{ fetchFromGitHub, lib , git, python , twisted, foolscap, zfec , setuptools, setuptoolsTrial, pyasn1, zope_interface , service-identity, pyyaml, magic-wormhole, treq, appdirs , beautifulsoup4, eliot, autobahn, cryptography, netifaces , html5lib, pyutil, distro, configparser, klein, werkzeug, cbor2 }: python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage rec { # Most of the time this is not exactly the release version (eg 1.17.0). # Give it a `post` component to make it look newer than the release version # and we'll bump this up at the time of each release. # # It's difficult to read the version from Git the way the Python code does # for two reasons. First, doing so involves populating the Nix expression # with values from the source. Nix calls this "import from derivation" or # "IFD" (). This is # discouraged in most cases - including this one, I think. Second, the # Python code reads the contents of `.git` to determine its version. `.git` # is not a reproducable artifact (in the sense of "reproducable builds") so # it is excluded from the source tree by default. When it is included, the # package tends to be frequently spuriously rebuilt. version = "1.17.0.post1"; name = "tahoe-lafs-${version}"; src = lib.cleanSourceWith { src = ../.; filter = name: type: let basename = baseNameOf name; split = lib.splitString "."; join = builtins.concatStringsSep "."; ext = join (builtins.tail (split basename)); # Build up a bunch of knowledge about what kind of file this is. isTox = type == "directory" && basename == ".tox"; isTrialTemp = type == "directory" && basename == "_trial_temp"; isVersion = basename == "_version.py"; isBytecode = ext == "pyc" || ext == "pyo"; isBackup = lib.hasSuffix "~" basename; isTemporary = lib.hasPrefix "#" basename && lib.hasSuffix "#" basename; isSymlink = type == "symlink"; isGit = type == "directory" && basename == ".git"; in # Exclude all these things ! (isTox || isTrialTemp || isVersion || isBytecode || isBackup || isTemporary || isSymlink || isGit ); }; postPatch = '' # Chroots don't have /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf, so work around # that. for i in $(find src/allmydata/test -type f) do sed -i "$i" -e"s/localhost/" done # Some tests are flaky or fail to skip when dependencies are missing. # This list is over-zealous because it's more work to disable individual # tests with in a module. # Many of these tests don't properly skip when i2p or tor dependencies are # not supplied (and we are not supplying them). rm src/allmydata/test/test_i2p_provider.py rm src/allmydata/test/test_connections.py rm src/allmydata/test/cli/test_create.py # Generate _version.py ourselves since we can't rely on the Python code # extracting the information from the .git directory we excluded. cat > src/allmydata/_version.py <