_generator.furl', 'stats_gatherer.furl', 'no_storage', 'readonly_storage', 'sizelimit', 'debug_discard_storage', 'run_helper']: if name not in self.GENERATED_FILES: fullfname = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) if os.path.exists(fullfname): oldfnames.add(fullfname) if oldfnames: e = OldConfigError(oldfnames) twlog.msg(e) raise e def _make_tcp_handler(self): # this is always available from foolscap.connections.tcp import default return default() def _make_tor_handler(self): try: # TODO: parse [tor] config, build handler to match from foolscap.connections.tor import default_socks return default_socks() except ImportError: return None def _make_i2p_handler(self): # TODO: parse [i2p] config, build handler to match return None def init_connections(self): # We store handlers for everything. None means we were unable to # create that handler, so hints which want it will be ignored. handlers = self._foolscap_connection_handlers = { "tcp": self._make_tcp_handler(), "tor": self._make_tor_handler(), "i2p": self._make_i2p_handler(), } self.log("built Foolscap connection handlers for: %(known_handlers)s", known_handlers=sorted([k for k,v in handlers.items() if v]), facility="tahoe.node", umid="PuLh8g") # then we remember the default mappings from tahoe.cfg self._default_connection_handlers = {"tor": "tor", "i2p": "i2p"} tcp_handler_name = self.get_config("connections", "tcp", "tcp").lower() if tcp_handler_name not in handlers: raise ValueError("'tahoe.cfg [connections] tcp='" " uses unknown handler type '%s'" % tcp_handler_name) self._default_connection_handlers["tcp"] = tcp_handler_name def set_tub_options(self): self.tub_options = { "logLocalFailures": True, "logRemoteFailures": True, "expose-remote-exception-types": False, } # see #521 for a discussion of how to pick these timeout values. keepalive_timeout_s = self.get_config("node", "timeout.keepalive", "") if keepalive_timeout_s: self.tub_options["keepaliveTimeout"] = int(keepalive_timeout_s) disconnect_timeout_s = self.get_config("node", "timeout.disconnect", "") if disconnect_timeout_s: # N.B.: this is in seconds, so use "1800" to get 30min self.tub_options["disconnectTimeout"] = int(disconnect_timeout_s) def _create_tub(self, handler_overrides={}, **kwargs): # Create a Tub with the right options and handlers. It will be # ephemeral unless the caller provides certFile= tub = Tub(**kwargs) for (name, value) in self.tub_options.items(): tub.setOption(name, value) handlers = self._default_connection_handlers.copy() handlers.update(handler_overrides) tub.removeAllConnectionHintHandlers() for hint_type, handler_name in handlers.items(): handler = self._foolscap_connection_handlers.get(handler_name) if handler: tub.addConnectionHintHandler(hint_type, handler) return tub def _convert_tub_port(self, s): if'^\d+$', s): return "tcp:%d" % int(s) return s def get_tub_port(self): # return a descriptor string cfg_tubport = self.get_config("node", "tub.port", "") if cfg_tubport: return self._convert_tub_port(cfg_tubport) # For 'tub.port', tahoe.cfg overrides the individual file on disk. So # only read self._portnumfile if tahoe.cfg doesn't provide a value. if os.path.exists(self._portnumfile): file_tubport = return self._convert_tub_port(file_tubport) tubport = "tcp:%d" % iputil.allocate_tcp_port() fileutil.write_atomically(self._portnumfile, tubport + "\n", mode="") return tubport def get_tub_location(self, tubport): location = self.get_config("node", "tub.location", "AUTO") # Replace the location "AUTO", if present, with the detected local # addresses. Don't probe for local addresses unless necessary. split_location = location.split(",") if "AUTO" in split_location: local_addresses = iputil.get_local_addresses_sync() # tubport must be like "tcp:12345" or "tcp:12345:morestuff" local_portnum = int(tubport.split(":")[1]) new_locations = [] for loc in split_location: if loc == "AUTO": new_locations.extend(["tcp:%s:%d" % (ip, local_portnum) for ip in local_addresses]) else: new_locations.append(loc) return ",".join(new_locations) def create_main_tub(self): certfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", self.CERTFILE) self.tub = self._create_tub(certFile=certfile) self.nodeid = b32decode(self.tub.tubID.upper()) # binary format self.write_config("my_nodeid", b32encode(self.nodeid).lower() + "\n") self.short_nodeid = b32encode(self.nodeid).lower()[:8] # ready for printing tubport = self.get_tub_port() if tubport in ("0", "tcp:0"): raise ValueError("tub.port cannot be 0: you must choose") self.tub.listenOn(tubport) location = self.get_tub_location(tubport) self.tub.setLocation(location) self.log("Tub location set to %s" % (location,)) # the Tub is now ready for tub.registerReference() self.tub.setServiceParent(self) def create_control_tub(self): # the control port uses a localhost-only ephemeral Tub, with no # control over the listening port or location self.control_tub = Tub() portnum = iputil.allocate_tcp_port() port = "tcp:%d:interface=" % portnum location = "tcp:" % portnum self.control_tub.listenOn(port) self.control_tub.setLocation(location) self.log("Control Tub location set to %s" % (location,)) self.control_tub.setServiceParent(self) def create_log_tub(self): # The logport uses a localhost-only ephemeral Tub, with no control # over the listening port or location. This might change if we # discover a compelling reason for it in the future (e.g. being able # to use "flogtool tail" against a remote server), but for now I # think we can live without it. self.log_tub = Tub() portnum = iputil.allocate_tcp_port() port = "tcp:%d:interface=" % portnum location = "tcp:" % portnum self.log_tub.listenOn(port) self.log_tub.setLocation(location) self.log("Log Tub location set to %s" % (location,)) self.log_tub.setServiceParent(self) def get_app_versions(self): # TODO: merge this with allmydata.get_package_versions return dict(app_versions.versions) def get_config_from_file(self, name, required=False): """Get the (string) contents of a config file, or None if the file did not exist. If required=True, raise an exception rather than returning None. Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped from the data.""" fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) try: return except EnvironmentError: if not required: return None raise def write_private_config(self, name, value): """Write the (string) contents of a private config file (which is a config file that resides within the subdirectory named 'private'), and return it. """ privname = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", name) open(privname, "w").write(value) def get_private_config(self, name, default=_None): """Read the (string) contents of a private config file (which is a config file that resides within the subdirectory named 'private'), and return it. Return a default, or raise an error if one was not given. """ privname = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", name) try: return except EnvironmentError: if os.path.exists(privname): raise if default is _None: raise MissingConfigEntry("The required configuration file %s is missing." % (quote_output(privname),)) return default def get_or_create_private_config(self, name, default=_None): """Try to get the (string) contents of a private config file (which is a config file that resides within the subdirectory named 'private'), and return it. Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped from the data. If the file does not exist, and default is not given, report an error. If the file does not exist and a default is specified, try to create it using that default, and then return the value that was written. If 'default' is a string, use it as a default value. If not, treat it as a zero-argument callable that is expected to return a string. """ privname = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", name) try: value = except EnvironmentError: if os.path.exists(privname): raise if default is _None: raise MissingConfigEntry("The required configuration file %s is missing." % (quote_output(privname),)) if isinstance(default, basestring): value = default else: value = default() fileutil.write(privname, value) return value.strip() def write_config(self, name, value, mode="w"): """Write a string to a config file.""" fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) try: fileutil.write(fn, value, mode) except EnvironmentError, e: self.log("Unable to write config file '%s'" % fn) self.log(e) def startService(self): # Note: this class can be started and stopped at most once. self.log("Node.startService") # Record the process id in the twisted log, after startService() # (__init__ is called before fork(), but startService is called # after). Note that Foolscap logs handle pid-logging by itself, no # need to send a pid to the foolscap log here. twlog.msg("My pid: %s" % os.getpid()) try: os.chmod("", 0644) except EnvironmentError: pass service.MultiService.startService(self) self.log("%s running" % self.NODETYPE) def stopService(self): self.log("Node.stopService") return service.MultiService.stopService(self) def shutdown(self): """Shut down the node. Returns a Deferred that fires (with None) when it finally stops kicking.""" self.log("Node.shutdown") return self.stopService() def setup_logging(self): # we replace the formatTime() method of the log observer that # twistd set up for us, with a method that uses our preferred # timestamp format. for o in twlog.theLogPublisher.observers: # o might be a FileLogObserver's .emit method if type(o) is type(self.setup_logging): # bound method ob = o.im_self if isinstance(ob, twlog.FileLogObserver): newmeth = types.UnboundMethodType(formatTimeTahoeStyle, ob, ob.__class__) ob.formatTime = newmeth # TODO: twisted >2.5.0 offers maxRotatedFiles=50 lgfurl_file = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", "logport.furl").encode(get_filesystem_encoding()) if os.path.exists(lgfurl_file): os.remove(lgfurl_file) self.log_tub.setOption("logport-furlfile", lgfurl_file) lgfurl = self.get_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl", "") if lgfurl: # this is in addition to the contents of log-gatherer-furlfile self.log_tub.setOption("log-gatherer-furl", lgfurl) self.log_tub.setOption("log-gatherer-furlfile", os.path.join(self.basedir, "log_gatherer.furl")) incident_dir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "logs", "incidents") foolscap.logging.log.setLogDir(incident_dir.encode(get_filesystem_encoding())) twlog.msg("Foolscap logging initialized") twlog.msg("Note to developers: twistd.log does not receive very much.") twlog.msg("Use 'flogtool tail -c NODEDIR/private/logport.furl' instead") twlog.msg("and read docs/logging.rst") def log(self, *args, **kwargs): return log.msg(*args, **kwargs) def add_service(self, s): s.setServiceParent(self) return s