""" Classes which directly represent various kinds of Tahoe processes that co-operate to for "a Grid". These methods and objects are used by conftest.py fixtures but may also be used as direct helpers for tests that don't want to (or can't) rely on 'the' global grid as provided by fixtures like 'alice' or 'storage_servers'. """ from os import mkdir, listdir, environ from os.path import join, exists from tempfile import mkdtemp, mktemp from eliot import ( log_call, ) from twisted.python.procutils import which from twisted.internet.defer import ( inlineCallbacks, returnValue, maybeDeferred, ) from twisted.internet.task import ( deferLater, ) from twisted.internet.interfaces import ( IProcessTransport, IProcessProtocol, IProtocol, ) from twisted.internet.endpoints import ( TCP4ServerEndpoint, ) from twisted.internet.protocol import ( Factory, Protocol, ) from util import ( _CollectOutputProtocol, _MagicTextProtocol, _DumpOutputProtocol, _ProcessExitedProtocol, _create_node, _run_node, _cleanup_tahoe_process, _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage, TahoeProcess, await_client_ready, ) import attr import pytest_twisted # further directions: # - "Grid" is unused, basically -- tie into the rest? # - could make a Grid instance mandatory for create_* calls # - could instead make create_* calls methods of Grid # - Bring more 'util' or 'conftest' code into here # - stop()/start()/restart() methods on StorageServer etc # - more-complex stuff like config changes (which imply a restart too)? @attr.s class FlogGatherer(object): """ Flog Gatherer process. """ process = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.provides(IProcessTransport) ) protocol = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.provides(IProcessProtocol) ) furl = attr.ib() @inlineCallbacks def create_flog_gatherer(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_binary): out_protocol = _CollectOutputProtocol() gather_dir = join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather') reactor.spawnProcess( out_protocol, flog_binary, ( 'flogtool', 'create-gatherer', '--location', 'tcp:localhost:3117', '--port', '3117', gather_dir, ) ) yield out_protocol.done twistd_protocol = _MagicTextProtocol("Gatherer waiting at") twistd_process = reactor.spawnProcess( twistd_protocol, which('twistd')[0], ( 'twistd', '--nodaemon', '--python', join(gather_dir, 'gatherer.tac'), ), path=gather_dir, ) yield twistd_protocol.magic_seen def cleanup(): _cleanup_tahoe_process(twistd_process, twistd_protocol.exited) flog_file = mktemp('.flog_dump') flog_protocol = _DumpOutputProtocol(open(flog_file, 'w')) flog_dir = join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather') flogs = [x for x in listdir(flog_dir) if x.endswith('.flog')] print("Dumping {} flogtool logfiles to '{}'".format(len(flogs), flog_file)) reactor.spawnProcess( flog_protocol, flog_binary, ( 'flogtool', 'dump', join(temp_dir, 'flog_gather', flogs[0]) ), ) print("Waiting for flogtool to complete") try: pytest_twisted.blockon(flog_protocol.done) except ProcessTerminated as e: print("flogtool exited unexpectedly: {}".format(str(e))) print("Flogtool completed") request.addfinalizer(cleanup) with open(join(gather_dir, 'log_gatherer.furl'), 'r') as f: furl = f.read().strip() returnValue( FlogGatherer( protocol=twistd_protocol, process=twistd_process, furl=furl, ) ) @attr.s class StorageServer(object): """ Represents a Tahoe Storage Server """ process = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TahoeProcess) ) protocol = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.provides(IProcessProtocol) ) @inlineCallbacks def restart(self, reactor, request): """ re-start our underlying process by issuing a TERM, waiting and then running again. await_client_ready() will be done as well Note that self.process and self.protocol will be new instances after this. """ self.process.transport.signalProcess('TERM') yield self.protocol.exited self.process = yield _run_node( reactor, self.process.node_dir, request, None, ) self.protocol = self.process.transport._protocol @inlineCallbacks def create_storage_server(reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, needed=2, happy=3, total=4): """ Create a new storage server """ from util import _create_node node_process = yield _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer.furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, storage=True, needed=needed, happy=happy, total=total, ) storage = StorageServer( process=node_process, protocol=node_process.transport._protocol, ) returnValue(storage) @attr.s class Client(object): """ Represents a Tahoe client """ process = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TahoeProcess) ) protocol = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.provides(IProcessProtocol) ) @inlineCallbacks def restart(self, reactor, request, servers=1): """ re-start our underlying process by issuing a TERM, waiting and then running again. :param int servers: number of server connections we will wait for before being 'ready' Note that self.process and self.protocol will be new instances after this. """ self.process.transport.signalProcess('TERM') yield self.protocol.exited process = yield _run_node( reactor, self.process.node_dir, request, None, ) self.process = process self.protocol = self.process.transport._protocol # XXX add stop / start / restart # ...maybe "reconfig" of some kind? @inlineCallbacks def create_client(reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, needed=2, happy=3, total=4): """ Create a new storage server """ from util import _create_node node_process = yield _create_node( reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer.furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, storage=False, needed=needed, happy=happy, total=total, ) returnValue( Client( process=node_process, protocol=node_process.transport._protocol, ) ) @attr.s class Introducer(object): """ Reprsents a running introducer """ process = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TahoeProcess) ) protocol = attr.ib( validator=attr.validators.provides(IProcessProtocol) ) furl = attr.ib() @inlineCallbacks @log_call( action_type=u"integration:introducer", include_args=["temp_dir", "flog_gatherer"], include_result=False, ) def create_introducer(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, port): """ Run a new Introducer and return an Introducer instance. """ config = ( '[node]\n' 'nickname = introducer{port}\n' 'web.port = {port}\n' 'log_gatherer.furl = {log_furl}\n' ).format( port=port, log_furl=flog_gatherer.furl, ) intro_dir = join(temp_dir, 'introducer{}'.format(port)) if not exists(intro_dir): mkdir(intro_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( done_proto, reactor, request, ( 'create-introducer', '--listen=tcp', '--hostname=localhost', intro_dir, ), ) yield done_proto.done # over-write the config file with our stuff with open(join(intro_dir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f: f.write(config) # on windows, "tahoe start" means: run forever in the foreground, # but on linux it means daemonize. "tahoe run" is consistent # between platforms. protocol = _MagicTextProtocol('introducer running') transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, ( 'run', intro_dir, ), ) def clean(): return _cleanup_tahoe_process(transport, protocol.exited) request.addfinalizer(clean) yield protocol.magic_seen furl_fname = join(intro_dir, 'private', 'introducer.furl') while not exists(furl_fname): print("Don't see {} yet".format(furl_fname)) yield deferLater(reactor, .1, lambda: None) furl = open(furl_fname, 'r').read() returnValue( Introducer( process=TahoeProcess(transport, intro_dir), protocol=protocol, furl=furl, ) ) @attr.s class Grid(object): """ Represents an entire Tahoe Grid setup A Grid includes an Introducer, Flog Gatherer and some number of Storage Servers. """ _reactor = attr.ib() _request = attr.ib() _temp_dir = attr.ib() _port_allocator = attr.ib() introducer = attr.ib() flog_gatherer = attr.ib() storage_servers = attr.ib(factory=list) clients = attr.ib(factory=dict) @storage_servers.validator def check(self, attribute, value): for server in value: if not isinstance(server, StorageServer): raise ValueError( "storage_servers must be StorageServer" ) @inlineCallbacks def add_storage_node(self): """ Creates a new storage node, returns a StorageServer instance (which will already be added to our .storage_servers list) """ port = yield self._port_allocator() print("make {}".format(port)) name = 'node{}'.format(port) web_port = 'tcp:{}:interface=localhost'.format(port) server = yield create_storage_server( self._reactor, self._request, self._temp_dir, self.introducer, self.flog_gatherer, name, web_port, ) self.storage_servers.append(server) returnValue(server) @inlineCallbacks def add_client(self, name, needed=2, happy=3, total=4): """ Create a new client node """ port = yield self._port_allocator() web_port = 'tcp:{}:interface=localhost'.format(port) client = yield create_client( self._reactor, self._request, self._temp_dir, self.introducer, self.flog_gatherer, name, web_port, needed=needed, happy=happy, total=total, ) self.clients[name] = client yield await_client_ready(client.process) returnValue(client) # XXX THINK can we tie a whole *grid* to a single request? (I think # that's all that makes sense) @inlineCallbacks def create_grid(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, port_allocator): """ """ intro_port = yield port_allocator() introducer = yield create_introducer(reactor, request, temp_dir, flog_gatherer, intro_port) grid = Grid( reactor, request, temp_dir, port_allocator, introducer, flog_gatherer, ) returnValue(grid) def create_port_allocator(start_port): """ Returns a new port-allocator .. which is a zero-argument function that returns Deferreds that fire with new, sequential ports starting at `start_port` skipping any that already appear to have a listener. There can still be a race against other processes allocating ports -- between the time when we check the status of the port and when our subprocess starts up. This *could* be mitigated by instructing the OS to not randomly-allocate ports in some range, and then using that range here (explicitly, ourselves). NB once we're Python3-only this could be an async-generator """ port = [start_port - 1] # import stays here to not interfere with reactor selection -- but # maybe this function should be arranged to be called once from a # fixture (with the reactor)? from twisted.internet import reactor class NothingProtocol(Protocol): """ I do nothing. """ def port_generator(): print("Checking port {}".format(port)) port[0] += 1 ep = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, port[0], interface="localhost") d = ep.listen(Factory.forProtocol(NothingProtocol)) def good(listening_port): unlisten_d = maybeDeferred(listening_port.stopListening) def return_port(_): return port[0] unlisten_d.addBoth(return_port) return unlisten_d def try_again(fail): return port_generator() d.addCallbacks(good, try_again) return d return port_generator